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16th December 2007, 11:52 AM
Let's do this one for Pulse as well!

right now I'm at grid 5.
just unlocked 6 but won't tuch it till I'm done with 5.

might as well add the loyalty points:

25.685 with Assegai

difficulty Hard

where you at? 8)


16th December 2007, 12:07 PM
I`m on grid 5, will be approaching 6 soon.

I`m using Hard level throughout racing.

loyalty points is 19,310


16th December 2007, 12:07 PM
About to finish Grid 7 on hard, all gold so far

Currently have about 37000 loyalty points with Triakis

16th December 2007, 12:15 PM
phantom 2 medium

53k+ on triakis

16th December 2007, 12:36 PM
Grid 6, always Hard and I only advance to the next grid when the current one is 100% complete.

As for loyality... I've been racing evenly with all crafts so everyone has like, 3000...

16th December 2007, 12:55 PM
Grid 2, medium /easy. 4000 loyalty for EG-x and 3600 for Goteki 45

16th December 2007, 01:13 PM
Grid 9
Having about 42500 points with EG.X, racing on hard only :)
Maybe I can reach the 50000 today, let's see if you get something unlocked then :D

16th December 2007, 01:29 PM
GRID 3/4 so far - I start on Easy, then when i'm gold i do it all again on Medium, then the same with Hard. I've also used more than one ship (as i'm trying out the differences between them) so the Loyalties are spread. (Figures approx)

Goteki - 11000
Feisar - 9000
EG.X - 8500
AG-Sys - 7000
Pirahna - 5750

And a few scatterings of points amongst the others. :)

16th December 2007, 01:39 PM
All gold except for Phantom-3 (a 12 event tourney, argh), all on hard.

100,000 loyalty points for FEISAR.

I'll never be able to feel my thumbs again :(

16th December 2007, 02:06 PM
100.000, cool! So, IS that the max amount of points you can get and do you get anything when you reach the sixth digit? :)

16th December 2007, 02:13 PM
Yes it is the maximum amount you can get, and yes you do get something. If anyone really wants to know what it is, send me a PM.

16th December 2007, 06:21 PM
Jacen, thumbnail your pics, they are exceeding the 50KB limit. Does the photo mode also work with the menu, or how else did you made those screenshots?

16th December 2007, 08:48 PM
Just unlocked grid six. All golds and done with every ship in the game. Around 3000 points each!! I enjoy this game so much. How is it possible that some of you unlocked so much!! Where do you find the time?

17th December 2007, 02:13 AM
finisheeeddd with the gamee

time to take a short break

around the 60,000 and 74,000 loyalty point mark for a certain ship,
you will be able to unlock alternate / eliminator skins for the other ships


17th December 2007, 06:49 AM
:eekWhaaat??!!!!! you must be pleased for that!. congrats.:pizza

I`m on grid 7 and loyalty points is over 25000 goteki


17th December 2007, 07:31 PM
I'm starting Phantom grid 4 after the next two events. At last Single Races got interesting! :nod
Who set the times for Speed Lap and Time Trial on Phantom, though, has to be the world's worst WO player. Reaching the limit on your initial lap CAN'T be the aim of a Speed Lap mode (where you just end your session after you reached the aim, usually 2nd lap), neither can be TT limits that can be beaten with more than 10 seconds to spare on your first try. :brickwall And I am by no means good on Phantom in Pulse. I bounce all over the place, miss BPs regularly, fall from open sections, and can only pull off consecutive PLs on Talon and Moa Therma so far, and yet it's no problem to heavily beat the time limits. S***s
With Pure on the other hand, I haven't reached Gold on Koltiwa and Iridia to the day... ^^

18th December 2007, 09:21 AM
Hi all!

Pulse is certainly a very nice game. So far I have all tracks unlocked, 147 golds (hard AI), 12th grid unlocked.

