View Full Version : Eating Habits (Vegan)

4th October 2008, 06:56 AM
I kinda just started (this week), and I'm going to start being a vegan for the rest of my life... For the animals that would need to be slaughtered and so on, considering we could all survive just as well on some of the food they feed the cattle if it was cooked right...

So I was just going to see if their were any other Vegans (Vegitarians) out their that play Wipeout? Just wondering... And for open discussion on the topic if you'd like...

Other than that, I'm not overly sensitive about animals like the loudest of Vegans, I just do it for my own ethnical and moral reasons, and I have nothing against anyone that eats meat... I ate meat just yesterday... ;)

4th October 2008, 07:34 AM
allo : )
I've been Vegan for a couple of years, Vegetarian since 2000, I found giving up milk the hardest as I loved Pizza and Italian food, the cheese substitutes aren't all that great in NZ so I live a pizzaless life

their are many reasons to go vegan and I do it for erm, many reasons like:
I don't like to cause pain or harm to other lifeforms, I think it's well, Mean, it's just plain mean, another big reason is the environmental impact raising all those animals is doing, oh and the tight crampt shity little lives the animals live
also I've read eating meat isn't to healthy for the energy bodies, clogs them up and such

1 more thing
I think eating a chickens period is really weird
don't you?

thunder and joy

4th October 2008, 12:13 PM
I wish I could eat more vegetables and etc, but they honestly just make me gag. The taste and texture as mostly what do it for me. I can't eat much outside of broccoli, occasionally carrots (if in a stew), and sometimes corn on the cob... and lettuce on a sandwich. Potatoes don't really classify as a vegetable, but I <3 them

Most of my food is meat-centric. eggs are a big part as well. balance those with grains and occasional fruit, and I actually eat really healthy. Different people have different motivation for their eating habits; weight-loss, muscle-building, weight-maintenance, religious reasons, personal ethics... For me, I Like meat because I love the taste; a moist porkchop, a big thanksgiving meal, a piece of bloody dripping steak seasoned perfectly... I've never felt too guilty eating meat because cows and chickens and other livestock have been so over-bred to the point where they really serve no other purpose in the global food-chain as anything BUT food for us. *shrug* :/

Also, meat related:
5:50 - 7:20
(I was originally just gonna make a single word post saying "MEAT!" but I don't think anyone would have gotten it :P )

4th October 2008, 02:06 PM
Hey Chill, good for you dude. I've been a Veggie since about 91, and also stopped eating dairy in about 98. In 2000 i stopped eating wheat based produce as well. Sounds excessive i know, but at 48 years old, i'm a lot healthier than i was when i was 38. :)

The only thing i'd say that you be careful of, is "Giving up too much too soon". If you have been a meat eater and then suddenly Stop, your body doesn't have time to adjust to the new diet, and you could end up feeling tired or lethargic.

Better to reduce your meat consumption over time (Maybe going from red meat to white, or fish perhaps).

Anyway, however you do it, i'm sure you'll find what works for you. Just remember to find alternative sources of protein to incorporate into your new diet.

4th October 2008, 05:16 PM
"I don't like to cause pain or harm to other lifeforms, I think it's well, Mean, it's just plain mean"

I can hear the broccoli screaming. :D

4th October 2008, 05:24 PM
I'm not vegan, but I try to eat more fish than red meats. Anyone else here like mushrooms on their pizza?

swift killer
4th October 2008, 07:46 PM
I am a shameless carnivore and proud :D, here's to anti-vegetarianism! :beer

lol, sorry could'nt help it

4th October 2008, 10:55 PM
Good for you, Chill.

One of the guys on the WipEout dev team - a fellow Scotsman - was vegan and is the fittest, most energetic guy I've ever met. He has amazing self discipline, which I imagine you'd need to keep a strict vegan lifestyle, so good luck with it. :+

4th October 2008, 11:14 PM
Oh **** what has the world come to; astronomical house prices, collapsing global economies, paranoia from terrorism and now the wrath of the Vegans. lol.

Sounds like your pretty dedicated to the cause. I guess you should go with your opinion on whats right.

5th October 2008, 04:35 AM
My wife is vegetarian and at this point I am mostly vegetarian as well. I suspect we would be vegan if it weren't so difficult to pull off with a busy lifestyle. Even for vegetarian eating, we have found it absurdly difficult to do whilst traveling or even participating in social events at people's houses and such.

