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View Full Version : Thruster2097 vs. Vauxhall Vectra (head-on)

10th September 2002, 10:54 AM
Last wednesday, I was cycling to work for a change, just to get some miles up on my new bike. There was quite a lot of loose gravel on the road, which made me lose control of the bike, causing me to swerve out into the opposite lane of traffic. There just so happened to be a car waiting to collect me on its windscreen.

Both the car and the bike are totally wrecked, the car driver took damage to his hand, and I took a 5 inch gouge on the left side of my head, tons of scratches, and a bruise on my right lower-leg that extends from my ankle, all the way past my knee. My left ear and my head have been glued back together, and I am now sitting at home, on my doctors orders, taking some r&r.
The doctors told me that I might never look pretty again.... I said "well, I wasnt pretty to start off with!! " I think they were over-exaggerating a bit, once the hair grows back, you wll barely notice a scratch.

well, just letting lou guys know where I am, so I'll probably be lurking somewhere on the internet this week....

Its going to take more than a car to keep me in hospital and as anyone who seen me knows - I am made of tough stuff.
Gruesome scar pics and mangled bike pics to follow.

Thruster2097 not out yet............

Synthetic Consciousness
10th September 2002, 11:06 AM
We're WipEoutzone pilots, man--we're used to this kind of thing. It'll take more than a few collisions to get the better of us. 8) All the same, if I were you, I'd outfit my next bike with a Quake Disruptor...that'll take care of those pesky cars. :wink: Hope you get better soon. :)

10th September 2002, 12:10 PM
:o Holey crap, man - sounds like a bit of an impact!

Gotta love these near life experiences, though - had a few myself and they make great war stories ;)

Synthetic Consciousness
10th September 2002, 01:35 PM
"My whole life just flashed before my eyes. Dude...I sleep a lot." [Billy, "Double Dragon"] :lol:

10th September 2002, 03:28 PM
it would have made for the best jackass sketch ever!
Its going to make a great story for the kids... "gather round, as I tell the tale when I destroyed a car using nothing but my bare head and my knee........" :P

All fun aside, it is pretty serious, and I consider myself very, VERY lucky to still be alive. A couple of inches higher on the windscreen and it could`ve ripped my head clean off my shoulders. And as I mentioned, my ear is still hanging on with glue, so I am keeping my fingers very much crossed on that one.

Cheers lads... I'm not feeling too bad at the moment but I plan on getting back to work next week, so I cant rest that much....

and as for my next bike...... there wont be one. I consider this to be Strike 2. There will not be a Strike 3

10th September 2002, 04:13 PM
I hope you get better soon.
As for your ear. I don't know what does your scar look like but I had an operation that involved a cut all along the back of my ear where it meets the cranium and after the operation it was placed a bit lower than it did before but it slowly returned to its normal shape so if this happens to you it might probably be temporary. Mine was a clean cut though. :(

Good luck!

10th September 2002, 06:03 PM
wow that sounds like a nasty accident, i really hope your feeling ok.....

conforting words there xeik :wink:

10th September 2002, 06:10 PM
i had my first accident in college involving roller blading....ahhhhh i love speed so much, however i went a little to fast and almost fell inside a huge garbage can.... i was going down a really steep hill, thus feeling g-forces so i was freakin out until suddenly i tripped on a crack at the bottom scraping my elbow very severely, knee, shoulder and both my hands, and no i didn't wear protective gear since im used to pain, and i love pain! im too lazy to call a doctor and have it checked, lol.

I feel sorry for those who need surgery though, it might not happen to me for a long time, but i love your story about crashing into the car, although it doesnt sound pleasant, but a good story. Hope ya get better than usual man, thus im still waiting for my near death experience.

10th September 2002, 09:55 PM
Ow! my sympathies, Thrusty. been there. i had a slightly similar experience. some guy who could apparently see cars, but not motorbikes, drove in front of me and my Suzuki. i locked up the brakes, {hey, it was my first bike, and i only had 2 months experience riding. i panicked, okay? he was right THERE in front of me]. i went over the handlebars, after the subtle restraint of smashing my nether region against the back of the overly upright fuel tank and also my upper legs banging against the back of the handlebars had failed to stop me. my head went through the windshield, just missing the cornerpost. [i hit him just behind the front wheelwell.] i bet he was scared, but i didn't get to see it, or at least i don't remember it; my mind is a blank after the point when i was just a couple of feet away from the car, so i'm guessing the pain was pretty severe. the next thing i recall is waking up very briefly in the ambulance with the feeling that my back was burning. my shirt was soaked in gasoline was why. i had ended up flopping back on the street in a puddle of it. the bike had just a press fit plug as a filler cap. it came off as my bod dragged over it, probably caught my belt on it.. the guy who rode with me in the ambulance [if that is what it was. it may have just been a station wagon/estate wagon. it was a very small town i was driving through. there was no hospital there, so they had to take me back the city i had just come through some miles back.] figured out what was bothering me and took the shirt off. the weird thing is that i don't remember feeling any other pain, so i'm guessing that the really injured areas were numb due to nervous system overload.
_next time i woke up i was being rolled on a cart in the hospital and there was a doctor leaning over me saying ''he's in shock''. then i don't remember anything for a long time after that. no idea how long it was. oh, by the way, i was wearing a helmet when my head went through the windshield. anyway, things are a bit vague, but i think that the next time i regained consciousness, my parents were there. they lived about 75 or eighty miles [128 kilomettres] from where i had the accident. they didn't look totally dishevelled, so they must have already been there for a considerable time when i woke up.

fun stuff


10th September 2002, 10:30 PM
Sounds like you won at least. I'm sure you'll heal up alright. Glad to know you are alright. I used to bike alot and had many close ones but never an accident. I am normally more scared about the driver trying to squeeze by than anything else though.

11th September 2002, 10:36 AM
....and you lived to tell the tale!! **** man that is nasty.
I should rename this topic to "things you shoud never do on bikes or blades"
at least I was concious the whole time, but then again, I dont know what is better, being unconcious and waking up in hospital, or being awake and feeling so much pain you wish you were unconcious!

at least I know that I can heal, and return to normal stuff quite quickly.
A friend of mine got a kawazaki1100cc a few years back. He took it out for its first run, he came back in an ambulance with his back broken in three places. He is now paralysed from the waist down.
I guess I just know too mny people who have had bad accidents on motorbikes. Thats why youll never find me on two wheels again!

11th September 2002, 02:09 PM
I've played enough Road Rash to know I'm dangerous on a bike! ;)

Wow, I've had some close shaves, but I can't imagine an ordeal like the two of you have been through. You should go buy some lottery tickets! :lol:

11th September 2002, 03:15 PM
oh man, he's still paralysed; that's terrible. i feel lucky. there is nothing like the freedom of riding a motorcycle instead of a car, but there can be a tremendous price to pay if anything goes wrong. most of the motorcycle wrecks happen when the riders are very inexperienced. i hadn't developed all the right automatic reactions and skills for a bike when i had my big wreck. i was still reacting too much as though it were a car. once you learn bikes, you can just switch between them and cars and have the right reactions for each, but till then you're very vulnerable.

ive had four more bikes after that first one. they were all Yamahas, though. ;) maybe i was unconsciously superstitious after the initial disaster

12th September 2002, 08:55 PM
hey mate i'm glad to hear yr (relatively) ok, that sounds pretty scary. don't go rushing back to work - you need to rest, that's the only thing to do when your healing.

all the best bruv!