View Full Version : What would you rather have?

6th July 2008, 06:30 PM
What would you rather have given the new choices

1) PS2 pulse, with all the tracks from pure and pulse


2) PS3 wipeout HD. with 8 tracks (are they reversable?) with online play

I would choose Wipeout HD at this point I think, but a hard decision

6th July 2008, 06:49 PM
Wipeout HD. I want.

And the tracks are not B/W in HD... That started and ended with Pulse.

6th July 2008, 10:12 PM
well well well
hard decision really. PS2 Pulse with ALL TRACKS FROM PURE AND PULSE would be pretty awesome! but then the thing that turns the tables in favour of HD is the online play. SO VERY important nowadays. oh and the shiny graphics of course... ;)

7th July 2008, 02:24 AM
i'd get both...but IF i were to choose one??? HD definitely because of online and I really wanna try this sixaxis control scheme, see how fluid I can fly anti-gravity with this sucker...

however...IF the PS2 Pulse had online, and done properly...hmmm...

graphics hasn't really been that important for me for WipEout anyway...I still prefer the 'retroness' of 2097, the minimalistic PS1 graphics suited the future cool genre quite well even though it was all probably due to hardware limitations as well...

7th July 2008, 03:48 AM
Sometimes, having only the essentials can keep you focussed on the important part, and because of that, can get you to perform better.

7th July 2008, 10:37 AM
graphics are just a bonus of course. if the PS2 remake of Pulse had online play, with all Pure and Pulse tracks as mentioned before, it would win easily.

7th July 2008, 11:39 AM
A PS2 variant of Wipeout Pure/Pulse would be good cause it appeals to a greater audience due to the total sales of the PS2 console since 1999, this would result in a greater percentage of sales therefore profits for Sony and SL. Would also good seeing the Pure/Pulse tracks on a console, lesser strain on the eyes.

But a PS3 further variant of Wipeout is required to continue the franchise development into the future and appeal to a greater audience of newer Wipeout fanatics.

Myself, personally what i would rather have Wipeout HD, but the decision comes close.

7th July 2008, 02:12 PM
My 1st choice will be focused on HD ( new wipeout on a new console with online mode ) and followed closely by pulse/pure ps2.

7th July 2008, 05:19 PM
how very good to hear, Arnaud! I was starting to think you weren't gonna get HD and won't be available online due to your new circumstances. Man, I think my longing for HD is actually a longing for those good old early Pure days... :rock

7th July 2008, 06:14 PM
i'd have to go with HD, only because i've played out pure and pulse for now, and i bought my PS3 for a few games...BUT mostly for HD :p

7th July 2008, 07:47 PM
Well, I'd have to pick the PS2 game (if it ever gets released - I'll believe it when I see it...), simply because I've already got a PS2 and can't afford a PS3. Financial reasoning all the way.

8th July 2008, 08:06 AM
I'd say Pure/Pulse on PS2. Pure tracks + Pulse gameplay = DO WANT

Call me crazy but I've got little intrest in Wipeout HD, just the same as I had little intrest in Gran Turismo HD, which was GT4 but prettier. I'd rather bide my time and wait for the finished product. That, and it'll give me a big reason to buy a PS3. ****, I bought my PSP so I could play Pure and Pulse...

8th July 2008, 10:45 AM
There is no 'final product' this time around. If wipEout HD doesn't sell, we can all forget the idea of a 'real' PS3 wipEout. That's the whole reason why wipEout HD wasn't released last September, as initially planned, because it had turned from an interims-project to a full-on title, hence they put in much more work than initially planned for it. (this is all educated guessing, by the way ;))
That's why you shouldn't put it on a level with GTHD, that's really just a teaser. Much more work has been put into wipEout HD.

8th July 2008, 11:07 AM
I remember those times... 1996, was in high school... In montpellier, france, sony commercials invaded nightclubs, installing WO arcade demonstrations... I bought an ag-sys shirt, I was happy... They were history. Now, this is summer, there's no commercials in nightclubs demonstrating hd... What happened? times have changed. And SL/sony needs commercials (volunteers lol?)