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View Full Version : Wipeout emulation

17th July 2002, 11:44 AM
I doubt anyone else here has even tried this, but I figured I'd give it a shot.

Has anyone got the PSX version of Wipeout to work O.K. emulated on the PC?

I'm using ePSXe and the other 2 wipeouts work beautifully (especially 3, man, all the details I've never seen :o), but on the first one, whenever I come up to a hill, the game just seems to love to studder along at a slower pace and a lower framerate (until I'm over the hill).

I've tried playing around with the options on Pete's DirectX and OpenGL plugin's, but nothing I can change seems to fix it.

And man, this sucks too, because the real PC version of Wipeout sucks @$$, the PSX version looks 10 times better on my PC. Shoot, even the PSX version of Wipeout XL is better, mostly because I get the right textures, the way they were meant to be, and my game doesn't run at 5 times the normal speed. I can actually play this one.

And Wipeout 3, it just looks great. I especially love messing around in the wireframe mode, kinda reminds me of Tron, except you had better know the track, because you can't really see where the heck it is you're going. :lol

And also I noticed that playing Wipeout 3 in my PC has made some changes to the game.

Like when I play it on the PSX, for the ships statistics, it uses the 13/23/33/43/53 system, but when I play it in my PC, it changes to a 01/02/03/04/05 system. And no, I'm not even joking, I'll even take a pic of it if you want. ;)

Asche XL
17th July 2002, 07:01 PM
Where'd you get the emu's for xl and 3 ?

care to share 'em?

17th July 2002, 07:46 PM
WO1 is the one i need for PC since the cracked version of the computer version i had quit working and looked horrible anyway. my cracked version of XL for PC works fine, and looks great, best looking game i have.

and why couldn't Sony keep publishing these, anyway?

18th July 2002, 07:39 AM
Where'd you get the emu's for xl and 3 ?I use the original PSX CD's I have. If you have the game for the Playstation already, then all you need to do is have the emulator itself (ePSXe, in my case), the proper plugins, and the PSX bin file, then just insert whatever PSX game you want to play, and start her up!

and why couldn't Sony keep publishing these, anyway?Well, if they wanted to spend their money elsewhere, then I don't understand why they don't just hand it to some one else.

I mean, Midway published Wipeout 64, and Bam! published Wipeout Fusion here in the states, should've found someone for a PC/Mac version of Wipeout 3.

But wait a second, you have the PSX version of Wipeout 3 already, Lance. You can just emulate it! It'd look as good as any PC version would have, juding by Wipeout XL, at least.

The PC and the PSX emulated versions of Wipeout XL are almost identical, with the exception of the PSX version being able to run at a wider range of resolutions, having the right textures for ads and stuff, and in my computers case, running at the right friggin speed!

I'll have to take some screenshots of each and show you what they look like.

18th July 2002, 04:33 PM
G, i'm happy with WO3 on the PSX. it's WO1 that i need/want. i have the zip file of ePSXe 1.4, but have never installed it!

i'm not familiar with emulation, but i think what i need is called an image or ROM image, or something like that. ?
and apparently ''the proper plug-ins, and the PSX bin file.'' :)

screenshots would be cool

19th July 2002, 11:32 AM
Lance:you'l need RoM omage only if want to play wipeout 64. for the PSX emulaion you'l need epsxe installer pack( http://www.psxfanatics.com/pafile/pafiledb.php?action=category&id=3 )with the latest versions of the most common plugins,and the emulator, and a BIN file ,corse . The giude is good, also ( http://help.psxfanatics.com/emuguides.php?req=viewarticle&artid=3 )

PS:Im just happy when im playing wipeout3 with epsxe and PSX pad ....... :lol: :lol: :lol: :D

19th July 2002, 02:50 PM
thanks mator. i'll check out the site today!

Asche XL
22nd July 2002, 12:42 AM
This sh*t is so confusing, I'll never figure it out...

22nd July 2002, 07:24 PM
Asche, i have somewhat the same reaction. i keep seeing things like ''no sound'' and '' menus only work on alternate thursdays'', and ''you need the automandibular patch, which should be available at [url]'' and when you go to [url], you get 404, nor found. sheesh!

23rd July 2002, 06:41 AM
LOL, you want to see something difficult, try to use the L.A.M.E. mp3 encoder. LOL, there's no way I would want to waste my time learning that thing. Thank goodness for front ends, or else I'd have to use some sucky program to encode.

Anyway, I haven't had any real problems emulating anything, save for the Wipeout problem I stated above, and that I can't use ZSNES to play Weaponlord (I have to use SNES95 just to play that game :\)

23rd July 2002, 02:45 PM
so you're saying that there's a reason they call it LAME? i take it that the program's creators had a sense of humour

what does L.A.M.E. stand for, anyway?

24th July 2002, 12:20 PM
what does L.A.M.E. stand for, anyway?

= (L)AME (a)int an (M)P3 (E)ncoder

(typical linux recursive definition)

24th July 2002, 03:09 PM
ah, self-referential within the definition, like a lot of philosophies that don't really make sense :D

thanks for the info AJ

Hybrid Divide
24th July 2002, 04:07 PM
I found a copy of WipEout 1 a few months back, but it seemed to require an ATI Rage 3D card. If anyone knows a way around that, I'd greatly appreciate it! Even IF it looks like ****! It was a good find at only $3 !

Vagrant Logic OUT

24th July 2002, 04:30 PM
the way around that is to send me a copy of your wipeout with the ati, cuz ive never seen one and i have an ati rage 3d card!! ill send you a copy of my non-ati wipeout, and then provided you have the psx wipeout just copy the pc cd i send on your hard drive and then put the psx disc in your cd rom drive to play.