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View Full Version : Your thoughts on the different ships in Pulse

10th January 2008, 03:50 PM
1) Is it too early to assume there's a best / worst ship in the game? (out of the starting 8 )


Piranha seems to be dominating majority of the maps in TT mode.
and a number of the top players are using AG-SyS for multiplayer phantom races.

up to Rapier, i'd say the say you could pilot the piranha, but at phantom if the piranha gets shot.. it takes a while to catch up to the front of the pack so i'd give it a miss for multiplayer.

my pick for least likely to be at the top would be Triakis :redface:

2) anyway, here's what I think about the different ships

- My feel good ship. Whenever I wanna muck around trying different stuff on a map, or just relaxing on a Phantom I 'll bring this baby out. Somehow I find it more comfy to pilot this compared to the Ag-Sys. Has many fans and its stats are quite good. Don't know if I'd pilot this against high level opponents tho. Shield 7 is not something I'd feel safe considering some people are out to get you with their plasmas and guns. Even on head to head maps or multiplayer games with weapons off, this would mean I'd have to pilot my ship more carefully and I have to think twice about doing the BR. Maybe in a 4 player or 5 i'd consider picking this one up. A good ship to train with or complete the game with. Wonder how it'll fair on TT. Player to lookout for is zargz.

- My least used ship currently so I don't really have many good things to say about it. I probably understand it the least that's y. With more plays, I'd bump its ratings up. Used this the other to much around and I do like it's weight. It doesn't jump around as much compared to some of the ships and this could mean good TT times on a number of maps. Looking at it's stats it does seem to be a serious contender with good speeds and handling. However I don't know y it felt like the ship didn't go as fast as the other ships. Its handling felt really good tho abit like an Ag-Sys. Will play this more in future. A real underrated ship currently imho. Have not played against a good Qirex player yet.

- Popular ship used by cheaters because of its handling at top speeds. A favourite to a huge number of beginners too because of the 10 points on handling. Feels really comfortable at Phantom and should be on par with the top multiplayer ships. Very similar to the Ag-SyS and is probably the Ryu and Ken of Pulse. Good speed, good thrust, good handling and good shields. Beginners and pro's will like. Been playing around with this ship and I'm happy with it. It's definately not a noob ship imho. I like the handling at Phantom, lets it do all the work for me, and while most people are using the Goteki or Ag-Sys on Phantom, I'll stick with this for alil while. Pilot to lookout for is technicolour.

AG Systems
- While leveling up the Triakis, I asked Asa what ship he was using and he said Ag-Sys. I thought to myself, how could this ship catch something as fast as the Triakis? Haha until I saw some of the times posted on the tables and I was like wow, how'd they do that? and I tried my hand with it and loved the handling and it's thrust after getting hit by a weapon during multiplayer. So I stuck with this. Alil slow on the Venom / Flash class tho so I'd only use this on Rapier / Phantom.
One thing I noticed is that the total points it had for its attributes together with Feisar were the most compared to the other ships. Wonder why? Also, this ship is definitely another huge favourite of the community. Pilots to lookout for include Asayyeah, Flashback-Jack and Mad-Ice.

- I wanted to like this ship but i feel safer off with at least 8 shield points. Haven't meddled with it much to give a review about it but I'm sure it'll be a favourite to a number of pilots here on the zone. It's speed and thrust will probably make it a good contender on some TT maps but wonder what happens on some of the more technical maps eg. Outpost7 black, will it lose much speed at the turns? Anyway, all the best to Stardragon88 and jorgex3 for championing the ship currently.

- This would make a good multiplayer ship in my opinion. Its thrusts are a big welcome to anyone getting shot in it. It's shields are good too, 8 being the most balanced and even tho the handling is at 7, the thrusts really make up for it. Haven't seen many ppl utilizing it yet tho in favor of the other more popular ships like Assegai, Feisar or Ag-Sys. Probably in time more people will start looking at this. Not sure how it fairs in TT tho, will see how far supersox and Ash-Omen brings this ship to fame in future.

- The first ship I got 100k points with. I tried playing this in a few multiplayer games and whenever I kept getting slowed down by rockets, bombs etc., I found it hard to keep up with the front of the pack so I dropped this and went for a lighter craft. Another reason was I had problems bringing this around Outpost7 black at the 180 turns. It loses quite a lot of speed there. I reckon you can get a good time with this on Arc Prime white because it's ass doesn't jut out as much as the Piranha after the big jump + BR while turning left. A good pilot to lookout for would be Hellfire-X

- Probably the first person on Pulse to use this to great effect on Talon's Junction white is DjManiac and if you weren't using this, you wouldn't be able to come close to his times. Look at the top TT times for this map and you'll see the Piranha dominating here. Haven't played against him on Phantom while he's piloting the Piranha tho, he seems to favor the Ag-Sys against this in multiplayer. Have been using this ship for Venom / Flash and some Rapier multiplayer and it's a good and fast ship while pressing up on the d-pad. You can see the big difference on the slower classes v.s the other ships. Its ass juts out alil too much for my liking at some maps like De Konstruct white / Arc Prime white after a jump + BR tho. Heaps of players to lookout for from Venom to Rapier. Haven't seen anyone use it to good effect on Phantom multi-player tho.

- Balanced in every aspect. Feels abit like a Ag-SyS/Qirex/Assegai put together. Don't really know how to explain. You'll have to experience it for yourself.
Can't use this in multi-player sadly. Hopefully they'll allow it in a future patch. Might see quite a number of people piloting this one. Not sure how it'll fair in TT considering that the Icaras is out.

- Like the Mirage, this pink baby isn't playable online but serves well in TTs. On par with the Piranha and will likely be top contender in the near future. With a higher thrust and handling, this should come out on top.

3) If you've met someone who I didn't mention that we should all lookout for in future, do inform us :)

10th January 2008, 03:54 PM
I like both Ag-sys and Qirex, but then I'm probably not so skilled to have a proper criteria.

Dogg Thang
10th January 2008, 03:54 PM
Least likely? Wow, when I hit Phantom I found I got best results with Qirex. But then, I'm rubbish so by 'best results' I mean I scraped through.

Now, though, I find Assegai suits me best. It seems to retain its speed while having great handling for Phantom.

10th January 2008, 04:23 PM
I completed enough of the race campaign to earn 100k loyalty points with AG-Systems (I was really curious to see what the concept ships would look like!) but, while the acceleration was great, I got slightly frustrated with the lack of top-end speed.
The logical conclusion was to switch to EG-X, which retains the rapid acceleration but also has a decent speed (all at the expense of handling and shield, of course). This makes it vulnerable in/just ahead of the pack, but I suppose the mentality is: "they'll have to catch me first".

Assegai, however, seems one of the most balanced craft, and that good handling will help alot in the faster classes, while other twin engined ships seem a bit more cumbersome to me. Assegai's who I'd put my money on.


10th January 2008, 06:35 PM
It'll be interesting to see how different ships fair in time trials-- and if there is a split where the slower vs. faster speeds (or the open vs. technical tracks) favor one ship over another.

I mostly use AGS and Pirrhana at the moment, and there is a clear trade-off in performance on different tracks and at different speeds... FOR ME. But perhaps if I was a better pilot, the Pirrhana would win out even for more technical tracks and for the higher speed classes. I don't think that the game has been out long enough for this to be determined with certainty

The ships in general seem SO similar in performance that I will not be surprised if several of them are viable even for high level play (time trials or multiplayer). And that's probably a good thing!

10th January 2008, 07:37 PM
I'm not a great pilot, and still stay mainly on Flash races, venturing into Rapier now & again. At the moment, i have been using AG-Sys quite a lot, because it just does the job so well, on pretty much every track, WITH the ability to be quite forgiving of clumsy pilots like me! :)

I started using Feisar, but the lack of Thrust just kills it for me. I have clocked up over 30k with Feisar though, and maybe when i get into higher classes i'll give it another try.

I did try Goteki quite a bit, and although the thrust is great, it's a bit of a "Lump" on certain tracks.

My BIG surprise today however, was when i tried the Triakis. It may not be the fastest ship out there, but i've found it to be great at keeping lines, it's very responsive without being twitchy (Unlike the Goteki) & of course the extra shield strength helps with multiplayer. :)

Not really tried Qirex that much, but been H2H with it a bit today, and it's pretty good. Going to spend more time with that one.

EG.X i love anyway, as much as the AG-Sys. It's fast, handles pretty well, not "Too" twitchy and has enough speed. (& it looks good too).

Assegai..... i Really like Assegai, but hardly ever use it. Maybe it's because so many others (online) seems to use it, i don't know. But it's a ship that i need to spend more time with to find out what it's capable of.

My LEAST favourite ship of all is Piranha. I find it a pig to handle, It's lumpy & has a fat arse! (But it LOOKS fantastic!) :) So although i have played extensively using Piranha (Even unlocked the concept skin) i never use it online. The top speed is great, but the Thrust is crap.

So at the moment, my top ship(s) would be AG-Sys & EG.X
closely followed (For experimental reasons) by Triakis. But of course with so much choice & so many tracks, it could all change next week! :g

10th January 2008, 10:10 PM
I realised while playing online yesterday that I had only used Qirex (playing through single player) AG-Systems, and EG-X.
Qirex I think is a good all rounder
EG-X I chose for multiplayer thanks to it's stats. I figured it'd be something like a less fragile AG-Systems
AG-Systems I tried after playing a lot with EG-X. but my thoughts on EG-X were wrong. being so much lighter makes it easier for me to keep the AG off the walls, so I tend to survive better at phantom in an AG.
I tried Goteki yesterday too, I used it a fair bit in Pure. but in pulse it just feels too big... considering I often play with Qirex this could be considered a strange conclusion, but that's how it feels to me.

I am still yet to try Assegai, Triakis, Feisar, Piranha at all

11th January 2008, 01:19 AM
Assegai..... i Really like Assegai, but hardly ever use it. Maybe it's because so many others (online) seems to use it, i don't know..make a skin for it! you'll look different than the rest 8)

if that's the reason you don't use it.

11th January 2008, 01:20 AM
Excellent thread. :clap

I think this one could be stickied so mods and users can redirect all other future ship discussions to it.

For now I've dedicated more time to Piranha than to all other ships combined, so I really can't compare much. I love the fish and it works for me, but playing online against arrays of crafts with better acceleration, more than for the recovery of weapon impacts, I've begun to feel a bit handicapped by the high unlikeliness of getting an early lead. High shields mean a lot of BR's without compromising our weapon supply and combined with the top speed it makes for great stability in the long run, but sometimes getting out of the pack early is all that is needed for the win, and Piranha just needs more luck than anyone else to pull it off.

This is exactly where Goteki has been doing very well for me in Pure and still does here - in the few occasions I want a break from the fish. The handling isn't really stellar, but switching from Piranha it's already a world of difference. Getting out of the jam and still having enough energy to BR seems like a winner for multiplayer to me. Unfortunately multiplayer is as far as my experiences go, so I'll stop here for now but will gladly follow the thread to see how it develops.

Btw, Kandang, could you please shorten the long "-- --------------------" lines in the initial post, as they deform the window on lower resolutions and force people on 1024xn monitors to painfully scroll from left to right while reading. ;)

11th January 2008, 02:02 AM
Great thread!

I have been swapping between AG-Sys, Qirex and Feisar mostly.

Feisar - I completely agree that this is the Ken/Ryu of Pulse. Very well rounded and a great ship to take out onto a track you don't play much. I get many smooth laps out of it. Everything about it is intuitive.

AG-Sys - This is probably my favorite ship in the game - a real ass-saver. The quick acceleration gets you out of tight squeezes. You can actually get away with lifting off the accelerator for a fraction of a second if things get a little crazy. In Rapier and Phantom the lack of a high top speed actually allows you to plan ahead more than other ships. It gives you a lot of "go fast when you want to" opportunities. The AG-sys makes novices look like they know what they are doing and it makes experts invincible. It looks sexy, too. Maybe this is what the Honda NSX will look like 100 years from now.

Qirex - This is ship is not a toy. IMO it really feels like a war ship. The handling is well enough to get it around the track but in close quarters is where it shines. The ship is very solid and sure when you get up close and start shooting. It can take its fair share of damage, too. The Qirex is a little on the long side so you have to watch the nose and backside in some of the more technical courses. But this is the ship to have in heated firefights.

11th January 2008, 03:10 AM
I love my European Union :g and will never leave it.

I feel bad now that Feisar is the 'cheater's choice' :(

Flashback Jack
11th January 2008, 05:11 PM
AG Systems

Pilots to lookout for include Asayyeah, Flashback-Jack, infected-pl and radiumx.

Stop beating my records, you crazy guy. :)

- F

15th January 2008, 12:04 AM
FEISAR appeals as more of a beginners' team to me

I always race AG-Systems, its got the thrust and handling for Phantom tracks.

The most disappointing ship is EG-X hands down. It doesn't live up to the description on it's profile. Instead of "good speed" it kinda has average speed

15th January 2008, 12:42 AM
I know what you mean, makes me think that if EG-X had an 8 for thrust and a 9 for top speed instead, they'd be something to write home about. However, they're still a solid team and I don't have too many complaints. Get used to 'em and they become a fast solution to many a problem.

