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View Full Version : Sebenco Reverse is the new Citta Nuova

29th September 2008, 03:34 PM
After some intense playtime on the reverse tracks (trying to get the Arcade Perfect Trophy) I really grew to like some of them. Metropia Reverse IMHO is far better than forward, with the blind turn after the vertical climb, and the speedy downhill to the finish. Vineta K, Moa Therma and Anulpha Pass lend themselves perfectly for reverse racing. Ubermall, Sol2 and Chenghou are really tricky to learn at first, but provide for interesting gameplay and a pretty good flow when you know them (although not as great as their forward versions).

Sebenco, however... no. Simply no. This attempt at a track isn't exactly enjoyable even at slow speeds, but at phantom, it's a ****ing joke. Seriously, if SL are aware that Citta Nuova didn't work all that great as a track, how did Sebenco Reverse pass? Citta was smooth as silk compared to this! I've done more laps on Sebenco Reverse than on any other track so far, because I thought maybe I just need to learn it properly, but it just isn't good. Sorry, Sebenco Climb Reverse in my book is the worst track in wipEout history, and since I somehow managed to luckily get 4 APs in one race and win this track on Phantom Elite, I now never have to race it again. Ever. Thank God.

29th September 2008, 03:40 PM
Reverse is the one that goes downhill, right? Starts with the chicane? I really really enjoy the downhill version, whereas the uphill forwards version is just hell on earth. :/

Dogg Thang
29th September 2008, 03:46 PM
I have to admit I haven't given the reverse tracks much of a go yet. I quite enjoyed Vineta K in reverse and obviously I knew from Pulse that Metropia and Moa Therma worked fine in reverse but Chengou and, yes, Sebenco Climb didn't seem to work for me at all. They both felt really awkward. But that could well change over time.

Didn't they say at some point that the reason there weren't going to be reverse tracks initally was because some of the Pure tracks really didn't work well in reverse? Or did I make that up?

29th September 2008, 03:47 PM
I like Sebenco reverse a lot :) Call me a masochist, but I had no trouble beating the Elite AI on Phantom. Thats one of the tracks where they are actually slower than on others, so they're quite easy (Quite, because you still have to know the track and not crash too hard).

29th September 2008, 03:49 PM
To each their own. If I'm ever hosting a game you're in, I will not put it up to play.

Personally, I adore Sebenco Reverse. It feels like a PS1 track because of all the air you get just racing over the terrain.

Especially on Phantom, you can nose up and fly over the Chicane. And then the hill and final turn into the finish line, I always have to make that turn in mid-air!

29th September 2008, 03:50 PM
I like Sebenco reverse a lot :) Call me a masochist, but I had no trouble beating the Elite AI on Phantom. Thats one of the tracks where they are actually slower than on others, so they're quite easy (Quite, because you still have to know the track and not crash too hard).

I like your opinions a lot it seems. Sebenco forwards is the worst thing ever, but reverse makes me feel like an olympic bobsledder! I can't even come close to touching the AI on forwards, but on reverse they are not too bad.

29th September 2008, 03:51 PM
Sebenco reverse is like a rollercoaster! Hell I love it!

29th September 2008, 04:10 PM
I tried Sebenco reverse for the first time last night and I actually found it really enjoyable as well, and quite a bit easier to navigate than the forward version.
I didn't try phantom speed however, only up to rapier.

29th September 2008, 05:11 PM
I have issues with the regular track, it's the only track where i struggle against the AI....Practice makes perfect right ? :bomb

29th September 2008, 05:17 PM
Yeah, I'm having a very hard time coming in anything other than 7th on that track even against just skilled and not wrecking left and right.

29th September 2008, 05:33 PM
and obviously I knew from Pulse that Metropia and Moa Therma worked fine in reverse

No, you didn't. ;] They didn't even put Metropia White into HD. They just made better graphics for Metropia Black and reversed it - no more alternate routes like on PSP.
I feel like all alternate tracks have been rushed and are redundant. If they weren't, why don't they even appear in Campaign Mode - again: like they did on PSP?

Probably sounds worse than it is, but seriously: Pulse gave us additional tracks - HD gives us unimaginative "go-the-other-ways". To me, they aren't even a nice addition for whoever needs it. Instead, they make the overall experience seem less faithful.


