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31st August 2008, 11:30 PM
Welcome, Anorexic. I may be skinnier than you. :\

RJ O'Connell
1st September 2008, 01:48 AM
Establishing it's coming within the month or two, and that PSN gets updated on Thursday, here's the



1st September 2008, 01:48 AM
Welcome, Anorexic. I may be skinnier than you. :\

Heh, I didn't even catch the phonetic implication of that name :p

Anyway, nrXic, the Wipeout Zone is a great place-- interesting posters, good mods, occasional visitations from Studio Liverpool folks, CoLD SToRAGE and stuff. Hope to see you around :)

1st September 2008, 06:25 AM
First, welcome nrXic! The people around here rocks and I'm sure you'll appreciate them.:rock

Back on topic, I think that if the game is scheduled in September, we should have a date this week. If we don't then it will be October IMO.

My PERSONNAL guess is 9/25.:burger

1st September 2008, 07:26 AM
+1 to all of the above post!

1st September 2008, 08:24 AM
my guess is 18/9! only because... that's the day that my holydays end and I restart working... XD life is cruel lol

1st September 2008, 08:24 AM
Ok were in sept now, i'v never looked forward to this time of year b4 until now..So i'm thinking if it gets to us by this thurs (fingers,toes,eyes crossed) is it a safe bet to say the PSN can deal with a large amount of people D/L WOHD? It would be just my luck to have it go down when all u guys have got it and posting times and how good the game is lol...But TBH i think were looking mid sept if its gonna happen..

1st September 2008, 09:36 AM
Personnaly , I think sept 25th as last nearest date , after which I predict a release around Christmas because october/november unload many games also awaited (LittleBigPlanet, motorstorm 2 , bioshock, fallout3 , resistance 2 ,The last Remnant ...) :?

1st September 2008, 10:09 AM
Establishing it's coming within the month or two, and that PSN gets updated on Thursday, here's the



If it comes out on 9/11 its the exacted date one year ago i purchased my PS3 console. So its an absolute certain that Wipeout HD will be released on the PSN not on Blu-Ray.

1st September 2008, 12:38 PM
do u mean spet. 11th or 9th of november. if you mean sep 11, shame KIGO, shame, its pronounced 11/9

1st September 2008, 12:50 PM
Traitor to our own cause.
Have this heretic burnt at the stake.:p
The best way to do this on an international forum is to put 5-sep or 11-nov.
That way most people will understand it right off the bat.

1st September 2008, 12:59 PM
do u mean spet. 11th or 9th of november. if you mean sep 11, shame KIGO, shame, its pronounced 11/9

well, if you take the time to look at the list of possible dates, it's pretty clear that he meant September 11. And if you're from the US, 9/11 is the correct way to type it.

1st September 2008, 01:27 PM
sorry didn't see there was another page. forget my post n_n

1st September 2008, 01:38 PM
Sooo....thanks for the videos Chill! The game looks hard.:D:D Good!

1st September 2008, 01:40 PM
Definitely, considering he only finished about 1 out of 5 races :P

1st September 2008, 01:40 PM
I enjoyed watching the destruction.:rock:clap

1st September 2008, 01:47 PM
If anything, may I suggest that the death cam be longer or that the user press X once the elimination animation has finished? We could see some highlight reels on youtube someday :) Plus I want to admire the smouldering wreck of my AG-Systems.

1st September 2008, 02:39 PM
It looked every bit the fast stunning looking wipeout we all love, but it did seem to be short lived for the race time b4 it all went pair shaped:?

1st September 2008, 03:44 PM
Vineta looked fast :eek

1st September 2008, 04:22 PM
You read my mind insertcoin! :)

I would be cool if you just pressed X to bring up the results, cause seeing the ship flip and bounce around before exploding and sending pieces flying is just so cool to watch. :p Would make some pretty epic pictures too!

1st September 2008, 05:46 PM
the first time i saw a ship explode in WOHD i was extremely impressed, so I would have to agree that I think they should give you more time to watch when it happens. pressing x when youre done being amazed sounds like a viable solution, however we all know that its too late in production now to change that. perhaps a patch in the future. right now im just hoping that in-game VOIP and Team-Racing is gonna be featured.

1st September 2008, 06:06 PM
do u mean spet. 11th or 9th of november. if you mean sep 11, shame KIGO, shame, its pronounced 11/9

Yeah i did mean September 11th, i had a refference i took from RJ O'Connell in the quote above on what possible Thurdays when Wipeout HD could be released.

Im not a yank be assure of that guys from Aus, heres some prof. This is the digital clock i have on my Windows Gadget Bar. Observe how the day is illustrated before the month:D

1st September 2008, 06:43 PM
Thanks Chill for the video's. It was very cool to see Vineta K in reverse in the fifth video.:guitar

1st September 2008, 07:08 PM
Establishing it's coming within the month or two, and that PSN gets updated on Thursday, here's the



2008 ? :lol

1st September 2008, 07:22 PM
Hehehe good one.
I hope we will be laughing about it soon... and not crying about it come January.

1st September 2008, 07:25 PM
I appreciate all the thanx from everyone!! I enjoyed doing it...

Definitely, considering he only finished about 1 out of 5 races :P

True, I think many of y'all woulda done better... it is a lot different with the camera reaction to movement, the larger screen and colorful realistic graphics do get you all tangled up at noticing all the graphics and bein' taken away from the concentration of the race... everything from the reflection of the water on the track to the flashing lights on mag-strips make you feel like your new to the track!! It's harder to concentrate without a plain sheet of outlined paper to look at haha... Beside that, I think it was a bit bouncier, but mabye that was just me...

1st September 2008, 07:50 PM
Many thanks for the videos, Chill, I enjoyed seeing Phantom HD for the first time. It looks fast even on You Tube so in real life I think it`ll be plEnty fast enough for me. On the first few videos I wasn`t sure which speed we were looking at and was very relieved when I didn`t find you commenting that it was Venom!