15th January 2008, 12:46 AM
Or if it had 9 speed and 9 thrust, then it would be significantly more worthwhile:o

15th January 2008, 12:51 AM
Feisar and Goteki FTW i started with feisar but now use goteki alot more online its thrust is great for low speed classes and it handles high classes well too

15th January 2008, 01:26 AM
I love my European Union :g and will never leave it.

I feel bad now that Feisar is the 'cheater's choice' :(

But your profile location says you're from the US :?

Should it read: "I love my United States :g and will never leave it.

I feel bad now that Auricom is the 'cheater's choice' :(":D

15th January 2008, 02:02 AM
well true, but my mother's side of my family is from Ireland, while my father's side is from Greece, both of which are in the European Union :g

15th January 2008, 09:58 AM
On another note we really need one of those Zone ships (no not 10 everything:naughty) but like pure: super high Speed, thrust, handling and no shield. Lets call it...

Wooosh! Kaboom :dizzy

15th January 2008, 02:31 PM
i want them too bring back the medival ship that was pretty kool but its shield sucked, was it in an download pack on pure or was it unlockable cos it jus apeared randomly on my game 1 day lol

15th January 2008, 10:23 PM
not to forget van-uber

but then again, there are so many ships out there
in the end most ppl will use only 1-2 to compete for records / multiplayer

even if your fave is ag-sys / assegai but the best ship to compete is piranha, would you switch?

15th January 2008, 11:13 PM
That's what loyalty is for... (puts hand on heart)

Though KANDANG I think you know that at Phantom, AG-Sys and FEISAR are the way to go, whereas Piranha is for the less skillful lower speed classes :nod

15th January 2008, 11:27 PM
medival was included on Pure. when i unlocked it, i was like, "oh cool a new team!" then i tried flying it, and it just didn't work for me at all. :|

15th January 2008, 11:28 PM
the piranha in phantom is still top on talon's junction, moa therma, metropia atm.

have not tried piloting it on the other maps yet, but I reckon it'll do just fine in the hands of a good pilot.

who knows? maybe we'll see the piranha at the top of the leaderboards in outpost 7.

time will tell...

15th January 2008, 11:35 PM
I couldn't bear to see that.

AG-sys ftw

but if Van-Uber came in a download pack, I'd jump ship.:pirate

@ Bartgai: I agree, Medival was clean cut one of the worst ships I'd flown; basically outclassed by Zone.:nod

15th January 2008, 11:55 PM
even if your fave is ag-sys / assegai but the best ship to compete is piranha, would you switch?http://geocities.com/zargz/leenden/ken.gif Never!

16th January 2008, 12:31 AM



Now how I'm completely missed this ship until now? ;)

16th January 2008, 12:37 AM
Supersocks you missed Medival because it was destroyed before you got to see it. so much for shield 1 or something.

16th January 2008, 12:49 AM
I agree, Medival was clean cut one of the worst ships I'd flown; basically outclassed by Zone.:nod

that thing was like flying a can opener! aslo, yeah, the sheilds on that thing were trash.

16th January 2008, 01:00 AM
WOW you can fly a can opener! :eek

16th January 2008, 01:52 AM
even if your fave is ag-sys / assegai but the best ship to compete is piranha, would you switch?

Absolutely!! Different tracks have different needs, and i haven't found "One Ship to Rule them all!" yet.... :g

Even though, at the moment, i'm using AG-Sys most of the time, i'll whatever ship best suits a particular track. Outpost 7 for instance, works better for me when i use the Feisar rather than AG-Sys. :)

16th January 2008, 01:56 AM
I am shocked and appalled by the number of traitorous pilots posting in this thread. ;) (Not.) Of course I wouldn't switch! I was a total traitor in XL and W3O and I'm not going to do that again to my precioussss....actually I'm probably just too lazy to bother learning how to handle the different ships. Being a rabid AG-SYS fan doesn't have everything to do with it.

16th January 2008, 06:00 AM
The only team I might jump ship to is... (drum roll)

Van Uber :rock

Basically because I thought it was pretty much the best ship in Pure (don't flame me if you disagree:naughty)

16th January 2008, 09:10 PM
I got a Slim PSP last night. Wow, the game feels really different with the raised d pad. I am going to have to relearn a lot of timing now.

18th January 2008, 05:03 AM
I've found a fast favorite with AG-Systems. Ever since Piranha's handling went from bad in PurE to atrocious in PulsE, I switched strategies. Also, at Rapier and Phantom in PurE, I started playing AG-Systems and just fell in love.

I think Icaras is good when I just wanna have a blast or when I feel like riding the ragged edge of danger. So, when Icaras becomes available, I'm getting in line to fly the pink-and-purple next to the red-and-white.

19th January 2008, 01:40 AM
Apart from waiting for Icaras to be released, i've decided to go back to the start again and do all the tracks on the "Hard" setting (Previously i've been doing whatever i could, some hard, some Medium, some easy) and in so doing, have also been doing each race with as many ships as possible, so as to get a direct feeling for each individual ships character on different tracks...... WOW!! What a surprise. :)

I really like all the ships, and have even been surprised at the Qirex, which performed really well, much better than i thought it would.

But, i have found that the ship (Or should i say "Ships, for there is more than 1) that performs best for me so far, is......... "EG.X"

I have found it consistently better across many tracks (Albeit only at Venom & Flash speeds so far) than all of the others, and closely followed by both Feisar & AG-Systems. Piranha was way behind, and although it has a great feel on certain tracks, it's still got that "Lumpy" feel about it, and is only saved by the handling capabilities!

So, here i am, on Grid 4 again (& believe me, after racing zargz et al at Basilico & Fort Gale, i really need the practice) going through all the different races on the hard setting, hopefully getting in a ton of practice & also ramping up the points in the process! :g

It's fun, and hopefully in a week or two i'll be back online with a much improved racing skill! :g

19th January 2008, 11:56 AM
Well, if there's an outstanding ship such as 2097's Piranha, that makes times possible which are technically unreachable by other ships, then yes. But if a ship is just easier to handle on a certain track than my favourite one, I won't switch, I'll just practice harder.

19th January 2008, 01:08 PM
I'll second that phl0w. I'll also practice harder, but i've yet to pick the ship that i want to use all of the time. I'm a novice pilot (having only played Wipeout for the last 4-5 months - Since i got a PSP & Pure) and i'm still finding out many things about both the ships capabilities & even my own (ever changing & growing) capabilities.

It's a;; great fun though, and this is the BEST place to be for any fan of Wipeout. There's so much experience on these forums from people such as yourself, i feel really lucky.

19th January 2008, 09:05 PM
I sure hope the loyalty prizes are up for grabs with the downloadable teams...

22nd January 2008, 03:40 PM
Have only used the Piranha (Loyalty points :: 16450), Assegai (90) & Triakis (180).

I only use Piranha competitively in the Race Campaign Grid system and Im committed to sticking with it despite the obvious handling and thrust issues. Im clocking up reasonably strong times with the Piranha because of the top end speed so Im quite content for now to perfect my skills with this ship. Plus personally I prefer to have a favourite as opposed to having a range of ships that I use.

I choose Piranha because there wasnt an Italian team (im scots-italian) so figured hey Brazilian they speak portuguese, latin, close enough; weird logic but as someone said on these forums, Piranha is like the Ferrari of Wipeout so thats good enough for me!

However having played a few sessions online I quickly realised that my favoured Piranha is certainly lacking, Im going to practise more to see if that helps but the thrust limits often found me lagging further down the track with a mountain to even catch last place.

So online I tried AG-sys (a good all-rounder) and I found the handling was great and thrust helped for when you are gunned down so Id say this is my second ship that I'll try and perfect online if Im getting nowhere with my favoured Piranha!

Rapier Racer
22nd January 2008, 04:18 PM
The only team I might jump ship to is... (drum roll)

Van Uber :rock

Basically because I thought it was pretty much the best ship in Pure (don't flame me if you disagree:naughty)

Van Uber is gone man :( you'll be waiting forever..

For some unexplainable reason I really want to test Auricom when it arrives.

23rd January 2008, 02:49 AM
Oh dear, that means my favourite team will remain AG sys forever

14th February 2008, 09:09 PM
I've heard all the variations of the above, but that's only a claim. The results are so far consistently in favour of Piranha because as a group we haven't flocked en masse to any other ship and pushed hard enough to begin to disprove the claim. Not enough to knock every instance of a Piranha in first place out of the slot anyway.

I'm aware it would seem a likely impossibility that a Piranha would be smoked by a Feisar on Moa or Talon, assuming of course we have some semblance of real-world physics, consistent and relatively predictable in their attributes in action here. But such impossibilities are easily overcome in a freeform, code-based world like Wipeout Pulse where rules can be created on a developer's whim. That's primarily I fail to be convinced. An 800km/h versus a 725km/h (arbitrary values) top speed does not necessarily equal win in a world where 2 + 2 does not need to necessarily equal four.

I want to be convinced either way. We can come to a reasonably safe conclusion faster if a few of the fastest pilots organized an approach, perhaps by attempting to equal or better an existing speed lap with different ships. Already this has been done (I've matched your blazing Tech De Ra White Phantom Piranha lap with my AG-SYS -- I'm fairly sure we are comparable skill-wise). If we could do this many times across the various tracks, only then will we have a solid idea of whether there is in fact a supership among the mix.

Mods, feel free to split the thread off into the existing ship discussion thread if this continues.

- F

howdy, you matched my piranha because I only had 1 BR on that lap plus a bump or two on the walls. Just did a run with the new Icaras (with BR this time) and didn't have trouble getting a faster time.

Flashback Jack
15th February 2008, 01:11 PM
howdy, you matched my piranha because I only had 1 BR on that lap plus a bump or two on the walls.

You assume I found another barrell roll on my own run -- I didn't. And it wasn't a perfect lap either.

- F

15th February 2008, 03:19 PM
''Willy-waving'' is adolescent and bores the hell out of everybody but the wavers; those of you who are engaging in it, please stop. Let results speak for themselves; parades of excuses make for dull watching when they're just being used to pump up egos instead of being used to educate others about the best techniques on a track. Racing better is the way to show that you're better at racing. Talking will not prove it.

Back to the topic, please.

15th February 2008, 04:00 PM
Been using FEISAR ever since Wipeout 2097.

Tired using other ships, they just didn't feel right, either they were hard to control or had too much speed.

No offense to anyone but i feel its the best balanced ship in the series thus far.

Flashback Jack
15th February 2008, 04:10 PM
''Willy-waving'' is adolescent and bores the hell out of everybody but the wavers.

That about seals it for me. Frankly I'm tired of the righteous attitudes and coiled up personalities around here; it completely kills off any semblance of enjoyment for me. I for one don't need it, and I and others don't exactly fail to notice that it has escalated drastically as of late.

My friends in Toronto have been about the most even-tempered people I've met from here. That said, I'll continue meeting with them as they organize our various local events, but going forward, that'll be the extent to which I interact with anyone associated with the Wipeout Zone.

Rob, thanks for providing us a place to discuss Wipeout. Please purge my account.

Flashback Jack

15th February 2008, 04:11 PM
Minor update on the first post.
Anyone else played around with the Icaras much?

16th February 2008, 02:19 AM
I'm kind of tired of the righteous attitudes too, so not too sorry to see any go...;)

Kandang, do you find that higher thrust with high speed (ex.Icaras) throws you off more when there are boost pads on curves? Or does it just even out with a sideshift in the end?

(I don't really have any thoughts on the different ships, since I only use AGS in Pulse.)

16th February 2008, 01:16 PM
I am flying with Icaras atm, i find that ship excessively good at least on few tracks like tech de ra ( our current TT challenge), when you pitch all the way down using diagonals on Dpad while turning you can really shave few seconds on a race time. I also tested it with the new Icaras grid, that is not an illusion , this ship has got poor shield.:o

My English vocabularie words and also my comprehension don't let me understand precisely what few people are saying, i just wanted to remind slogan of AG Systems : Let's be friends... life is really too short to see people arguing. I know we are dealing with competition that may generates some tension between members but above all of this we must respect each others. (end off topic)

16th February 2008, 03:53 PM
Something has been bugging me since Kandang mentioned how Triakis also suffers having a big sized frame.

Does it mean all ships have different hitboxes (areas where they bump into something) perfectly based on their visual rappresentations? (simpler: that what you see is what exactly bumps into stuff)

Because that would also mean that there may be better and worse versions of the same ship, based on the ship models. AG sys is relatively slim, but its zone counterpart is the standard zone ship width, which seems wider - thus, it might be worse. On the other hand, if that is true, a Triakis might become better (slimmer) if its zone counterpart is used. Prototype skins would also have to be taken in consideration. I remember prototype Goteki to be visually huge.

Don't get me wrong, maybe not everything is necessarily better or worse. Some ships might have more stability because of width, etc (hasn't kandang also mentioned it being a plus of triakis in some curves - but maybe it's only caused by its weight factor...). I'm mostly curious if the properties are really affected by the size and shape of the polygon models and if, as a consequence, same ships have different sizes based on models used.

Dogg Thang
16th February 2008, 04:13 PM
Interesting question. I actually have a problem using most concept craft as, as far as I can tell, something is different about where the camera is in relation to the turning point of the craft. I seem to misjudge turns all the time when in concept craft.