29th September 2008, 05:40 PM
While I don't see it as critically as you - it's better than only having 8 forward tracks, after all - I second the notion of your post. The only reverse tracks I really enjoy are Vineta K and Metropia, the rest is clearly a lot better in the original direction, and makes the reverse version feel like a ripoff.

Funny though that so many people seem to enjoy Sebenco Reverse - really didn't expect that! Tastes do differ, after all... ;)

29th September 2008, 07:58 PM
I agree [Albeit not completely] eL, but saying that it's the new Citta Nuova is like someone who suffers from amnesia saying "Deja vu?" without considering Outpost 7. Although, if you were to consider Spilskinanke....;)

29th September 2008, 08:04 PM
I never layed eyes on Outpost 7 (boycotted Pulse), and hey, leave Spilskinanke out of this - it was tough, but very smooth.
The issue I am having with Seb Reverse is that the game's physics just don't fit with the flow (if you can call it that) of the track.

29th September 2008, 08:17 PM
That I can agree with. You fly over the chicane on Phantom, you basically fly down on the last half of each lap. It is indeed a very strange change of pace from all the other courses.

I think that is why I love it so much. But then again, I am a sucker for really technical tracks. Figuring out the best lines for a course like Sebenco is way more enjoyable for me than trying to catch times on a place like Anulpha.

29th September 2008, 08:26 PM
eL, the very words of your thread title passed through my mind when I first played Sebenco Reverse. I agree! But as to whether I like it I don`t know yet; haven`t done enough on it to come to a conclusion.

29th September 2008, 08:58 PM
I am a sucker for very technical tracks as well, I absolutely love Chenghou (both ways), Sebenco (forward), Sol2 (both ways), Ubermall (both ways). It's not the technical bit that I don't like about Sebenco Reverse, it's the fact that you are bouncing around like a pinball all the time, even if you pick a nice line. It's very obvious that when this track was designed for Pure, nobody ever thought of the possibility to reverse it. I would very much like to know if the developers are happy with how it turned out in reverse...

29th September 2008, 08:58 PM
I thought it was pretty cool coming back down the mountain when I played it for the first time tonight, but I agree that it just doesn't work very well in that direction. Generally I don't like reverse tracks at all.

29th September 2008, 09:07 PM
On the original Ridge Racer, I used to turn around and race in the opposite direction [WRONG WAY!] toward the other cars. Just for fun. :D

29th September 2008, 10:12 PM
Completely and utterly agree with you eL. I've been boning up on the reverse tracks recently, and Sebenco Climb Reverse does not work. No natural ebb and flow, just hard right, avoid wall, hard left, avoid wall. It is abundandtly clear that the feel of the track in it's reverse form was given no consideration when designed forwards (and forwards it is one of my favourites).

Edit: Just seen your post on this page eLhabib- didn't mean to echo you, I genuinely only read the original post before feeling compelled to reply. Great minds think alike, right?

29th September 2008, 10:18 PM
Im really enjoying the track as it goes, not a fan of the reverse tracks in general but I love Sebenco Climb and really grew to love Citta Nuova after getting the better of it. I agree with what your saying about the flow of the track but its quite unique the way you have to battle with the physics as you descend and it wouldnt quite be Wipeout without that bitch of a track that laughs at you until you master it.

Although given the choice, i'd much rather have a Wipeout game without reverse tracks.

30th September 2008, 01:13 AM
Im really liking the reverse tracks! with sebenco reverse (phantom) im down to a 23.55 speed lap!

30th September 2008, 01:38 PM
generally, nothing was made / studied to make engaging and thrilling reversed tracks, every ski jumps have disappeared, all alternative road have disappeared, it is definitively a quick addition from SL for the game...
I think that sebenco is not worse than the others in regard to the reverse line, it pilots just in another way ,but on the contrary aesthetically speaking, it is for me (the only) completely missed (and however, it had means it to make something nice with this theme and snow-covered environment) ...

Dogg Thang
30th September 2008, 02:02 PM
No, you didn't. ;] They didn't even put Metropia White into HD. They just made better graphics for Metropia Black and reversed it - no more alternate routes like on PSP.

