View Full Version : How is everybody?

25th June 2008, 05:30 PM
Hi all, just wanted to say hello in general as I feel kinda out of touch from the precious zone here, since I have no net connection at home anymore. :(
So, a quick update for you all, because I know most of you don't care but a couple here or there just might.:D

I haven't been playing any wipeout for about 2/3 months, since I decided to take Altima VII, it being a canadian track, and my hopes of getting Karbonis are pretty much crushed, lol! Broke out the black Neggie and a sweeter time was rarely had by me. Wheee! Smooth as silk, I couldn't believe the difference the small spring made on that track compared to the big white ones!

Anyways, been pretty busy in general just with work, still haven't got moved yet, finished off a novel and am now awaiting a rejection slip and returned manuscript...

And how is everybody else? I see Mad is a dad, and Asa has moved a bit closer to Paris now, hmmm. Easier to get to CDG airport now, perhaps?
I'm very glad to see Jabberjaw is now entering his myriads of inhuman times. Awesome!!
Anyways, I'll try to check in more often and hopefully get back online at home where I can potentially waste more time here!!

Happy racing.

25th June 2008, 05:51 PM
You finished the novel?! :o :8 8) I've only written 11000 words on a short story. :rolleyes:

Great to see you back, Izzy. :)

25th June 2008, 08:21 PM
I haven't been around much lately, too. I've been busy at work the whole time for the last months since our convention in amsterdam was over. I've switched to playing Monster Hunter Freedom on my PSP instead of wipEout and got my copy of Final Fantasy Crisis Core just a few days ago, so I guess there won't be much time to play wipEout for me in the near future, too.

There've also been quite a few financial problems in my girlfriends family, but I'm pretty confident that we'll get those issues solved pretty soon. My work is another story, though. I'm really thinking about quiting my job because of some recent developments at my company I'm not very pleased about.

I've become uncle for the second time, too! A few weeks ago my sister gave birth to her second child. The name of the beautiful girl is Hannah and she and my sister are both doing fine.

25th June 2008, 09:26 PM
Medusa!, once your connection will eventually be back on(hopefully), and WE do miss you!!! Keep posting if you can cos, I do enjoy your quirky comments ;)

Thomas, I do miss your posts as well but, you will get there in the end and hopefully meet you again in near future.


25th June 2008, 11:33 PM
I care, Isadora! We have missed you.:nod

But maybe not your times..... ;) Sometime at the end of last year I held every original wipeout record, PAL and NTSC, except for a few SR times I couldn`t get enough turbo fairy love for, and your awesome venom karbo lap, but now with Arnaud and Al chipping away on the NTSC times, then you knocking a hole the size of a large Canadian racetrack in them, and Enrique Lopez on PAL doing some serious venom damage, I feel I should try to get out my playstations from the cupboard, and maybe even a black neggie if the situation is desperate enough! Not sure if I will actually stop playing Everybody`s Golf to do this, and not sure if I want to feel the WipEout fear again after a 6 month break, but maybe! ;)

Congratulations on writing a novel, I`m hoping it fares well - don`t give up if you do get a rejection, press on! :)

RJ O'Connell
26th June 2008, 03:26 AM
^ Then there's me, still trying with all futility to keep up with my inferior D-pad.

And welcome back, Medusa. I can't wait to find the book in my local newsstands eventually. ^_^

26th June 2008, 04:51 PM
Isa : It's always a pleasure to feel that woman's presence when you are posting into the zone and i am very happy to know you back here :)

You right i moved to Beauvais ( pronunce 'Bovay' and not like Al is teasing me with 'beavis' ...and butthead :lol ) it's closer from Paris airports but also immediately at 5 min from the low coster Ryanair ( to visit for chea'p' my fellow european pilots & friends for short weekends)

I shall stay connected to the wipeout universe by playing ( of course ;) ) and also posting here every weekend.

Read you soon dear Medusa

26th June 2008, 07:13 PM
I coulda sworn it was more like 'bo veh' with a slight emphasis on the second syllable. Closer to an accent grave [ รจ ] than a long 'a' sound?

26th June 2008, 07:32 PM
with the 'ay' i meant like prononcing the ' hey!' or the end of w'ay'.
We might say bo-v-hey than bo-v-eh but it also depends on region where it's pronounced

26th June 2008, 07:37 PM
In the U.S., 'hey' and 'way' have the same vowel sound, the long 'a'.