16th February 2008, 06:19 PM
I've been wondering this as well, Kekken.

Bigger karts definitely DO impact gameplay in Mario Kart DS for exactly the reasons you indicate-- in Wipeout, this could be an especially big deal because of the importance of tight cornering. In principle, it would seem that a "thinner" ship could take tighter corners.

I'll be curious to see what others think-- and also to see if the developers jump on and answer this question.

16th February 2008, 06:25 PM
yeah, seems a little cheap if craft like FEISAR can fit through tight areas better than a Triakis

16th February 2008, 08:12 PM
I wouldn't call it "cheap" so much as "reasonable"!
Of course, it would be good if the slimmer craft had some equivalent disadvantage, such as lateral stability. Wider craft would be more stable, but be bigger targets.

Seems a fair tradeoff to me, I wouldn't be too surprised if it did work at least something like that.

17th February 2008, 12:29 PM
Does it mean all ships have different hitboxes (areas where they bump into something) perfectly based on their visual rappresentations?

Nope. This will probably shatter a few illusions, but all the craft fit into exactly the same box. It speeds up the collision calculations, I think, and it's one less thing to worry about when balancing all the ships.

I found the design of the rear of each ship could be tweaked to give the impression of wider or narrower body - but look carefully and you'll see the wing-tips all reach the same width.

It's all nothing more than smoke and mirrors, as usual :)

Dogg Thang
17th February 2008, 12:32 PM
Illusion shattered. It probably makes sense though. As mentioned, it could have quite an effect. Would be interesting to see if that could be used deliberately in future WO games though.

17th February 2008, 12:37 PM
It makes sense on PSP, but I'd hope that future Wipeouts on more powerful systems would use a more accurate collision system where each ship part (wings, nose, body, prongs etc) is treated individually. For the time being, the box system is simple and fast, and it works.

17th February 2008, 02:35 PM
Thanks, Egg-- glad to know what the story really is!

17th February 2008, 05:06 PM
Thanks Egg!

Myth busted! 8)

edit: now that I think about it, maybe I wrongly mentioned Kandang as the source of the large-frame talk, as he's the author of this thread and so on. Maybe it was someone else, but it doesn't really matter, as I think ship size was talked about in Pure times already.

15th April 2009, 07:18 AM
I find EG.X the best ship for me, because I don't like "loose" ships with too much steering, they're more easily to get into collision with walls etc...also eg.x seems to be the fastest ship around (speed and thrust ratio) and some, lets say, "worse" steering and shield. Steering fully appeals to me, because it's so stable, you'll rarely scratch walls if your lines are sharp and almost perfect. :) About the shield: this point really is the pain of this ship, but I turned it for the good purpose for me: The better you fly, the clearer you go with the curves, the less shield you're gonna waste. So this pulls the fact the eg.x is really a ship for learning lines, learning BR strategy on "weapons off" races and tons of other things...
So for now, and I hope forever :D EG.X FTW!!

edit: Now that I've tried internal camera, even less steering comes in handy for me. :) Triakis looks like a good choice. And has tons of shield, which comes in handy, especially on avalon races ;) (Greetz to Kanar!). ;) Pirahna could be a good choice, too. lol

This game just became super extra fun to play. I love it. :)

15th April 2009, 11:40 AM
:lol Haha Arch Buddy - So glad you've found a second lease of life from this game - even thogh the first lease hasnt expired :lol

ONLINE: Up to Flash and Rapier in some races - you won't find me without my Piranha - it's too demonic, so kiss my Fin. hah.

But if it aint the Piranha - I see advantages in using the EG-X (for the same reasons Archman mentioned) and also the AG-SYSTEMS for tracks I'm not too confident on as the ship has good handling ability...

I'm really missing ONLINE now Arch... cant wait til tomorrow when the net is working again... This is being typed from work... lol

15th April 2009, 11:44 AM
i have to go with feisar, it's my team of choice for almost all the wipeout's.

it always seems to look great and you can just pick it up and play. it feels great and doesn't make you suffer too much for a slight mishap.

i like the feel of qirex in pulse too...and again it looks nice.

a-g systems feels good, but i don't like the look of it in pure/pulse/hd, i prefer the old style from 1/2097/3.

i like a ship that flies well and looks nice too!!!

15th April 2009, 12:42 PM
I primarily used to be a Triakis man when I first started playing Pulse. It handled fairly well, could take quite a bit of biff, and once it got up to speed, my god did it fly. It also looked awesome.

But recently, I started using EG-X, and now I've jumped ship. I don't lose that much top speed, It's way quicker off the mark and handles better, too. Only thing is, I'm going to have to fly it carefully, I miss that 10 for a shield!

15th April 2009, 12:45 PM
Yes, Harvai. I've tried Piranha and Triakis today. I can handle them even on o7 hairpins, it only that you need more practice and focus. ****, I never thought I would pilot a Piranha :D

btw.: Harvai, do you race online?

15th April 2009, 01:13 PM
Nah, sadly I don't race online. I lack wireless internet.

I've flown the Pirhana a bunch of times, and I honestly think it's a barge. An extremley fast barge. Then again, I've never been a fan of Piranha.

15th April 2009, 01:16 PM
Me neither, but I really like it racing it from internal view. (At least I don't see it, it's so ugly IMO :D:D)

15th April 2009, 01:19 PM
Nah, sadly I don't race online. I lack wireless internet.

You can get a wireless networking adaptor.

15th April 2009, 01:36 PM
Yeah actually, it's maybe a $20 investment. ;)

15th April 2009, 02:15 PM
I'm also an EG-X devotee - never really bothered with any others until a few days ago. Now I occasionally use AG-Systems on the tracks I'm really bad at. But once I learn them properly, I'll switch back to EG-X - nothing beats that speed/ acceleration combo. I also like the handling (once I know a track). I always tend to oversteer rather than understeer. It is a hard ship to use on the twisty tracks though...

15th April 2009, 07:15 PM
Qirex and Assegai for me. I love a ship that handles well without being a sluggish Feisar.

16th April 2009, 07:13 AM
I've been testing Piranha, Qirex and Goteki45 yesterday.

Piranha - excellent stability on tracks. Yes, it has pretty low acc, and you will be left on any start because of it. It has tons of shield, it feels like it's built like a tank. Let's say I'll give it a 8/10.

Qirex - Increased handling over Piranha, and so it feels somewhat little less stable for me. It has excellent and reliable shield which won't let you down on that aspect. Also a pretty neat acc and speed, which makes this ship pretty swifty and a nice choice. 9/10

Goteki45 - This is an acc beast. You will leave 'em on every start, believe me. It's a pleasure to guide it with turbos and speed pads, just marvelous! Con is that it has a little less shield, but still enough for some weapons off races if you use a decent BR strategy and a very clear line of racing. The thing is that, IMO, it feels lighter than Qirex, which is a little strange, but maybe the enormous acceleration does the thing. I give it 8/10

I really don't know which ship to race now, because there are tons of excellent choices. The only thing I watch for now is at least 8 points on the shield, 'cause I'm new to internal view, and I have many collisions...Probably EG.X would be the best choice, only if it had an 8...for now, I leave it be...(I need to study...less wipeout, more studying, damn!!)

And yes, I still can't beat my TT records! At least 5 seconds loss with internal view. :D

19th April 2009, 02:41 PM
Tested EG.X yesterday, all over again. I'll say 9.5/10

This ship is, in my opinion, nearest to perfection. It has so good stability, you'll never kill yourself trying to get into the racing line, even if you got into the corner very good. You will not need much effort to finetune your line. It appeals to me the most.
Thrust&Speed - this thing is a beast. It's so fast, it will leave you out of breath on tight narrow curves when pushed to top. The definite best ratio of thrust and speed, which makes this ship the fastest Pulse ship (In my opinion, again). The shield is the con of this ship, but I told everything about it in my 15th of April post . Improve your lines, you'll stay alive. As easy as that.

Cheers! ;)

11th May 2009, 09:43 AM
Tested Goteki45 online and offline yesterday. This ship has enormous burst of acceleration (especially on the start!)! It is not stable as the magnificent EG.X, but it is not too loose like AG-Sys, too, so it has a really, really good response...It has a good shield. Maybe the con of the ship is the Speed points, which are 7, but I don't think it would make the game go worse. Look out for that speed pads, perfect racing line and BRs too :D You will not miss.
It feels so good on o7 wht! Sticking with it for some time! ;)

(Punch me if I'm an idiot, lol...)
G45 in Pure is wicked, too!...

11th May 2009, 11:18 AM
Goteki is killer in Pulse. And EG-X is a good fast ship too in Pulse.

EG-X in HD.... hmmmm not so good. But then again on HD you are racing on those stupid turning Pure tracks with no flow, and the EG-X on Pulse is going a max speed on the super slick corners there.

11th May 2009, 12:40 PM
Offtopic: I see that on HD they chose some of the most uninteresting tracks of Pure/Pulse. I don't get it...but imo.

11th May 2009, 04:33 PM
Yeah, where is Vertica?

12th May 2009, 02:02 PM
Moa Therma is based just off the cost of Sicily somewhere (Beautiful scenery on that course)

Vertica is based off the cost of the Cayman Islands (top left side of Africa i think) last coral reefs in the world. lol.

Arc Prime, Seattle Washington State

The Amphusiem, Las Vegas Nevada

Basilico, Nova Scota on the east of Canada, not far from where Darkdrium lives too.

Talons Junction, Wales, UK.

De Konstruct, Geneva, Switzerland.

Fort Gale, Gilbratie, Its where Spain and Morocco are most closest, where a super 9km bridge is intending to be built also connecting the continents of Europe and Africa together.

Platinum Rush, Greenland or Iceland i think.

Outpost7, somewhere in the arctic circle.

12th May 2009, 11:50 PM
Outpost 7: Finland, near the north of the country. Or possibly at the top of a high mountain.

Gemini Dam: Morocco.

Orcus: underground Alaska.

Edgewinter: fictional artificial island in the Pacific, near the Midway Atoll.

Vostok Reef: Vostok Island (Or Staver Island).

15th May 2009, 12:03 PM
On-Topic: EG-X is rocking on all speed classes for me at the moment. I must admit - I do struggle with it on some of the trickier track choices in Phantom Class - but that is only for the first 1 or 2 laps, once I got the FLO, I roll ACES and I'm good to go for the remainder 3 laps... :+ however by that time, some of the faster demonic racers (Archman, MrSmadSmartAlex) wuld have a gap of 3+secs on me at least lol... I'm comin' ferya boys!!!

So what makes the EG-X such a good ship to pilot in Phantom Class?

IMO - it aint for everyone - for those starting out on phantom - choose a ship with a higher shield and good handling, get used to the timing on Phantom speeds thenwhen you feel like you really wanna break some personal records... Try the EG-X... it'll reward you aplenty ;)

15th May 2009, 12:28 PM
Exactly, EG.X is not for beginners. It turns somewhat heavier (i got used to it, it's excellent) and the shield is weak. You need to get that perfect racing line to avoid blowing up. Learn to use it, it WILL payoff. But then again, that is worth for every ship!

17th May 2009, 03:25 PM
Speaking of finding that "perfect racing line"....

I find that it is always good to go into Speed Lap mode and find a line you are comfortable with, then when you are performing lap times which are closer and your time is staying the same - you should adjust your line on the track or use your turbo somewhere where you might be able to get a bump high up enough in the air to do a Barrel Roll, basically try different things, adjusting only slightly every lap and at the end - checking your lap times to see if your adjustments made you faster - these adjustments all help in finding quicker lap times and learning what the extremes of your chosen ship can do. MrSmadSmartAlex recently broke the TT lap record for De Konstruct White Phantom Class - Awesome timing... He did it with dedicated practice and shaved those fractions off those seconds until he got the record! This is the evidence of my opinion...

... So what I do is I follow fast pilots like Arch and Smad - try and stay in their jet-streamline, improve my lines so to speak... This is neat thinking but hard to stay focused when you're tailing at phantom class :dizzy eventually it all comes together, you reach the machine mentality and you go from "Stand-Alone" to a "Ghost in the shell" as you and craft become one!

20th June 2009, 12:56 AM
the EG-X is a good ship ... but lately, I been piloting my custom by the AirLicker Group... loving the chrome hex plating on the AG-SYS, especially b/w "AirLicker" detail on its left wing...

it's more of an AG-BRO now!

Helps me to roll some heads! lol

20th June 2009, 12:27 PM

...although I do occasionally use AG-S too.:lol
Tracks like O7 just aren't as fast in the EG-X IMO - I mean I can get round it ok, but I can't take the corners (especially the hairpins) as tight as I can in the AG-S.

20th June 2009, 12:33 PM
Oooh - don't get it twisted (JOKE) - I love my EG-X, love it to bits... But that's the problem isn't it - it falls to bits quite quickly when the carnage gets heavy lol... Those are the bits I don't love about it.

If I'm confident my EG-X aint gonna blow up with me in it - Like on the easier, less demanding tracks (still phantom here tho) then yeah - EG-X FTW

But - if the tracks are a lot more demanding - and there are a lot of pilots in the same room, then it makes more sense withj the AG-SYS, just does - and you know it!

