View Full Version : Far Cry 2...

20th October 2008, 09:00 AM
Just interested to find out...hands up who here is getting this absolutely beauty of a first person shooter...

I was a huge fan of the first Far Cry...bought it together with my new PC setup back in the day...loved every moment...until it got to *spoiler alert???* the alien / mutants...ergh...

This new Far Cry looks extremely promising...I'm all up for a breathe of fresh air in the genre...could sand-boxing an fps be the way to go??? Bring on Far Cry 2 and of course Fallout 3...can't wait...

20th October 2008, 10:09 PM
I still hesitate to get it either on PS3 or PC... Looks great though, no doubt about that, and I had fun times on the X360 with friends... Which is why I hesitate between console or PC... Gah :blarg

26th October 2008, 05:27 AM
holy hot fires on the african plains batman...what do you get when you breed an FPS into an RPG??? Far Cry 2...go get some people...if you love first person shooters...this one is ace...my bet on game of the year...the atmosphere and intensity is unsurpassed...love it...

until maybe Fallout 3 comes and challenges the Cry for FPS king...in the RPG department though...I'd think Fallout 3 will win hands down...

27th October 2008, 11:07 AM
got it over the weekend.
its fun. too much traveling, but fun.

had to take it home to use the hd tv, and it looks sweeeeeet.

pity the online is total garbage though, and i mean garbage. I was hoping id found another vietcong online, but nevermind...

28th October 2008, 11:33 AM
damn...that's a pity...was hoping to jump online after all my assessments are over...

you played vietcong too??? loved it...how cool was that game...whilst all my friends were hooked onto cs...vietcong was my cs...damn fine jungle shooter...

28th October 2008, 01:44 PM
Online was superb. "Stream" in my eyes is one of the best fps maps of all time.

Sounds stupid, but the main thing i hate aboud farcry online is the absurd characters you use. Funny beards, stupid yellow trousers, i just dont get it.

Its redeeming feature is an incredible map creator. Very, very polished, and a total doddle to use... if its not a jungle shooter online.... maybe i should make my own map.... :)

1st November 2008, 11:12 AM
I'm so getting this.

1st November 2008, 12:11 PM
this is by far my vote for fps of the year...

for what the game engine is trying to achieve...with the physics and lighting and fire and wind and rain and whatnot thrown in...Far Cry 2 is rock solid...absolutely love it...much more than the original Far Cry...

go get it hay...i know a lot of people complain about the respawning of the enemies at points you have previously cleared...but I love this aspect of the game...gives me unlimited replayability...I can sneak from camp to camp taking out bots which at most times are very competent at trying to take me out...only playing on Normal at the moment...can't wait to get on the hardcore...

Far Cry 2 = absolutely brilliant

1st November 2008, 05:50 PM
Just found out that there is no split-screen. Shame. That was the main point for a purchase on PS3. I guess I'll get this on PC then.