Anyways, good for you, Chill-- best of luck with your new approach to eating. There are lots of vegan cookbooks and blogs to check out. You will want to be make sure that you are getting a well balanced diet. My understanding is that it can be challenging to get the full complement of amino acids and some vitamins as a vegan, unless you go out of your way to eat certain foods or supplements.

5th October 2008, 05:02 AM
milk with cereal, eggs very rarely, fish quiet often, other meat only then it's prepackaged in soups. Maybe what would set me apart from most people is that I don't buy sugar at all (that doesn't mean I don't eat chocolate ;))

5th October 2008, 07:03 AM
I lost 20 pounds [Avoirdupois] in 4 months just by not putting sugar in my tea, whilst continuing to spend most of my time sitting in front of the computer and getting no exercise except walking to the grocery a couple of times a week. Dropped down to 115 pounds, and now I occasionally eat 7 ounce bars of Hershey's dark chocolate in one go. I am a very bad example of how to eat. I do eat meat in the form of canned salmon and turkey hot dogs, but I rarely eat beef. I am nowhere near vegetarian, much less vegan.

5th October 2008, 07:47 AM
One of the guys on the WipEout dev team - a fellow Scotsman - was vegan and is the fittest, most energetic guy I've ever met. He has amazing self discipline,

Would this man be "Zico" by any chance?;)

I'm a Carnivore for life!

Although, I do eat carrots usually, and take breaks for Wagon Wheels.:)

5th October 2008, 07:35 PM
I'll eat almost anything as long as it is edible. Squids, cuttlefish, octopus, sea snails, frogs, mussels are a few things I like that some people wouldn't touch with a ten-feet pole. :D
However, I've always believed that people who want to eat meat should be obliged to kill part of the animals they eat, so that you fully realise that a living being must die if you want to have a steak. I'm sure lots of people would become vegetarians (I wouldn't)

5th October 2008, 07:56 PM
Hahaha! :D Thanks for all the helpful advice and appreciation everyone! You guys mean a lot... And that's one of many awesome Ren & Stimpy episodes posted...

I Think you're right xEik... if people want meat, they should have their first piece of meat cut from an animal by themselves... And watch it from life to death...

I knew about the whole reality of how animals died for a while, I just now decided to steer towarding a vegetarian... I don't know why, I just don't want to feel like a huge sinner, for eating meat from which you know causes horrific pain and torture and so on just feels like a sin from hell... And I feel that the issue is bugged down far more than it should be, likely like race and slavery issues from the past...

I appreciate all your open thoughts and opinions on the topic, and I am taking advice on the transformation over to vegetarian rather than all at once... ;)

6th October 2008, 08:01 AM
I've always believed that people who want to eat meat should be obliged to kill part of the animals they eat, so that you fully realise that a living being must die if you want to have a steak.

That's one of the primary reasons for me going veggie. I can gut a fish, sure, and don't mind culling a lettuce or two, but i just wouldn't want to do it to any animal. Buying meat from a supermarket is so sanitised, it takes all of the responsibility of the kill out of the hands of the purchaser/consumer.

Having said that, you could take it even further if you believe the work of Cleve Backster (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cleve_Backster). There's a lot of evidence to support the fact that most things are sentient in some way, even plants!!

6th October 2008, 08:42 AM
You know, fish are animals, too...

6th October 2008, 03:17 PM
I live in Texas, they haven't even heard of vegetarianism here.

Do you want some Steak with your Steak sir????

6th October 2008, 05:09 PM
You know, fish are animals, too...

Indeed they are, but personally i don't have too much of a problem catching and eating etc, which i can't say the same of when it comes to our four legged friends. Perhaps it's just watching too much Disney and anthromorphising them that makes a difference?? :)

7th October 2008, 12:08 AM
Finding Nemo... :p

Well I ate some meat today... shame on me haha... But the funny thing is I didn't even feel like I wanted it... Time to go back to vegitarianism... ;)

swift killer
7th October 2008, 11:31 AM
It's all mind power when you think of it, you can pretty much eat whatever you want as long as you know how to look after yourself.

7th October 2008, 03:23 PM
Reasonable point there Swift, but that said, too much of anything can kill you.

7th October 2008, 03:28 PM
That's why it would be defined as "too much". Circular definition.

7th October 2008, 03:48 PM
Dropped down to 115 pounds

lol wtf are you like 5 feet tall or a teenager? XD

7th October 2008, 04:10 PM
I'm 5'9'' tall and sixty-five years old.