I only just noticed your post. That's bizarre. I haven't played it in HD so I had jumped to the assumption that Metropia reversed was going to be the White route that appeared in Pulse. I guess reversing the tracks really was just a last minute thing and should probably be considered a bonus rather than actual WO tracks.

30th September 2008, 02:16 PM
While it's pretty clear that the reverse tracks weren't given the same amount of care as their forward versions, I actually like Metropia Reverse better than forward, and also better than Metropia White in Pulse (one of the very few tracks I actually tried in Pulse). Sure, on some reverse tracks it seems more like an afterthought, but hey, better than nothing, right? And some reverse tracks really turned out great. I absolutely love Vineta Reverse (apart from the most awkwardly placed speed pad since Altima's first... ;)).

30th September 2008, 02:36 PM
+1 to every word, Martin. To me, Metropia Reverse is like Metropia white with all the annoying stuff taken out and replaced with cool stuff - such as the turn right and dive near the start, and the blind summit :eek Very fun stuff.

Sebenco Descent is certainly interesting, looks spectacular and scary on your way down, but fun? Only for Citta Nuova fans, I think. :)

30th September 2008, 02:50 PM
I'm starting to get a good line on Sebenco... but I still don't like it. Reverse is still just SO much better and fluid.

21st June 2009, 07:05 AM
I'm curious (reviving a dead post here - I know)...

Have any of you changed viewpoints on Sebenco reverse? I used to hate it, but now it's one of my favorites (by a wide margin)

Actually, it seems all the tracks I hated initially, I love them now that I've learned their quirks.

By the way - anyone know what city that is in the background on Sebenco Climb? It's a lot easier to see on the reverse track, if you boost around the windmills and go into photo mode, you get quite the view. Looks like there are sub-tropical or palm trees on one of the streets... Unless they're conifers with the bottoms being hard to see. Anyone from SL care to enlighten me? I've been wondering this for a while now, even googled it - which brought me right back to this thread. :lol

But yeah - I love Sebenco Reverse now.

21st June 2009, 08:12 AM
Each to their own.

I love both versions of Sebenco Climb, reverse probably even more than forwards.

21st June 2009, 08:32 AM
I prefer only the forward track, all, the original used in campaign.
Sebenco reverse is a nice track, i think a little easier than the others reverse.
For arcade perfect i use 1 or 2 hours for each track, for sebenco reverse only 3 race!!!!

21st June 2009, 10:12 AM
Funny you'd mention it, IH8YOU - I have indeed changed my view on Seb R. It is a great track once you learn how to fly it properly, and also ranks amongst my favorites now. Even so, I wouldn't exactly call it flowing ;)

21st June 2009, 10:25 AM
until reading your last post i was about to get medievil on yo ass :P
sebenco reverse is my favourite track EVER (so i must defend it's honour). it's great because if you know how to fly it (i won't claim to), you can get under 2.00.00 in any ship without any turbos quite comfortably. what i mean is; in a chunky ship (a la 60 handling) reverse is way easier than forward, and in my opinion a lot less tiresome and frustrating.
glad to see you've changed your view eL :+

21st June 2009, 11:47 AM
Haha I'm still not a fan of this track (sorry Yeld), weirdly I can pull off more BR's in rapier speed than at phantom. Looove Sebenco fwd though, probably my favourite track next to Chengou fwd :)

21st June 2009, 12:06 PM
Would love to see a video of this one Yeldar, if you are beginning your video project.

I love doing the big jump into the cave. That to me is what stunts are all about - creative and fun and BIG. Other than that, both Sebencos are just all about being overwhelmed by barrel roll spam tedium so have become not my favourites in TT at all. Although now that we realise even a "flat" track like Vineta K needs 35 BRs in an ideal TT Sebenco doesn`t seem too bad! Oh well, that`s the game.

For racing online I like Sebenco Reverse more than forward, but it is a real sod, in a good way, for trying to keep your energy full. I am often too conservative with shield energy on that track, but I like the way it challenges skills and makes me risk blowing up. You have to risk death or you won`t win it I guess.

