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View Full Version : Piloting tips for Wipeout HD.

16th October 2008, 04:05 PM
This thread is for all tips, tricks and BR locations for all tracks in HD! Racing lines, where to use sideshift and all others things to make each other better!

I, well to be exact it was AHH-QUADZZILLA who found something rather strange. I made a SL (SpeedLap) record two weeks ago on Chenghou reverse. It was a perfect lap 23.13 with Goteki in Phantom. Then I saw that record being broken with almost 1 sec. That was a shock for me, lol. That means I forgot a BR (BarrelRoll) location some how, some where!!? After a few laps I couldn't find it. Then I came to the conclusion that I needed a shortcut just like in XL/2097.

Here we go: after the first magstrip up use your turbo and nose up to cut the corner to the right and land with a BR boost into the "Robots build Robots corner to the left. There you go wooosh, ver fast and almost uncontrollable!

Sol2 forward: SL, use the turbo from your previous lap into your SL. After the first corner ontop of the hill, hit your turbo and BR, with this speed into the next turn to the right and after the next 270 degree turn to the right BR onto the straight down.

Only reply with tips, discussions can continue in the thread: Speed Lap and TT session experiences.

16th October 2008, 04:58 PM
Oh oh, thanks Mad-ice, i will try that for sure;). In chengou reverse it's possible to br at the last turn to the left, before the finish line. In sol2 forward, other strategy : you can br at the end of the bridge without boost (but you must hit the speed pad on the left) and use it at the finish straight line with a third br. Sorry, pb with internet can you delete the second post please !

16th October 2008, 06:28 PM
Personal favourite boost points for SL/TT

Vineta K
Near the end of the lap, the track is sloped upwards bringing you out of the tunnel and back to the surface. This is just after a drop into a fairly sharp left-hander. Boosting up here gives you plenty of time to barrel roll down the home straight.

Anulpha Pass
Right after the first corner, there is a straight with three diagonal speed pads. At the start of this straight, the track dips slightly. While you are in this dip, pull the nose up and boost up the other side of it. This will allow you to barrel roll. If you can keep control and direct the craft up the next incline, you can also gain enough height to barrel roll again down the think track section.

Moa Therma
Matter of preference here. The most reliable place is the undulating magstrip near the end of the lap, but you can also use it just after the final right hairpin. As you exit the hairpin, the track is sloped up to the left. Turning the craft into the slope and boosting will give you quite a lift, allowing you to barrel roll through the first corner series if you can control it. It's a risky strategy though, I'd only recommend it to get the Flatland Flyer trophy.

Chenghou Project
Again, a preference thing here. You could use it just after you exit the right hairpin near the start, giving you some air over the jump and letting you barrel roll, but if you are quick enough you can roll there without the boost. I tend to use it going across the open section after the long sloped left-hander.

Preference again. There's three viable places to use it. First is on the magstrip descent, but this can be risky if you haven't perfectly lined up the craft. Second, and my most recommended, is on the long straight leading up to the right hairpin near the end. You could also use it on the home straight if you can handle the corner series at speed.

Sebenco Climb
The obvious position here is on the long straight before the sharply sloped right hander in the tunnel. However, if you're brave, you can boost just as you come up the slope leading to this straight. You can get enough height to barrel roll here, giving you a significant kick down this straight. Be ready to slam on the right brake though for the corner at the end. However, make sure you are very confident with this before you use it in a race. Boost too early and you'll gain too much height and slam into the roof of the cave. If you're facing too far to the left or right you'll leave the track.

Only one place to recommend here, and that's up the slope on the home straight for a barrel roll over the line.

Sol 2
I prefer to use it over the line, but you can also use it on the open section. If you use it as the track starts to dip, you can barrel roll and boost up towards the first sharp right. Tricky to control though and it's not uncommon to go slamming into the back wall.

Vineta K Reverse
Either on the long straight exiting the tunnel for the first time, or on the home straight. I recommend the latter

Anulpha Pass Reverse
Take your pick on this one. If you boost up the narrow track section halfway through you may be able to barrel roll though.

Moa Therma Reverse
Undulating magstrip again, very much recommended over the twisting magstrip for easier control and the fact the twisting magstrip has so many speed pads anyway

Chenghou Project Reverse
Mad-Ice above recommends boosting up the first magstrip and I agree. However, you don't necessarily have to do the insane track cut ;) Other alternatives are over the open section, over the second magstrip, and down the home straight

Metropia Reverse
The track dips down onto the home straight after the double left hander near the end. Boost over the peak for a barrel roll opportunity

Sebenco Climb Reverse
The long straight after the sharply sloped left hander in the cave. Anything else is suicide

Ubermall Reverse
You can boost along the home straight over a peak leading down to the first corner, giving you a barrel roll. Slamming on the right brake will ease your passage through. However, if you're going to do this, you must make sure the boost has almost finished by the time you hit the peak. Too early and you'll slam into the ceiling.

Sol 2 Reverse
Can't recommend anywhere other than the home straight. Do it early though, the first corner is a bitch at speed.