1st September 2008, 08:39 PM
woah ho ho...now THAT is WipEout...

Just watched the vids and I have to say...the king of futuristic racers is back!!! Gotta get some kinda HD display or TV to do this game justice...

Definitely looks hard as medusa pointed out...which is excellent...sorts out the boys from the men...eheheh...


1st September 2008, 09:05 PM
Thanks for your time Chill! It is greatly appreciated :)

RJ O'Connell
1st September 2008, 09:08 PM
I hope we will be laughing about it soon... and not crying about it come January.
It might work out for some people - I can't be failing college because of Wipeout ;)

Nonetheless, I'd like to play it in '08.

1st September 2008, 09:45 PM
...sorts out the boys from the men...eheheh...

And the Medusas from the Perseid meteors! :D

{warning: requires knowledge of WipEout pilots and :hyper:dizzyan interest in Greek mythology and in astronomy. :rolleyes: :rock :beer }

}We need an emoticon for bourbon{ and where's the ones for tipsy/drunk? :hyper:dizzy}

1st September 2008, 09:48 PM
Chill! Thank you so much for the videos! At last some good phantom videos with cockpit camera! Like Mad-Ice said, it was really cool (and kind) to show Vineta K reverse. the game looks really fast! once again, thanks for your time and dedication ;)

1st September 2008, 10:15 PM
Every single WO:HD vid I've seen so far was using the 3rd person camera...so it was great to see you play in first person cam Chill. Looks insanely fast with that camera!

Thanks again for the warm welcome guys, I can already tell this is a great forum. Hopefully I can improve my skills by learning from the best here.

1st September 2008, 10:33 PM
Thanx again everyone...

Just realized that you can click on the high quality tab to see it in better quality beneath the vids lol... so I thought if I didn't know, mabye others wouldn't know... so yeah, learn something new everyday... haha.

Rock on...

2nd September 2008, 06:21 AM
I did enjoyed your video this morning but a poor driver!:lol


2nd September 2008, 07:11 AM
Lock it up stin!!! I gotta busy lifestyle!! ;) I started on a mission to get back into Wipeout and become one of the best again (like I had become in Pure), so watch your back stin!!

Mabye... haha. ;) still gettin' use to the neggy lol... gettin' my friend into it mabye as well (I hope he sticks with it so that I have a team mate for HD if the team option is optional...)

2nd September 2008, 08:03 AM
Thx a lot for the videos Chill, i just love that smooth framerate at high speeds :rock

Registration on this forum (after much lurking :g) was definitely a good idea !

2nd September 2008, 01:38 PM
hello everyone.

First post. I have a funny feeling. It's been like 8 or 9 month since i started to read this forum almost each days. I feel like i already know some of you.

I cant wait to play WOHD, like some of you i bought my ps3 just for this game, and now that i looks like we're about to play.

I just fear something now. my holidays starts 13 september, i go to Peru, in the mountains and in the Amazonian forest, during 3 weeks.
Now two choices:
-either it's cool :dizzy because the game wont be released until 3rd october or before 13 sept
-either it's out while i'm in Peru -> :frown: i wont be able to race with you guys online the first exiting weeks ...

Anyway, very pleased to start this new wipeout HD era with you all and welcome nrXic and Alcachofa ;) and thx Chill for the vids !


ps: Been spanked by KIGO1987 in several pulse online races. i'll have my revenge ;)

2nd September 2008, 02:13 PM
I just fear something now. my holidays starts 13 september, i go to Peru, in the mountains and in the Amazonian forest, during 3 weeks.

-either it's out while i'm in Peru -> :frown: i wont be able to race with you guys online the first exiting weeks ...

Heh, this is similar to me...but wouldn't you rather be on holiday, away from europe, than waiting on Sony? :+

I was in Peru in January this year. You'll have a blast!

Can I recommend, while you're in the jungle, that you find a Shaman and check out Ayahuasca. It's an experience!

2nd September 2008, 02:22 PM
i am not waiting on Sony, i am waiting on WIPEOUT ;)
but i admit i'm not too sad about this situation after all :p

i'll check Ayahuasca for sure if i can, and bring some back to play ag racing under the influence. shaman mode is similar to zen mode i guess

2nd September 2008, 02:41 PM
They might get a little funny about you trying to bring it back...you can carry it round internally on flights if you like, they ain't too bothered, but international...I wouldn't try!

2nd September 2008, 04:58 PM
Thx Chill , that was some incredible videos : looking forward to kick arses on that new multiplayer playground :)

2nd September 2008, 06:14 PM
Asa, you can dream with that... I'm the one who will kick your arse! not even redbull will save you from a desperation XD

Colin Berry
2nd September 2008, 10:29 PM
further to some PMs I have had - no real news except that a release date and pricing announcement should be made very soon

I.e I expect it to be in the next week or so (the announcement)

RJ O'Connell
2nd September 2008, 11:03 PM
uh oh....:eek :g It's almost announced!

2nd September 2008, 11:08 PM
Almost there. ;)
Colin, you'll get my whatever-amount-of-$-I-need-to-pay-to-get-the-game day one xD

Colin Berry
2nd September 2008, 11:52 PM
uh oh....:eek :g It's almost announced!

I know its not news as such and it a bit of a tease but rather than answer PMS I figured post it for all, the wait is nearly over

Date is coming, price is coming, game is coming

3rd September 2008, 12:47 AM
We are cumming [sp]?

RJ O'Connell
3rd September 2008, 03:16 AM
I think I speak for all of us who are anxiously waiting for HD that I am looking forward to the announcement, Mr. Berry. :g

3rd September 2008, 06:04 AM
Thanx guys!! But I guess the gameplay vids were taken out of that link because I changed their names, woops... :o

So to help out any future people who are bored and want some lame entertainment, just go here:


I probably won't be able to get as good as anyone, for one I'm currently broke, all my money is going to bills so when it does come out, I won't have a PS3 or HDTV yet... so I won't have it for a while, and knowing this I took the opportunity to be one of the first ones to play it to make up for it haha...