Loyalty points

Assegai: 5620
Qirex: 8170
Feisar: 4720
AG Systems: 12680
EG-X: 23830
Goteki 45: 6590
Triakis: 5210
Piranha: 4970

Rapier Racer
18th December 2007, 11:49 AM
Just about to start Phantom grid 1

Loyalty points:

Assegai: 53550

No points for any other team.

Flashback Jack
18th December 2007, 01:46 PM
I believe I'm on Grid 6 (haven't unlocked any phantom grids yet). I have about 74 golds.

At roughly 93,000 loyalty points for AG Systems. No points gained for other teams yet.

- F

18th December 2007, 01:48 PM
Just started Phantom Grid 1 yesterday, have around 25k+ with Piranha, Assigai, and EG-X

18th December 2007, 02:15 PM
Just unlocked grid six. All golds and done with every ship in the game. Around 3000 points each!! I enjoy this game so much. How is it possible that some of you unlocked so much!! Where do you find the time?my guess? no life! gf nor job http://geocities.com/zargz/leenden/lol.gif

using every ship is a good idea coz around 4000 you get the alternative skin!
I started using other ships too, already got AGs alt skin and now I race Qirex and Feisar.
when i get their skins then i'll do the others :)

Just unlocked grid 7 but still got 6 golds to get on 6 before I (voluntary restriction) move on to 7.
still all on Hard! 8)

loyalty points atm, approx

assegai 33k
qirex 4k
feisar 2k
ag 4k
eg-x 1k
G45 100p :bag
Trks 200p
piranha 600p

. <-- the Lance dot! http://geocities.com/zargz/leenden/lol.gif

18th December 2007, 02:38 PM
using every ship is a good idea coz around 4000 you get the alternative skin!you do realize that you unlock all the ships/ skins much, much quicker by just sticking with one ship?

Here's my distribution:
Piranha: 100.000
everything else: 0 :D I just can't be bothered with other ships since 2097.

18th December 2007, 02:43 PM
really? so if I go on with assegai I'll get G45 and the rest' skins anyway? :o

18th December 2007, 02:47 PM
eventually, yes

18th December 2007, 02:53 PM
Thanks for sharing, FEISAR HERE I COME!

18th December 2007, 03:02 PM
I didn't realise that about the ships skins being unlocked just by using one ship!! Although i should have realised, because i've just unlocked the Feisar Zone ship & i've only got about 15000 on Feisar, but i've also got quite a bit spread across other ships..... maybe that's what did it?

Problem with just using one ship though, is that on some tracks the Feisar's great, but on others it's another ship that works better. Matching ships to tracks seems to be a good way (for me anyway) to get the best out of the ships. Piranha is excellent on some tracks, but on others it's like try to carve through mud with a hammer! :brickwall

But then pilot skills (or lack thereof) could also be a heavily contributing factor! :g

18th December 2007, 03:08 PM
you don't see mika häkkinen jumping between mclaren and ferari, now do you?
stck to your guns cowbwoy! 8)

Flashback Jack
18th December 2007, 03:10 PM
Problem with just using one ship though, is that on some tracks the Feisar's great, but on others it's another ship that works better.

And then there's the questionable x-factor in that LORD_OF_GOD dude that outright obliterates even the most hardened pilots among us with his tiny Feisar on damn near every track. We're onto him though; I killed him on at least one track in the records and I'm seeing others from here snuff him out on others too. He might be human after all.

- F

18th December 2007, 03:56 PM
after about 10 hrs:

grid 1-4 (http://jacen.kicks-ass.org/img/index.php?thumbnail=Screenshots%2FPSP%2FWipeout+Pu lse%2Fbatch2_snap0001.jpg)

grid 5-8 (http://jacen.kicks-ass.org/img/index.php?thumbnail=Screenshots%2FPSP%2FWipeout+Pu lse%2Fbatch2_snap0002.jpg)

grid 9 and 10 (http://jacen.kicks-ass.org/img/index.php?thumbnail=Screenshots%2FPSP%2FWipeout+Pu lse%2Fbatch3_snap0002.jpg)

ship loyalty (http://jacen.kicks-ass.org/img/index.php?thumbnail=Screenshots%2FPSP%2FWipeout+Pu lse%2Fbatch3_snap0001.jpg)