20th June 2009, 01:08 PM
The amount of players in the room is irrelevant to me, as is the shield stat. My choice of ship is based only on how fast I can get it around the track - weapons are just a distraction from racing (especially your bloody cannon!;)). No amount of shield is going to compensate for slower race times. Besides, anything below 1st place might as well be DNF anyway!:lol:lol:lol (joking, of course)

20th June 2009, 01:35 PM
Learn to use the ship, try to get along the damn fps loss (almost impossible) and you won't need any shield stats. Momentally, Assegai feels just right. Nice balanced ship, and not twitchy. ;)

20th June 2009, 01:39 PM
I do like the AG-S though guys - it is a nice ship and handles corners nicely if I pitch down through them - the EG-X just over steers/ under steers and is all over the place if I pitch down on corners...

Learning to play Flo-Tech is tricky as it is lol

21st June 2009, 02:55 AM
hi! great thread, and i reckon one like this should pop up in each game's sub-forum, and possibly be stickied as well - if there isn't one already there. i may start a few. another person suggested the latter idea already in this thread; it's an important and intriguing study of vehicle capabilities, preferences and team banter and a successful repository for such information, so stickying would prevent it from dropping into thread-graveyard should people stop posting regularly, preventing a great deal of relevant and insightful posts and material from disappearing from readily available view. just a suggestion of course ;)

i am currently messing around in racebox to familiarise with the nuances of each team's performance, but my opinions will be limited and certainly not on the level of insight displayed by others here as i'm only on grid 6 and haven't mastered most tracks, as well as not having wireless and having not sampled the fervently contested multiplayer you guys talk about, but perhaps my contribution can be worthwhile, if only as the observations of a noob, an amateur's perspective!

assegai - excellent ship, great 9 handling as established as the strong aspect of the african ship in its debut in wip3out where it was one of the two outstanding crafts, decent in other areas, speed seems less then 8 but that's when i'm crashing like a buffoon, which elevated responsiveness can facilitate :lol the 7 shield has buckled during intense battles too, but overall this is a cool customer.
qirex - i like this one, the russians built it strong again so it can plough through, and it has plenty of speed at 8 to drive that weight around. the handling on it is better then older editions as well, and it makes for a comfortable and competitive drive.
feisar - the europeans usually build exceptional models in shield, handling and thrust sacrificing speed, and it's a similar story here, but i enjoy this one - the handling really makes a difference, it's outstanding, and it could have had a 6 for speed but the 7 seems to be enough most of the time FTW. impressed.
ag systems - always one of my favourite teams, the japanese pioneers made a good one this time around. the only thing it lacks, speed- 7 - is the only thing that holds it back from being an outstanding ship here, i feel. it outfeisars feisar in this tournament with better thrust and the retention of an excellent standard of handling, and the shield's decent too. pure's ag-s wasn't great so it's nice to have another good one to mooch around in
eg-x - the pulse website says it's swedish/chinese when in actuality it's finnish/chinese, something wipeout-game and everything else gets right :/ - edit i'm confused, the game says swedish also :/ the merger between eg-r and xios is a great ship - sleek, looks great and zips rapidly through tracks - 8 speed and 9 thrust is a careful measure, not enough to overwin, but enough to make a strong contender. an enjoyable ride, despite the 7 handling - the thrust is the cornerstone of a good spread of capabilities. the shield is tenuous, buuuuut there's something about the way it flies, it's so smooth and slick down the straights and out of bends. i quite like this one.
goteki - these guys - who runs them? pacific islanders amirite? - were cool noobs in wip3out and their entry in the downloadable pack for pure was actually really hot and powerful, although it didn't look or feel much like a goteki, if you know what i mean, but this one certainly does, it's the horseshoe again, and it's got the low speed and average handling of 7 each which hamper it and force skill out of the pilot. racing it, the shield doesn't feel like an 8, and it can be a little arse-flinging around corners, but the top 10 thrust basically irons all these things out. an interesting ship
triakis - the new heavyweights from pure are back with a similar behemoth, and it's an interesting ship with top 10 shield and 9 speed - not shield as my edit corrects - a beast that can take punishment and rip straights up, but the poor handling makes it heavy around corners, bends and bumps and the equally poor thrust of 6 makes the aftermath of collisions, conflicts and conflagrations a crawl back into gear, which can slow things remarkably down for such a fast ship. the shark of the lineup but these arms dealers - based in aus, right - didn't consider the drawbacks of putting everything into raw speed and beefing up the shield. still great fun esp. on eliminator
piranha - along with ag-s my long time favourite team, the brazilian owned 'ferrari of wipeout' as i've seen it described on here is on fine form again, with top 10 speed and surprisingly a powerful shield too. the poor handling and thrust don't seem to make too much of a difference, not nearly as much as they do for triakis IMO, because of that speed; if you nail the racing line, you ought to demolish the field, i do in my experience.

shame a seperate zone isn't available, then again piranha pulled that trick in 2097 to better effect, this game's more about balance and exacerbating strengths in your chosen team. so actually scrap that, good thing it's restricted to zone mode.

when i learn how to connect to the net, i shall waste my money on the 4 expansion packs and also go online to race with all of you. booya

21st June 2009, 08:37 AM
Excellent review, mate! Thumbs up! And hope to see you online one day somehow. ;)

23rd June 2009, 11:26 AM
I did some unreal piloting with the Piranha on Phantom against Smad and Luxoflux last night...

I know I said Piranha is a no go for Phantom, I swallow my words!

Piranha is awesome, on the less demanding tracks at Phantom!

23rd June 2009, 11:32 AM
Same as Triakis. ;)

23rd June 2009, 11:47 AM
Yes, however I can execute the "Push/Pull" style Air Braking easier with the Piranha.

Tried with the Triakis but it wobbled a bit.

Both these ships are out to kill. That much is a given!

25th June 2009, 10:18 PM
struggling with phantom at the moment :| messing around on racebox, played with piranha, qirex and triakis so far, and tend to get blown up by a combination of jerky streering and multiple collisions and grinding into walls, and enemy fire :frown:

i'm a way off matching you lot from what i've seen and heard. still, i plan to get online soon, to get involved and hopefully improve

29th June 2009, 08:52 AM
Just wondering, does anybody use Mirage? I noticed that wipeout-game.com doesn't even recognise it properly. It's not listed in the Team Performance section. Also, I did a TT with it on a track I hadn't bothered with yet to see what the logo would be, and check this out http://www.wipeout-game.com/html/rankings/RankingsNav?browsing=true&leaderboardID=11313&row=0&goTo=2&accountName=&teamIdFilter=&navPage=1#rankings. So, I did the TT on foot?:lol Also, if I view the records in my game, it says I did it with Mantis!:?

The ship's ok btw, as you'd expect with all 8s for stats, but it's nothing special. I've never used this "word" before, but Mirage just feels a bit "meh"...:lol:lol:lol

29th June 2009, 09:53 AM
As you noticed the problem lies with what the game is reporting. The game reports the craft as mantis, whereas the website is looking for the team 'mirage'. For this reason, Mirage custom skins don't work either from what I recall, and mirage team performance points don't count.
Mantis was the prototype name for mirage.

29th June 2009, 07:53 PM
mirage meh? they seem like auricom were in wip3out, medium stats throughout, and so i can see the mehness. makes it a shame that eg-x didn't have 9 speed to go with the 9 thrust, oh well.

what are harimau, icaras and auricom from the downloadable content packs like? i plan on getting them anyway. not having too much fun with phantom so far though. keep dying. very :turdish. i guess practice

29th June 2009, 08:14 PM
Yeah, it is a shame EG-X doesn't get 9 for speed. I'd even sacrifice 1 more shield for that, given the choice.
The download ships are cool, yes. Icaras is the best for TT IMO. The shield stat is irrelevant, and the handling and thrust are good enough. But that speed!!! Harimau is ok too - strange "feel" to it, handles like a tighter Piranha to me.
If you're having trouble with Phantom, either get your lines down in TT (rather than Single Race) until you can run clean-ish laps. If it's still too much, practice in Rapier until you can run mostly perfect laps, then move on to Phantom. But basically, it's just hours of hardcore practice.;)

6th July 2009, 12:19 AM
@Willsgb13. try the ag-sys on phantom. She'll reward well if you master her. She's quite responsive!

TT makes for good practice, good call Smad!

6th July 2009, 08:32 PM
thank you mrsmad and ace-flo, i have been practising with ag-systems and although i still blow up fairly often in single race, i've also won a few and am surviving more. it's quite important to absorb a lot of stuff you pick up, the other ships are manically aggressive. quite a rush when you do learn the lines and absorb effectively though :banzai

i can't get comfortable in an assegai, i have to say. seems flimsy and a little limp at times. i much prefer ag-systems and eg-x so far in phantom

6th July 2009, 09:09 PM
I prefer AG-Systems. It is enough responsive and powerful. I trust japanese technics ;) Have tried other ships but AG-SYS seems to be the best for my wrong hands :lol

6th July 2009, 09:58 PM
I like em both. the ag-sys and the eg-x. The eg-x really is a thrill giving sonnovamofo though. ag-sys is not as exciting craft as the eg-x. but then, i find the ag-sys a lot more consistent! hmmm...

7th July 2009, 05:28 PM
I just ate a Goteki online. Remember those Rhubarb and Custard penny sweets? Tasted just like that!

Oh, the nostalgia! burp! aaah...

7th July 2009, 11:50 PM
nightarh, agreed on all counts hey! the japanese do build nice craft. the speed is low in pulse but everything else is so spot on that it makes up for it. certainly a more balanced field on the higher speed classes in pulse

i am going to try goteki now that you mention it ace-flo.

i'm surprised qirex struggles for me. it has much better and more rounded stats then usual...

8th July 2009, 12:08 AM
Ah, yes. Those Russian engineers, they got a habit of making things a lil too heavy, meh. So it takes longer for its Air Brakes to respond at faster speeds, more mehness. Therefore, you have to adjust your braking technique accordingly, meh meh (cheese face). Something like that!

There's a thread here somewhere, it explains the whole thing pretty well... I'm sticking with AG-S & EG-X... my warriors! Weak as they are, they put up a good fight! and sometimes, they die trying... meh!

8th July 2009, 10:56 AM
I have started to evaluate ag systems because I was inspired by FBJ's Orcus White clip and am trying to pull off a similar record. Testing...

8th July 2009, 11:13 AM
Wow. Arch I don't think I've seen you in an AG-S. Any chance of a video of you piloting it?

Mate, you're one of the fastest out there on track, I dread to see what you can do in an AG-S... uh oh! I predict you'll be breaking old records with it.


8th July 2009, 12:00 PM
No new vidz until they release some software for a new firmware I have now.

8th July 2009, 12:26 PM
oh ok then. I'll just have keep an eye out for you online and on the tables. I wanna see what you can do in that AG-S... can't wait man!

9th July 2009, 10:20 AM
Ha! I can't handle AG_Systems. Too much of a twitch! But it's perfect for Orcus White. :|

10th July 2009, 09:00 PM
That twitch buddy, is the result of having thumbs which are too heavy... she don't like that.

Remember, she's a lady, she has to be treated as such, and she'll reward you with the sweetest pickups the most exhilarating lines and she'll handle like a pro... never let you down.

Just don't squeeze her so hard man!;):o:o:o

10th July 2009, 09:06 PM
omg I didn't know she is so tender :lol

10th July 2009, 10:08 PM
I like Icaras cos it's tough, and requires firm handling. :D

10th July 2009, 10:47 PM
Lance, you rule dude!

Now I know why Icaras only comes in pink... lol, your post got me laughing too loudly. Actually, I yelped! Family thinks I've gone mad, laughing like that.

thanks! lol.

10th July 2009, 11:39 PM
I like Icaras cos it's tough, and requires firm handling. :D

he is talking about me....icarus is my secret nickname:hyper

10th July 2009, 11:47 PM
ah, Icarus is your secret name huh? hmmm... nice.

me thinks Lance was making a sexual innuendo, and he's gay, so the icarAs he was referring to was indeed a big strong man (ship) in a fuschia pink shirt! lol, he posts wicked one liners!

11th July 2009, 12:20 AM
There is very little pink on an Icaras. And I don't wear the colour, muhself. :D

Innuendo? Me? C'est impossible. Sorta. Maybe. :g And anyway, I'm not into endos.

Icaras is not at all twitchy, and requires firm control and anticipation of required direction changes. Lotsa power, lotsa speed, a challenge to pilot well. What's not to like?

11th July 2009, 01:41 AM
And anyway, I'm not into endos.

that's what I mean by wicked one liners! lol, my gut has cramp. Too much laughter today!

17th July 2009, 07:25 AM
I know I'm going to get roasted for this, but I'm not a big fan of Pulse's Qirex. It's been neutered hardcore. For a big Russian machine it's far too...wishy-washy. It's not good at anything at all, exept maybe its acceleration. Whenever I pick it I'm thinking that I'm too harsh on it and I should give it some slack, but I always come out dissapointed after a few races, to which it gets relegated with Goteki to the 'only if I'm bored' pile.

17th July 2009, 10:58 AM
Yeah, I agree. It frustrates me further, coz it's such a good looking ship too...