I might not even be in it for another good 8 months or so, cause I'm to be deployed january for at least 6 months, and I would probably have barely saved up enough money for everything by then, so I just my-as-well just wait tell I get back... and lose with bad experience haha... PSP practice while I'm over baby!! ;)

Can't wait to hear the release date anyway...

3rd September 2008, 07:42 AM
Thats a damn shame Chill. But thanks for the Vids though, they were brill. I'm sure we will be playing this game for years to come dude!

3rd September 2008, 07:54 AM
Thanks Mr Berry thants the best news i've had all day...the closer it gets the more impatient i'm getting lol :twisted

3rd September 2008, 07:58 AM
You're such a tease, Mr. Berry, and we even love you for it! ;)

oh and :lol @Lance

3rd September 2008, 08:34 AM
Cheers Colin, Can't Wait!!!!!

3rd September 2008, 09:04 AM
for those who like CoLD SToRAGE, I asked him if he was still planing to send some unofficial HD songs. Here is his answer ;)

"As for the HD songs – yes, that’s the plan. I’m hoping to release them around
the same time as the game goes live."

I can't wait anymore!!! Becoming Insane!!!!

3rd September 2008, 10:51 AM
I was thinking that maybe the release would be tomorrow, purely as it would be just my luck as I'll be away travelling to Spa Francorchamps for the Belgian GP at the weekend. I suppose in hindsight that would be better than getting HD early anyway. But only just mind you! 8)

Anyway, good news about the imminent release info. WOHD is EASILY my most anticipated game at the moment (even more than Gears of War 2, and that's really saying something!)

I just wonder how well HD has to do for there to be the chance of some additional DLC. I know it's a long shot, but I would LOVE to play 123 Klan in HD (having just started playing Pure right from the beginning again). I could list loads of other tracks I'd love to see make a HD return... *Sigh*

3rd September 2008, 12:13 PM
Yeah I feel you mate. I was hoping for the tracks to at least double in numbers. But realistically, it would probably be two tracks per a DLC release.

3rd September 2008, 12:31 PM
If its as big as i hope its gonna be, they might do tracks to start with and if they sell well start with ships,music,and maybe diffrent designs only for DLC...

3rd September 2008, 01:20 PM
I wouldn't expect DLC to be more than 1 track (+reverse) at a time. In fact, I wouldn't expect any DLC at all :( As much as we love this game, I think the sales numbers Sony request for considering additional content are well beyond what HD is aiming to sell. But who knows, a game like Braid sold way better than anybody expected, so why not HD? We can only hope.

RJ O'Connell
3rd September 2008, 01:40 PM
Why would HD aim to sell low? The internet buzz being generated suggests this could at least top a million downloads!

3rd September 2008, 01:47 PM
We are cumming [sp]?

That made me LOL haha .

Thank you Colin Berry for letting us know such awesome news that it is almost here .:+:pirate

3rd September 2008, 01:51 PM
thanks colin on the heads up...

man...this sucks...i'm in the middle of my final year project and HD is due soon...looks like I can't play it as much as i would've liked to...not till november anyway...when everything is due...and i graduate (if everything works out fine)...

still...can't wait to witness 1080 at 60 though...that will be something special...

3rd September 2008, 01:57 PM
hello, do I have to understand that there are always some chances for September considering what Colin Berry said ? I hope... by pity, not November. ^^

thanks Colin.

3rd September 2008, 02:04 PM
Why would HD aim to sell low? The internet buzz being generated suggests this could at least top a million downloads!


6 loooooong years have passed since Wipeout fusion, the last one on a "home system", and one cannot say there are many "futuristic racing games" on PS3 !

Moreover, 1080P, 60 fps, split screen, online mode, trophies, excellent soundtrack etc ... It HAS to be a success :g

3rd September 2008, 02:39 PM
Why would HD aim to sell low? The internet buzz being generated suggests this could at least top a million downloads!

I didn't mean HD aims to sell low. What I meant is that a sales number that may be high for a wipEout game, still might not be high enough for Sony to justify continuing to work on DLC.

3rd September 2008, 02:43 PM
how far after an announcement do games become available normally on the psn?? id hate for HD to get released in october now (its already a massive month for potentially great ps3 games) or even slip into november, if the games done then get it up there for us to download :g

p.s has there been any news whether in game voice chat will be supported (ive been away and havent been keeping up with the latest HD news)

3rd September 2008, 03:32 PM
october isn't smart because Little Big Planet will be release this month. September is the best month ! i want ^_^ novembre not good too because MotorStorm 2 & Resistance 2. Questions ? sony please, put this game on ps store.

3rd September 2008, 03:37 PM
Looking at past PSN releases, it is very uncommon for a release date of a PSN game to be announced more than 2 weeks in advance. Pixeljunk Eden had a one week lead time from announcement to download. The last Guy that was released last week had a 2 week hype period followed by a 1 week of demo before release. Elefunk went from unknown to available for download in about 48 hours.

I think if they are going to post on the PS blog about a release date, given the history it would be sooner instead of later. Let's hope they continue this trend eh?

3rd September 2008, 03:40 PM
sounds good to me, so its official - sometime september :+:g

3rd September 2008, 03:46 PM
DON'T you jinx it :naughty

3rd September 2008, 04:23 PM
Yeah, don't take my speculation as confirmation. I was simply pointing out a favorable trend. But these things get changed and moved all the time, so let's not go counting chickens eh?

3rd September 2008, 04:24 PM
ElHabib stole the words write outta my mouth LOL!!!

But I'm still im still hoping!

