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7th May 2007, 03:26 PM

Fantastic news about the Zone mode using default tracks. I'm really looking forward to Eliminator, I was hoping for this game mode in pure.

7th May 2007, 04:08 PM
Eliminator was one of the things Colin wanted to get into Pure, but time constraints meant it got dropped. I'm glad to see it back, too - it'll be a blast online. :)

Riccardo Raccis
7th May 2007, 04:11 PM
Oooh yeah. I like to be destructive in Wipeout. Dunno why. I'm a complete pacifist in real life, but somehow I just love playing dirty in the digital world :banzai

7th May 2007, 06:06 PM
Really like what I'm hearing, and all those game modes will really keep us busy online.

7th May 2007, 07:20 PM
No disruption bolt...

****ing YES! :D

Wonder what the returning weapon will be? Let it be the flamethrower or proton cannon, pwetty, pwetty pleease?! ;)

7th May 2007, 07:33 PM
It won't be the flamethrower that's for sure :)

7th May 2007, 07:55 PM
Thank you, wonderful!!:D

7th May 2007, 07:58 PM
Yes, finally Elimenator!
"Predefined events," more atmosphere.
"A new HUD that reacts dynamically," nice.
"Gone is the Disruptor weapon," what a bummer!
"But we have three new weapons and one returning weapon," ???

7th May 2007, 08:34 PM
Force Wall, Force Wall!!! Its the only weapon i can think of...as...oh...bugger, i forgot about the Fusion arsenal...

I like what i'm hearing here. Gonna have to fork out for a 2gb stick soon :)

7th May 2007, 08:36 PM
the Lan is quite obscure to me, we were talking about that with Michael through MSN, wireless or with cables connected to the routeur or 1 pilot connected by usb to the routeur and the others connected to him ??
If it's with cable maybe a multi-switch usb for your routeur will be needed if you want to have a stable 8 pilots fight on a same room, but ermm that sounds weird cause usb psp cables are not long at all : 8 dancing in a close circle around the God Routeur.:blarg

8,7 even 6 players on a same room ( not talking about Kai here) and Pure wasn't playable due to massives slowdowns ( psp limitations for sure, imo) so How can Pulse solve this problem, getting less detailed tracks & background to let us play really with lagfree and no more slowdowns at 8 or will it be like Pure with its 5 players limitations?

7th May 2007, 08:52 PM
Remember that the network play on Pure was based on the early versions of the ad-hoc network libraries. Things have improved a lot since then. Pulse levels also have less polys than Pure levels which allows for closer racing, hopefully without the risk of slowdown. :)

7th May 2007, 09:32 PM
Rob & Colin you are my mates for ever :beer
This game will rock and not only due to his surely great physics, speed felling or handling but also because the multiplayer mode will be truly amazing with many modes and fully playable at 8 with no lag.

Fantastic news :+

7th May 2007, 09:42 PM
You forgot the 16-races customizable leagues, Asa :o

@ Mobius
With my answer to Zerow I gave the answer which weapon will have a return :)

7th May 2007, 09:49 PM
Yes Max and eliminator and also that promising 1vs1 neck-to-neck intense mano-a-mano :banzai fight.

I am so much impressed by those multiplayer features , it's like SL has got Big Ears listening our comments into Kai messenger:D

7th May 2007, 10:13 PM
Man that sucks Disruptor bolt is gone! But now i wonder what can be returning?
Force Wall? Multiple missile which locks on to 2 opponents. Or plasma that instantly destroys your ship?;)

7th May 2007, 10:44 PM

No, I'll be serious. Probably the 2 lock missles and rear fire missiles and quakes, hmmm....perhaps cloak or force wall.

Grav slinger was annoying:mad:, but gravity bomb was cool:banzai ....who knows.

EDIT: Energy drain is a definite - THANKYOU!! *hugs SL*

8th May 2007, 02:24 AM
I liked most of the stuff that was said in that interview, but a few questions and one comment.

multiplayer. Please don't give people who are racing in behind all the good weapons like in wipeout 64, and to an extent xl. keep the weapons random like pure, 3 and wipeout 1. Also, please o please do not give the people behind a speed boost over the leaders, that sort of cpu assist does not belong in a wipeout game(this was in xl multiplayer one on one and really sucked)

Please do not allow the "LEADER WEAPON" to return. this weapon is complete bullshit. Hey lets practice really hard so we can get hit by 8 leader weapons a game.