17th July 2009, 11:11 AM
Qireж is the worst ship maybe :frown:

17th July 2009, 12:19 PM
I find it as a really good one. Well balanced, nice model.

17th July 2009, 05:04 PM
I think Qirex had already been neutered in Pure. I like the old ultra-heavy ultra-fast barely-steerable Qirex. More fun in the challenge.

17th July 2009, 05:18 PM
I know it's tempting to knock Qirex after looking at the stats, but it's still a very usable ship. Decent speed and handling, excellent shield, and although it doesn't accelerate too well from the start, it seems it doesn't lose much speed through corners (as long as you can stay off the walls). I'm sure there are other stats not mentioned affecting all the ships' performance (e.g. weight).
I think a straight track like Talon's Junction requires a high top speed for the fastest times (and O7 is faster with decent handling and thrust IMO), but for most tracks, the ships seem to be very well balanced and are all usable once you get used to the feel of them.

edit: btw EG-X is the best:lol

17th July 2009, 05:44 PM
it doesnt matter what ship you're in - as long as it's an AirLicker ;)

17th July 2009, 10:47 PM
:lol Nice slogan.
I just had some races online using the Qirex concept (to try to put ace off, as his airlicker skin distracted me:lol), and I can confirm that Qirex is a great ship. Just takes a little getting used to because of it's strange handling. Also you need to stay off the walls to get the most out of it.
Also tried Piranha, which was ok but sluggish, and Triakis, which was even more sluggish, but kind of unstoppable on straight sections. I think if anything, these two are the weak online ships, due to lack of thrust. Maybe at slower than Phantom speed it's different though - I remember ace kicking me about in a Piranha when we were still racing Flash.

18th July 2009, 12:25 AM
Like Alex says, he chose the Qirex for a good few good races against me. He did well with it, so I raced with it for a few races aswell, the Qirex is surprisingly good to pilot. Well balanced. but the fun thing was "2xQirex" going head to head, how rare. It was hilarious but intense.

18th July 2009, 01:22 PM
I like all the Pulse's ships, except....the only one....Mirage :turd!
On the first times that I've played I've said: "He looks strange! 8 in every racing skill....'so interested!".....for the first times I've liked it....but and after that short number of times that I've played...."S**t! It looks like a DJ's head! And when it turns....looks like a wheelchair :paperbag!"....and that green color is a punch in your eye....the Zone ship in the PS2 version looks like a mint popsicle!
For me a ship with 8 (or the same value) in every racing skill is useless....very unsporting choice for me, a ship MUST have positive and negative points to be a "realistic" WipEout ship (two basic examples: Feisar, most manovrable ship ever, but the lowest top speed in the game; Icaras: the best top speed ever, but the lowest shield at the same time).
I don't have nothing against the people who likes Mirage, but in my personal opinion, i hate this team :lol!
....and feel free to hate Harimau uahahaha :hyper!

18th July 2009, 06:10 PM
Ah, yes. Those Russian engineers, they got a habit of making things a lil too heavy, meh. So it takes longer for its Air Brakes to respond at faster speeds, more mehness. Therefore, you have to adjust your braking technique accordingly, meh meh (cheese face). Something like that!

There's a thread here somewhere, it explains the whole thing pretty well... I'm sticking with AG-S & EG-X... my warriors! Weak as they are, they put up a good fight! and sometimes, they die trying... meh!



That twitch buddy, is the result of having thumbs which are too heavy... she don't like that.

Remember, she's a lady, she has to be treated as such, and she'll reward you with the sweetest pickups the most exhilarating lines and she'll handle like a pro... never let you down.

Just don't squeeze her so hard man!;):o:o:o

i'm learning that. scent of a woman when he's driving blind and all that. like a pro, fly baby fly

I like Icaras cos it's tough, and requires firm handling. :D

do you mean pulse icaras is, as per usual, all out speed at the expense of everything else? brilliant. i love ag-s and piranha of old, and eg-x is growing on me - along with a number of others - but icaras is my favourite on 3 and pure which i've been giving a spin again and it's close to being my overall favourite hey. it's just all about the top, flat out, maximum possible speed. in the anti-gravity joust, you want the fastest saber. especially if it comes in pink(ish)! well actually it's dominated by a most royal purple

Lance, you rule dude!

Now I know why Icaras only comes in pink... lol, your post got me laughing too loudly. Actually, I yelped! Family thinks I've gone mad, laughing like that.

thanks! lol.


moar deep purple!

he is talking about me....icarus is my secret nickname:hyper

don't shoot him he's just the messenger


ah, Icarus is your secret name huh? hmmm... nice.

me thinks Lance was making a sexual innuendo, and he's gay, so the icarAs he was referring to was indeed a big strong man (ship) in a fuschia pink shirt! lol, he posts wicked one liners!



There is very little pink on an Icaras. And I don't wear the colour, muhself. :D

Innuendo? Me? C'est impossible. Sorta. Maybe. :g And anyway, I'm not into endos.

Icaras is not at all twitchy, and requires firm control and anticipation of required direction changes. Lotsa power, lotsa speed, a challenge to pilot well. What's not to like?

Best of British

Burning with Burnston's drive


I know I'm going to get roasted for this, but I'm not a big fan of Pulse's Qirex. It's been neutered hardcore. For a big Russian machine it's far too...wishy-washy. It's not good at anything at all, exept maybe its acceleration. Whenever I pick it I'm thinking that I'm too harsh on it and I should give it some slack, but I always come out dissapointed after a few races, to which it gets relegated with Goteki to the 'only if I'm bored' pile.

this is something i hadn't considered up until now, but it doesn't quite feel like a qirex anymore, it is pretty good, not exceptional but solid and accomplished in most fields, but i think what you're noticing is a more comfortable ride, i thought that was a good thing but then feisar wouldn't really be feisar if it had an injection of speed, icaras and piranha wouldn't be without their speed, harimau and goteki wouldn't be if they weren't rubbish but likeable, assegai are athletic and agile by design etc.

i think the crux here is - triakis took over as the bully boys in pure. trigon in pure also had a beast to pile around in but qirex were... neutered, as you lot so observantly put it. it's not the same qirex, it's evolved. maybe the soviet future collapsed into a new new russia which modernised, reflected in the craft which was streamlined and balanced out more to try and spearhead the field again, and the arms dealers based in aus filled the big bastard gap in the market. piranha seem to have moved into that identity in pulse too, actually, although they're still all about the speed. i miss their good handling, though. that's something they always had.

Yeah, I agree. It frustrates me further, coz it's such a good looking ship too...

qirex looks fantastic in pulse, yes. i love the alternative skin

Qireж is the worst ship maybe :frown:

goteki is, for me. feisar could have been but the speed's a 7 not a 6, and in rapier and phantom the exemplary performance in other areas elevates it. goteki's acceleration is outstanding but it flies like a lump. good challenge, i guess!

I find it as a really good one. Well balanced, nice model.

that's not qirex though, is it! it's lovely as cherry pie but as lance says,

I think Qirex had already been neutered in Pure. I like the old ultra-heavy ultra-fast barely-steerable Qirex. More fun in the challenge.

I know it's tempting to knock Qirex after looking at the stats, but it's still a very usable ship. Decent speed and handling, excellent shield, and although it doesn't accelerate too well from the start, it seems it doesn't lose much speed through corners (as long as you can stay off the walls). I'm sure there are other stats not mentioned affecting all the ships' performance (e.g. weight).
I think a straight track like Talon's Junction requires a high top speed for the fastest times (and O7 is faster with decent handling and thrust IMO), but for most tracks, the ships seem to be very well balanced and are all usable once you get used to the feel of them.

edit: btw EG-X is the best:lol

qirex has a speed of 8, i believe. in fact i think it's only lacking in thrust, while it has a decent handling which removes it's feel of weight and cannonball style of flying. and does thrust and handling really increase speed? not on the straights, shirley?

I like all the Pulse's ships, except....the only one....Mirage :turd!
On the first times that I've played I've said: "He looks strange! 8 in every racing skill....'so interested!".....for the first times I've liked it....but and after that short number of times that I've played...."S**t! It looks like a DJ's head! And when it turns....looks like a wheelchair :paperbag!"....and that green color is a punch in your eye....the Zone ship in the PS2 version looks like a mint popsicle!
For me a ship with 8 (or the same value) in every racing skill is useless....very unsporting choice for me, a ship MUST have positive and negative points to be a "realistic" WipEout ship (two basic examples: Feisar, most manovrable ship ever, but the lowest top speed in the game; Icaras: the best top speed ever, but the lowest shield at the same time).
I don't have nothing against the people who likes Mirage, but in my personal opinion, i hate this team :lol!
....and feel free to hate Harimau uahahaha :hyper!

a DJ's head? it looks like a crushed can to me. perhaps carlsberg or something. and it's certainly welcome to have a rich middle eastern team, although it being a sand baron... interesting to hear how the value of sand managed to shoot stratospheric!

something for the future perhaps. piranha developed parts for anti-grav before unveiling their own team in 2097, so they should be all about top end performance, and speed, they've always had speed. other teams have their own characteristics and identities - qirex should up the speed and lose the handling again, return to being a heavyweight bruiser to rival triakis, and even tigron could return, as the remnants of the company rolled out a new ship in secret to attack the company they once took over and then had to release facilities of again after the fiasco of fusion - g tech can stay dead though, rubbish - i loved tigron's iteration in pure so i want moar - but my overall point for the future is something similar to what fusion apparently has with vehicle specific weapons - have vehicle specific abilities. apparently the mag strip tech was developed by the mirage guys in the UAE, soooooooooo they should be the best ship to play with on mag strips, they should be smoother and more stable on those sections of tracks, in future wipeouts, perhaps. something to consider to mix it up a little, just an idea.

and harimau are the environmentally friendly malaysians! topical and tropical. it looks like an sporty trainer and flies like a slow fish, which it also resembles equally. fantastic stuff.


18th July 2009, 06:42 PM
I think handling and thrust do increase speed overall. With higher handling, you're not going to be using the airbrakes as much, and also won't be turning for as long through corners, so will not lose so much speed. Also thrust is important when coming out of corners when you've lost speed through turning/airbrakes. This is why I said you need to stay off the walls to get the most out of Qirex - I meant more so than some of the other ships.

Also, I'm almost certain that the stats aren't exactly as they appear. For example, EG-X seems faster at top speed than Assegai even though they both have 8 for speed. And Harimau will turn tighter than Assegai, both have 9s...

18th July 2009, 10:38 PM
makes sense, although i'm sure the instructions say airbrakes, in pulse at least, don't slow you down? but certainly coming out of corners acceleration helps a lot. that applies more to the technical tracks, of course - on fort gale i'd say the likes of piranha and triakis will win out more then say metropia.

and are those close observations of ship characteristics you mentioned - eg-x being faster then assegai and harimau turning tighter then assegai despite identical appropriate department values - consistently observed and were they spotted in multiplayer? have you any more? i would love to think that there are hidden values such as aerodynamics (probably unlikely) and weight (likelier and i hope they are there) that aren't made known but that influence the different ship's performances; if someone could confirm this or at least shed more light? also, have you observed any other nuanced differences?

and i've already said this earlier, in this thread i believe, so trust me when i say this isn't a knee-jerk comment to those observations - but assegai aren't great for me on pulse! what you say there makes sense and is consistent with my experience of pulse thus far. and it's nice to see such a likeable team as harimau being better, even non-explictly and subtlely, then another team in a certain department. :cake caeeeeeeeeeek

19th July 2009, 11:51 AM
i would love to think that there are hidden values such as aerodynamics (probably unlikely) and weight (likelier and i hope they are there) that aren't made knownAs a matter of fact, there are!
Each ship features about 20 different stats that are responsible for its handling. Like weight, corning, grip, turn, roll, turning rate, turning deceleration, speed, acceleration, ... Therefore, a ship's visible stats are a representation of those hidden stats that physically belong together, thus are grouped and totalized (averaged, accumulated or interval-based, that I don't know) in a single number.
That's why ships with same stats in, say, handling (like the mentioned Assegai and Harimau), don't actually handle the same.
For reference see Colin Berry's statement in this thread (http://www.wipeoutzone.com/forum/showthread.php?t=3818&highlight=20+stats+per+ship+figures) (I highlighted the important terms for you ;) )

I hope I could "shed some more light" on that topic for you.

19th July 2009, 08:40 PM
holy ****!

thank you very much, i did not know any of that and am excited and satisfied to know that to be the case now :o excellent. so weight, grip, roll, decceleration etc. really do have values for each ship and affect the way it pilots. brilliant! :hyper

i had read elsewhere that the tips of the ships were the same so despite differences in shape they still had the same build and width and so forth on the track for cornering and slipping past others and that. but to know that they're different in other departments and have different builds and attributes broken down into many different areas covering everything... this is fantastic.

funny to see that auricom are faster than they are supposed to be on phantom and that triakis lose speed slower; makes sense that the american team are able to squeeze that extra bit of juice out, and the arms dealers had a sneaky decceleration system. these things could be written into the story! in fact, i'm pretty sure the triakis one WAS.

looking at wipeout-game.com, it indeed was. haha! ninja :banzai

19th July 2009, 08:51 PM
triakis lose speed slowerLet's not forget, that this was true for Pure, in Pulse this "bug" was eliminated. At least it's said to be gone... ;)

"human error, fixed in pulse" (C. Berry)

19th July 2009, 09:16 PM
yeah, well, i certainly enjoy triakis more in pure than i do in pulse, from my limited experience of pulse so far anyway

it's the top ship for eliminator so far for me, though, brick-shithouse

edit - blah blah, enough about me, how about yourself, favourites?

