View Full Version : Hardcore Techno Track W/WipeOut 3 Samples!

14th August 2008, 02:58 PM
I have recently reposted a Hardcore Techno track i hade made with WipeOut 3 wav samples that were offered here, I usually dont promote my tracks or anything but i thought maybe a few fans might find it kinda cool. i only used the 3,2,1, go! samples but i might add more for the Remix. oooh, the ideas i have for it!

The track is called Reverse Overdrive (first one), enjoy!


14th August 2008, 08:14 PM
good stuff, although i liked Things Will Be Better more, which is strange as generally i am totally addicted to trance, with a bit of techno on the side to stomp around to if i am in the mood ;)

My only question is: where is the psy-trance?? :g

14th August 2008, 09:31 PM

Yes. Some genre of music cannot be defined, it is unique and a symbol by the artisit who created them.

Just like you i also like music from early Ridge Racer titles, that early mid 90s period where the music was more refined than the music from the previous decade but still had that raw character to it.

Cool music you have:g

15th August 2008, 04:51 AM
hey, thanks for the replies!

Rushin: I love trance alot too, but its funny cuz i cant make a trance song at all lol. but i do include trance elements in my dnb. =) very melodic style. its a nice break from the usual crazy evil dark dnb.

KIGO: thanks for the feedback. nice that you like Ridge Racer music too! in fact, it was the main influence for Reverse Overdrive. i used to like Rotterdam Nation 94 in Ridge Racer, and i wanted to make somethin similar.