View Full Version : Favourite PSN Games not named Wipeout HD.

RJ O'Connell
5th December 2008, 09:38 PM
Since I'm supposed to be getting a PS3 for Christmas, I'm looking into games available over PSN that are really awesome. But not Wipeout HD, because that's too obvious.

I played Street Fighter II HD Remix on the 360, for a game that's nearly my age it's still brilliant - just like Wipeout. Some of the best 2D graphics I've seen, too. Bomberman Ultra, coming out at the end of the year, could be awesome (but nothing beats four people in the same room playing Bomberman Generations on the 'Cube, seriously).

But what's your favourite PSN games, 'Zone - maybe I could use that to get some ideas...:g

5th December 2008, 11:58 PM
I like PixelJunk Eden. It`s both chilled and extremely tense at the same time, and quite cheap I think.

Age of Booty is pretty good fun with multiplayer, try the demo first though.

6th December 2008, 12:02 AM
There is a lot of choice on the PlayStation store with most of it being good stuff. Super Stardust HD is very good if your into arcade Robotron sort of games, similar to Geometry Wars. Super Puzzle Fighter II HD Remix is a fun puzzler which is best enjoyed in multiplayer. I downloaded Mortal Kombat II but I'm useless at it, the lower level AI is still too hard for me :(. I've played the GTI Club+ demo and it was quite fun but I think £10 might be too much for it, I might wait it out. If you want a shooter then you can get Warhawk, multiplayer only though.

There is a lot of choice and most of them have some sort of demo, so try before you buy!

6th December 2008, 10:18 AM
I agree about GTI Club+. It doesn`t look like great value in terms of content, and I found it a bit disapointing to play in the demo, it didn`t have any great feeling in the driving.

6th December 2008, 11:22 AM
Everyday Shooter is fun, too. It's sort of a chilled out version of Geometry Wars/Super Stardust. I also liked PixelJunk Racers a lot. Then there is Elefunk, which is 'Bridge Builder with an elephant' :), MegaMan 9 (100% old school!) and Bionic Commando Rearmed (old school re-imagined ;) ). There's a bunch more - better check them out for yourself, if you can. I heard only good things about The Last Guy, for instance, but unfortunately have never played that one for myself.


6th December 2008, 12:25 PM
Ones I'd recommend;

The Last Guy - excellent presentation and good fun.
High Stakes on The Vegas Strip Poker Edition - stupidly long name, but a great poker game with online play.
Pain - brilliant fun, excellent trophies to aim for and hilarious at the same time.
Superstardust HD - spectacular on a big telly, but I find it gets a bit hard to concentrate after a while - I've no idea how Charlie manages to persevere for his mega scores!
Burnout - not strictly a PSN game, but you can download it from there and it's probably the most complete new generation game thus far.

Ones I'd avoid;

Calling all Cars - flawed game design, more irritating than fun, shallow experience.
Pixeljunk Racers - unbelievably irritating voice over that can't be muted. Frustrating gameplay.
Elephunk - three good levels before the gameplay goes off at a tangent and it's absolutely pish from that point on.

Bit of a mixed bag, really, but there is a lot to choose from these days.

6th December 2008, 01:25 PM
You should definitely check out Bionic Commando Rearmed - absolutely fantastic remake of an already fantastic classic. And the soundtrack blows your ears right off!

Also, is Braid available on PSN? I got it from Xbox Live - simply one of the best games I've ever played.

6th December 2008, 02:15 PM
No-one has mentioned Siren: Blood Curse. In my opinion it's one of the best games on the PS3. It's the best survival horror game since the original Silent Hill and it was actually worked upon by the creator of Silent Hill. But it has some extremely original game mechanics. Most importantly, it's genuinely frightening.

Unless you're not at all into survival horror Siren is a must. The only problem is that once you've downloaded all the episodes it takes a lot of space (~11gb if I remember correctly). But it's not necessary to have all the episodes downloaded at once if you're pushed for space.

6th December 2008, 02:25 PM
I don't know... wasn't thrilled by Siren. It was only a little more than a remake, grahics and sound were average, controls kinda lame. Plus, I found it somewhat repeptitive. Art direction, story and the lean towards stealth action games are pretty cool, but it just didn't make me want to finish it.

Ones I'd recommend;

Pain - brilliant fun, excellent trophies to aim for and hilarious at the same time.

Naw, you didn't just recommend THAT!?!


7th December 2008, 12:47 AM
Try GTI Club. Its $20 AUD. On the PS Store. Great Arcade classic from the 90s. Online multiplayer too.