3rd September 2008, 06:50 PM
ythguan: ti xnij uoy T'NOD

Here, have 'em right back! Sorry, didn't know they were yours ;)

[heavily influenced by Braid, sorry]

3rd September 2008, 07:07 PM
man...this sucks...i'm in the middle of my final year project and HD is due soon...looks like I can't play it as much as i would've liked to...not till november anyway...when everything is due...and i graduate (if everything works out fine)...

still...can't wait to witness 1080 at 60 though...that will be something special...

I feel you man... I started taking an online course for English 103 about three weeks ago, and only finished reading a few chapters... still got a hella to do cause I'm finding it hard to concentrate... it sucks haha!! ;) I haven't been able to unglue myself from the rest of my Wipeout series very easily lately...

Thats a damn shame Chill. But thanks for the Vids though, they were brill. I'm sure we will be playing this game for years to come dude!

I just remembered that my parents still owe me 1200 bucks, hahaha... so I might have it before I thought, that is if they pay me back of course...

4th September 2008, 07:27 AM
Nothing on the PSN this morning, Not sure what time they refresh everything??

4th September 2008, 02:55 PM
The 17 offtopic messages concerning advertising HD that followed the post above have been moved to their own thread here: http://www.wipeoutzone.com/forum/showthread.php?t=5162

4th September 2008, 02:56 PM
thank you, kind sir.

4th September 2008, 03:03 PM
yeah sorry about that, it did go a little off topic...

4th September 2008, 03:09 PM
Nothing on the PSN this morning, Not sure what time they refresh everything??

PS Store updates around 4p.m. every Thursday, but it can occur earlier, when there are no major releases planned. Like today for example. No HD today, but you would have guessed that by now because it still hasn't been announced yet.
Here's hoping the 18th, cause then it will slot in nicely after my birthday :)

4th September 2008, 03:13 PM
yeah sorry about that, it did go a little off topic...

It wasn't you; no need to apologise. :) It was the post aFter yours that went elsewhere and was rapidly followed with enthusiasm since the 'release date' topic has exhausted itself to a certain degree. It's always run on nothing but fumes and anxious desire, so when something new turned up... zooooom.

4th September 2008, 09:10 PM
Nothing on the PSN this morning, Not sure what time they refresh everything??

While part of me would LOVE to suddenly have Wipeout HD appear on the PSN, part of me would be pissed to see it released with zero ramp up. Come on, Sony, let's build a little bit of hype for one of your oldest franchises!

6th September 2008, 11:25 PM
Date is coming, price is coming, game is coming
My brand new 80Gb black box and I will be ready for it : seems i am just in time Colin

7th September 2008, 08:29 AM
Could we have a date when the release date will be announced?

7th September 2008, 01:12 PM
What? How about a date when the date of the release date is annouced?


7th September 2008, 01:14 PM
Could we have a date when the release date will be announced?


7th September 2008, 02:46 PM
LOL. Desperation at it's finest :D

7th September 2008, 03:38 PM
are we there yet ?

7th September 2008, 04:02 PM

Is it me or is this thread running out of places to go???
When the game comes out we could always continue with DLC release date thread!!!:robot

7th September 2008, 04:34 PM
yes, hopefully it's not gonna be sadly anticlamactic when the game finally is released.

7th September 2008, 04:35 PM
What I wanna know is when the version AFter HD is gonna be released! :g

7th September 2008, 04:51 PM
What I wanna know is when the version AFter HD is gonna be released! :g

Thats like predicting the Hurricane season in Florida ten years from now Lance, its anyones guess.

7th September 2008, 06:15 PM
Precisely. Or precisely imprecise. :D I was making a joke about the extremity of our desire to know the unknowable.

8th September 2008, 05:15 AM
Oh haha I thought you were serious... Well, I can't wait either... haha! :D

8th September 2008, 07:55 AM
What I wanna know is when the version AFter HD is gonna be released! :g

I was thinking about this the other day - and more to the point, what would they put in it? Would it be HD's Pulse to Pure?

8th September 2008, 03:36 PM
Ive just topped of my PSN account (for the first time ever, i would of prefered buying the physical disc instead) so now im ready for HD, im sure everbody else is now...

Just need to wait for Colin's confirmed response now....

Or will it just magically appear in the PSN store without any prior notice on a calm Thursday morning?

When you think about it Wipeout fans in NZ are going to be the first people to own Wipeout HD, due to there timezone location.

RJ O'Connell
8th September 2008, 04:18 PM
First it comes to the AU/NZ region, then Europe and finally North America?

OMFG it's the EXACT release pattern of Wipeout Fusion!!! :paperbag

Nah, just a coincidence. Can't wait for the announcement. :g

8th September 2008, 05:38 PM

Can't wait for the announcement. :g
Me too, can't wait for something like "Halloween" or "November"...

9th September 2008, 02:26 AM
I'm pretty sure the PSN is updated at the same time for everyone?
Regardless of timezone?

9th September 2008, 07:01 AM
Man i really hope so!! Maybe my sick days will be of use if this appears this thurs,,,:xtree

Rapier Racer
9th September 2008, 11:44 AM
They said it's coming very soon didn't they? Christmas is not very soon anyone who thinks it is needs a slap. :banzai

9th September 2008, 01:16 PM
As in xmass come early!!!! :cold

9th September 2008, 01:29 PM
Right, here's something that might cheer you all up! I'm off on holiday tomorrow, so sod's law being in full effect means that it will come out in the next two week period. I hope so for your sakes! :rock

9th September 2008, 01:39 PM
Interresting ! can you explain in a few words the purpose of " sod's law " ??

9th September 2008, 01:47 PM
To behonest this leads me to think that we are going to get a weeks notice or something of the sorts. The hype really hasn't been building for a game that is going to be released very soon :/

9th September 2008, 02:48 PM
Interresting ! can you explain in a few words the purpose of " sod's law " ??

