View Full Version : CoLD SToRAGE - New Album Released... "Android Child"

27th March 2008, 03:56 PM
Hi Guys,

Just dropped in to let you know that I've finally released my new Album!

Well, it's taken 2 years to create and is a more 'personal' album, inspired by the life's crappy sticks and golden sunsets.

I've dedicated this album to my father-in-law, who died of cancer last year. He was only in his 50's, so it really makes you take stock of your own life too...

'MELT' was the coming together of some existing tracks as well as new ones, but Android Child was built from the ground up as one project, so the tracks should sit well together.

I'm excited, but also a bit nervous! I guess time will tell if people like it or bin it. LOL!

Also, just to quash any rumours... sadly I'm not featuring on Wipeout HD.


Well, this is just my guess... I think perhaps some exclusive deal was hatched with the music suppliers whereby there could be no externals. Maybe I'm wrong, but it's a bit odd to be welcomed with open arms to do Wipeout Pure and then, even after offering on a number of occasions, to be overlooked for Pulse and H.D.

In any case, I may have a plan in terms of music tracks for Wipeout H.D. Watch this space... or in fact www.coldstorage.org.uk in terms of this coming off. ;O)

Thanks for your time!

27th March 2008, 03:59 PM
Nice one Tim, I'll be sure to check the new album out. :+

27th March 2008, 04:00 PM
Thanks for the news, Tim! This is good to know. (And just so you know, you're my preferred artist on the Wipeout Pulse soundtrack.;) Some things you have to do all by yourself.)

Dogg Thang
27th March 2008, 04:02 PM
Thanks Mr.Storage. I bought it earlier and already love it! There are more vocal songs on this one and they work incredibly well. Some of my favourite tracks on MELT seemed almost Tangerine Dream-like in a way (I probably commented on that at the time). It seems you've really run with that, heightened the emotional content, moved in that Tangerine Dream direction and yet made it your own.

I love it. Looking forward to having a few more good listens to find my favourites, though Tell It To Me stood out instantly.

Rapier Racer
27th March 2008, 04:04 PM
Sweet I'll be taking a look at that!

As for them not featuring you on the Pulse/HD soundtrack it's a crime and Sonys loss I can think of a few tracks that need removing off the Pulse list and someone needs sacked at Sony.

Maybe the mysterious PS3 Wipeout will feature yourself, there will be cold storage on the HD soundtrack though, custom play lists ensure it :nod

27th March 2008, 04:11 PM
Hi, Tim. :) It's always good to hear that you've made new music available. Good luck to you on the new album.

27th March 2008, 04:59 PM
Well with wipEout HD having the option of custom soundtracks, I'm gonna be listening to Cold Storage while racing anyway! ;)

28th March 2008, 10:04 AM
Great, finally new stuff!

28th March 2008, 04:36 PM
I am glad you don't forget your wipeoutzone familie, be sure i am gonna check your new wonder CD soon ;D

28th March 2008, 04:37 PM
wow, can't imagine you were a member of the site! i really like your previous music, just glad to hear some new stuff.

31st March 2008, 07:14 AM
looking forward to hearing this,.. thanks for some great music throughout the wipeout series.

2nd April 2008, 09:44 AM
Great news Tim, looking forward to hearing the new album!!
And like Medusa your music is what I listen to when playing Pulse, wipEout ain't wipEout without CoLD SToRAGE . . . it was meant to be :nod

13th April 2008, 11:03 AM
Many thanks for all the kind words of support, and to those who laid out your hard earned for Android Child, I hope you're enjoying the album. It was a bit of a 'personal journey' album as opposed to my more racy Wipeoutesque stuff, but the music was in me and needed to get out(!)

I'm currently working on something a lot more along the Wipeout lines, and hope to have a much shorter gap than MELT > Android Child. ;O)

BTW, I discovered that I wasn't so much 'overlooked' as 'elbowed out' in terms of appearing on the Wipeout titles. Apparently it was all down to exclusive licensing deals, whereby all content had to come from one source, so there was no chance of anyone else getting on board with the past few titles. Good to know it wasn't down to lack of interest in me - just cash & economics. Still unfortunate though, as I really get a kick out of creating tracks for the Wipeout Franchise. :OD

I'm not privvy to how long this exclusivity lasts, but I do know it's all handled by Sony London, as the Liverpool people only deal with developing the product these days, and all music is handled by SCEE H.Q. So you know where to send any letters/e-mails of encouragement for my inclusion(!) ;OP

Thanks again guys... it's great to know I'm still keeping you entertained!

