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View Full Version : Nose Down in Wipeout HD

23rd September 2008, 10:26 AM
Reading the WipEout Pure subsection i've learned that keeping the ship's nose down all the time you have a speed advantage.

It looks like some folks here are playing Wipeout HD now. I have a question for them, is this glitch fixed in wipeout hd ?

I've been searching this subsection for some info but did not find anything.

Thanks !

23rd September 2008, 10:29 AM
I have not fully tested this, but to some extent. I can tell you that when you are standing still (no x-button), and pitching down, it doesn't change anything. You are not going forward at all. So it seems the problem is gone.
To be honest, I haven't noticed much effect in pitch control at all so far... :?

23rd September 2008, 10:35 AM
This looks encouraging, many thanks ! :lol

23rd September 2008, 11:11 AM
So they made the game floaty for no reason then......... Well I guess it would be hard to redo the physics engine. But the pitch of the craft must speed you up when your nose is down right?

23rd September 2008, 11:17 AM
I prefer to have it NOT work that way, actually. If pitching down always makes you faster, what's the point?

23rd September 2008, 11:27 AM
Na I mean't when your jumping of clifts and stuff. I remember that being one of my tactics for the old games. I think this should still be the same for HD right? If so then disregard what i posted :)

23rd September 2008, 11:28 AM
if you pull up while going off a jump, you definitely fly alot further than if you're pushing down, so, yes, that works.

23rd September 2008, 03:08 PM
Woo thank God. Hopefully it's for real this time, and there won't be any rubber band speed mod xD

Colin Berry
23rd September 2008, 05:55 PM
The Pitch nose down for increased speed was something we played around with but was removed from HD (it increased speed by around the equivalent of a speed notch, so if your ship has top speed 7/10, pitching down took it to 8 etc) we altered how it worked from pure to pulse but it was something that we werent ever 100% with

I'm not sure what 'rubber band speed mod' means though....
Unless it means rubber banded AI, or catch up system, of which there is neither.

Rapier Racer
23rd September 2008, 06:00 PM
I think it's referring to the jamming forward of the little stick on the PSP to keep the ships nose down the entire race, dunno where you put or why you'd want to use a rubber band though.

23rd September 2008, 08:28 PM
I could never work with a system like that, since I use pitch up while cornering in my piranha...

(or any other ship for that matter, just like a fighter jet)

23rd September 2008, 08:32 PM
Take a rubber band, wrap it around the PS3 Dualshock 3 Analog stick and around one of the triggers (Which you won't use) or anywhere else and voilĂ*, instant speed mod for PS3.
Glad we'll see none of it. ;)

24th September 2008, 03:46 AM
Wow have people been doing that with Pure and Pulse times? Cause I haven't... Hopefully I'm not the only dumbass haha...

24th September 2008, 07:47 AM
Lol Chill. Well it's good to know this has been stopped now. The only thing I need to look out for for good times are BR's........ Yeah :(

24th September 2008, 07:53 AM
Speaking of BR's... the "un-realism" isn't the only thing I don't like about them, but the fact that I do an accidental BR too often during my races... that's why I was eliminated for the most part on those HD vids... accidental BR's... But other than those two things, I admit it was a great addition to the gameplay, if it just had a reason for you to get a turbo out of it and wasn't accidently used so often when in the major "heat", while still carrying on the traditional Wipeout style... then I'd be all for it... But I'm not. :/

24th September 2008, 08:26 AM
To be honest, I haven't noticed much effect in pitch control at all so far... :?To bad, because it is the (only) thing that I found interesting in Fatal Inertia and wanted to be included in WOHD.

Maybe for the next wipeout >_<

Flashback Jack
24th September 2008, 05:08 PM
The Pitch nose down for increased speed was something we played around with but was removed from HD..

But please tell me we'll still be able to pitch down to allow the ships to gather "bite" on hard turns like what was possible in Pulse. More than your fair share of pilots around here use it in that game to maintain traction -- in effect preventing the ship from sliding sidelong too much. Fort Gale White is one such place, but virtually every track in Pulse with a bend ranging from a mildly harsh sweeper to an all-out hairpin benefits from the technique.

- F

24th September 2008, 05:17 PM
Btw: That turn on Fort Gale is totally messed up. Your ship gains too much height there everytime - no matter if you press down your nose or if you don't.
That being said, there are more of such turns in the recent game(s), and IMO it's more a failure of the trackdesign.

Flashback Jack
24th September 2008, 05:20 PM
I meant the drop after the first tunnel on Fort Gale. Barrel rolling there causes the ship to enter with so much speed into the uphill right-handed sweeper that it almost risks plowing sideways into the left side of the track unless you pitch down and to the right. For the wipeout-game.com record tables, it's absolutely necessary to do if you expect to enter the top three on Phantom class because the technique not only allows for more traction during turns, but helps maintain speed as well.

As for the first bump after the start/finish on Fort Gale White, pitching down is necessary there too in order to smoothly set up for the double barrel roll into the tunnel without the speed-killing wall grinding that would happen without it. I don't see it as a failure of track design, because that bump can be navigated smoothly at the absolute fastest speeds, albeit with a bit of luck and dexterity.

- F

24th September 2008, 06:40 PM
But please tell me we'll still be able to pitch down to allow the ships to gather "bite" on hard turns like what was possible in Pulse. More than your fair share of pilots around here use it in that game to maintain traction -- in effect preventing the ship from sliding sidelong too much. Fort Gale White is one such place, but virtually every track in Pulse with a bend ranging from a mildly harsh sweeper to an all-out hairpin benefits from the technique.

- F

That's so funny, because I use the exact opposite technique lol!

24th September 2008, 09:34 PM
You're doing it wrong :P

24th September 2008, 10:50 PM
it works for me