18th December 2007, 05:01 PM
you don't see mika häkkinen jumping between mclaren and ferari, now do you?
stck to your guns cowbwoy! 8)

LOL!! Too right.... it's just chossing the right ship in the first place. I love the Feisar, but it can be a twitchy little blighter at times, and i'm just starting to see what people like about the Assegai.... it's a great little ship.

But i think i'll stay with the Feisar for now & see how it goes. :)

Flashback Jack - I've not raced online too much, but yeah, this LORD_OF_GOD he's very quick whatever race he's in, which for me is pretty much only Venom online at the moment. :)

25th December 2007, 12:51 AM
well I'm almost done with grid 8


here when I was on grid 7


so may be damora I will need to do a whole new paintjob ;)

25th December 2007, 03:59 AM
I'm on grid 8 but have a few stray races to finish on grids 6 and 7 to get the 100%. I'm at ~62,000 loyalty points with AGS (this reflects some time spent in time trials as well as the grids).

Having a blast so far and must say, it's gonna take a while to finish this game at 100%! It will take even longer to obtain decent times in time trials, especially for the more complex tracks at the higher speed classes.

25th December 2007, 07:24 AM
I've already beaten campaign, all gold medals on hard on all 16 grids. It was a hell of a lot of fun, and the races toward the end were particularly intense. There was only one eliminator event on Phantom Grid 4 that gave me problems (finally won on the third try) but for the most part I cruised on through, only needing to re-race about a dozen events total to get the job done. It was pretty easy for me, but then again, I'm pretty good at these kinds of games.

Now it's on to setting impossibly quick time records and playing online!

25th December 2007, 09:22 PM
well now that i have the game :) i might as well post my progress

ok, i am almost done with grid 2. i am playing on hard and do not move on to the next grid until i have all golds in the one before it.

around 8000 loyalty points with Feisar as it has been the only craft i have been using.

25th December 2007, 11:07 PM
starting grid 8 with eg-x @37.5k loyalty pts. (I don't move up a grid until I gold medal everything).

25th December 2007, 11:33 PM
almost ...

http://img172.imageshack.us/img172/5549/grid14hz4.th.jpg (http://img172.imageshack.us/my.php?image=grid14hz4.jpg)

http://img172.imageshack.us/img172/8650/grid58me2.th.jpg (http://img172.imageshack.us/my.php?image=grid58me2.jpg)

http://img172.imageshack.us/img172/4565/grid912zn8.th.jpg (http://img172.imageshack.us/my.php?image=grid912zn8.jpg)

http://img172.imageshack.us/img172/989/grid1316js6.th.jpg (http://img172.imageshack.us/my.php?image=grid1316js6.jpg)

http://img172.imageshack.us/img172/1448/stats1ij2.th.jpg (http://img172.imageshack.us/my.php?image=stats1ij2.jpg)

http://img172.imageshack.us/img172/7445/stats2hq2.th.jpg (http://img172.imageshack.us/my.php?image=stats2hq2.jpg)

100.000 points, here i come

Dogg Thang
26th December 2007, 04:15 PM
Been away the last couple of days but on Christmas Eve I finally got that last gold (the 12 race tournament in the last Phantom grid). So currently maxed out and awaiting packs! Of course, now that I'm back in internet country I'm looking forward to getting online for some more racing.

26th December 2007, 06:26 PM
halfway done with grid 5 with all golds so far. Just unlocked Feisar Concept Ship with 25,000 points

26th December 2007, 09:16 PM
just unlocked grid 10.
so new paintjob ;)


missing 1 gold on each of grid 7,8 and 9.
all rapier challenges :redface:

Rapier is a pain at the moment


27th December 2007, 12:14 AM
lol nice that you show your progress on your ship :p

maybe you should add little ships on the other side for each ship you blow up

27th December 2007, 03:07 AM
LOL! good idea .. let's see -- i got 8 online eliminations according to my stats

where can I fit 8 tiny death skulls? hmm ..

or just make X es?