19th July 2009, 10:11 PM
What can I say, back to EG.X...also, Assegai and G45 are nice. Those three simply eat the pavement.

21st July 2009, 12:48 PM
and harimau are the environmentally friendly malaysians! topical and tropical. it looks like an sporty trainer and flies like a slow fish, which it also resembles equally. fantastic stuff.


I think the same :beer!
Is my favourite ship in Pulse, absolutely underrated.
But my "gear" in pulse at this time is this:

1) Harimau: with its coolest aesthetics, great speed and perfect handling, Harimau is my favourite choice in Pulse, simply the best (But I an play it only on PS2, 'cause I don't have donwloaded the expansions packs :?);
2) Goteki 45: at the first times I've said:"Top speed 7, Handling 7: what's the sense?", but since the first times I've played I've loved it! Good handling, good shield and the strongest accelleration ever: you're always at the top speed!
3) Auricom: simply a monster! One the greatest shields and top speeds in the game, I use it in the time trial, in the most simple tracks.

And sometimes i play with Feisar (greatest handling, good shield) and Icaras (the fastest, but excessive low shield).

26th July 2009, 09:50 PM
may i ask whether the 4 downloadable packs' contents come as standard with the PS2 version? i think i'd probably get it if so; despite already having it on the PSP :/ then again online play is out of the picture on the PS2...

26th July 2009, 09:52 PM
They come on the PS2 version as default, yes.

27th July 2009, 07:49 PM
well... i already have 2 copies of gta vice city - one fails after a few minutes even after the disc was resurfaced but my 88% complete save file with rare cars in garages only works with that copy :/ - and 2 copies of world cup 06, for PS2 and 360, not entirely sure why; i think i'll get the PS2 pulse just because i'm still not 100% comfortable with PSP controls, and would like to try it on the big screen, and also would like to see the new tracks and try the other crafts, while i don't have wireless for PSP yet. can always trade it in later when i get online on the PSP

woop! i'll be back soon with reviews on the other 4 crafts which none of you will read soon! :rock

30th July 2009, 12:40 PM
How good is the AG-Systems ship?
I've liked AG-Sys in Pure and 2097/XL, in the first WipEout is my favourite ship, and now the simpatic japanese team is my favourite in Pulse.
Nice top speed, excellent accelleration, perfect handling and good shield: perfect in every situation :).
And in the faster classes the AG-Sys ship, with its strong accelleration, represents an authentic piece of art: from now, only AG-Systems and Auricom :)....

30th July 2009, 01:25 PM
Well, I'd say it's great for everything except top speed. It's not a fast ship. But you'll find it's high thrust and handling gets it out of corners faster, which more than makes up for this. At Phantom class, I think the top speed is far less important than it is at Venom class, so AG-S really is a great ship (although it's too "twitchy" for me).

btw - EG-X is the best!:lol;)

30th July 2009, 01:26 PM
AG-S and EG-X are the pack leaders in most cases...

but Arch has done some crazy crapola with the Assegai ship, just like Kigo in his Triakis at phantom speed class mate - it's crazy.

I guess, if you practice with any ship and stick with it long enough, it'll reward you back!

30th July 2009, 01:46 PM
Pulse is very balanced game. I noticed that EG-X is faster than AG on straights, but japanese wins on the turns

30th July 2009, 10:08 PM
Well, I'd say it's great for everything except top speed. It's not a fast ship. But you'll find it's high thrust and handling gets it out of corners faster, which more than makes up for this. At Phantom class, I think the top speed is far less important than it is at Venom class, so AG-S really is a great ship (although it's too "twitchy" for me).

btw - EG-X is the best!:lol;)

MrSmadSmartAlex, at the first times EG-X....I don't liked it!
Probably for the low shield and for the way it looks but after a lot of gold medals in the time challenges of the campaign mode, EG-X is always my first choice in this type of event :+.
The best relationship between a great top speed and a strong accelleration, and it is very manovrable (but the stat points in the game are 7, this don't reflect the reality, but under this point AG-Sys is more better).
The shield it's the weak point of this ship, but for me this is not important beacuse I use it predominantly in the time trials.

Dr. Angryman
3rd August 2009, 03:30 AM
IMO, Goteki 45 is the best ship....

3rd August 2009, 03:58 AM
Yes, ok Dr.Angryman - but what are your reasons for why you prefer G-45 over the other ships?

6th August 2009, 11:41 PM
it's the best ship for an ANGRY ANGRY MAN of course :robot

:! no wait, that's wip3out... over to you dr.angryman what's your propsygnosis

7th August 2009, 02:37 AM
I mostly play Pulse for lap time trials, and I do NOT have any of the DLC (so no Icarus or Mirage ships for me).

With that said, I don't find a single ship to be "the best" because it depends on the speed class and to a lesser extent on the track.

For Venom, Flash and Rapier speeds, I find that Piranha generally yields my best times-- the raw speed is worth the reduced cornering efficiency.

For Phantom speed, I generally use AGS-- the base speed so phantom is so high that ship handling and thrust are my main concerns.

I am starting to futz with Goteki 45 because I suspect that the very high thrust may, for a few cases, be worth reduced speed and handling. I suspect that Icaras would probably work better for me than Piranha but since I live in the U.S. and don't have access to DLC, I don't know.

I am super impressed with how balanced the different ships are in Pulse-- I suspect that most ships in the game could be used for competitive play. With that said, I still suspect that certain ships in certain situations will be truly superior. For example, at Venom and Flash speeds, I suspect that Pirhana and Icaras will always beat the slower ships.

26th August 2009, 01:15 PM
I'm taking back the things I said about the Qirex. It's not a bad ship, I just need to give it some love, like what I did to Pure. I first snubbed it, but now it's got more playtime than Pulse. It does look fantastic and all, and it's fairly nippy round corners.

However, IMO Goteki 45 has absolutley no redeeming qualities at all. I don't see the praise for the 10 for acceleration. The 7 for both handling and top speed render it useless, looking and flying like a barge. Son, I am dissapoint...

26th August 2009, 04:36 PM
No, the G~45 is awesome in Pulse! Top speed coulda been better, but the thrust more than compensates for that. You should see James_sp tear the track a new asshole in the Goteki... i've noticed that the Goteki seems to have "warmed up" in laps 4 and 5 when racing, and dominates in these final laps!

26th August 2009, 04:40 PM
It's not one of my favourites, I must admit, but it's still ok to use. That high thrust really does make a difference coming out of corners or anything else that slows you down. And that's before you even get online and get hit by weapons, or hit the walls.
I have been trying, but I still can't find a particularly weak ship in this game. For example, Triakis should be an overall slower version of the Piranha, just looking at the stats. But for me it seems a fair bit faster overall on certain tracks.
I don't think those 4 stats are all that separates the ships (e.g. I'm sure the ships have different weights). Maybe they just sum up a ship's general characteristics, so there's not a giant list of everything that makes the game's physics or whatever.

edit: EG-X is the best, though.:lol

26th August 2009, 06:50 PM
The 7 for both handling and top speed render it useless, looking and flying like a barge.

Those are kind of hard words for that masterpiece of a ship. I was wondering, have you even tried the ship except looking at it's 7's? Stats are not really a full representation of ships abilities. That 7 on handling is not like 7 of EG.X. It's more kind of, like, an 8. Try it. Love it. :)

30th August 2009, 11:55 AM
The true test of a ships ability, lies in its' performance at Phantom + speeds...

i.e - Piranha is a beast, right up to Rapier, but a bit of a red herring at Phantom...

Now, I'm not saying not to use Piranha at Phantom. Do so by all means - but get shot at once, and you'll most likely end up playing 'catch up' for the rest of the race... dodgy chassis too - BR + Turn = Scrape Fest / Marrying walls lol

30th August 2009, 12:08 PM
No, the true test of a ships ability, is whether it's an EG-X or not.:lol

30th August 2009, 12:24 PM
Oh no, not again lol!

2nd September 2009, 12:35 PM
However, IMO Goteki 45 has absolutley no redeeming qualities at all. I don't see the praise for the 10 for acceleration. The 7 for both handling and top speed render it useless, looking and flying like a barge.

This was my first point of view about G-45 for the first time that I've used....but after the first time that I've tried in phantom, I've understanded the sense of G-45 in Pulse :+.

No, the G~45 is awesome in Pulse!

Aaaaahh ACE has always the best answer for all :hyper!
Join the Gotekians team pilots, damn :g!

2nd September 2009, 01:22 PM
Just joined it lol. Yes, I used to race in a G-45 for a bit (phantom ofcourse) but switched to AG-Sys when I got frustrated with its top speed stat. That thrust - can ensure that you leave the pack behind at the starting line. Which is cool. Its' handling stat is marked as a 7 but like Archie said - it's more like an 8, not dissimiliar to EGX's handling

The AG-Sys, is most definitely my ship of choice.

Joint 2nd has to go to Qirex and EG-X, followed by Goteki-45 and the Piranha. I do like my Piranha lol

2nd September 2009, 03:16 PM
Why does nobody ever notice that the AG-Sys has a low top speed?:lol
The Goteki will out-perform it in that sense, because it has the same top speed, but more thrust.
I always see people write that it's faster than Feisar too, which isn't correct. Feisar, AG-S and Goteki all have exactly the same top speed.

That said, the AG-S is a great all-round ship, with it's low top-speed as it's only weakness (not much of one either - each 1 speed stat = 3km/h, so Piranha is only 9km/h faster than Feisar!).

2nd September 2009, 09:02 PM
Problem is that I'm so used to using my AG that I really suck (even more, yeah :D ) with other ships.

Fore sure, EG-X is great ;)

2nd September 2009, 09:43 PM
Hehe, AG-Sys is fine (and you don't suck;)). I think the ships are really balanced in this game - maybe certain ships are a little better on certain tracks for TT (although there's not a lot in it), but any ship can win online. I only say EG-X is the best because it's my favourite (and also because it is:lol).

2nd September 2009, 10:33 PM
Yeah, Gah! lol. For true, I do like the EG-X, it's very fast but does tend to recover slower from oversteer imo. Which is why it takes real dedication to master the EG-X at the level Mr Alex has displayed. Bravo to you buddy! The rewards for your efforts definitely show in your TT recs - and online... Grrr !

2nd September 2009, 10:38 PM
Joint 2nd has to go to Qirex and EG-X, followed by Goteki-45 and the Piranha. I do like my Piranha lol

Piranha is probably the last team in the ships that I like....ehm....12th position :lol!
I will say it again, AG-Systems is GREAT in Pulse....and at the second choice I use Auricom, that is a great ship....and I love it's alternative skin....my third choice at this moment is EG-X, very great ship, and I use it not only in time trial, but also in single races and tournaments....very manovrable, the handling is more like 8 than its 7 ;)!
But the shield....7? A great ship like this deserves a shield of 8.

Why does nobody ever notice that the AG-Sys has a low top speed?:lol
The Goteki will out-perform it in that sense, because it has the same top speed, but more thrust.
I always see people write that it's faster than Feisar too, which isn't correct. Feisar, AG-S and Goteki all have exactly the same top speed.

Yes, this is right ;).

That said, the AG-S is a great all-round ship, with it's low top-speed as it's only weakness (not much of one either - each 1 speed stat = 3km/h, so Piranha is only 9km/h faster than Feisar!).
EH?! Are you sure mate :|?

2nd September 2009, 10:52 PM
Yep, Arch did some research on it. Take a look at this:
Only 3km/h per 1 speed stat seems like such a useless speed increase, I know, but it really does make a difference when playing (especially for TT). But good thrust and handling can compensate on corners for lower top speed. This is why EG-X doesn't have high handling - it would be unstoppable.;)

2nd September 2009, 11:33 PM
Unstopable? only when you're piloting it Mr Alex!

The AG-Sys wins for me, because it handles turns and corners with the least loss to speed, at phantom this is an essential stat. Yes, some may say it's a tad twitchy, but its responsiveness is what gives it the edge. And truth be told, I love the look of it too!

2nd September 2009, 11:51 PM
Bah, I still lose online (and take 100000000 attempts in TT), so it's not unstoppable (and no player is either;)). But thanks.
I can't handle the twitch, so I actually prefer a lower handling stat. The ships are balanced enough though, that you can just pick whichever one feels best, and then learn to use it's strengths.

2nd September 2009, 11:53 PM
Only a hundred million attempts? You slacker, you. ;)

3rd September 2009, 12:30 AM
I never thought I'd say this, but I'm loving the Qirex in Pulse. It's just... easy... flies very smoothly, seriously.