21st June 2009, 12:29 PM
I have the same opinion as quite a few others. It used to be one of my least favourite tracks but now I know how to race it (to my standard anyway, not below 2 mins on it) I really enjoy it. Plus getting to zone 51 on it was a right eye opener. For a long time never thought I could get to super zen.

21st June 2009, 02:11 PM
i love seb rev. i love the silly amount of br's you can hit, i love boosting over the chicane, pitching a bit, and nailing it sweetly through the tunnel (very rewarding feeling), and i love the crazy speed brs + autopilot can take you round the corners.

21st June 2009, 03:27 PM
i have one issue with seb rev: is it just me that can hit the weapon pads at the top of the hill? i don't think i've ever managed to get a weapon from one of them (unless i've been shot).

21st June 2009, 05:11 PM
No, at phantom you'll never get near them with the throttle nailed.

Since I have never voiced any opinion in this thread I can safely proclaim I've never changed my mind about Seb Rev.

I hate, hate, hate that fscking track! Air, BR, hard-left, Air, BR hard-right etc ad nauseaum.

For some bizarre reason I really, really like the forward version for pretty much the same reasons :eek :lol

21st June 2009, 05:30 PM
It is possible to hit those weapon pads. I do it by pitching down (pressing up on D-pad - that always confuddles me !!) and can still do a BR.

21st June 2009, 05:48 PM
no matter how much i pitch i still can hit them. what line you taking?

@ lunar: here you go (http://www.wegame.com/watch/Sebenco_Reverse_TT_No_turbo/)

let me know if the video works or not, wegame doesn't really like me

21st June 2009, 07:49 PM
@Yeldar : unless you have some good reasons, please upload your videos on youtube or Dailymotion, it's much faster to see. Here @ wegame i got to wait so loooong before whatching, that i can't whatch them at all... thx.

hehe, i tried Sebenco reverse with an Auricom, and didn't hit walls so much, but did not do those BR before sharp turns...

21st June 2009, 09:14 PM
Nice racing Yeldar, very tidy and accurate and much harder than you make it look in that ship. :pirate I noticed you miss the first speed pad after the start. I get very nervous about missing speed pads deliberately but I guess that could be a lot tighter and quicker. Also I never do the second BR after the summit of the climb and should work on that too.

23rd June 2009, 02:54 PM
Sol2 and Chenghou are really tricky to learn at first, but provide for interesting gameplay and a pretty good flow when you know them (although not as great as their forward versions).

I cannot believe what I'm hearing. When I was going for Arcade Perfect, I did the 8 main tracks, and then I went left going through the reverses. Sol2 came up first, and it took about 10-15 Single Race redos before I found all my lines. Smooth sailing after that. But Chenghou?! oh lawwd! In all my life few times have I ever gotten dangerously close to breaking my controller on something, and Chenghou (forward AND reverse) was one of those times. Hardest thing I've ever done in this game.

Sebenco, however... no. Simply no. This attempt at a track isn't exactly enjoyable even at slow speeds, but at phantom, it's a ****ing joke. Seriously, if SL are aware that Citta Nuova didn't work all that great as a track, how did Sebenco Reverse pass? Citta was smooth as silk compared to this! I've done more laps on Sebenco Reverse than on any other track so far, because I thought maybe I just need to learn it properly, but it just isn't good. Sorry, Sebenco Climb Reverse in my book is the worst track in wipEout history, and since I somehow managed to luckily get 4 APs in one race and win this track on Phantom Elite, I now never have to race it again. Ever. Thank God.

That's interesting you didn't take to it as I did. Granted, I don't find it to be the most feasible track in the game. But that doesn't mean it's impossible to master (As I've surely seen several racers do). You did a lot of laps, okay. But was it all with the same shiP? Cause I completely blow through that reverse track in a sharp-turning craft. As for flying off the mountain or accidentally barrel-rolling/boost-padding into a wall the answer is simple! Don't do it ;)

23rd June 2009, 05:07 PM
The post you're quoting is over half a year old mate - I have since mastered Sebenco R as well, just took heaps of practice, and learning to accept the bumpy nature of this track.

23rd June 2009, 07:37 PM
Sebenco is my fav track, both forward and reverse. Forward is enjoyable, giving the ships with more handling an advantage. Reverse is a challenge, requiring good airbreaking to make it though all the turns. I love it in AG-S or Feisar.