Basically, no computer assistance to the person in behind in multiplayer would be nice, meaning by way of weapons choices or speed boosts.

ok there were no questions there, but I'm sick of cpu assist sneaking it's way into wipeout every once in a while. there needs to be none of it, just skill based racing.

Oh, no earthquake hitting me when I am in the air above it would be nice too.

8th May 2007, 03:48 AM
:o WOW, way to be vague;)

8th May 2007, 07:09 AM
Great interview, the game sounds like a treat: so much good stuff. :banzai Weapon absorb is still in, and that`s the best news for me as it`s a genius idea. :+

8th May 2007, 08:14 AM
And we have visual damage :)

Sounds like they really grabbed a few of our ideas and wishes :)

8th May 2007, 05:20 PM
that sort of cpu assist does not belong in a wipeout game(this was in xl multiplayer one on one and really sucked) Please do not allow the "LEADER WEAPON" to return.
Agree Al on your 2 points here : i am pretty sure they won't make again that cpu assistance since we didn't seen it after 2097/XL.

8th May 2007, 05:37 PM
what is this cpu assist I keep hearing about? I have never (to my knowledge) encountered this whilst playing XL - then again I have never played multi on xl either.:frown:

8th May 2007, 05:49 PM
ok Ben, this is uniquely when you are racing 2097/XL with ilink cable and when it's a time trial 1VS1 game , the one who is leading got a speed limited to 360 kph ( 2097 ) and the one behind's got extra speed more than 420/450 : Hopefully SR i-link ( meaning with all the AI ships + your mate ) is working as a Pure bliss :D

8th May 2007, 05:52 PM
Okay, then yeah - I can see why Al is so upset (passionate ;))

Interesting idea to keep the ships close but not practical:naughty

9th May 2007, 01:01 AM
I always get worried about that cpu assist #$$#$#. It always seems to work it's way back into good games. hydro thunder, episode one racer. xl, 64. I really don't get it how programmers do that. Don't they realize that when people play their games for hours then days(real fans), they don't freakin want some noob be able to keep up because it wouldn't be fair to allow skill to win.

Dogg Thang
9th May 2007, 07:19 AM
Pulse levels also have less polys than Pure levels

I know polys aren't everything but should we be preparing ourselves for a bit of a pull-back on graphics in Pulse to give us a more consistant frame rate? The teaser graphics did seem simpler (or more streamlined) than Pure but, if I remember correctly, early WO shots generally have looked a lot more basic than the final product.

Does this mean there's a chance Pulse will run as smooth as Ridge Racers?

No chance of Sony letting you guys run it at 333Hz (or whatever it is) to get beyond-Pure graphics at a good framerate?

9th May 2007, 09:37 AM
It might have less polys, but it looks better than Pure. Part of that is the change in art style, and mostly it's just improvements all round.

Although it looked good at the time, Pure was a launch title on a new platform and things have moved on since then. If you compare the default Pure levels to the download pack levels you can see that the artists were able to get more from their budget later on.

With Pulse, the code base has been optimised, the artists are more familiar with the boundaries they have to work within, and the time constraints haven't been as severe as they were for Pure. So you end up with a better looking game and a more consistent framerate.

That's the theory, anyway - I haven't played it in a little while, so I cant be sure! ;)

Dogg Thang
9th May 2007, 10:05 AM
Well that all sounds great. I still think Pure is one of the best looking PSP games around but you're spot-on with the leaps in the download packs. If that goes further for Pulse, with a new art style and consistent frame raes, well, we're all in for a bit if a treat I reckon.

Spaceboy Gajo
9th May 2007, 04:20 PM
Found the article via PSP fanboy (http://www.pspfanboy.com/2007/05/07/wipeout-pulse-interview-reveals-ambitious-upgrades/).

For the first time in a long time can I say that I am truly looking forward to to a game. After reading the article I just couldn't wait for the game. The Q & A hit all the right notes for me.

Especially Disruption Bolt. It's been a main stay of the franchise, but in Pure it totally pissed me off. Nothing wrong with it at all, I just want to be less frustrated. I'd love to read Foxy's in game spin on leaving it out for the new racing league. Like some sort of competition committee ruling.

Infrastructure! I don't own a game that has it. Hoping that Pulse will be the first. Besides, I bought the PSP on the notion that I can play any one anywhere. Now I'll get my chance, with a Wipeout game! Not sure how you can get a LAN working, I'm as clueless about it as trying to get Pure running via KAI.