But about Izzy.......... :)

26th June 2008, 07:54 PM
Back to Izzhey :P

26th June 2008, 10:10 PM
LOL, yes I even found Beauvais on my big carte de France... sort of off in its own little corner, isn't it? I always thought Beauvais was pronounced just as it is spelled: beau - vai(silent s) If it's a silent "s", do I still get to make the snake face as if I'm really saying it? :D

Ack, now Lunar has me paranoid. Please don't take out your playstation again! Or at least, just whip out the PAL one. Leave that NTSC one alone...:lol

Congrats Tomahawk, uncle again, wow. If ever you are bored, the little ones can sure keep you busy! I sure sympathize regarding the finances. It's way too hard to get out of the bottomless hole once you get even close to the edge...grr. Hopefully your job works out in the end! Like they say, a job is just a way to pay the bills so you can do what you really love. *play wipeout*

Heehee, Lancey, you're on the way to a novel with that short story. Hard to stop the pen - errr...keys?

26th June 2008, 11:26 PM
I'll write you an email about it. Eventually. ;) I never wrote anything that long in my life. My previous record for narrative was 1564 words, or just about that.

26th June 2008, 11:32 PM
I commend you for counting that high. ;)
(Okay, I'll stop being such a wise... now, I promise!)

26th June 2008, 11:36 PM
I use Crimson Editor to count it for me. :g

27th June 2008, 10:05 AM
Don`t worry, Medusa, I don`t think I`m likely to race NTSC soon, and besides I`m not sure I would beat any of the new times.

btw your Altima/Venom/Qirex/TT is fantastic - it took me quite an effort to beat Rory`s time, and you have cut a major chunk off.

RJ O'Connell
27th June 2008, 02:41 PM
It was so great being the only person that took the WO1 tables seriously. Al actually PMed me about how I was able to go so fast on Altima VII with a D-Pad.

Then I got competition...*sigh* at least I can still brag to my friends that I'm a top-ranked pilot in the world. ;)


27th June 2008, 09:28 PM
Hey, welcome back Medusa :)

Fingers crossed you get a positive response with the book :+

swift killer
28th June 2008, 05:33 PM
I'll be back in 2 weeks (not that im on here as often), I'm going on a cricket tour of Wales!

29th June 2008, 08:45 AM
Hi Medusa,

Nice to hear something from you. So you are doing well and you finished a book, great! Congratulations, I hope it will work out for you. So you are still in love with the first Wipeout :nod and you sold your PSP:brickwall! I hope we will see you back online with Wipeout HD on the PS3?!:banzai

Being a dad is great! Now I have 7 weeks holiday together with my wife. We are both teachers and school holidays rock!!! So 7 weeks of relaxing and enjoying together with Jonathan. He is a really easy going guy! So maybe I will have some time to play some Wipeout during these weeks and try to smash some records :g

Okay read you soon, greetz Mad-Ice

1st July 2008, 09:32 AM

Thanks for the update and good luck with the publisher!
Btw... What's the novel about?

Hope you get more free time to race your favourite ship on your favourite track. ;)

2nd July 2008, 09:32 PM
Heheh, Mad-Ice, I don't think a PS3 is anywhere in the near future for me. Unless they start giving them away with BurgerKing combo meals... "You want to make it a large?" I can only imagine. ;D
Summer holidays!!!! Enjoy that precious time with your new little one and wife.

BTW, infox, how's your knee coming along?

Sorry borell, I'm keeping the story a bit under wraps...hopefully wipeout fans will find something to like in it, that much is for sure.
I will for sure say more once I find out if it's publishable/not. I don't think it's good telling everyone what a story's about if it's terrible in the end and I don't want them to read it - I may end up renaming it "Low Expectations", then maybe it will get a better response??
And yes, Karbonis is always beckoning. So much so that I'm afraid to turn on the playstation in case I lose another four months of my life chasing a 2:07:1 time. (Yes, I sadly do have that memorized. It haunts me always.:D )

"It was so great being the only person that took the WO1 tables seriously." LOL, RJO - to be honest, your awesome times spurred me on to revisit the game...for the NegCon's honour and all. And besides - I know I can go faster, I know it!