And... uh.... skinny. :g

7th October 2008, 06:41 PM
I wanna be like Lance when I get old... no physical disabilities, and having the ability to take long walks as well as take it easy and play some Wipeout... ;)

7th October 2008, 06:49 PM
Yesterday my food intake was almost entirely vegan: two 7 ounce 'bars' of Hershey's dark [no milk] chocolate, an 8 ounce box of cheese snack-crackers, about three pounds of pasta shells [with a few ounces of canned salmon] plus roasted bell peppers and lots of salty spice mix, several cups of tea. [no sugar].. and that was about it for the day. About 3500 calories, maybe 4000. I also walked to a shopping center and back, about 3.5 miles total. Hurried to get home before the big dark clouds started dropping rain. They never did. Not hEre. :D

7th October 2008, 07:16 PM
Now I'd love to see what'd happen if you came over here and ate a load of Bournvilles:hyper.

Not hEre.:)

hell, when God made it rain for 40 days and 40 nights, it's the best summer I remember!

Bring on Climate Change!

7th October 2008, 07:37 PM
You should have been here several weeks ago when tropical storm Fay sat over the same area of the state for days and dumped over two feet of rain in three days in some parts.

Then there was 2004 when three hurricanes came through my part of the state in a few weeks. Oh, how the lake levels did rise.

There was considerable flooding of homes in the lower-lying areas both back in 2004 and this year.

7th October 2008, 09:27 PM
I LOVE the rain... Mabye not to the point of flooding, and not when it's coming down so incredibly hard while you're outside and not prepared just to get soaked... but when inside, and hearing the rain crash down... and it's really dark and thunder is heard, it just makes me want to lay back and take a nice long nap... than get up and play some Wipeout cuddled up in my little warm room... :D

And to take a walk outside WHEN prepared... I love the smell of it as well... I also love Wipeout with rain... but I guess I'm just a rain phanatic... ;)

9th October 2008, 05:42 AM
When I'm 65, I certainly don't want to be spending my time on internet message boards and playing videogames still XD Don't get me wrong, I'd like the option, but by then I hope to be travelling the world in my older age with nothing but a bike, a beer, some money, and a smile

9th October 2008, 11:13 AM
I love the rain too, great to run in the heavy stuff with nice tunes, some Sigur Ros or Tool :)

well Chill you got me inspired to better my eating habits, I'm going to try and go raw again, hopefully this time it'll stick more than a week at a time
starting out vegetarian and slowly moving onto becoming vegan is a good idea, it took me about 6 years to get it right.
you could try and start getting used to dark chocolate, it'll help when you completely change over(well if your into your chocolate of course)

heh eh meat tastes awesome, if eating it didn't have negative effects I'd be eating a meatlovers supreme Pizza with Cranberry Sauce, some Korean Bulgogi and two American hotdogs with everything on;em mmmmmmm *licks lips* :D


9th October 2008, 01:17 PM
When I'm 65, I certainly don't want to be spending my time on internet message boards and playing videogames still XD Don't get me wrong, I'd like the option, but by then I hope to be travelling the world in my older age with nothing but a bike, a beer, some money, and a smile

You should be doing those things when you're young. There is nO guarantee that anyone will live to be old, nor to be physically able to do much if they do live long. Even if we think that medical technology will solve a lot of problems, there are other ways to die or be incapacitated. And I wouldn't bet on anything being a certainty. Do what you want to do as soon as you can. Do not wait.

9th October 2008, 02:23 PM
this is so true what U said Lance and like you or Eric already know about me this became my standart of life(travelling around the world) since i heard about my health problem. No time to waste!

10th October 2008, 12:23 AM
I love the rain too, great to run in the heavy stuff with nice tunes, some Sigur Ros or Tool :)

well Chill you got me inspired to better my eating habits, I'm going to try and go raw again, hopefully this time it'll stick more than a week at a time
starting out vegetarian and slowly moving onto becoming vegan is a good idea, it took me about 6 years to get it right.
you could try and start getting used to dark chocolate, it'll help when you completely change over(well if your into your chocolate of course)


Well thanx for saying I had inspired you zer:donutshen!!! :D But even though I did go vegetarian so far, I'm still questioning whether it's going to be worth it, considering I'd like to continue getting stronger and bulky, I'm not sure a vegetarian is exactly my thing yet, as I kinda like the bodybuilding lifestyle I had goin' the last couple of years... I use to be as skinny as a masquito!! 8) Is their anything that could replace meat, with the same amount of protein, vitamins and minerals??

And that's an awesome statement Lance, that you only ate so much then walked 3.5 miles at your age is very good condition!!! Awesome man...