Certainly. You might know it under the name of 'Murphy's Law' - basically whatever can go wrong, will go wrong. It's a meme based around the percieved perversity of the universe to screw things up :P

10th September 2008, 12:58 AM
It's pretty accurate when you think about it, but let's hope it isn't for HD. ;) :lol

10th September 2008, 07:37 AM
thanks for explanation ! Actually i knew it as "Murphy's law". Hope it won't be applied to WO:HD

Nadia Elenova
10th September 2008, 08:28 AM
It already has been applied several times, but looks like the wait finally comes to an end.

10th September 2008, 08:39 AM
Typical. I'll be off on holiday when it gets released :frown:
No opportunity to flaunt a platinum skin before everyone else. :P

Rapier Racer
10th September 2008, 11:17 AM
Where this update that was coming this week then? They are certainly taking their time in true Sony style tell us already damn it what are the waiting for. :frown:

"We better wait till Friday to make an announcement, because the wind will be blowing from the north."

10th September 2008, 02:12 PM
Best thing for now is to subscribe to the RSS feed here : http://blog.us.playstation.com/

It has just been updated, sadly today is (at least for now) about NBA09.

11th September 2008, 07:48 AM
Looks like Jeopardy is being released on the PSN today, so chances of WOHD releasing today look slim. As I figured they would be.

It's just annoying that it seems that although the game is finished they just won't release the bloody thing! You'd think that after all the delays they would do us a favour and launch it as soon as possible.

Sony should really try to remember that without (happy) consumers they would have no business.

11th September 2008, 08:10 AM
The game might still be undergoing final testing for approval, y'know? That it's finished doesn't mean it's approved yet.

11th September 2008, 08:23 AM
This is only speculation but also being my first post here I though i'd bring a glimour of light at the end of the tunnel


September 25 anyone :D

11th September 2008, 08:27 AM
The game might still be undergoing final testing for approval, y'know? That it's finished doesn't mean it's approved yet.

But review copies would not be 'out there' either.

11th September 2008, 09:01 AM
If you're reviewing a game, then you might get sent a beta version for review.

11th September 2008, 09:44 AM
Where's this update we were promissed this week then, I am getting bored or checking this thread all the time (no disrespect people!)

11th September 2008, 11:50 AM
I'm sure as soon as its released...there will be something on the front page of the zone curly...:)

Personally can wait just a little bit longer...just a little bit...my bets are on the end of the month...

11th September 2008, 12:46 PM
Some news here:

Don't know if this site is reliable though.
To sum it up:

WipEout HD should be available on September the 25th and cost around 15€...

Sounds too good to be true!

To me, the price is an excellent news: it will bring more people to our community, the game will probably be a huge PSN hit, and so we may have DLC (more tracks would be a good thing IMO, even remakes).
However I would have prefered a release date first....

11th September 2008, 06:34 PM
After seeing that Zone mode was gimped even FURTHER now than we were originally told and shown... on top of the endless delays... I'm starting to wonder if I care anymore.

11th September 2008, 06:47 PM
Where's the PSN store update? They're usually pretty good about being on time.

11th September 2008, 07:14 PM
Uhm, I wouldn't exactly call Zone mode 'gimped' - granted, they removed some of the visual fancy, like EQ billboards and some other trackside objects, but other than that, nothing has changed. Gameplay, changing colors, all of that is intact. Any other issues I'm not seeing?

11th September 2008, 08:56 PM

threespeech has news!!

Couple of items of news on WipEout HD, which we’re sure you’re all looking forward to… Firstly we know that it’s going to cost you £11.99. Secondly we’re expecting possible confirmation of the release date late next week, which is very exciting - so make sure you keep checking Three Speech.

11th September 2008, 09:54 PM
i'm very happy... incredible, yes the game out in two/three weeks maximum ! fantastic.

11th September 2008, 10:14 PM
I don't believe nuthin' 'bout nuthin' till I see it happenin'.

11th September 2008, 10:16 PM
It's happening right under your nose Lance ;)

11th September 2008, 10:28 PM
It isn't released until it's released, and that time is not yet.

11th September 2008, 11:09 PM

threespeech has news!!

Couple of items of news on WipEout HD, which we’re sure you’re all looking forward to… Firstly we know that it’s going to cost you £11.99. Secondly we’re expecting possible confirmation of the release date late next week, which is very exciting - so make sure you keep checking Three Speech.

Didn't Colin mention a definite date would be announced this week? :?

11th September 2008, 11:16 PM
Just a heads up - saw this trailer (http://www.gametrailers.com/player/39814.html?type=) last night (Gravity Ends) and it's apparently new. If you haven't seen it, it's worth checking out.... there's some really good stuff in there. (Apologies to those that know about this already, but i've never seen this one before). :)

11th September 2008, 11:30 PM
Didn't Colin mention a definite date would be announced this week? :?

Maybe they were planning a sept 11 release until someone realised that if they release wipeout hd, then they wouldn't be able to squeeze Jeopardy! in before christmas.

12th September 2008, 03:46 AM
...they removed some of the visual fancy, like EQ billboards and some other trackside objects...

Exactly... gimped.

12th September 2008, 07:48 AM
I'm going away for a week on sat, But i can see my self spending every day wondering if its gonna be the thurs i'm away it gets on the PSN...Oh well the sun and beaches should keep my mind at ease:lol

12th September 2008, 07:57 AM
The fruit is falling will know date in a week that funnie casue I though I read someone saying that a week ago.

also new ZONE change log video here before and after sorry if it's not new to you


12th September 2008, 12:58 PM
I cannot help myself anticipating when we'll have a look to this ENORMOUS thread which will probably increase 60k posts , with a huge feeling of nostalgy once we'll get finally this release date...


12th September 2008, 01:30 PM
Does anybody know roughly what time the PSN store update is on Thursdays?