:D heh

27th December 2007, 02:57 PM
Does every bar represent a skin?

27th December 2007, 11:10 PM
heh i wish it did. no, the bars are there to make you feel worse because you still have a long way to go.

27th December 2007, 11:31 PM
Oh Craphell. I have a lot to go for my flying hocky stick!

up for a few more races, get the times cut in half? Maybe that'll work?

28th December 2007, 12:15 AM
I'm still on the 6th grid on the last section (last night i said i was on the 1st grd but i meant 5th, now i play a little more i'm on the 6th)

Using Feisar and i got 2520 loyalty.

Favourite Type of game: Zone and elemination (i love destructuion).

Playing since Christmas.

13th January 2008, 02:14 PM
Well everyone else is busy playing, I'll keep this thread going. :beer Still on Grid 8...halfway there, haha!! If it wasn't so tempting to race infrastructure all the time I'd spend more time actually unlocking the game. Oh well!

13th January 2008, 02:20 PM
It`s taken me just short of a month to reach grid 9 :redface: Partly because of online play, partly life, and because a new Wipeout doesn`t come along very often I like to take my time. :D

13th January 2008, 03:04 PM
yeh, I like to take my time too :D

I'm on grid 12. just unlocked phantom 1 but can't even win the talon white race :eek

so I'll concentrate on getting all golds on grid 11 and 12 first, before trying again with phantom :?

13th January 2008, 03:32 PM
Done all the Grids with two max ships ;) and well over 55hrs of playing.

Now I`m concentrating on Zones atm.


13th January 2008, 03:46 PM
I almost finished first phantom grid.

13th January 2008, 03:53 PM
I have only one event left now -- the twelve race tour in the fourth phantom grid. I assume that it consists of all the black tracks. Two teams have > 50.000 loyalty points: AG-SYS and EG.X. I have played the game for slightly less than fourty hours.

Hyper Shadow
13th January 2008, 04:55 PM
One race left to Gold on Grid 11, then onto Grid 12.

Unfortunately, I was eliminated for the first time in a race during a tournament and my single race records a FUBAR.

I created a flash and rapier Speed Lap grid based on the top three time on the online tables and am having a go at that also. I guess I need to brush up on my track knowledge at the moment.

Hacker X
16th January 2008, 04:53 PM
Just wanted to say that I finally reached 100% loyalty (100,000 pts) with Qirex last night and have really been enjoying my time playing Pulse. I've only played the game game on Hard difficulty which has given me a ton of loyalty points and I guess made it easier to reache 100%. I'm stuck on my final race on Grid 9 which is the ever increasing, beyond frustrating, Hard difficulty Rapier Tournament. Now I know I'm playing Hard difficulty and all, but this difficulty really is no different than the frustrating issues we had with Pure which is there are WAY TOO MANY WEAPONS on the damn track!

Its no big deal if your playing single races where you can just play a track over and over again til you "get lucky" and beat it in first place, but when your in a tournament of 6 races, and its a flip of the coin whether you are crushed by an onslaught of weapon attacks, or not, then it becomes a problem. I'm really trying to keep the difficulty up on Hard as I've been able to work through the game up til this point, but is it me or does it seem like you take an increasing amount of damage from scraping the wall as the speed classes go up. Not only am I struggling with weapon damage, but I seem to still be dropping a lot of shield power when I scrape the wall as well. Using Qirex, they've always had a good balancing of speed and durability but Rapier Pulse is really a challenge. lol.

Overall, I think the Hard difficulty is not the problem, moreover, the over-abundance of just too many weapon pickup's on the track. The game goes from strategic race, and battle to fight for your life space shooter, while having a side game of trying to get first place.