7th December 2008, 01:06 AM
pixeljunk eden as mentioned is very good, i'd gone through the first 4 gardens thinking it was going to stay chilled out and mellow but starts getting tricky later on :) On a similar vein flow is nice, best enjoyed after coming back from clubbing

tekken, none have mentioned tekken. honestly :p the online is sucky in the extreme but if you have mates that play it cant be beaten.

dark mist is fun in an old skool gauntlet way, i got age of booty on friday and cant decide if i like it or not :)

7th December 2008, 06:16 AM
I'll pick a few...

Super Stardust HD
Still one of the best games on the PSN, there are alot of Dual Stick shooters available but this one is very balanced and a gem to control

Riff : Everyday Shooter
Similar to above, but very different, each level has a certain way to maximise score and completely the level.

Visually simple puzzle game, but screws with your mind when simple laws of physics and nature are bent

Lumines Supernova (hitting PSN Store before the end of the year, hopefully)
Tetris-like puzzle game that came to life on the PSP and then got ported to PS2 and XBL. With a kick ass soundtrack where some of the songs wouldnt be out of place on a WipEout soundtrack.

Pixel Junk : Monsters
Tower based game, very challenging and great to be played with a friend, they can level up the towers while you build

Pixel Junk : Eden
Early levels are soothing and relaxing, but all the while satisfying. later on the game presents an increasing challenge as the world you knew, rotates and disappears.

Is a bunch of laughs? Yes. Is it fun? Can be. Why, Can Be? because it is also one of the most frustrating games ever made, the difficultly of the game is exceptionally high, where you have to get lucky pretty much all the time to get massive scores. There is longevity within the game, if you seek to complete it 100%, but at the cost of how many controllers?

It's an oldie, and has a PSN version... if you like Lemmings and haven't played a version for a long time, then why not start again now...

High Velocity Bowling
Best played with friends, as single player is very meh... Sadly at the moment, PAL Land (EU/AU) have failed to receive the most recent patch, that allows for online play, trophy support and other features.

Prince Of Persia Classic
The original version made prettier... there is not much else to it. Those currently playing the newest PoP might want to see where the whole thing began.

Ratchet & Clank : Quest For Booty & Siren : Blood Curse
Both are reasonably nice titles, for Ratchet though, you will have really needed to play Tools Of Destruction. That being said, better off tracking down the physical form of these games, so you can save your HDD space.

The Last Guy
Very addictive and crazy premise, only made better because of the Making Of Videos that can be found on the internet and on the Store... THE LAST GUY, NUMBER ONE PLAYSTATION GAME IN THE WORLD!!!!


Games to avoid...

Fatal Inertia EX (visually unappealing, WipEout HD craps all over it)
Piyotama (puzzle game, but no depth or reward)
Mesmerize (PSEye needed, interactive screensaver)
Tori Emaki (PSEye needed, interactive screensaver)
Aqua Vita (PSEye needed, interactive screensaver)
Operation Creature Feature (PSEye needed)
The Trials of Topoq (PSEye needed)
LocoRoco Cocoreccho (sad that I put it here, but it's not a real LocoRoco kinda game)
Nucleus (Get Super Stardust)
Calling All Cars! (David Jaffe went from God of War to this...)
Go! Sudoku (it's Sudoku)
Super Rub'a'Dub (ducks in a tub, using the SIXAXIS movement)
Go! Puzzle (lame puzzle game)
Toy Home (there is nothing special here)
Pixel Junk Racers (slot car crap)

The Worst PSN games...

Feel Ski
Sky Diving

I can't split these games, they are just as equally bad as each other, Feel Ski was released first and given the course selection of 2 courses, minimal modes and a sloppy control scheme, deleted it straight away. What's worse is that the team behind it made another game... and while there were a few more options, the heart of the game once again is behind a sloppy control scheme.

The Devs, should have taken the money used to make these games and used it for toilet paper, would have been used for a better cause...

7th December 2008, 02:14 PM
[QUOTE=G'Kyl;105329]I don't know... wasn't thrilled by Siren. It was only a little more than a remake, grahics and sound were average, controls kinda lame. Plus, I found it somewhat repeptitive. Art direction, story and the lean towards stealth action games are pretty cool, but it just didn't make me want to finish it.

I know it's a remake but there are two things to say about that. First of all the sales of the PS2 versions were reportedly dire, which means that I feel confident in introducing it as a new game to people because it's unlikely that any given person played the first game. Secondly, in my enthusiasm after finishing Siren: BC I bought Forbidden Siren 2. The difference is immediately noticeable. The sight-jack system is terribly cumbersome, and even the controls were clunky, and I'm not one to usually complain about controls. So you may say that it's just a remake, but it refines the game so far that it turns what was a badly executed good idea into an excellent realisation of that idea.