12th September 2008, 01:36 PM
Actually there is no real update set time for psn store...usually its in the afternoon for people concerned by GMT

12th September 2008, 05:48 PM
So we know this is coming soon now. Excellent. Can anyone confirm if it will hit all regions on the same day?

12th September 2008, 10:17 PM
Actually there is no real update set time for psn store...usually its in the afternoon for people concerned by GMT

PSN store updates are scheduled for 6PM EST every Thursday.

13th September 2008, 12:47 AM
btw, 1up have a new wipEout HD video (http://gamevideos.1up.com/video/id/21421) up (displaying some rather terrible piloting). And the are now showing a relese date of October 15 (http://www.1up.com/do/gameOverview?cId=3161157) (a wednesday... :rolleyes: ) I sure hope they are as wrong as this looks to be.

13th September 2008, 01:51 AM
1up has had the release date listed as Oct 15th for about 2 months now.

RJ O'Connell
13th September 2008, 03:01 AM
Hey, wouldn't it be a great idea if the official websites were updated?

Or is it just me?

13th September 2008, 06:55 AM
...displaying some rather terrible piloting...

Well, he WAS flying a Harimau! :P

14th September 2008, 04:09 PM
I'd just like to go on record saying that I have a feeling that it will come out this Thursday. I woke up in the morning today and for some reason I just couldnt shake the idea of a suprise release this week. Wouldnt that be great? Anyways, this is totally based on my intuition, and just as I woke up. /rant ;)

14th September 2008, 04:29 PM
As much as I'd like to believe it, my money is still on the 25th.

14th September 2008, 04:36 PM
How much is that? ^^

14th September 2008, 04:47 PM
Well, it would be a lot, if I had someone to bet against! Volunteers? :D

14th September 2008, 04:55 PM
Find out then ;)

14th September 2008, 05:27 PM
Like I said, merely a gut feeling. With all the review copies out now, and all the media coverage.... Hell, the Movie Theatre in PlayStation HOME has been playing nothing but the WIPEOOUT HD trailer for the past 4 days.... I think its going to be this week.

14th September 2008, 05:38 PM
Bring it on then, I say! I sure couldn't think of a more pleasing way to lose money on a bet ;)

14th September 2008, 05:43 PM
Well I don't feel the same excitement as all y'all cuase I ain't got no PS3 yet!! So no matter when it comes out, I still won't be able to get it for a few more months!! Damn man, and I don't think their will be many people who want to play Pulse online too much anymore around that time... But I want to eventually buy the 80 gig PS3, it's all or nothing... you get what you pay for...

14th September 2008, 05:56 PM
I probably am heading out to get a PS3 this afternoon!

Hear that Sony? Wipeout => PS3 sales +1. Be good to this lil' franchise ;)

Regarding the release date-- and setting aside Wipeout HD for the moment-- I wonder if a sudden "shock release" could actually be a good thing? You know, suddenly it's available, there's an avalanche of posts on gaming message boards, and everybody goes online to buy / download the newly available software before people have a chance to think critically about what they are doing.

It would be a terrible idea with a traditional game release because people have to go to a store, plan ahead, etc. But for downloadable software, I wonder if a company could tap into the sense of excitement and hype that often accompanies new game announcements-- and avoid the inevitable backlash that comes when folks are disappointed for whatever reason.

Nadia Elenova
14th September 2008, 06:00 PM
Well, it would be a lot, if I had someone to bet against! Volunteers? :D
I'll take that bet: Nov 6th

14th September 2008, 07:54 PM
Oh please no! I would cry if that was true. I'm going on a trip to Orlando for 3 weeks on Nov 5th.
What's the wager, Nadia? ;)

14th September 2008, 08:10 PM
What's the wager, Nadia? ;)
c'mon, you bet your money, didn't ya? just be bold. make a start. ;D

14th September 2008, 08:37 PM
okay: €100 on September 25th. I'll only accept single dates for a bet. :mr-t

14th September 2008, 08:42 PM
What if your both wrong?

14th September 2008, 08:45 PM
Jee, don't be a fool. Even if I had insider info, I woulnd't bet on it.
Any reasonable amount could be some pool for a first league prize.
Just for fun. Or for starters. :)

Nadia Elenova
14th September 2008, 09:23 PM
I wasn't thinking in money:
The losers have to get a WO:HD press kit for the winner, is that ok? :P

15th September 2008, 07:09 AM
HAHA right! I'd rather give you 100€ than my presskit! (in case I get one, that is...) ;)
No, but seriously, you're right: money bets are boring. Have to come up with something - lemme think... How bout this: loser has to race the winner's team (ONLY the winner's team), until he/she unlocks Harimau, THEN has to race Harimau ONLY for 2 weeks! Now THAT's punishment! :D

Nadia Elenova
15th September 2008, 08:45 AM
O_O' I'll easily pay 100€ before that. :P

"Remember, remember, the 6th of November..."

15th September 2008, 08:59 AM
Me too! :D

15th September 2008, 09:13 AM
What if you don't bet money? what if the loser only gets the game 1 week after the release? XD THAT would be something priceless! and cruel lol

15th September 2008, 09:16 AM
That's just too cruel...

15th September 2008, 10:19 AM
It's OFFICIAL, 25/09 !!! W00t :rock


15th September 2008, 10:29 AM

My boss officially has ten days to buy a PS3 for his beloved employees 8)

15th September 2008, 10:31 AM
O yeah!!!

Gotta top up the account...I had it topped up but the bloody Amusement Park for Pain and the Death Magnetic Metallica Album Pack for GH3 got me this time...damn you PSN!!!

*rubs hands together*...the day is nearly here...

remember International Anti-Gravity Day peoples...22/11/08...as Nadia pointed out...lets put Sony's online infrastructure for WipEout HD to the test...go in all guns blazing...!!!

