View Full Version : AudioSurf, Future/Racer/Music/Puzzle

15th February 2008, 01:02 AM
Just found this game on Joystiq, it looks Vunderful/Intense
main site: AudioSurf (http://www.audio-surf.com/), the game reminds me of an old game I had on my gameboy called Klaxx, but with a F-Zero/WO shell, You choose your own song and Audiosurf will generate a track from it, kinda like Vib Ribon I guess
couple vids I found on youtube Bowie: Space Oddity (http://nz.youtube.com/watch?v=HH8iTd87GhU), System of a Down: Chop Suey (http://nz.youtube.com/watch?v=aTOFdPY9I9E&feature=related):rock

This Video preview may be sonicly more to a Wiper's likeing (http://nz.youtube.com/watch?v=JROWtJgdHkY&feature=related)

zer0shen 0ut

19th February 2008, 10:51 AM
I have heard that this is coming to the 360 as an XBLA game..

26th February 2008, 07:18 PM
I've been planning to download the demo, I just keep forgeting

27th February 2008, 06:43 AM
so far the most nuts of the songs I've tried (demo only so far) is Fluke - Atom Bomb

27th February 2008, 06:40 PM
Hi guys, yesterday a friend showed me a video of this amazing program for the PC, which has a nice WO feeling, just check this video ;)


I'm getting the demo now, I'll check if it really works this good, and if it does, I'll most likely get the full version, only 10 bucks 8)

If you are interested in getting this demo yourself to give it a try, here's Steam's link to the Audiosurf site :+


Hope you like it! :D

EDIT: I noticed I posted this in the wrong section, could someone please move this to the offtopic discussion?
Sorry for the trouble!

EDIT2: This happens for getting excited about something having not read the forum before... ¬¬'


Please forget I ever said anything about this :P

Sorry mods!

14th March 2008, 11:50 PM
This game is totally worth the 10$! I downloaded the demo from Steam a few weeks back, and I bought it almost immediately afterward. One of the best parts of the game is that it tracks High Score for every song that is played. For the most part you can count on someone else playing the same song as you (provided you tagged your music correctly).

Also, another cool feature is that if you had the #1 score on a song and someone beats you, the game e-mails you telling that they did. It makes things really addicting.

15th March 2008, 12:38 AM
It's an awesome game. Well worth the 10 bucks imo. Buy it! Support the indie developers who make awesome games :)
So far the most nuts song i've tried is Atari Teenage Riot - Speed.

15th March 2008, 11:52 AM
We have explosive and Under the influence have worked fine for me. :D

15th March 2008, 11:53 PM
I tried Under the Influence on Ninja Mono before, and the only coloured blocks were on that long extended drum beat (i dont know how to describe it, sounds a bit like TSSST, TSSST, TSSST)

16th March 2008, 05:21 PM
Yeah, that's why i liked it. :D

Spaceboy Gajo
27th March 2008, 05:41 AM
Thought I'd mention that just before reading this post I was listening to the PC Gamer podcast and they were describing the game. Wipeout was mentioned as AudioSurf being a cross of our beloved franchise and Guitar Hero. Hopefully when I get my next rig I'll try this out along with my MP3s :D The videos look amazing!

5th July 2009, 08:47 PM
I kind of feel guilty for resurrecting such an old thread, but hey, it's better than starting a new one on the same subject, isn't it? :eek

Anyway, It would be interesting to see what other Wipeout players enjoy playing in AS, so if any of you are still playing this game, post your in-game name, especially if you enjoy surfing to progressive rock songs! Mine is the same as my PSN ID.

On a side note: this is the only game I'm still playing for the PC, and the best value-for-money one at that... just like WOHD on the PS3. :rolleyes:

5th July 2009, 08:55 PM
I still play Audiosurf (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blO331VGWIA&feature=PlayList&p=A19B1F55C0859BFE&index=0&playnext=1).
I'll see if I can upload another track today. Though I don't play much rock.