All in all though, while I have that issue with Pulse, as I also had it with Pure, I still think this is the best Wipeout to date. I also finally tried Outpost 7 after unlocking it close to the end of 9 and don't think its as bad as I'd read here. Its tricky, but I honestly think Citta Nuova was worse in some aspects.

Good job once again Studio Liverpool. My only suggestion for future Wipeout's is that there should be a "Number of Pickups on the track" option in the difficulty settings. That way the player can customize the racing / battling aspects of the track, rather than be forced to pilot through an onslaught of weapon attacks while trying to reach first place.

On a sidenote, I can never find any games active online. I saw them when I first got Pulse and played a few, but haven't seen any since. Is it because I'm playing from the USA?

Here are my basic stats so far:

Race Campaign events complete / total - 125/236

Race Campaign Gold medals won - 125 / 236 Golds

Race Campaign total points won - 375

Racebox races played - 11

Custom grid events created - 0

Gametime Race Campaign - 21:11:14

Racebox - 18.27

Online 2.52

Laps per ship - Qirex 2144

Ship Loyalty - Qirex 100000

16th January 2008, 09:12 PM
about the online games; i'm in the US and play online with others all the time. i have noticed that there are fewer games in the lobby, most likely because people are getting too lazy to make their own or something lol. but when i create a game, within seconds, people start joining.

16th January 2008, 09:23 PM
I just started playing the 3rd Phantom grid. I have been playing through the entire game on "medium".

16th January 2008, 09:37 PM
I'm still on grid 10, and have been playing with it set at "medium" AI :redface: which I know is not normal around here.:g

16th January 2008, 10:01 PM
I'm just starting the Phantom grids-- just about everything else is fully completed with gold medals (mostly with "hard" AI except some of those OP7 tracks :brickwall)

The time trial and speedlap challenges on Phantom are surprisingly easy-- they definitely have a low bar in term of times-to-beat.

On a sidenote, I can never find any games active online. I saw them when I first got Pulse and played a few, but haven't seen any since. Is it because I'm playing from the USA?

I'm in the U.S. as well (EST) and I find that it entirely depends on when you go online. Most players are in western Europe and hence 6-7 hours ahead of EST (or, uhm, 8-10 hours ahead of western U.S. time zones).

If you target your playing to mid-evening and late-evening by western European clocks, I find LOTS of players. If I go on at midnight EST, there are very few.

Probably (hopefully) this will all change once the game is released in North America :)

I.e., then you can race the good racers (Europeans) between 8 and midnight GMT and the crappy racers (Americans) between 8 and midnight EST ;)

16th January 2008, 10:16 PM
I find that last bit offensive :p

16th January 2008, 10:18 PM
I thought you Loved 'your European Union'! ;)

16th January 2008, 11:10 PM
no, no he loves his United States but feels a strong connection to his European Union because of his heritage and its sentimental value :nod

A person torn between their passion for their country and the countries of heritage... (I sound like Shakespeare or something)

17th January 2008, 12:13 AM
yeah go figure, maybe i can put Auricom and Feisar in a blender and get...what..Aurisar?

17th January 2008, 02:09 AM
Feisicom, baby! 8)

I find that last bit offensive :p

Heh, I'm American, I have open license to make fun of my people ;)

It'll be true, too, if for no other reason than folks in the U.S. and Canada will (excepting a small minority) be picking up the game 2 months later than PAL folks. I wouldn't want to be starting online racing 2 months after the skilled group of racers that are on this site, no sirrrreeee...

17th January 2008, 10:25 AM
...race the good racers (Europeans) between 8 and midnight GMT and the crappy racers (Americans) between 8 and midnight EST ;)

Insert Australians before Europeans :g

On another note...