It doesn't excite me as the others. I haven't broken any recs with it or anything. Yeah, however the ship looks so damn good, I may give it the AirLicker treatment. A full texture remap, sporting chromatic hex plating - and a neon-purple trim... or something! lol

I think I'm gonna play with it online too... 8)

3rd September 2009, 12:35 AM
As intriguing and tempting as it may be, I'm always using ag sys online and offline... I don't know but it just "feels right" for me. And believe me I can be really dangerous sometimes with it. Qirex is really cool looking yeah AND russian... lol But I will not support my home country this time... lol :P

I can't wait to see the airlicker mod on it Ace... ;)

3rd September 2009, 12:48 AM
Thank you, Seraph. You and I feel the same about the AG-Sys. My favourite, without a doubt. However, the AG-Sys has had the AirLicker mods twice already. I also wanna do the EG-X but it's a very difficult ship to please.

I guess the main focus will be getting the Qirex design so I'm happy with it. No expense will be spared in making the hull lighter via use of an exclusively owned composite plating technology.

4th September 2009, 12:15 PM
Naaahahahah, EG-X-this, EG-X that, no stories please :lol....
AG-Systems IS the best ship in Pulse 8)!


And ACE can confirm this:banzai!

4th September 2009, 01:25 PM
Well, it's certainly my favourite - already said that haven't I? ;)

It really is a tap/steer ship. What I mean is - as long as you understand that the AG-SYS is not the type of ship which you can drive whilst angry at the opposition. For that you need a Piranha lol.

NO, the AG-SYS is one which commands your full attention in a relaxed way. Your thumbs must be able to tap away frantic yet light, constant recorrection of your ship in turns and corners is required, it doesnt like to straighten up out of corners on its own, its a bit of a baby like that - but hey, for such a responsive ship - I guess you have to make a trade off here and there, and this is one of them. However, if the AG-SYS did re-correct easier out of turns, then I guess the speed would have to drop to make things more even whilst coming out of those turns. Personally, I like the way the ship is anyway, the fact that I have re-correct out of turns is a small price to pay for maintaining a high speed average through those same turns...

So the skill in piloting this ship lies more in the recorrection of your steering than anything else, just my imo!;)

EDIT: Was going through the thread and found this:

who knows? maybe we'll see the piranha at the top of the leaderboards in outpost 7.

time will tell...
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA No way lol - that would be awesome though!!!

10th September 2009, 08:44 AM
I got less expereince in all the carfts, but I have flown the AG-SYS a while now, I like it a lot for the higher speeds, at the lower speeds it is a tad too slow to my liking tho.

And, he he, I agree on treating the AG-SYS like a lady, if you mash the buttons she does not perform, need to handle her gently ;P

I have also tried my hands on Harimau and Assegai somewhat, both perfom ok, with Harimau having great handling and Assegai overall fine performance.

Latly however I am starting to like Icaras, more so for time trials and speed laps. It has speed and decent handling, and once the racing line is trained it performes well for me.

Overall I like the ships in Pulse, seems very balanced.

10th September 2009, 08:50 AM
Hey Alexander, welcome to the zone :).
If you want a perfect ship for time trial, try an EG-X, and AG-Systems (for me is the best ship in Pulse :)) for the most complex tracks, when you need a great handling without a sacrifice in accelleration.

10th September 2009, 09:04 AM
Those are kind of hard words for that masterpiece of a ship. I was wondering, have you even tried the ship except looking at it's 7's? Stats are not really a full representation of ships abilities. That 7 on handling is not like 7 of EG.X. It's more kind of, like, an 8. Try it. Love it. :)

Ouch, hard words all round! :p

I've got around 6k loyalty points with the '45 (so pretty much bugger-all playtime) and honestly, I can't bring myself to love it. Even give or take a bit with the stats (Triakis and Pirhana would be essentially the same otherwise) I find it a very uninteresting ride. Maybe I should try it at Phantom speeds? I ping-pong off walls at the best of times...

10th September 2009, 10:23 AM
Hehe, here's your answer. I was talking about Phantom in my reviews. Other classes are not taken into thought. So you really haven't tried it. ;) Try it, the handling is like 8.5, more than 7. ;) Plus it's got enormous thrust, which makes the good contender.

Cheers! :)

10th September 2009, 11:40 AM
Ouch, hard words all round! :p

I've got around 6k loyalty points with the '45 (so pretty much bugger-all playtime) and honestly, I can't bring myself to love it. Even give or take a bit with the stats (Triakis and Pirhana would be essentially the same otherwise) I find it a very uninteresting ride. Maybe I should try it at Phantom speeds? I ping-pong off walls at the best of times...

I agree with this.
G45 is a monstrous ship in Pulse (and I LOVE it since its debut in Wip3out), but, honestly, the handling of EG-X is more like a 8 than the G45, and in time trial I feel this too much better.
But G45 remains an excellent ship, one the bests in Pulse.

10th September 2009, 01:05 PM
Are you guys playing on Phantom? G45 has more handling than EG.X for sure. G45 is more loose. That's definite.

10th September 2009, 01:13 PM
Not for me, it isn't.;) To me, it feels kind of stiff, like a looser Triakis. I guess it just depends on your playing style. EG-X turns just fine for me, and I sometimes have trouble when using G45. That thrust probably affects the feel of the thing when turning though, so maybe that's why you feel that it's looser (I'd imagine this would affect airbraking more than regular turning).
So IMO, the handling stat should just be seen as a kind of "review" somebody's done of the handling, rather than a real "stat".

10th September 2009, 01:28 PM
Aargh I suck then. Anyway, they're all good. Except Feisar. (sorry, Feis(hit)ar lovers) ;)

12th September 2009, 07:54 PM
Feisar, is not a crap ship I don't use it coz I got too used to AG-SYS, EG-X and more recently (don't laugh) Piranha...! lol - yeah I know Feisar seen as a noob ship but it cant be that bad - Albino Ace got a top ten TT time in Talons W TT... that's kinda awesome! heard there was a guy called Eleven GG EX who was an awesome pilot in online races back in the days when Pulse was really active, and he rocked in a Feisar... Hmmm!

12th September 2009, 08:24 PM
Feisar is a very reasonable option for phantom speeds on some tracks IMHO.

I would never laugh about Piranha in Pulse-- I think it is the best ship for most tracks on Venom, Flash and Rapier speeds (note caveat, I have never tried Icaras because DLC isn't available in the U.S.)

12th September 2009, 08:34 PM
Yeah, the Piranha is a good, fast ship in Phantom, just not viable enough to use on the trickier tracks, I got a top 20 TT time on Talons W Phantom (ofcourse) in it. But back in February, when I was starting out on Pulse, I got laughed at on Gamefaqs for using it - however, I only used to race Flash back then, and I never had a problem with it, ever...

And now, I#m starting to experiment with it again, but this time at Phantom class - I was inspired by Arch when he starting rocking the Piranha online (Phantom ofcourse) and did really well with it! A true pulse warrior that guy is! :rock - on Moa, it just rocks!!! But I still prefer the AG-SYS coz I get cleaner lines out of it, having said that - I get cleaner lines out of the Piranha on Talons W TT... hate using it on SR though! :)

12th September 2009, 08:40 PM
If we're talking online, it's best to stick with only one ship, because some hosts don't wait for you to switch, and also it's easy to forget and get stuck in the wrong one :lol! Happened to me many many times when I used to switch to AG-Sys for twisty tracks. I definitely feel more comfortable now that I use EG-X on all tracks online.
TT though is just whichever ship gives you the fastest time, although I still find it easier in EG-X on most tracks, just because I'm so used to it now (I had 100000 loyalty in it before I even thought about using other ships :lol).

12th September 2009, 08:43 PM
Yeah, the Piranha is a good, fast ship in Phantom, just not viable enough to use on the trickier tracks, I got a top 20 TT time on Talons W Phantom (ofcourse) in it.

What is the status of the online times for Pulse? Are they still updating? I haven't updated my times in ages...

12th September 2009, 08:44 PM
I like rocking different ships in TT, simply because I havent TT's as much as others who play Pulse - I always used to race SR on hard - just coz I like dropping mines and bombs in places blowing up some faces (gah - that was a crap joke)

But yeah, I guess to get consistently good times and to improve your lines in a steadily approachable manner - it's wise sticking to one ship...

Good advice there Smaddy, cheers mate - I'll take it up!!!

At Frances, Yeah - they still update mate!!! Almost two years on and it still works - maybe Rob has something to do with that? He did make the ranking site after all! Our Rob is a pretty talented guy, we're lucky to have him I guess!!!

12th September 2009, 08:54 PM
What is the status of the online times for Pulse? Are they still updating? I haven't updated my times in ages...
Yep, except for online racing, I pretty much only compete for Phantom TT race times on wipeout-game.com. Mine always updates ok, although it takes a few hours for the site to display the new times.:)
Never really bothered with SR mode, as there's too much luck involved for decent competition IMO (plus Pulse's idiot AI isn't fast enough:lol). Besides, if you like weapons, that's what online racing is for!;)

edit: bah, ace edited to answer the question, so now it looks like I ignored his post!:lol

12th September 2009, 09:11 PM
It still updates for online races, I checked Killer_Loopz' online progress on the rankings and he's moved from 70 something to 58...

I'm stuck at 34 but I dont care for rankings anymore - they're most definitely flawed after my last experience!!! Not gonna mention what happened here... :)

EDIT: Oi, Smaddy - why you ignoring my post for? :D:D:D:D kidding!!!

12th September 2009, 10:08 PM
Aargh I suck then. Anyway, they're all good. Except Feisar. (sorry, Feis(hit)ar lovers) ;)

Oh archman, can I kill you for this uahahaha :robot?
Feisar is Feisar, the slowest ship ever, the most manovrable ever....simply for me if someone loves WipEout, he/she MUST loves Feisar, at the first times in Pulse I've used a lot, I've unlocked its prototype ship....but it's horrible :!!
Ok, I want to let you live :beer!

13th September 2009, 12:16 AM
Hehe. I can see Feisar's strengths: you can corner with minimal or no airbraking meaning less slowing down, and you can correct any small errors with minimal effort, so it is as competitive as the other ships (especially at Phantom speed), but it's just not for me - I like solid (i.e. bad:lol) handling, and high thrust, with decent speed. EG-X in other words.;)

13th September 2009, 12:50 AM
smad, you make me wanna pilot a Feisar now! This game is awesome :D

13th September 2009, 11:52 AM
I like solid (i.e. bad:lol) handling


I like Feisar, manovrable as the best that a AG-Ship can be, but, honestly, I prefer AG-Systems....but for for me the best handling for my style is 7: EG-X, Goteki45.
It was my first favourite team ever (aaaahh the classic 2097/XL version ship....) but on Pulse sometimes I race with Feisar :).

But....Mirage....eh? What?
Mirage rhyme with average :lol!

13th September 2009, 05:30 PM
Hm... meer ahge'... av' er ije...

doesn't sound the same to me. ;)

13th September 2009, 06:08 PM
:D yeah, I agree - Smad got a top ten TT time in a Mirage a few months back, but no doubt he broke that record in his beloved EG-X.

I guess it aint the Ship drives you, more a case of a Pilots' ability to push the ship to its' limits...

So bottom line is, its all down to your own individual skillset, dedication and persistance! No ship is average in Pulse, they all have their strengths and weaknesses... If your skill is strong where the ship stat is weak, I believe you can make good of it imo.

20th September 2009, 01:16 PM
Honestly Mirage is the classic ship that the pilot can makes the difference....is not a bad ship indeed, because it's extremely balanced and sometimes I like to use it....this can sounds strange, but Mirage is my favourite ship in Eliminator model, its great balancement is the greatest resource for me in this type of event.

Mmmmhhh....today I've tried Feisar in Phantom....simply I can't believe at my eyes, with Feisar I've destroyed every tipe of wall in every track (ping-pong effect, do you know it?)....its turning circle is excessively short for my driving style, and the effect of a Feisar in my hands in Pulse is....boom, sbadaboom, sdeng :g!
After this, I've tried AG-System....flawless!
Honestly at this time my preference is for Mirage, if I must compare it compared with Feisar.
Very strange, I don't know this reason of this, but probably my style is totally changed after the first times that I've played Pulse.
At this moment I prefer only ships with 7 in handling (EG-X and Goteki 45, of course, the only exception is Auricom, that i play sometimes)....only one ship with 9 in handling, to be more precise....mmmhh....I gotta say it again?
AG Systems :g!

23rd September 2009, 05:11 PM
I dont know that there is a best ship in pulse purely because they all seem to have good points and all have bad points, personally i use Qirex quite a lot, mainly online as it has a healthy shield and good enough handling to get you round the corners without loosing too much speed. I think its a case of learning how to fly in each ship not one is that similar to another just pick one and try it if it dosent work for you try another one :rock

23rd September 2009, 05:20 PM
I agree with you. Btw, I've seen you online with Qirex, and it's impressive, mate.

Welcome to the boards! :)

25th September 2009, 02:18 PM
Aaaahh...my definitive gear for every type of class:

Venom: Goteki 45, Icaras;
Flash: Goteki 45, Icaras, Auricom;
Rapier: AG Systems, Icaras;
Phantom: Goteki 45, AG Systems, Icaras.

Time Trial: EG-X, AG Systems.

Aaaaahh I LOVE Pulse :D....Goteki 45 and Icaras are indeed the ships of my desires...I have a special relation with these ships since their debut in Wip3out....and AG-Systems remains a great ship for every situation.