10th October 2008, 05:31 AM
well Chill I just found veganbodybuilding.com (http://www.veganbodybuilding.com/) and veganbodybuilding.org (http://www.veganbodybuilding.org/main.htm) yesterday when I was looking for help with raw food, haven't had the time to have a proper look but they should help you out.

when I wasn't studying I did martial arts and circus/stunt acrobatics and the vegan diet didn't seen to hinder me at all, guess body building a whole different story though

good luck
oh also somewhere on the net is a really good forum for vegan body building, shouldn't be to had to find give it a google so you can see how other body builders get their protein


12th October 2008, 06:38 AM
Rock on Zer:donutshen... rock on man... Thanx a lot... I'll try it out.

12th October 2008, 09:48 AM
Chill, another place worth looking is David Wolfe's website (http://www.davidwolfe.com/). He's the guy for Raw Food stuff. :) Going Veggie/Vegan doesn't mean missing out at all. Just depends on how you do it. Check out the pics of David Wolfe & you'll see that he's one healthy/fit dude.

12th October 2008, 11:15 AM
I've a question:

Vegetables are made of cells, yes? Those cells are living, so isn't it true that any vegetarian who says "I can't eat a living thing etc." is wrong, right?

12th October 2008, 03:08 PM
As long as you kill it, it's not a living thing, yes? ;)

But really, their motivation is to avoid killing things that have a higher level of sentience than plants. Which would mean the avoidance of eating even fish or insects, but mostly it's warm-blooded animals that have the emotional pull on people that makes it bothersome to think about hurting them.

12th October 2008, 08:50 PM
I've a question:

Vegetables are made of cells, yes? Those cells are living, so isn't it true that any vegetarian who says "I can't eat a living thing etc." is wrong, right?

yeh I would say they are wrong, then again I'm weird and think even rocks are alive, like if it moves its alive, everything moves so everything is alive
then again movement doesn't exist, its just a concept hehe
I think everything is constantly teleporting at such a high frame rate that it gives the illusion of movement(which I've heard from a few sources) then its like what the *&^k is time then?

um anywaaay
for me allot of fruit and other rooted inhabitants reproduce by having animals eat their fruit/seed pods which we(animals) reallocate and fertilise which increase the plant population, so we are just part of the plants life as much as they are apart of ours

guess it's kinda like how flowers need bee's, not that I've actually researched this(the plant thing) I don't know much about plants only memories of what I learnt in my early school years which is pretty piss poor as I have much love for plants

CHurr churr

12th October 2008, 11:58 PM
I think that the entire Universe is a single living being and that every thing that seems like a single small thing within it is just one aspect of it that only 'looks' separate because of our limited senses, which can only operate in particular spectra and at limited scale.

13th October 2008, 08:28 AM
But really, their motivation is to avoid killing things that have a higher level of sentience than plants. Which would mean the avoidance of eating even fish or insects, but mostly it's warm-blooded animals that have the emotional pull on people that makes it bothersome to think about hurting them.

I agree there for the most part, although a big part of it for me, is that i just don't like cooked food. I also find the smell of cooking somewhat repugnant, especially meats (Lamb, beef, pork). But yeah, on the whole, as i think i mentioned earlier, it's the anthromorphising of animals (in films etc) that's a big part of it as well (in the long run).

13th October 2008, 08:31 AM
I think that the entire Universe is a single living being and that every thing that seems like a single small thing within it is just one aspect of it that only 'looks' separate because of our limited senses, which can only operate in particular spectra and at limited scale.

Absolutely!! If you check out Bruce Lipton's (http://www.brucelipton.com/) work as well, it also goes the other way (Micro/Macro etc) and you can look at every cell in your body the same way. In this way, YOU (WE) are Universes and the cells within us are all alive & sentient. :)

Great thread BTW.

Rapier Racer
18th October 2008, 07:58 PM
I eat meat everyday, usually twice a day, probably too much but meh. Couldn't be a Vegan for a week.

18th October 2008, 08:12 PM
I think that the entire Universe is a single living being...

And did that come out of the nose of a being called "The Great Green Arkleseizure"? :lol

18th October 2008, 11:10 PM
I don't call myself that.

18th October 2008, 11:21 PM

Nothing was meant by it, just referencing Hitchhikers guide.

19th October 2008, 03:13 AM
Which of the stories was it in? I don't recall that particular beastie. :redface:

19th October 2008, 06:35 AM
Im cooking up a lovely sauce now with pork and meatballs, its been slowly cooking in a pot of sauce for a few hours now, the aroma is slowly permeating through every room of the house. In a few more hours the meat that has been slowly cooking in the sauce will be soft and tenderised to the point its just falling of the bone. Put along with some fresh pasta and some beautiful Pecorino cheeze, and its a meal to die for. Taste also just as good the next day reheated, where the meat will be even more flavoursome since its been with the sauce even longer.