Feisicom... that sounds like a Decepticon from transformers. That would be an awesome replacement for Megatron! :robot

20th January 2008, 01:41 AM
Just unlocked the first Phantom grid last night. I thought I would be using the single player experience to practice for Online, but I find myself actually doing the opposite. I've been playing the faster speeds much more online, and enjoying it more, since there's usually only about 3-5 racing at once. Makes a big difference when you aren't stuck up a Feisar's thrusters for the first half-lap on Phantom speed...

20th January 2008, 01:55 AM
aw! you are exactly where I am now! :eek

I'll look for you online http://geocities.com/zargz/leenden/ken.gif

22nd January 2008, 03:23 PM
Only just unlocked Grid 5 but have been playing it at Hard difficulty from the word go. Pleased I have a few Gold medals in tournaments too :g

Starting to get the hang of the Eliminator too, good fun.

I like the Grid style means Im playing versions of the game Id probably overlook!

23rd January 2008, 12:32 AM
Makes a big difference when you aren't stuck up a Feisar's thrusters for the first half-lap on Phantom speed...

funny, because i found just the opposite :)


23rd January 2008, 03:15 AM
LOL. Good one, BARTgai.

23rd January 2008, 11:22 AM
I've just opened the 9th grid

difficulty: medium and easy (the only one! :nod )

Hoping every day to have some time to spent on Pulse just to remember how works every track :redface:

I think to reach top level racing for summer

23rd January 2008, 01:17 PM
I've done all the grids on hard and got gold. :hyper

27th January 2008, 01:39 AM
Only just unlocked Grid 5 but have been playing it at Hard difficulty from the word go. Pleased I have a few Gold medals in tournaments too :g

Starting to get the hang of the Eliminator too, good fun.

I like the Grid style means Im playing versions of the game Id probably overlook!

Now unlocked Grid 7. Really pleased ive stuck with difficulty Hard from the start its certainly helped my skill level Id say.

14th February 2008, 01:50 AM
Well it took me long enough, but I'm done! 236 golds, all on Medium I'm afraid.
25:56:38 hrs on race campaign. Phew. Eliminator was the real challenge in this mode for me I think.

14th February 2008, 08:29 AM
Congratulations! Eliminator`s tough for me too. I`ve done the first Phantom grid, and the game is such a rush on that speed :banzai but I`m hanging on rather than really in control at the moment.

1st March 2008, 11:45 AM
Finished the Race Campaign a minute ago! 236 hard golds, 24h23mn21s!
Woohoo! :g


What am I gonna do now?? :( ;)

4th March 2008, 09:24 PM
Congrats guillaume :)
All you have to do is practising till Dam convention ;)

master bruce
5th March 2008, 06:12 AM
1. got 100k with Assegai (I wanted to see the concepts really bad, so I just zoned my way to 100k)

2. 185 gold out of 185 events so far

3. conquering Outpost 7: this level initially discouraged me from advancing...it just seemed too hard compared to the previous levels. But I finally got the hang of it, and now it no longer seems like the hardest level.

4. I no longer fear Phantom class...this I feel is a major turning point in my piloting career. For the longest time, I sought comfort in venom (which according to statistics is my favorite class). But finally I'm getting the hang of Phantom, and consequently the true Wipeout experience...now I understand when some say playing on Venom isn't really playing Wipeout the way it was meant to be.

6th March 2008, 04:04 PM
4. I no longer fear Phantom class...this I feel is a major turning point in my piloting career. For the longest time, I sought comfort in venom (which according to statistics is my favorite class). But finally I'm getting the hang of Phantom, and consequently the true Wipeout experience...now I understand when some say playing on Venom isn't really playing Wipeout the way it was meant to be.

Another contender? OHNOES!!:blarg

I better step-up my game...more online lessons with Al

master bruce
8th March 2008, 03:13 AM
236 golds

about 30 hours campaign

now I have nothing to do :|

I tried multiplayer, but theres almost nobody around and most races are venom.

anyways, my racing name is jidong216

8th March 2008, 08:37 AM
I done well over 150hrs on euro version and under three hours on US version but not finished on the last two packs yet due doing other racing.

