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View Full Version : Metropia - Speed Lap - Phantom

12th October 2008, 05:29 PM
How many BRs (ugh) are you guys doing on Metropia in Phantom? I just managed to come 24th on the boards with what I thought was a fairly sloppy lap (only hit 7 speed pads, and hit a wall or two) doing zero BRs. That was a 21.31

I'm hoping that just maybe this will be a track that utilises minimal BRs.

I'm enjoying the game, but like the two PSP games before it the BRs are hugely annoying. If Pure and Pulse were any indication of what HD will be like, Speed Lap degenerates into a "who can do the most BRs?" competition. :(

12th October 2008, 05:36 PM
Long time no talk to you Rejj :)
Here's my 2 cents about Metropia ( note that i am not the leader on that one and top pilots may have a different turbo strategie than mine)
I only do 1 BR did with turbo : you got the starting line, pass the mini chicane and when you are straight you throw it when you start climbing the hill , pitch up to get enough air and do a BR for the rest of the track it's all a matter of sideshift and taking the shortest route ( line)

12th October 2008, 05:47 PM
Heh yeah, it has been a while.
I had to stop playing Pulse because I only have an original fat PSP, and playing the game was causing fairly severe cramping and general soreness :(

The dualshock 3 is much nicer (and lighter than a PSP!) to hold, so I can actually play HD I think... ;)

That's a fairly ballsy place to drop the turbo, if I understand you correctly. There's a fairly sharp corner at the top of that hill.

I've just been using mine on the small straight before the last sweeping right-hander at the end of the lap. I'll try out your suggestion, but I can just see it ending in a lot of smashing into the wall for me.. :)

12th October 2008, 05:51 PM
try to launch your turbo few inches before the start of the climb, that can help you to handle extra speed before that 90° left ( a good timing and a sideshift may help you too)

12th October 2008, 07:28 PM
I usually do the turbo pretty late, then sideshift and take the BR boost into the short straight after the turn. I wonder if that's actually slower than getting an early boost and another one BEFORE the first right...


12th October 2008, 07:59 PM
Ah. :brickwall

And here's me thinking that Metropia was a BR free zone.

That's another track off my favourites list, then. :|

12th October 2008, 08:08 PM
Sorry to give my 2 cents although I don't own WOHD, but this thread got me thinking, since my laptimes in Pulse's Metropia are clocked with 3 BRs. Is the HD version so much different that only one is possible?

12th October 2008, 08:15 PM
Two max are possible on both forward and reverse AFAIK.

12th October 2008, 09:17 PM
I'm not sure if I've done this in Phantom yet, but on Rapier I use the same barrel roll as Asa. Taking the turn while turboing is hard, yes, but my fastest time was done when I just flew around that corner with an Icaras (I even hit the wall afterwards but I still couldn't beat it by doing the BR earlier and taking the corner perfectly).

That leaves just Moa Therma reverse without BR's, I think. :?

12th October 2008, 09:28 PM

12th October 2008, 09:57 PM
Sol2 you can do BRs, one on forward which accelerate you and theoretically two others, but they do not provide any advantage; reverse you can do some as well, though I'm not sure how many, and I don't think they provide a big advantage too.

12th October 2008, 10:03 PM
On Phantom it's quite easy on Sol 2 (normal) to do a barrel roll on the straight part after the first two turns. There's a dip in the track where you can gain enough height to do a BR when you nose up. Bit of hit and miss, though.

13th October 2008, 05:49 AM
Sorry to give my 2 cents although I don't own WOHD, but this thread got me thinking, since my laptimes in Pulse's Metropia are clocked with 3 BRs. Is the HD version so much different that only one is possible?

"Metropia White HD" is Metropia Black in Pulse.
Whereas "Metropia Black HD" is simply "Metropia White HD Reverse". ;)

Sol2 you can do BRs, one on forward which accelerate you

In any speed class? If so, where is it?

Also, I figured taking any of the "bumps" at the side of the open section doesn't make you faster, does it?


13th October 2008, 07:16 AM
@Darkdrium777; 2 BRs on Metropia! Where?

Sol2; 1st BR after the first turns and just after the speedpad on the first hill, boost and BR. 2nd BR when taking the last 270 degrees turn to the right with hard airbraking and BR when you go down.

13th October 2008, 08:35 AM
lolll Matthijs , i had that question for Xavier as well in my mind ( but where is that 2nd BR he mentioned earlier :?: )

A thread which can resume all tips possible ( and turbo strategie) for tracks would not be bad at all.

13th October 2008, 09:21 AM
I am kind of disappointed with how much this game relies on Barrel rolls. There were races in the Hard Rush+ that in order to get a gold you needed to do more than one barrel roll each lap on time trials. I'm not big on BRs as much as I am on just taking a nice smooth line through out the entire lap. Still my favorite Wipeout though.