15th September 2008, 10:33 AM
ah this is wonderful

15th September 2008, 10:37 AM
Äntligen! :D:D:D

15th September 2008, 10:43 AM
FANTASTIK:robot 10 days to quit my job

15th September 2008, 10:51 AM

We all know where we'll be in 10 days!:lol

Hum one doubt though, is the date the same in Europe? I guess so but a word from Colin would sound good to me...

15th September 2008, 10:53 AM
Aaahaha...sadly I have a class I cannot skip out on from 9am to 4pm...which is quite depressing...

15th September 2008, 11:05 AM
W00t! Now where's my 100€, Nadia? ;)

15th September 2008, 11:20 AM
So that will give me about a week to finish 'Force Unleashed'.

Should be doable! :lol

15th September 2008, 11:25 AM
Well, that's manageable in 1 sitting actually...

15th September 2008, 11:46 AM
Finally!!!! :D good news!!!

15th September 2008, 12:14 PM
Just to highlight this news from Alcachofa.


Nadia Elenova
15th September 2008, 12:17 PM
W00t! Now where's my 100€, Nadia? ;)
I gave it to you already, don't you remember? :rolleyes:

15th September 2008, 12:18 PM
Brilliant!!!! I knew it would be the 25th :). Time to put £20 on my account :)

15th September 2008, 12:21 PM
Lol that was quick! Good news. I wont to know is when is the Euro store going to be updated. Don't wanna take a day off and not have the game available till the evening :P

15th September 2008, 01:13 PM

The Wipeout series is the main reason I bought my PS3 -- time to put in for some vacation time from work. :)

15th September 2008, 01:48 PM
just typical i go back to work on the 25th but at least its coming. wasnt the uk suppose to have release earlier than us?

15th September 2008, 02:22 PM
Hum one doubt though, is the date the same in Europe? I guess so but a word from Colin would sound good to me...
I share your fears.
Would like to have some confirmation on that from the european side.

15th September 2008, 02:46 PM
If anything, it would come out in Europe earlier, not later.
To celebrate the day, I made up a quick Assegai HD wallpaper, here (http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k166/eLhabib/wipEout%20HD/wallpaperassegai.jpg). (sorry, photobucket doesn't do preview pictures...)

15th September 2008, 02:49 PM
That is a common guess, but I don't really enjoy guessing. ;)

Nice job btw. :)

Yome NetSan
15th September 2008, 02:51 PM
I'll get it on the 25th even if I have to buy it from the US store !
Just can't wait !
I even took a day off on the 26th !

15th September 2008, 03:21 PM
Great news. he release the 25…. except that it is done by european developpers, and I am afraid which it did not release to Europe the same day!! and if it is not the same day, my VISA will not pass on the store US…. oh no please.

that would not be logical that it did not leave to Europe at the same time

Nadia Elenova
15th September 2008, 03:37 PM
Fear not, eLhabib is right, if it's not the same day it will be earlier.
BTW thanks for the wallpaper!!

15th September 2008, 03:39 PM
Just talked to Sony Austria - release date for Europe is the same.

15th September 2008, 04:21 PM
Glad to hear that-- worldwide simultaneous release! I hope this is a trend that continues for other PSN titles.

Well, I picked up a PS3 yesterday, got it all set up, have my PSN account connected, even downloaded the original Wipeout. So I should be set for next Thursday!

15th September 2008, 05:58 PM
Do we have a precise hour for updating PSN store ? I mean for Europe (GMT/ GMT+1)

15th September 2008, 06:22 PM
I don't know what time the conversion is, but in the U.S. it is normally 6:00 pm EST.

I bet money that with so many people pumped about this game, the servers will be going bonkers on day one. Probably be very difficult to download the game in any reasonable time. I put money on late Thursday night, friday morning before most downloads finish.

15th September 2008, 06:22 PM
Fantastic! date is the same, thanks elhabib for info and wallpaper.

i want play online with all fans ^^ (and i want a press kit please... but just in my dream).

15th September 2008, 06:42 PM
awesome news, now to buy a PS3!

15th September 2008, 06:53 PM
Finally the release date, we all have been waiting for! So the 25th of september. I am not able to get free from work on thursday, but luckely I only work in the morning on friday! So playing HD all the weekend! Zombie on monday for sure.:lol

15th September 2008, 07:49 PM
Somehow I doubt Sony will announce any PS3 price drop within the next 9 days, hm? :(

Rapier Racer
15th September 2008, 07:51 PM
Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet :P:P:P I've got that day off!! So now I can sit and painfully wait for 4-5pm to come round damn it why can;t they update sooner!!

Backup plan go out on the piss on the Wednesday night = get out of bed at about 1pm = much less waiting time. Sorted.

15th September 2008, 08:15 PM
I guess all of you, guys, will unlock phantom speed and extra content before i open the box of my new ps3 :g

15th September 2008, 08:17 PM
Damn man, and I don't think their will be many people who want to play Pulse online too much anymore around that time...

I'll still play it.

15th September 2008, 08:24 PM
I will still play Pulse online cos I just can`t afford to buy a PS3 yet:frown:


15th September 2008, 08:40 PM
Well, Stevie, pulse & pure can be sort of "HD training", untill you get a black box ;)

15th September 2008, 08:40 PM
Somehow I doubt Sony will announce any PS3 price drop within the next 9 days, hm? :(

I think it's more likely to be a price change of +100 [insert local currency unit]. ;)

15th September 2008, 09:26 PM
Here's an article on 1up saying September 25th.


Next thursday =P

RJ O'Connell
15th September 2008, 10:32 PM
But let's think about this in another way:


(sadly it's the same day as opening night for my first community theatre show, where's an Auricom clone when you need it?)

16th September 2008, 02:55 AM
I'll still play it.