23rd June 2009, 08:09 PM
I would say just this, racing on Seb reverse has its good and bad moments. The part that I find isn't working well for racing is the downhill snake path - it feels like playing ladders. Your craft 'jumps' down from corner to corner, and the feeling of smoothness is replaced with a feeling of something out of a theme park. All other part of the track in reverse are ace, but the snake path is just not feeling right, feels like rappelling rather than racing downhill.

It's all fine though I guess.

25th June 2009, 12:47 AM
I know I'm late to the party, but Reverse Sebenco Climb is my second favorite track in the game, next to Sol 2... :/

26th June 2009, 02:17 PM
I feel that both sebenco forward and reverse are very enjoyable tracks at any speed except venom (too slow to fully appreciate!) I feel Moa Therma reverse is boring not much in the way of barrell rolls on there or so it feels.

26th June 2009, 03:09 PM
I cannot believe what I'm hearing. When I was going for Arcade Perfect, I did the 8 main tracks, and then I went left going through the reverses. Sol2 came up first, and it took about 10-15 Single Race redos before I found all my lines. Smooth sailing after that. But Chenghou?! oh lawwd! In all my life few times have I ever gotten dangerously close to breaking my controller on something, and Chenghou (forward AND reverse) was one of those times. Hardest thing I've ever done in this game.

I have to agree with this. The only reason I won this track on phantom elite is because I got 4(!) consecutive auto pilots just before te sharp corner. :twisted

On SC reverse: I only started to like this track when I started to use sideshift. Before that, it was like hell. It's just about my favorite now, along with Sol2 forward.

13th June 2010, 10:56 AM
Ok, I'm not a perfect pilot, though a pretty decent one.

Is it possible in any way to get 1st on Sebenco Climb Reverse
without using Turbos and BR in Venom? On my way to Arcade
Perfect I always start at Venom and try til I place 1st before
I go on to the next class.

When I did a pretty good race with Icaras (hitting 90% of the
Boost Fields/2 perfect laps), but didn't manage to BR nor get a
turbo – I still placed 7th or 8th…wtf?

Sebenco Forward took me half an our to place 1st in every speed
class on elite…what's wrong with that track or am I missing an
important point or shortcut?

13th June 2010, 01:32 PM
just incase you didnt know mate you only have to race phantom for this trophy

13th June 2010, 05:37 PM
I know that, but thanks for the hint. ;)

The faster the easier, but how can it be, that you do an almost
perfect race with the fastest ship and you finish it 7th or 8th
without BR and/or turbo…?

In my oppinion it has to be possible to win a race without it…no
problem on any other track – but imho this one is just broke!

13th June 2010, 05:47 PM
BR's are an integral part of the game, perfect laps are nice but they won't win a race against tough opposition. There are least 5 BR's on venom that you can pull off without the need of a turbo, and at least 7 with 1 turbo.

It's a pretty damaging track for your shields, especially since most of the BR's are all bunched together and leave little opportunity to recuperate lost energy.

The BR's are: (with the boost, use it at the ramp right after the first left and clip the peak of the hill leading into the tunnel with a BR so you can push into another BR), then the hill after the straight you can get 2 although it's impractical in most race situations to get the second, one down the next slope, one down the slope after that, and the obvious one on the bump leading into the last corner. They can all be achieved on Venom, and you shouldn't need to use all of them in each lap, but try fit one in where you can, as they are very helpful against elite AI and online.

13th June 2010, 06:23 PM
no boost ... well, why not use boost when you have it ???
And BR are not required to do HD campaign and pass it even in top difficulty level .
Not a opinion , but a fact .... ( even with pirhana hd ship )

Practice , practice , practice .... is the way to win young padawan ;)

i made it ( hd campagn elite ) before gone online ....

14th June 2010, 07:46 AM
As I wrote before: No problem in Flash, Rapier and Phantom
(all elite), but in Venom…I have to do something wrong, but
can't find any videos or other hints for Venom Class…

(I did win a race in Venom Class though, but just because I got
2 Turbos and so could do 3 BRs per lap).