Goteki 45....average in 3, but awesome since Pure....I love its excellent accelleration...and...Icaras....a tear in my eye...thin, f****n' fast, and looks awesome :redface:...

14th October 2009, 01:58 PM
What's the best ship to control in Phantom races? AG-Sys or FEISAR? Or any other?

14th October 2009, 05:21 PM
Depends, largely on your preference...

... start with the feisar or AG-SYS as these offer the best handling stats - learning Phantom with these ships will get you accustomed to those all important breaking times and distances, optimal racing lines, and you will be better able to adjust to Phantom from rapier with these. Stay away form Piranha and Triakis to begin with, but once you've attained adequate mastery of a favourite track, try it in any ship - you'll be surprised at hw much you would have improved by then.

Personally, for me it's the AG-SYS (AirLicker mkIII now btw peeps) and the EG-X ships which suit me... sometimes I dare myself the Piranha on certain tracks if I feel like I can race it competitively...

Welcome to the zone btw...

14th October 2009, 07:16 PM
Depends, largely on your preference...

... start with the feisar or AG-SYS as these offer the best handling stats - learning Phantom with these ships will get you accustomed to those all important breaking times and distances, optimal racing lines, and you will be better able to adjust to Phantom from rapier with these. Stay away form Piranha and Triakis to begin with, but once you've attained adequate mastery of a favourite track, try it in any ship - you'll be surprised at hw much you would have improved by then.

Personally, for me it's the AG-SYS (AirLicker mkIII now btw peeps) and the EG-X ships which suit me... sometimes I dare myself the Piranha on certain tracks if I feel like I can race it competitively...

Welcome to the zone btw...

thanks... Piranha on anulpha pass ight be easy... but only on anupha pass

15th October 2009, 09:39 AM
... start with the feisar or AG-SYS as these offer the best handling stats

Haah! Let me reformulate. Start with feisar or ag-sys and then when you see that they're not that good, switch to something other and relearn the tracks from scratch. Yay! :lol

You can start with Piranha or Triakis, cause when you start learning with them, it takes longer, but is more rewarding. :)

15th October 2009, 10:44 AM
Arch you just said what I said ... if you are bored/alone - talk to someone, it helps! But don't repeat my advice in your way... Find your own advice to give.

As for Piranha and Triakis at Phantom, Miguel - you wanna learn a track, choose Feisar and AG-SYS.
You wanna learn Piranha at Phantom - choose Piranha!

.... Miguel dk, read thru the thread mate, and you'll find the answers you're looking for. :g

15th October 2009, 11:25 AM
WTF are you on? I'm not repeating your advice. :lol I'm just telling that your advice is not really good.
Learning a track with feisar instead of with Triakis? That sucks.
"You wanna learn Piranha at Phantom - Choose Piranha" -> No, choose a cardboard racer.
So, Ace, read my post again and see if I'm repeating you before you start to spam again. Why would I want to repeat *your* advice, anyway? Find some of my advices to give? What for? I try to give people some events now and then so that they enjoy the actual thing, not just talking **** and nonsense spamming crap on the boards. ;)
And **** off with some bored"/"alone stuff, k? ;)

15th October 2009, 11:49 AM
Crank it up baby :D ;)

Piranha ftw! :D

15th October 2009, 01:58 PM
thanks ace-flo

9th November 2009, 10:52 AM
Having done nearly everything in the single player mode now, I guess I'll post my experiences.

When I started out on Pulse, I was rather annoyed to find that my favoured team from Pure (Auricom) wasn't in the running. So I picked my replacement and I got on very well with Assegai - speed and thrust were fine and the handling made me smile. When I bothered to download the DLC, I tried to go back to Auricom and just couldn't do it.

For most of the game, that was fine. However, at Phantom the low shield stat for Assegai really started to trouble me, so I started to experiment with different craft for different situations. Icaras became my craft of choice for time trials, and I experimented with Feisar for the main races because of the good handling and decent shields. However, now I've got very little left to do I'm starting to quite like Qirex. It's similar enough to the Assegai to be appealing, with the lower thrust and handling offset by the shield boost. The handling is good enough that it's definitely not the "brick strapped to a rocket" Qirex of old, but it's nice to have something a bit more solid than the Assegai.

9th November 2009, 03:57 PM
i'm pleased you found favour with the qirex, it's a fantastic ship, but not many race with it online... do you go online much?

9th November 2009, 04:03 PM
Yeah, strange that...
You'd think it'd be a popular online ship with that shield. I'd use it if there was suddenly no EG-X.:D

9th November 2009, 04:15 PM
... Qirex, quite possibly the best looking ship online... if its skin was managed by the AirLicker Group :lol - Qirex power!

9th November 2009, 04:18 PM
Just think... no more Airlicker custom skins in HD.... maybe you should stay with Pulse, eh?:lol

9th November 2009, 04:37 PM
oh, the G-TRIP is so on point, you got me smiling man... AirLicker will come up with a mk IV sometime in the near future... and i'll test it online (pending connection)...

9th November 2009, 04:45 PM
ACE-FLO: I haven't been online with Pulse yet, as I don't have wireless internet in my current location. When I head home, I've got a wireless router that should allow me to finally race some of you guys online - I can't wait!

9th November 2009, 05:05 PM
Hi NiktheGreek.:)
Pulse online is very quiet these days, but there's still a few people playing, and sometimes even the Phantom class hardcores!:D

9th November 2009, 09:20 PM
hello Nik, (lock stock? or was it snatch?)

if you do manage to get online, post up in th 'online meetings' thread in the Pulse forum, and pulsers will hopefully heed your call. Oh, and should you happen to race MrSmadSmartAlex, and get schooled - don't worry, it happens to the best of us... Alex is a demonic pilot with eXtreme skillz, of which I am secretly jealous :) it' all true... and I won't admit that again, ever ;)

9th November 2009, 11:12 PM
Heh, thanks mate. Yet you've still beaten me a load of times.;)
It's good to be online-capable again, and this ofw runs ok online, but it's even quieter on the servers since this 6.10 thing - I guess that means there's a lot of CFW users about...
Back on topic - I might start using Qirex now and again online, if I'm ever in a room full of weapons ****ers (like you and your cannon, ACE!:mad: :lol). I hate having to miss BRs and stuff due to low shield. But on the other hand...
...the EG-X is too good to not use.:D

10th November 2009, 02:10 AM
Aw, stop it man... you're making me miss Metropia. it aint the same on hd (sobs) seriously, there's something very wrong about it. also noticed that the fury eg-x is just, er, well, very sexy to pilot. but nothing like it's fx400 in handling, i give it that. but what do i know? i'm still a noob at hd lol.

However, i do miss the pulse ships. Piloting them had become... instinctive...

3rd January 2010, 09:18 PM
I'm currently torn between 4 ships. Goteki, EG-X, Triakis, and Qirex.

I like the triakis because of it's weight. It just feels right when you take it around a corner or over a hill. It hugs the ground nicely and you always feel as though you're in control. It also has excellent top speed. But it's painfully slow off the start and out of corners. I guess i'm still drawn to it because hardly anyone races with it online giving it an "individual feel".

The qirex appeals to me for the weight much like the triakis. Only the qirex feels more responsive, but a little slower. Overall I thought it was a well balanced ship. A little bulky and hard to execute shallow barrel rolls though.

I guess the main competition is between goteki and eg-x. I've always loved goteki so they got the tradition thing going for 'em. I also like it because it because of the thrust. You get hit by a weapon or slam a wall, you'll reach to speed in no time. and their shields are extremely nice for courses I don't know well and for getting hit with weapons. It also feels more responsive then an eg-x.

And finally the eg-x. To start, it feels very nice and weighty around turns. It's faster then a goteki and has excellent acceleration, too. Though it is weak in the shields department and can be a little too much of a hassle on the really sharp turns. But the accel and speed usually make up for it.

6th March 2010, 01:04 PM
Goteki, EG-X from your list of prefferred ships do well online. Having said that, they have a good balance in all ships - so really, it's down to ability too i guess...

the EG-X is fasterrrrrrrrrrr :)

8th March 2010, 03:11 AM
AirLicker never finished the EG-X custom did they? :? Hmmm... well I'll have to see about getting something done there...

Just curious - do any of you use alternative ships? for example I used to sometimes fly an EG-X or Piranha when I wasn't in my AG-SEX...sorry, er, SYS :D:dizzy

16th March 2010, 01:46 AM
i flew with the goteki at first. though i decided i needed a faster ride so i naturally went with the eg.x. although now i'm finding myself flying with triakis, and doing fairly well online with it as well. i think i'll stick with the tank for a while. something about it just feels right. plus i don't feel dirty when i fly with it like i did in pure. :)

Albino Ace
3rd May 2010, 01:22 AM
Well, I used to think that high Thrust was the be-all-end-all (or however it goes) stat in Pulse with Speed being completely negligible (the exact opposite of Wip3out, funny enough), seeing ships like AG-Sys and Goteki doing so well all the time. However, after first hearing about Wolfkill using Triakis and doing fairly well, and then me using it myself on Saturday, achieving 1st or 2nd in the majority of races (60% or so I'd say)...

Well, I'm really beginning to rethink that.

Especially in the weapons off races (although during rare moments of calm in weapons on races, too), when it came down to cornering and BRs, I swear I literally saw my Triakis catching up with the EG-X's and AG-Sys's that were ahead within visual range. A race or two I think I had "stolen the victory" (as Smad would say :lol ) just by how sharp the line was.

My point is I think the theories of the olden days got tossed out the window, and that all ships are indeed viable for online multiplayer.

3rd May 2010, 08:20 PM
I agree with that for non weapon races for sure. weapons though, goteki imo has a very large advantage over the high speed ships. If it goes up against a ag sys, not as much, but it still hits that first weapon pad if both people start at max speed, and if it is a mine or bomb, it's bad news for whoever is behind.

Flint Fandango
30th November 2010, 07:44 AM
I knew most of the ships already from 2097 & Wip3out, nevertheless, I gave every team a fair chance.
At the beginning I have provided a handwritten list in which I have divided the ships into 3 categories:

My one and only --- an other attempt worth --- no way

First - the "no ways":
Quirex: No bad ship, but for incomprehensible reasons, I can´t identify with this team... also the control poses problems to me permanently.
Goteki 45: Almost the same as Quirex. Sorry.
EG-x: Good acceleration and shield. But together with the other attributes no prominent machine for me.
Piranha: My girlfriend´s favourite! But I can´t understand the advantage of this ship. Well, it has many fans, and that´s o.k. for sure, but I couldn´t get any record with it. Oh, and the handling pretty sucks, imho.
Auricom: Uncontrolable for me since WipEout 2097. I never liked this team - and the ship is ugly too.

Enough of that - next is "an other attempt worth" (but sadly, they didn´t qualify):
Mirage: The first impression was: Well-balanced.
But after some tests I had to find out that this ship of all offers not enough, instead of the right measure.
Harimau: First it seemed to be quite comfortable, but then...I simply don't understand this team!
Basically it is similar to the Assegai, but it is worse in certain points. Flying this ship - for what?!
Triakis: Solid like a tank, but also as slowly.
Feisar: Brilliant handling, but that´s already everything. Too slowly what develops just after a crash very much to the disadvantage. Worse than expected.
Assegai: This ship was my all-time favourite! But in higher classes, the first problems appeared. Don´t get me wrong - it is a nice ship, but it was a bit too "mainstream" for me. Just in higher classes, it comes to a decision which attributes fit all together, for your success.
AG-Systems: The classic! Great handling, but in my opinion, it is a bit too slow.

My choice is (was) Icaras!

EDIT: Speed is not everything, it depends on the pilot. So I may switch to Feisar, because with this ship I don´t eat walls that much. ;) Feels better that way!

17th January 2011, 01:00 AM
For what you say? Don't always believe the stats as they don't tell the whole tale. Directly compared to the Assegai, the Harimau may appear to have worse stats. Indeed the thrust is actually worse, but as an advantage to the Harimau, it does handle bumps better and stick to the track better. And in my opinion, the Harimau is a classy ship- it is my one and only choice. More classy than the Assegai, but to each, his own.

Flint Fandango
28th April 2011, 06:07 PM
Sorry, I didn´t intend to offence the Harimau lovers...;)
In my opinion - and after piloting myriads of laps - the sentiment varies enormously reffering the different ships. Also depending upon the speed class.
But nonetheless you´re right about the stats. They´re smoke and mirrors.
I´m piloting Mirage at the moment, after intensive sessions with G45 and FEISAR.
I had a shift in priorities very often, but it seems I will find my personal favourite soon! But I won´t save the tigers...:g (No offence!)

**(My priority list above was one of my first posts in this forum! :redface:
So please be lenient. Thanks in advance!)**

DJ Techno
29th April 2011, 06:38 AM
Auricom is good after rapier

Pirhana is good after rapier but i take my time usin it on phantom level. On most turn tracks.

Ag systems has been good for me in the last three tournaments where I faced off against the actual people o talk in here. Given me the good spankings for Ben and Eric.

I tried triakus
When i used it. It was used in Paris to beat the bricks out of the French.... not using triakus another time.

Quirex... no comment on that

Puma and Puma 2. Did a great job working Arnaud, did a great job trying to get me out of fourth string in the European races, and a great job but didn't keep me alive n the matches against Travis.