19th October 2008, 09:10 AM
Which of the stories was it in? I don't recall that particular beastie. :redface:

'Twas the film (Haven't read them yet).

19th October 2008, 05:24 PM
Kigo, I see you're serving that up with a little vegan torture on the side. ;)

md, you should forget that movie version and read the books. Whole different and better experience. The old television mini-series and the original radio series, that began the whole Hitchhiker phenomenon, written by Douglas Adams, would also be better than the movie.

19th October 2008, 05:29 PM
While I agree that the books are lightyears ahead of the movie, the movie still is pretty cool! Very nice cast, and lots of the stuff has been visualized pretty much like I imagined it from reading the books. Certainly a job well done.

1st February 2009, 07:23 PM
Well I'm sorry to say, but I'm admitting that I'm no longer a Vegetarian... indeed I eat plenty of vegetables, but I've been eating meat for a while... :(

4th February 2009, 07:39 PM
Welcome to the dark side [the been veg, done that, over it probably side.], Logan. ;)

5th February 2009, 12:46 AM
I met Douglas Adams just before he died of a massive heart attack,suspect it was eating at all those expensive restaurants [LOVED the vino and smoked like a chimney],he had a pixie like, tiny red headed wife that could quite easily been one of the characters from one of his books.

I could go vegetarian,as I'd say 85% of my diet is meat free,vegan is a bit tough for me,my body tells me when I need a protein hit [lethargy] and I answer it's call ,usually with chicken or fish,maybe once every 2-3 months I might have a steak.

I don't have an ethical problem with eating meat of any description,Christ, if your Knew of some of the weird things I have eaten in the cause of culinary pursuits it might shock you.
Lashings of the appropriate accompanying beverages [wine] usually, helps overcome the initial mind barrier that eating something that has still not found a place in any particular chapter of Auguste Escoffier's "Le Guide Culinaire"

I draw the line a whale for a few reasons.
1]It's not exactly fresh when you get it due to the sheer size and time need to butcher it properly.
2]It tastes like ****.

Dolphin on the other hand,if cooked correctly, and served with a piquant sauce,is delicious.
In between tuna and steak,highly recommend if you have the chance to taste it.

5th February 2009, 04:16 AM
Haha Lance... I wanna say thank you for the welcome buuut... uh... it just doesn't seem morally right... hahaha... ;)

5th February 2009, 08:53 AM
boo @ chill!!

I've been vegetarian for about 20 years now. probably the best thing i did in my life :) You just need to stick at it, after a few years the idea of eating meat is about as appealing as eating your wallpaper.

5th February 2009, 08:55 AM
Mmmmmm wallpaper...
*rips a chunk of drywall out*

5th February 2009, 09:06 AM
I feel like a steak.

5th February 2009, 09:18 AM
4 wheel drive Suberu impesnas have fed whole communities with Roo meat .
Hey Bro.
The method of cooking needs some alteration for others taste;)

5th February 2009, 09:38 AM
Hahaha, so true. Interestingly my Liberty i bought was orginally used on a farm too 'shoo roos', in which ive been told it didnt do much to scare the roos off. But maybe they needed me behind the wheel? It sounds hell louder now since i took the resinator off. boh bohh bohh!!!! lol. That would of gave the roos a fright for sure.

5th February 2009, 09:54 AM
Ah the wonders of living in a country with an edible national animal :)

5th February 2009, 08:02 PM
Be careful of those cute little koalas, though, I hear they've got a mean streak wider than the Murray River.

5th February 2009, 08:56 PM
The Murray river is also most gone. No water in some parts of it. All the rain seems to have gone North into the Kimberley area where Lake Argyle is. They get nothing but rain.

Koala Bears lol, as you Americans would call them. They can claw you quite bad if you piss them off, but they are quite friendly most of the time. Lazy creatures too. They should of been on the Australian emblem instead of the Roo and the Emu, since they represent the general lazy and stubborn way of living here.

This one hates the heat too:

6th February 2009, 12:14 AM
boo at me? such redicule!! haha I'm about to go to a place with a brilliant chow hall, gonna be one HELL of a chow hall!! So I'm not quittin' over there... and I like to lift often. Mabye if I started out as a vegetarian then started lifting, it would be easier, but to do a total shift over is one hell of a leap. I need the meat to counter-act the wack metabolism I get at most times...