Yes the graphics are not exactly MGS4 good, but they are more than serviceable. I'm not sure how the game is more repetitive than any other survival horror game. It does have you playing each location two or three times through the game, but each time is from a different starting point, usually with a different character, and always with completely different enemy layouts and objectives.

Finally, with respect, I'm not sure how anyone can legitimately pass judgement on a game if they haven't even finished it. Just like a film one's opinion can be altered once the whole thing has been experienced. Personally, I was loving it from episode 4 onwards when I realised I'd found the first game in years that properly scared me. But the last few levels are some of the best, containing interesting puzzles revolving around the Shibito Brains.

I suggest you give it another try ;).

7th December 2008, 04:27 PM
pixeljunk eden is good, though Riff: Everyday Shooter is the only game i bought and enjoyed besides WipeoutHD. I did buy Siren, being a huge fan of silent hill and resident evil games. Though I thought the plot and atmosphere was excellent, the gameplay was dier. Its also a MASSIVE pain downloading the thing.

Riff is very good. Each songs excellent, every level is totally different, if you have a HD tv and good speakers it sounds awesome, its very cheap; and its damn hard to complete!!

8th December 2008, 06:29 AM
I was loving it from episode 4 onwards when I realised I'd found the first game in years that properly scared me.

I won't go into detail with the rest of your argument, because apparently we largely disagree. :) Which is fine, I'm glad you liked the game! However, I suppose this is the critical thing that keeps me from finishing the game (and I got well beyond episode 4!): It doesn't scare me.

As an off-topic remark: I so hope Fatal Frame/Project Zero 4 is going to be what part one or two have been for me. Ghosts and blurred faces - that's what keeps me up at night. ;)


8th December 2008, 10:43 PM
Blast Factor


9th December 2008, 09:36 AM
Blast Factor is an excellent Llamatron-seque shooter, with some fun multiplayer modes (co-op and vs). Probably the DL game I played most, before I got Wipeout.

Everyday Shooter is awesome, 1 player only but a real joy.

Burnout Paradise... the demo was pretty good fun, it has the most seemless multiplayer matchmaking ever, I *think* it's probably a fun game... I bought it the same time I bought Wipeout. It hasn't seen much play...

Eden is flawed but fun, especially if you've got a couple of friends to play it with. Will inspire much abuse of the guy who falls down and takes the camera with him.

Pain is hilarious; not much longevity (though there's a new level out soon), but amazing the first time you break it out with a group of friends, preferably when you're drunk.

Quest for Booty - if you liked Ratchett & Clank (and why wouldn't you, it was awesome) then you could get this. If you haven't played R & C this is a cheap intro to it, though the disc based game is much better.

Gran Turismo 5 Prolog. Solid racer. If you play enough you can get an F1 car, which requires better reflexes than Phantom.

Also: Joust!

EDIT: oh **** fl0w!

Yome NetSan
9th December 2008, 10:39 AM
I'd go with that selection :
- Super Stardust HD
- Pixel Junk : Eden
- Burnout Paradise (pick up a used disc version i would be cheaper, even if it's one of the best ps3 game)

9th December 2008, 12:00 PM
Everybodys Golf 2. 8)

9th December 2008, 08:41 PM
LOL. Oh my, I could add a whole lot of PSone games here. Just have a look at the Japanese PS Story - it's a bit like arcade heaven. :)

RJ O'Connell
11th December 2008, 12:47 AM
There is longevity within the game, if you seek to complete it 100%, but at the cost of how many controllers?
Funny you should mention broken PS2 controllers (http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=viewImage&friendID=66789041&albumID=2480593&imageID=39965075).

I broke it playing Street Fighter III: Third Strike. Even on the easiest difficulty level it's ridiculously difficult, and this is from someone who cleared SF2 on the SNES with little trouble! >_<

I feel bad actually. It was the controller I set my WO'1" times with, and proved that the neGcon is nice, but you can be fast with the DualShock 2 as well.

(Fark)ing Hugo and his cheap-(shiat)tiness.

(Huh? Auto-censor is back?)

12th December 2008, 12:29 PM
If your right handed you break the left side of the controller,

If your left handed you break the right side of the controller,

If you have a Sixaxis or Dualshock 3 controller and you are trying to pass Zico or Elite Campain Legend trophy and get really pedoff most like youll through the controller into oblivion, and spend the next few hours trying to piece it back together again.

12th December 2008, 01:25 PM
both my dual shock controllers have broken in the last month. quite pissed off as thats £80 down the pan, imported them so returning is not an option. In both cases L2 slowly died.

ps it's wipeouts fault :p

16th December 2008, 07:36 PM
im still on my first six axis and first dualshock playing alot of wipeout, i guess im thankful nothing has happened to mine yet.

but back on topic. im a huge shoot em up fan, so my other psn favorites would be super stardust and soldner-X:himelssturmer