Master Bruce, why not add your PSN ID in your profile. ;)


9th April 2009, 09:29 AM
1 year and 4 months after I started this topic - voila!
I've just beaten the last black tournament on Phantom :D yeah!!!

Didn't play Pulse for almost a year. Now I've been back for a couple of months and started beating 1year + old records of mine.
This particular tournament wasn't easy - I won with 63 points, second placed Qirex had 58 :eek >>>>>>>>>>> Epic Battle!!!
Got eliminated 3 times :? but couldn't be bothered to quit and restart, as I always do to not get false records on wo-game.com,
coz I knew I'd do it this time! 8)

Needless to say Assegai loyalty points at 100.000

Race campaign 45:15.05 (Online 97:30.34 ;) [ Racebox 51:44.42 :eek!!! didn't know that! Must be my custom grids! 8)])

:rock Aw! I Feel Good!!!


10th April 2009, 03:00 PM
Hey Zargz... Since our races are so tight, I thought I'd put my statistics up here for you to ponder over as well...

Here goes:

Got this game a week after XMAS 2008 and so far...:o

Race Campaign events complete/total: 236/236 (all GOLD) completed in and array of easy,medium and hard...

Race Campaign total points won : 708

Racebox Races played: 1600

Custom Grid events created: 54

Game Time by Mode

Race Campaign - 39:51:37
RaceBox - 58:47:01
Ad Hoc: - none
ON-LINE - 82:39:29

Ship Loyalty Points Stats:

Assegai: 4950
Qirex: 5320
Feisar 10325
AG Systems 8995
EG-X 100000
Goteki-45 27500
Triakis 1785
Piranha 100000

As for favourites: here you are...

SHIP: the stats say EG-X but I also use Piranha and AG Systems
TRACK: Metropia White
Speed Class: Flash (i'd agree, but lately been enjoying the Phantom)
Event: Single Race
Weapon/Item Turbo

10th April 2009, 04:00 PM
Good idea. Got the game middle of Feb 09. Here's my pitiful offline stats:D:

Race Campaign events complete/ total: 141/290 (gold, medium but redoing hard)
Race Campaign total points won : 423
Racebox races played : 122
Custom grid events created : 0

Game time by mode -
Race Campaign : 10.47.14
Racebox : 6.40.55
Ad hoc : 0
Online : 24.37.27

Ship loyalty points -
EG-X : 64415
All others : 0

Favourites -
Ship : EG-X:o
Track : De Konstruct White
Speed : Phantom
Event : Single race
Weapon/ item : Turbo

Guess I need to play more offline...

11th April 2009, 09:05 AM
My stats:

Campaign Events Cleared/Total: 236
Gold Medals Won: 236
Total Points Won: 708
Racebox Races Played: 592
Custom Events: 0

Play Time: 60.34.12
Most Popular Mode: Racebox (35:03.11)
2nd: Campaign (23:53.41)
3rd: Online (1:31.25)
4th: Ad - Hoc (5:55)

Race Type:

Feisar (Maxed out)
EG - X

Total Kills: 904 (That includes you, Zargz :D)
Total Deaths: 318
Favourite Weapon: Mines
Favourite Item: Turbo
Favourite Music Track: X Project (100% Pure Mix)
Favourite Track: De Konstruct White

11th April 2009, 09:32 AM
You managed to eliminate me in 1.30 hrs of online play!!? Not bad! ;)

Do you get online at all nowadays?

Man, yesterday I was on line for 4 hrs and today just remembered someone here complaining about (ace-flo i think) bad connection/crashes preventing him from saving his online progress (hrs). I think I never went to save Straight after a session so just now I looked at my profile and compared with my post on the previous page - it added 8 min instead of 4 hrs :eek

Time to start saving! :nod

11th April 2009, 09:42 AM
I don't go online anymore.