Team loyalty! Last time I was playing Pure a few weeks ago I was thinking how I wished the new games in the series would reward you for it. Looks like I was somehwhat on the same wavelength as the developers :) There are two things most of you veterans know I'm loyal to. FEISAR and Pascale Rouser ;)

One thing I cannot shake off is the Fusion aspects of the game. I guess there were some design points that really stuck. Especially the damage. The more I hear the designers talk, the less worried I get. They all want to make it fit with the Wipeout universe and that is something I respect!

Finally, the ability to take pictures. The board will be jumping with shutterbugs now :)

Rapier Racer
9th May 2007, 05:48 PM
when you are racing 2097/XL with ilink cable and when it's a time trial 1VS1 game , the one who is leading got a speed limited to 360 kph ( 2097 ) and the one behind's got extra speed more than 420/450

I've never played 2097 against another human apart form very very briefly at the convention so I didn't realize such a feature existed till now. I agree with Al as well lets not have any of that.

Imagine playing online and have that happen, how are you supposed to lap new players and kill em in the process? shocking :(

9th May 2007, 06:14 PM
While I completely agree with you all regardiing cpu assist when it comes to serious competition, sometimes it does have it's uses. Ever played a multiplayer game where you've completely destroyed/lapped/humiliated your less skilled oponent, and then they don't want to play anymore? Which means you no longer have someone to play multiplayer against at all?

Sometimes cpu assist can be nice in that they still have some kind of a chance, plus they'll be nearer to you so you can continue to hammer them with weapons, rather than them being lapped and at the opposite end of the course. As long as it is an OPTION and it's defaulted to off, I don't have a huge problem with it - it just makes it a little more accessible to beginners...

9th May 2007, 07:59 PM
I remember the first version of Need for Speed Underground gave the option to turn off elastic AI, which I thought was a game design decision to be applauded. :) :+

9th May 2007, 09:56 PM
Actually, I remember a few games giving the option to turn "catch up" off back then. Seems like at one point the designers guild as a whole decided against that... ;)


Colin Berry
10th May 2007, 03:38 AM
Catch up between human players in mulitplayer is something I dont think we have ever really considered. I find it odd so many people hope its not in when it wasnt in Pure :D
IF (and thats a big if) IF it makes its way in it will be optional and transparent (ie not hidden from the players) - as Rob and others have pointed out it can have its advantages - but currently its not planned and it would never be done to the detriment of the game as a whole.

I liked the disruption bolt, but if I am honest it never developed in practice into what was planned for it in theory, and in the end rather than struggle forward with it we axed it. Its something I think could work, but it needs improving and thinking through more, until then its gone. And yes reverse controls was a fcuk up to include them - personally I like the fun they can bring to multiplayer games, in hindsight - big mistake 99% people dont like them ! Lesson learnt.

Retuning weapons, the cannon replaces the disruption bolt in the sense that there were ten 'pick-ups', we removed one and replaced it :D
There are 3 others, currently planned to be elimination only, one is the leach beam (functionality similar to WO3, visually its AWESOME !!) and two new ones that are cool, but secret :p (cant give everything away yet)

Visually, yes the poly count for the levels is slightly lower BUT hand on heart the game looks absolutely stunning. I will defy anyone to not be blown away by the first level, it is the best looking thing on the PSP (the others are all ace too btw not just the first)

The team loyalty thing is shaping up pretty nice as a reward structure (I know that sounds woolly, its 4.30am) and the progression system is an improvement on the monotony of Pure which we recognised was flawed and so we spent a lot of time considering options (the blame for Pure's repeat ABC style approach lies squarely with me, SCEI and F-zero :) )

The handling and physics are refined from Pure, the acceleration is universally improved and it feels instantly more fun because of it. All the ships have been tweaked and refined and hopefully there is more of a collective balance and whilst differences exist across ships each ship should now be more of a competitor.
I've always been more in favour of a balanced field and let the best player win, rather than Ship X is the fastest pick that and you have a much better chance. Its getting there. Balance whilst retaining difference is tricky :D but viable.

time for bed

10th May 2007, 04:43 AM
All these new developments sound absolutely amazing. As a big fan of Music Games (That have huge amounts of unlockable / songs,charts, game modes.) I have to admit I was always a bit disappointed in Pure's 'unlock system'. I'm really excited to see Pulse now ;).

