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View Full Version : WipeOut 1,2,3 and Fusion ART!!!

18th August 2002, 03:45 AM
Hi Everyone,
I bet I got your attention with the 'Art' in the subject line there, I think the wipeout games themselves are absolute works of art yet finding still pictures and concept work by the designers can rarely be found and is usually average quality. I'm sure there are many loyal wipeout fans out there that would totally agree that we need maybe a database or a collection of high res or good quality images that we can goto and use etc.

What does everyone think?

I'm personally after images such as rare advertising posters and kewl cover art etc. (Stuff I can print out and put on the wall!).


18th August 2002, 09:17 AM
but i think we may get into copyrite conflicts. nevertheless would be one huge mediapool a good thing. but who will do this and provide the needed webspace? my aim was it at least to have a link to every small fansite (see http://pub26.bravenet.com/sitering/nav.php?usernum=2193065881&action=list&siteid=36381)

19th August 2002, 09:09 PM
right i really feel strongly about this as Graphic Design is my thing. most of you are aware that The Designers Republic http://www.thedesignersrepublic.com did the majority of the artwork for WipE'out", WipE'out"2097(XL) and Wip3out. there are bits of art all over the place. The Designers Republic have kept nearly all the 2D artwork from the series and show alot of it at any exhibitions they have. i recently bought a TDR exhibition catalogue that features work on display at the Barcelona exhibition this year(it's been and gone). now i could scan this and post it but it would be a serious breach of copyright. you can purchase the catalogue for £25 from the TDR shop http://www.thepeoplesbureau.com. there's not an awful lot of Wipeout stuff in it but there is a brought variety of TDR art work from their beginnings to the present. if you like Tyson i will send stuff as a personal favor to you but i can't really post it all on a site. i can gather alot of stuff. i've been trying to get ahold of some 3D work but it's near impossible to find. i wonder if TDR actually kept the 3D FMV work......[/url]

21st August 2002, 03:36 AM
Hi guys,
Yeah you brought up a good point there with the copyright issues, as having a genuine respect for these awesome artists I would never hesitate to pay for their work...

but yes putting it on the net would be a bit dodgy. Thanks for those links by the way, If anyone has anymore please don't hesitate to put them up!