13th October 2008, 09:45 PM
Two max on Metropia Forward: one right after the start if you have a turbo, and one on the little hump if you take it on the far right side with nose up near the end of the track.
Metropia Reverse: One by taking that little hump on the left and BR, you can land on the weapon pad, one near the end with a turbo, don't pitch up too much or you will hit the supports on the sides of the hill that goes down in the chicanes.

I don't know if it's clear enough. One out of two is risky though, you can end up teleporting or hitting a wall and stopping dead.

14th October 2008, 07:59 AM
I did an extended Metropia R Speed Lap session yesterday (including new record ;)), and I have to say the more I play it, the more I love this track. Starting with the first turn, that you can take many different ways, then the corner-cutting jump to the right for the first BR, the blind left-right combo after the climb - absolutely amazing, and the downhill bash to the finish with the second BR. This track just has it all. I'm in love :guitar

14th October 2008, 09:11 AM
Same strategy and same loving of that track than El :+

14th October 2008, 09:21 AM
Metropia Reverse was love at first flight :paperbag for me too. The most enjoyable track in HD, and it really gives me some 2097 feelings - especially on the turn right and drop where you do the first BR. In a way the BR spoils the 1990`s feeling there and I just want to enjoy that spectacular moment, but that`s HD and no point crying about it ;)

14th October 2008, 11:48 AM
Hi All

A little resume of track/BR/turbo in every class it's a must.....

I Start with

Vineta K all classes: 3 brs a lap and turbo in the exit of the last tunnel.
Moa Therma normal and reverse all classes: 1 br in the same point in the last/first bend after/before the ondulated straight, turbo in 'normal' way, on the ondulated mag lock, in reverse after the tunnel on the mag lock.
Ubermall normal: it vary a lot with classes, but at least 2br a lap and turbo on the little hill.
Sebenco normal:it vary a lot with classes, i test 6 br a lap in flash and rapier, turbo after the hill before the tunnel, or in the tunnel to direction of exit with nose down.

I think there are a lot of variations inside the numbers that i write, but I think, with my very low pilot skills, they are possible for everyone.

Read You Soon

14th October 2008, 04:54 PM
Metropia Reverse was love at first flight :paperbag for me too. The most enjoyable track in HD, and it really gives me some 2097 feelings - especially on the turn right and drop where you do the first BR. In a way the BR spoils the 1990`s feeling there and I just want to enjoy that spectacular moment, but that`s HD and no point crying about it ;)

Sometimes, just to get that feeling, you can forget the racetime and just not do the barrel roll. Just feel the beauty of the flight.

Flashback Jack
14th October 2008, 05:13 PM
Ubermall normal: it vary a lot with classes, but at least 2br a lap and turbo on

There's a barrel roll just after the start/finish line on Ubermall Reverse. Pitch up for it when you head into the downhill camber leading to the tunnel.

..but on Rapier (Metropia Reverse) I use the same barrel roll as Asa. Taking the turn while turboing is hard..

The key is to stay as low as possible during flight. This worked for Pulse's Metropia Black and it works very well in HD. Staying low will make the hard right more manageable, even if you have to brake hard for it.

- F

15th October 2008, 05:59 PM
I am kind of disappointed with how much this game relies on Barrel rolls. There were races in the Hard Rush+ that in order to get a gold you needed to do more than one barrel roll each lap on time trials. I'm not big on BRs as much as I am on just taking a nice smooth line through out the entire lap. Still my favorite Wipeout though.

As an almost complete noob on the wipeout series I was initially havin the same problem as you. But after some long nights with chestpain, sour eyes and repeated kicks to the living-room table, I finally completed the game with shiny gold in every grid. And this without more than one BR per map. But it aint easy, i'll give you that. Don't know if someone has more specific information on wich stages that actually can be completed without BR and still getting the gold.

15th October 2008, 09:44 PM
Moa Therma comes to mind as the one you don't have to do any BRs on to beat. :) Anulpha Pass too, although I still recommend it if you're on Elite.

16th October 2008, 08:30 AM
sol2 also, have never done a BR there.. in all honesty i have one TT at silver in the campaign but i am .32s outside gold time and scraped a few walls so it is possible :)

17th October 2008, 01:12 PM
The trick I've utillized thus far to get golds in Speed Lap is to save my turbo for a full lap and hit it at the last possible moment, effectively getting two turbos for one extra-fast lap.

19th October 2008, 12:44 AM
I had a quick session yesterday to improve my Venom speed lap time on Metropia, and instead of dropping the turbo where Arnaud suggested I'm dropping it on the corner that leads in to the last straight (that ends in the hairpin).

If done correctly, you can get enough air for a BR, and land it on the double speed pad.

19th October 2008, 02:14 AM
great spot , i tested it in phantom but lol tooo risky ! immediate respawn but who knows in future ?