Sincere best wishes,

23rd April 2008, 12:32 AM
Yeah I'm going to be listening to CoLD SToRAGE in WipEout HD no matter what Sony thinks about you :g Your music is great and in my opinion corresponds the best to WipEout's atmosphere.
Hopefully you will be able to get back onto the WipEout franchise, but if not, since most games support custom soundtrack I will make sure you have a spot in them ;)

23rd April 2008, 10:51 PM
Agreed. Tim, Wipeout isnt right without your music at all. The music for Pulse IMO was very dull and tuneless. Pure was a lot better, Onyx being the best tune.

If im honest tho i wasnt keen on Melt really, but will download the new stuff when i got some cash. Pretty much love so much of the music you have done tho.

3rd May 2008, 11:18 PM
Thanks for the moral support!

Just to keep you apace of goings on...

"CoLD SToRAGE HD" an ideal accompaniment to a soon to be released PS3 fast paced HD racing title <cough!> is firmly in the works with 2 x tracks mastered, and at least another 5 in the works...

I'm hoping to coincide the launch of this (sadly non-official) album with said PS3 game. ;O)

Once all the tracks are mastered I'l be featuring a montage on www.coldstorage.org.uk and hoepfully they'll get a warm reception(!)

Cheers guys!

Rapier Racer
3rd May 2008, 11:26 PM
That sounds pretty sweet can't wait for it! :nod

In the meantime Cold Comfort is ringing out on my Pulse CS, rock on and all that :guitar

4th May 2008, 12:16 AM
Great news man! this will make WipEout HD so much more awesome since it only features nine tracks (sadly). :)
Looking forward to your album.

4th May 2008, 12:16 AM
Wow, that is NICE to hear! Can't wait for your contribution to my custom playlist!

4th May 2008, 02:06 AM
Good news!!

15th May 2008, 09:56 AM
"CoLD SToRAGE HD" an ideal accompaniment to a soon to be released PS3 fast paced HD racing title <cough!> is firmly in the works with 2 x tracks mastered, and at least another 5 in the works...

I'm hoping to coincide the launch of this (sadly non-official) album with said PS3 game. ;O)

Cheers guys!


21st June 2008, 12:25 PM
If this interests anyone, Tim did an interview with OCRemix back in May, talking about his experiences with VGM composing. It's a pretty interesting read.

"My worst moment would probably be turning up for work at Psygnosis when they had their offices in Century Buildings in the Liverpool docks, only to find a white faced producer standing in the hall next to a smashed door to the main office:
“What happened, Steve?”
“We’ve been burgled...”
My heart sank.
“Is all my music kit gone?”
“Yes. All of it”.
Luckily, Mike Clarke and I always took our Amiga A1200 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amiga_1200)’s home with us, so we hadn’t lost anything, but others were not so fortunate. I say we were lucky, but we did have our own synthesizer keyboards in work, which had been stolen. Psygnosis eventually decided to pay us for these, and so we got to go out and buy some new kit, so the story kinda ended OK."

22nd June 2008, 08:51 AM
Interesting. Ive always been interested in Cold Storage. The music Cold Storage makes was one of the forces that pulled me into the addiction of Wipeout. I could always tell if a tune was made by Cold Storage because Cold Storage music always had that distinct characteristic that no other artists had, making it unique and supierior to other artists in this music genre.

Im going to get this album cause i haven't listened to Cold Storage for a while, been busy listening to Ministry of Sounds. Thats got me thinking, heres an idea why dosent Sony Recordings get an artist to make a compilation purely for Wipeout genre music. Featuring artists like Cold Storage, BT, Sasha, Future Sound of London, Orbital, Pendulum, Prodigy, Mason, Eric Prydz, Mark Dynamix, Kraftwerk, Aphex Twin, Booka Shade, Plump DJs, i could go on. That CD would be a sweet seller. Guys seriously think about putting this idea into production.

Spaceboy Gajo
26th June 2008, 04:46 AM
By the sounds of it KIGO1987, if you gave Sony a sure fire idea they'd reject it and try to make as much money by putting the least amount into it. At least when it comes to marketing and Wipeout.

Correct me if I'm wrong guys and girls, but a Wipeout compilation/soundtrack has only been released twice? Those being the XL Soundtrack and the one that was released for Pure.

Any ways, Tim's music is on my wishlish. Especially the official unofficial album for Wipeout HD ;) :D

26th June 2008, 10:18 PM
Well, there was a release of the original wipeout's soundtrack, and W3O had a promotional release but I don't think it was ever actually for sale on its own.

Just to be nerdy.White and nerdy.

Spaceboy Gajo
3rd July 2008, 04:06 AM
Nerd away Medusa, nerd away ;)

That's why it's a good thing to have a forum like this. To enlighten and edutain others :D

PS - I think I remember the Original Wipeout Soundtrack. Barely...