View Full Version : Sony to release PS3 WipEout HD bundle!1

1st April 2008, 03:47 PM
More info on Eurogamer: http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=1234567890


Ally Graham
1st April 2008, 04:25 PM
April fool anyone?

Rapier Racer
1st April 2008, 04:25 PM
Cooooooool!!! Oh I want it despite my already owning a PS3, you can never have too many right??? lol does that say 200GB?

1st April 2008, 04:30 PM
Great work on the box art, you can hardly tell it's been photoshopped!

1st April 2008, 05:46 PM
Heheh, that might even be affordable.:g Beautiful picture. And it's silver too, ooh lala...
Good one.

1st April 2008, 05:49 PM
really nicely made.. ;) only the "2000gb" without light reflexes made me think that it could be a fake

1st April 2008, 06:54 PM
Where is the new NeGcon in that bundlejoke?!?!? :mr-t

Albino Ace
1st April 2008, 08:03 PM
Too bad its only a well-made joke: since I don't have a PS3 yet, it would've been perfect. :P

1st April 2008, 08:29 PM
Too good to be true. :brickwall

1st April 2008, 08:35 PM
haha nice april fools, even if it was true though. i got my ps3 already, alls i got to do is DL wipeout the day it drops and take the day off of work!

...100th post!!! WOOOO!!!

1st April 2008, 09:16 PM
Where is the new NeGcon in that bundlejoke?!?!? :mr-t

http://www.omamoka.com/stuff/april_wipeout_hd_ps3_negcon2_bundle_fool_here_it_i s.jpg

1st April 2008, 09:26 PM

1st April 2008, 09:39 PM
lmfao...that made my night indefinetly :clap:clap

2nd April 2008, 01:52 AM
Hannu you are the man of the day :D

2nd April 2008, 03:31 AM
Gotta repeat Skvall's response on this one:


3rd April 2008, 06:06 AM
:g Im in for one now! but....

That new NeGcon is not going to be as sensitive as the original, i can see its wearing a rubber :g

3rd April 2008, 08:11 AM
Sony if you are reading this thread 'I would buy the Wipeout HD with Neggie PS3 in an instant'

3rd April 2008, 06:57 PM
...very nice... Now let's see Paul Allen's card...

Spaceboy Gajo
8th April 2008, 02:59 PM
I successfully avoided the Inetnet on April 1st, because of the shenanigans on that day.

So I come here the day after and I completely forgot about April Fools Day and got excited that Sony heard my prayers. I was so getting a PS3 sooner than I thought because of the bundle.

Then I realized it was too good to be true. I mean, they released a Pure bundle. Why not one for the PS3. It would save me the download.

Also the 200 Gb hard drive is not that far fetched. You could always swap it out ;)

Seriously Sony, I'll buy a PS3 just for the bundle. Perhaps Al could get one two for his museum :D

9th April 2008, 03:39 PM
May have to draw the line on a 400$ museum piece. It would beat the previous piece by 330$ :)

11th April 2008, 03:36 AM
i have this thing with hardware, drawing stuff like leadholders and that iron man figure i wanted so badly...

...problem is in the case of the drawing stuff if you get them cheap, you start buying quantities...

however my economical condition and my conscience keep my desires at bay (birthday and christmas self gifts do not count)

11th April 2008, 06:49 PM
''birthday and christmas self gifts''

:rock I love those! It was too early economically to give myself one for the birthday, but if all goes well, I may get self something for Christmas. It'll be the first time in several years.

18th April 2008, 03:42 AM
i hope you can get yourself what you want Lance, may i ask what is it you want to get? (quite curious)

i will go first: this is what i got for myself last month (at about 15 dollars not shipped), i love it.


and something i sketched with it + a 2mm leadholder:


18th April 2008, 03:07 PM
New desktop computer is number one on the list. And a digital channel television receiver will be a necessity whether I desire it or not.

18th April 2008, 06:42 PM
new desktop PC, nice, now thats a big self gift,

btw, you need to try a wifi internet connection when that happens, if you have anyone transmitting nearby you can cling to it, free and probably faster than dial-up.

18th April 2008, 07:01 PM
that is possibly illegal you know...

18th April 2008, 09:20 PM
I live in the middle of a residential area of single-family homes, each on its own tiny little bit of land, and I'm pretty sure that my neighbors don't have wireless.

The desktop is not that big a gift since it will be an internet research tool and communication device, hence fairly low spec, not a high capacity games machine. I don't like games on generalised computers. Much prefer consoles.


That Koh-i-Noor leadholder looks like it could hold at least a quarter-inch lead, not just a mere puny 2mm. :D

19th April 2008, 01:43 AM
omega329: like you said, possibly, possibly not, ie if its a public service, or if some nice neighbor leaves the connection open for sharing.


Lance: the possibilities that give a newer pc in spite of its non gaming specs are big enough to consider it a big gift.

About the Koh i Noor: you are right, this one holds 5.6mm leads, sometimes i use it in conjunction with a 2mm to add a little detail to sketches, i still cant believe thin leads have taken over (anything below 0.9), 2mm leads are way more versatile and less prone to breaking, not to mention they can handle softer graphite (i like soft ones, you can get darker tones without murdering paper) i have never seen a 9B thin lead.

i have a 12mm lead leadholder, and its a lot fun of for big surfaces, although handling its leads is a mess (sharpening, getting edges, residue, etc.) but its definitely cleaner than handling them with the naked hand.