View Full Version : Siren Blood Curse

27th July 2008, 11:17 AM
Iv been playin this game for a few days now and i absolutely love it. i think the episode structure is amazing and suits the game very well. does any1 else here have it?I wud like to Know ur thoughts on the game (positive or negative oh and spoiler free)
i think its the best thing to come out of PSN since Super Stardust HD well worth 20 quid

Dogg Thang
27th July 2008, 07:52 PM
I'm playing it at the moment. It is seriously creepy and the atmosphere is just superb. The enemies scare the hell out if me. But I have real problems with the control, along with the close camera and environments meaning I usually can't a thing. It's an awkward game to play and is hard for the wrong reasons.

I'm blown away by the atmosphere though.

28th July 2008, 05:23 PM
i had the same problem wiv the controls at first but i put the sensitivety down abit and that helped. also i found swapping to first person in houses works as well. anyway iv just finished the 7th episode and the controls seem alot more fluid now. my only other problem i find is the site jacking system wen it goes split screen it makes the games look so confusing plus the frame rate drops. but im hooked and am deffinetly gonna play to the end. what epi are u on now?

Dogg Thang
29th July 2008, 09:26 PM
I'm only on ep4 and the game scares the hell out of me. Probably the scariest game I've played so far. It might actually be a bit much for me - I only play it in small bursts.