11th April 2009, 10:02 AM
Zargz, buddy you just lost 3hours and 52 minutes in this session.

that's just this session!

i figured out a way to save online progress without coming offline.

after an online race, press O button to leave game, and O again to leave the online Menu page, you will now be on the root lobby page - all you do now is enter the lobby closest to you. in my case that would be English Speaking / EU.

this is all it takes to save ONLINE progress without having to come offline...

hope this helps!

11th April 2009, 10:13 AM
offtopic: mdhay: why not going online?

11th April 2009, 10:31 AM
Cool! Normally I go there to see how many ppl are there online. Thanks! :+

11th April 2009, 10:33 AM
heh, me too, zargz :D

11th April 2009, 10:53 AM
yeah, ditto... but when you enter the lobby, you ever notice the flashing blue memory card in the corner? ...

it's saving progress... cool huh?

11th April 2009, 11:09 AM
offtopic: mdhay: why not going online?

Because the cheating ****ers have become mainstream.

11th April 2009, 11:36 AM
mdhay, i run ofw standard 222.

i still do well... granted there are cheats, it may seem unfair. i've had many hurdles attempting to make me leave this game, from CFW bods, offensive racers destroying confidence, losing progress without saving, having stigmatism in my right eye, all sorts...

cfw cheats dont bother me, coz they aint fool proof... and if I beat one online, i know i'm getting better...

play online with me. pm me to arrange... it would be a pleasure to race you...

11th April 2009, 12:00 PM

btw.: i'm cfw, and 266 is the default speed which is the same as using ofw.

11th April 2009, 12:08 PM
lol Arch, not you buddy.

we all know you're a gentleman, it's the 333mhz setting which mdhay & i were referring to...

11th April 2009, 12:10 PM
oh, heheh, ok. I'm racing on 266 for the sake of fairplay, which I want to promote. But I don't think that racing on 333 will make someone really better. Just my opinion...

11th April 2009, 12:27 PM
i think we're entering dangerous teritory here, Lance and Rob dont want us discussing CFW's... we could end up being banned from home... er, i mean this site...

Suffice it to say, we all agree that fair-gaming makes more friends, and less animosity/hatred between opponents...

11th April 2009, 12:51 PM
I d like to thank Ace Flo for that great tip you found about saving each online session to get your real online playtime without forced to go offline , i did searched for it but never found it, hey ! : good rep added matey ;)

11th April 2009, 01:42 PM
Thanks... Seen your records on the official pulse site - not had the pleasure to race you yet... Either way, I'm glad (I don't think I'm ready to race you yet) ... I need loadsa practice if i'm to get anywhere near the records you've set. Thanks for the rep, Asa! ;)

11th April 2009, 01:45 PM
here at home it seems i am suffering some weird glitches with my psp account, i can't connect but i can elsewhere... ( don't tell me how is this possible i have no clue :O ) , so one day we will meet online ( i did promised it to Archy and other great Pulsers), btw i am nowhere near from my old personnal records you checked into the site, so i shall be a good target for you lol ;)

11th April 2009, 02:44 PM
Go Asa!!! I wish you luck with your connection! ;)

11th April 2009, 02:54 PM
here at home it seems i am suffering some weird glitches with my psp account, i can't connect but i can elsewhere... ( don't tell me how is this possible i have no clue :O ) , so one day we will meet online ( i did promised it to Archy and other great Pulsers), btw i am nowhere near from my old personnal records you checked into the site, so i shall be a good target for you lol ;)

Is your router NAT Type 3?

11th April 2009, 02:59 PM
I'll Say Yeah to that... Assayyeah!

This scene is (dare I say it?) picking up... (cough)

;)Advancements... at last!;)

11th April 2009, 03:42 PM

Martin : No it's still Nat 2 , otherwise i couldn't connect with HD.
My main problem is when i am trying to join servers it freezes in the middle or i simply go back to Pulse menu...

11th April 2009, 04:17 PM
Okay, well try pulling an angry face at it.:D