21st August 2009, 09:31 AM
Finally managed to upload a video I made 2-3 weeks ago on my favourite CoLD SToRAGE song. It's not ninja mono, so beware, eye-melting fast-paced puzzle action warning! ;)


It's not the top score for the track, btw. but pretty close. I'll probably dethrone the guy on top just for kicks, but I didn't feel like recording another run and it causes horrible video lag, so it takes away from the fun. :/

21st August 2009, 09:51 AM
sny is this track from original Wipeout game from Psygnosis?

21st August 2009, 10:02 AM
Yes, as far as I know. You can download all of CoLD SToRAGE's songs featured in WipEout from his website at http://www.coldstorage.org.uk/. :)

21st August 2009, 03:50 PM
Jesus, I can't even play these in Casual, let alone Elite. D: Nice job.

Here's my newest video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PhtLo3W-tI0&fmt=22)... Pales in comparison :redface: You will recognize the song though.

21st August 2009, 08:08 PM
Actually, I find tracks like that Noisia one the toughest ones to play on, those sudden slow-downs and speed-ups are ruining my race all the time! :brickwall It would probably take me like half a dozen to stealth that track, so it's not a bad run at all. :)

I'm gonna try it with ironmode pusher elite this weekend, if only just for practice. I might end up recording the run if it goes well, though.

21st August 2009, 08:55 PM
i LOVE me some audiosurf!! my highscore name is "triplekill" so just try and beat my w01 coldstorage scores

21st August 2009, 10:03 PM
I would love to play this game, but I unfortunately don't have a machine capable of running it. I remember seeing it when it first came out, I wish they had made a console version :/

21st August 2009, 10:15 PM
They have a new graphics setting, called "Minimal." Gets rid of everything but the track and the blocks, think this could work? Grab the demo (http://store.steampowered.com/app/12910/) and test it out.

24th August 2009, 03:30 AM
thanks Dark, been waiting ages for this(I'm assuming it was the netbook compatible option I heard talks of a few months ago)
I love the game, but my laptop has trouble handling it sometimes, the only other problem with it is having to be online to play the damn thing *Ghrrr*

anyone tried it with a neGcon?, I used a PS2 to USB adapter and set it up with Xpadder, the centre moved around a bit but it was fun when it worked


25th August 2009, 09:14 AM
Woop Dee Doop!

http://www.wegame.com/watch/Audiosurf_SupraDarky_Woop_Dee_Doop_G_A_M_E_3_0_Wip Eout_Edition/

And my YouTube playlist ^^

It's sad that YouTube deleted my attempt at "Through the Fire and Flames"

26th August 2009, 04:12 AM
Okay, here's a run on Machine Gun by Noisia using Pusher Elite... this time in HD. :rolleyes: As I suspected, the track turned out to be very difficult, but it had more to do with the crazy amount of traffic at some points and the colour distribution of tiles than the speed-ups and slow-downs. As a result, I could only make relatively few clean matches, but at least I kept the chain combo going almost all the way to the end.


26th August 2009, 08:17 PM
man i love this game :g

5th October 2009, 11:03 PM
has anyone checked out the new patch? you now have a personal page with some basic stats, and the front end has a dethroned tab to see who has beaten your scores and by how much. you can check out other players profiles too so stalking people who beat your scores has never been easier! there are also in depth statistics for scores post patch so you can see how people got their scores though it is kind of dense.

5th October 2009, 11:55 PM
Yeah I noticed the new update. Didn't know it was so in depth. Still, I'm playing fairly obscure music and champion on each of them :lol So not much use. :/

6th October 2009, 11:20 AM
360/PS3 version plz.

6th October 2009, 12:11 PM
I wish
it's coming out for the Zune HD, so you just may/might perhaps be in luck AG-Wolf


Sel The Don
6th October 2009, 04:34 PM
This game looks seriously up my street. Can I download it from the Playstation Store?

6th October 2009, 08:56 PM
I got it (http://www.audio-surf.com/) from Steam (http://store.steampowered.com/app/12900), don't think its available anywhere else, for now its only out on pc as far as I know.


7th October 2009, 04:21 PM
This game NEEDS to be ported to the psp, like yesterday/ last week!!!!!! AWESOME!!!!! Thanks for sharing. Id never heard of this game.