16th October 2008, 07:16 PM
Preference again. There's three viable places to use it. First is on the magstrip descent, but this can be risky if you haven't perfectly lined up the craft. Second, and my most recommended, is on the long straight leading up to the right hairpin near the end. You could also use it on the home straight if you can handle the corner series at speed.

Sebenco Climb Reverse
The long straight after the sharply sloped left hander in the cave. Anything else is suicide

Good strategy:D, but there's some alternatives :
Metropia : i use the same strategy as Arnaud, after the mini chicane in the climbing, boost and br (i do it on pulse too).

sebenco reverse : just after the first left turn, when your ship is straight to the slalom, boost and br to enter the cave, you can add a second br just before you touch the ground, after the straight line another br when you fall to the left, a 4th when you reach the bump, after the next right turn a 5th in the void, and the last one at the jump before the home straight (hope it's clear with my awfull english).8)

16th October 2008, 07:59 PM
Wow re: the Sebenco Reverse one! Amazing what you can find when you have the bollocks to try something completely nuts ;)

16th October 2008, 08:15 PM
loool,i usually do like that, it's true (drive first, and think after):D

16th October 2008, 10:10 PM
Nice tips, Matthijs and Charlie! Here's my two cents:

Chenghou Project: I used to boost at the open section as well, but I found out through extended Speed Lapping that after the hairpin really is the best spot to boost, giving you the greatest speed advantage over what would otherwise be a fairly slow acceleration out of the tight turn. Also, if you pull up, you can skip parts of that awful banked lefthander.

Ubermall: boost right on top of the narrow hill, as soon as you see the exit of the mall. you can skip the chicane and get a BR before landing on the double speedpads.

Vineta K Reverse: boost when you come out of the first tunnel. If you pull up and catch the small bump on the right side of the track, you get a small chance for a BR. Also, don't forget the BR in the first right, after the first speedpad there is a bump, you can BR going into the first tunnel.

Moa Therma Reverse: boost coming out of the tunnel hairpin onto the long magstrip. After a hairpin, which slows you down more than light turns, the acceleration advantage is biggest.

Sol 2 Reverse: boost after the second 270° turn and pull up - ample BR opportunity. Be careful to land on the track though!

16th October 2008, 10:47 PM
heres my piece on UBERMALL

instead of boosting at top of narrow hill just BR off of it, then aim yourself so you land going straight through the chicane, hit the speed pad, and lift off with another BR, landing right before the 2 speeed pads, then use your boost at the bottom of the final hill and BR right over the grid line close to the ground

17th October 2008, 10:13 AM
More than a tip, it's a warning : Don't use autopilot after the first jump on chengou forward and ubermall reverse after the first little chicane. You have 70% of jumping out of the track.:bomb

Nadia Elenova
22nd October 2008, 08:33 AM
Hellfire, you read my mind with those boost points, but in Chengou I chain two BR after the first hairpin and save the boost for the open section, I’ll try your way too :D.
Other questions: can anyone tell me which is the way to use sideshift properly? And how to do a proper landing? Thanks in advance! :P

22nd October 2008, 02:22 PM
Anulpha pass reverse :

get the normal route and when you approach the 1st difficultie ( hard right curve ) you boost, BR and land before the begining of that narrow section.then at the top of the narrow section ( where's there's 2 BPads in semi diagonale) you hit one of them ( mostly the right one) up your nose and BR get the 3 BP in diagonal and then the last BR and be as close as possible of the inside right on the last curve.

22nd October 2008, 02:35 PM
On the hard right curve, I believe you don't have to boost to do a BR.
Just before this turn, there are three speed pads shaped like this:
You can hit speed pads 1 & 2, and then turn right to face the bump that allows you to BR.
I don't know if it's easy to reproduce though, I only managed to do it once... :)
This way, you can use your turbo in the straight line just after the second speed pad.
I have no idea if it's a good strategy though, but it may be easier than using the boost as you suggested, Arnaud.

22nd October 2008, 03:01 PM
Climbing the hill coming out of the narrow section, if you hit the speed pad, at Phantom speed you have the air to complete a BR, then another BR on the dip after the 3 speed pads in a diagonal line. You can nose down off the dip and still BR, meaning you maintain a lower flight path and can hit the 4 speed pads with practice.

22nd October 2008, 03:19 PM
Guillaume : Did I said i looooove Ninja Kamikaze technique :D

Rubix42 : those 4 pads to hit are bitch to sync ( especially if you try to hit the 2nd pad wich is inside the turn and not the one who is parallel on the left : shortest route is always faster but trickier

27th October 2008, 08:09 AM
Other questions: can anyone tell me which is the way to use sideshift properly? And how to do a proper landing? Thanks in advance! :P

I almost only use sideshift at the last moment I am coming out of a turn. It gives you just an extra bit of speed when coming out of a turn, especially long sweeping turns which are slowing you down a bit at the end. Sometimes I use them to fly as straight as possible through a chicane.

During a landing try to pitch your ship as straight as possible to the track surface.

Nadia Elenova
27th October 2008, 09:47 AM
Thanks! :P I'm going to put that in practice in Chengou.