Many thanks to amplificated! There are 5 BR possible in Venom?!
ZOMG! KK, after all it sounds like a lot of train is necessary here
once more…

14th June 2010, 09:41 AM
well theres actually 8 BRs mate ;) if you dont already side shifting a lot in the right places saves a massive amount of time also experiment with it over crests and off slopes as you can get some cheeky BRs. go do a TT perfect those lines mate and youll win in no time


14th June 2010, 09:47 AM
…go do a TT perfect those lines mate and youll win in no time
Sorry…what? Timetrial or what do you mean?

14th June 2010, 10:18 AM
I've heard the you can get a boost BR at the start of Seb Rev, but I've never come close, is that the 8th? On phantom I know you can do a couple more or so, but on venom I only know 7...

@ TFU: yeah TT means time trial. He's just suggesting you get some practice in, as practice is the best way to get better, that's all

14th June 2010, 11:22 AM
I know of 9 excluding BoostBR at the beginning, that'd be 10.

@TFU: Would you like me to make a video against Elite AI on Venom? :)

14th June 2010, 11:39 AM
@TFU: Would you like me to make a video against Elite AI on Venom? :)

Oh yes! That'll be sweet! Many thanks btw – this forum is pure awesomEness!
If possible one without usage of turbo and BRs and one 1:13ish just to show off…hehe :D

14th June 2010, 11:49 AM
i wasnt including the boost BR start my speed lap has 9 and i have pulled off a 10th but i cant do it every go and ive never gained any time it. i could talk you through a lap if youre interested (dont have a camera :()

@yeldar id like to see a vid of these 10 BRs mate i think 1 or 2 may be different, would be cool to see youre methods :D

14th June 2010, 11:52 AM
i wasnt including the boost BR start my speed lap has 9 but i do know a 10th but i cant do it every go and ive never gained any time it. i could talk you through a lap if youre interested (dont have a camera :() …

sure, every hint or attempt to help is highly appreciated. amplificated
already tried that in post #53…but if you could add something - just tell us/me. :)

14th June 2010, 11:53 AM
*puts hand up for a video of 9 or maybe 10 BR's on Sebenco Rev Venom SL* :P

edit: oh god I just gave Yeldar the go ahead to make me go on Seb Rev again if he beats my time xP

14th June 2010, 02:50 PM
Here you go TFU: No Boosts, No Barrel Rolls (AKA Depressing :P ) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IERHJuSZLsY)

Enjoy ^_^

14th June 2010, 02:58 PM
ok here goes: to boost BR start keep to the left side of the track pitch up down up aim right and boost over start line with full left lock, hit the speed pad side shift left and boost BR over hill land early for another off the top of the hill, hit the 3x speed pads side shift right with some pitch up for a cheeky BR (2x possible with luck) pitch up and side shift left for a double over the next hill side shift left on landing the second to avoid the wall and hit the speed pad, pitch up side shift right for a BR of the drop side shift right on landing, left side shift off the next drop for another BR side shift left on landing and finally hit the bump for the last BR keeping right and side shift onto the 2X speed pads.

phew anyways thats my method hope this helps

edit: nice vid yeldar

14th June 2010, 03:08 PM
You guys and your cheeky BR's :( I struggle enough as it is getting enough air after the 3xsp's in phantom. Will have to have another attempt at some point.

14th June 2010, 03:10 PM
Same tech as me Shape, minus the BoostBR. Actually I got a double after the first hairpin a couple of times but it's difficult to get consistently. Currently .27 off your time but I'm a couple BRs down. Back to the phantom drawing board :P

14th June 2010, 03:21 PM
Here you go TFU: No Boosts, No Barrel Rolls (AKA Depressing :P ) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IERHJuSZLsY)

Enjoy ^_^
Thanks a lot mate! Impressive…I can't see no difference in
lines from what I can remember, but have to compare it
to see where I'm going down…anyways THANKS A LOT!

(don't have/want a youtube account so I can't comment there)

14th June 2010, 03:44 PM
thats funny SC is one of the few reverse tracks I actually like...

15th June 2010, 12:20 AM
i quite like sebenco reverse but its really hard for me to play well.
a lot of strategy in this track too with so many br oppurtunities.