I will still play Pulse online cos I just can`t afford to buy a PS3 yet:frown:


WOO-HOO!!! Rock ON!!! At least I won't be alone... I won't have nearly enough money for a PS3 for a good month and mabye a half after release, and I doubt HD will be anywhere near dead by then!! hahaha... :D

16th September 2008, 12:16 PM
woohoo, just bought my PS3! It came with Racedriver Grid? Roll on the 25th.

16th September 2008, 01:58 PM
Okay, eu.playstation.com confirmed the date.
I'm all calm now .... :hyper

16th September 2008, 02:27 PM
Long weekend for me for sure.

I'll take 26 september off from work, speak to my my wife to make her fully understand the situation, full charge both DS3's, and have this full immersion with WHD :)

16th September 2008, 03:06 PM
Finally the release date, we all have been waiting for! So the 25th of september. I am not able to get free from work on thursday, but luckely I only work in the morning on friday! So playing HD all the weekend! Zombie on monday for sure.:lol
Not only on monday but it will be the whole zombie weekend lol !!

Hopefully i ll be OK with my health ( not very good atm :( ) but i ll get there eventually.
25th september 2008 a date to underline in red in the Wipeout history.
Can't wait for next week. !

16th September 2008, 03:12 PM
Please can someone confirm roughly when the European store gets updated please. If it's random, then thats fine. But I need a time to see wether it's worth to take a full day off or not :).

16th September 2008, 03:18 PM
Hi All!

How much time are we going to spend in dwl the game from ps store?

How much big are the 'setup' file of wo hd?

....close down every other connections for make the fastest dwl of the game!!!

read you soon

Yome NetSan
16th September 2008, 03:20 PM
Please can someone confirm roughly when the European store gets updated please. If it's random, then thats fine. But I need a time to see wether it's worth to take a full day off or not :).

It's usualy at the end of the day : 17h-19h in France.
So I guess it's better to take friday off instead of thursday (as I did :) )

16th September 2008, 03:26 PM
lol Romano :)
i think Sony's upload bandwidth ( correct my speling guys) will limit our DL'ones.
i mean if there are too many pilots who want to DL it at the same time our DL speed will be reduced.
Eventually later at thursday we gonn ahave it ( me i ll have to wait to come back to Le Havre on friday afternoon to start the DL )

16th September 2008, 03:31 PM
It's usualy at the end of the day : 17h-19h in France.
So I guess it's better to take friday off instead of thursday (as I did :) )

Thanks mate, I've already taken Friday off which is sweet.

16th September 2008, 03:32 PM
Get better soon Asa :) because Chrithmas came sooner this year :D not 25th december but 25th September :D

PS! I GOT 2 PRESS KITS!!! anyone wants to buy one?
PS'2 - just kiddin' :P

Yome NetSan
16th September 2008, 03:43 PM
PS! I GOT 2 PRESS KITS!!! anyone wants to buy one?

ME ME ME !!! :D

PS'2 - just kiddin' :P

F... you !! :P

16th September 2008, 04:04 PM
Yome NetSan sorry XD I was being too much sadistic XD
as you all know, I don't have any lol

16th September 2008, 04:21 PM
you are serious for press kit ? i'm a big big big fan of serie ! Asayyeah can confirm that. ^^

16th September 2008, 04:24 PM
of course not. I don't have none :(

16th September 2008, 04:50 PM
Axel, here in Northern Ireland the store is available around 16.30 - 17.30 though it has on occasions been later.

16th September 2008, 05:18 PM
this news just made my holiday even better,,,gonna book the 26th off and get on line...:P

16th September 2008, 06:08 PM
i have a "friend" (he shall forever be known as "friend" after this day) who, despite really looking forward to playing wipeout for the first time since 3, wants the game to be delayed, just because I am and have been so excited by every wipeout release since 2097!

Friend Indeed.

Well here is to him being wrong!

16th September 2008, 08:22 PM
xtriko: ok.... it's not fun, you want my quake ? lol ^_^

17th September 2008, 11:27 AM
Ok well now that the date is out. I would at least like to see a count down timer on the wipeout HD page

17th September 2008, 10:45 PM
Ok well now that the date is out. I would at least like to see a count down timer on the wipeout HD page

Yes that'll be a good idea. BTW i love your username. Great film with a great car also (Ford Falcon XB i think).

Now we know the release date but what is the release time? Does the PSN store automatically updates itself like somthing like at 1200hours (midday) at GMT+0 time or is it something like at 0600hours exactly in each and every different timezone the PSN store updates itself then?

Would anybody know the answer to this question??

17th September 2008, 10:55 PM
It varies between Thursdays. Sometimes it is updated early, sometimes it is updated later. There is an official hour but I think it's almost never respected (I may be wrong, I'm not in the same timezone so it's harder for me to keep track of it). I know the hour has been told here, I just don't know where, a search is probably going to turn up some results.

18th September 2008, 10:40 AM
UK GMT it's usually around 4pm to 6pm. We are on BST at the moment. But as said above, the store has been known to update very early and i think we may see a early update next week.

18th September 2008, 09:29 PM
i've noticed down under at GMT+10 that the PSN is usualy updated between 9pm and 11 pm on a thrusday night.

19th September 2008, 11:53 PM
Can someone from sony verify if the launch will happen the same time in europe as the US? or not? I don't care about the date

20th September 2008, 05:22 PM
Can anyone who has played the online mode (or even the dev team =D) tell me if there is a numeric ping indicator in the online lobby?
Or is it as it usuallly is with console games that pings only appear in '3 dots'?

26th September 2008, 12:56 PM
That gives me one month to convince my boss to buy a PS3 and WipEout HD. He played the first WipEout, I think I have my chances. :g

My boss officially has ten days to buy a PS3 for his beloved employees 8)


Sorry for quoting myself, but this has turned out exactly how I hoped it would. :g

26th September 2008, 12:58 PM
A job well done :+ :D