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View Full Version : Wipeout fusion review from Paris

26th June 2002, 02:12 AM
Hello, i'm french, i'm 16 and i am a fan of all the wipeouts, except the last one...
I want to have you opinion about WOfusion. I really didn't liked it, it is sad, but it's true. After 4 games that didn't disappointed me at all, i had a really bad surprise when i first played fusion.
I didn't liked at all the graphics, who suddenly became brighter, flashing.
The wipeout style, this dark view of the future is disappearing with qirex and ag systems in the game developped by the "studio liverpool".
Why? why the developpers had to erase these extraordinary elements. To do what? To kill the spirit of the game, to make him easier. The Speed sensation is not here, despite the fact that i see more than 500 mph in the bottom of the screen...
Even the music can't calm my anger, they are simply pathetic, are at light years from propellerheads, prodigy or underworld. And, to finish, we have sometime the great pleasure to touch around 10 fps in the action moments ! !
There were an enourmous amount of things to continue in the new wipeout. Psygnosis and later leeds studio, with the touch of the DRs should be proud of their work, angry against S liverpool.
Sorry for my english and for my hate, but i'm very sad for this game, this masterpiece of the video game art. I hope that there will be a Wipeout return better than this poor game.