10th May 2007, 01:26 PM
Retuning weapons, the cannon replaces the disruption bolt in the sense that there were ten 'pick-ups', we removed one and replaced it :D
There are 3 others, currently planned to be elimination only, one is the leach beam (functionality similar to WO3, visually its AWESOME !!) and two new ones that are cool, but secret :p (cant give everything away yet)

Visually, yes the poly count for the levels is slightly lower BUT hand on heart the game looks absolutely stunning. I will defy anyone to not be blown away by the first level, it is the best looking thing on the PSP (the others are all ace too btw not just the first)

Cool, proton cannon is back...and energy dra-I mean leach beam;)

As for low poly counts, minimalist is my middle name (I know, what were my parents thinking;))

10th May 2007, 01:44 PM
It's just all good! Especially the infrastructure mode. Wipers Unite! Thanks for the info and nice avatar BTW!!!

10th May 2007, 04:02 PM
There's a new issue of the online magazine 'GamerZines' that has a feature on Wipeout Pulse. There are some pretty tasty tidbits in there, especially a comment to the effect of "the weight distribution of the ships has also been altered slightly to make some [ships] rear heavy and some nose heavy".

NICE - This is what I like to hear!

They also talk about engine optimisations, new weapons, and mention that there are "some exacting fans out there".

Who, us? :D

Check it out here: http://www.gamerzines.com/hgzine/

10th May 2007, 04:09 PM
Just wanted to post that. But you were faster.

The article gives a few short, new informations. They even talk about how the environment will change compared to Pure :)

Colin Berry
10th May 2007, 04:53 PM
It's just all good! Especially the infrastructure mode. Wipers Unite! Thanks for the info and nice avatar BTW!!!

you can thank Mr Foxx for my avatar

nothing to do with me, just his twisted mind

(I suspect in some obtuse way, he is taking the piss out of me.. as he does daily :( )


10th May 2007, 04:55 PM
I read nothing of changing environments...

10th May 2007, 04:56 PM
Lol, we need more twisted minds here!!! Gigahihi!:D

10th May 2007, 04:59 PM
Colin, thanks for all the great info. And BTW, about this:

personally I like the fun they can bring to multiplayer games, in hindsight - big mistake 99% people dont like them ! Lesson learnt.
(the blame for Pure's repeat ABC style approach lies squarely with me, SCEI and F-zero :) )

Bless you for publically taking responsibility; that bespeaks an adult, and I really like adulthood in a person. :)
We see so little of it in business and government that it's a great pleasure when it shows itself.


As for low poly counts, minimalist is my middle name (I know, what were my parents thinking;))

{Ah. so that's what the m in dmc is for. ;) }

I still love the prototype tracks in W3O; they're more futuristic, and more pure racing than all the others. Low-poly is great.

10th May 2007, 05:19 PM
you can thank Mr Foxx for my avatar
nothing to do with me, just his twisted mind
(I suspect in some obtuse way, he is taking the piss out of me.. as he does daily )


Lol, i know what you feel mate :( ;), look at what he did with my avatar :blarg

If it's not twisted mind that ...'Feed me'...

Thanks a lot for the infos Colin, can't wait to see 'your new baby' in action this next September :hyper

10th May 2007, 05:25 PM
@ q_dmc12

Colin Fawcett, lead artist: "We've brought in more natural elements so the tracks aren't quite as city based as they were in Pure. We still have city based tracks but we've gone for more varied environments this time out."

10th May 2007, 09:04 PM
{Ah. so that's what the m in dmc is for. ;) }

I totally did not see that coming, good come back. :+

Designing Minimalist....erm..Construction?

@ Sausehuhn: I thought when you mentioned changing environments you were referring to the dynamic weather system.

10th May 2007, 09:09 PM
Decidedly Minimalist Character

[note: not Minimal nor Minimum. Those might be construed as derogatory.]

10th May 2007, 09:14 PM
There you go :+

RJ O'Connell
10th May 2007, 10:04 PM
Appears as if Qirex-RD and Harimau have gotten the axe for the time being :(

11th May 2007, 08:31 AM
you can thank Mr Foxx for my avatar

nothing to do with me, just his twisted mind

(I suspect in some obtuse way, he is taking the piss out of me.. as he does daily :( )

Now now... it was nothing of the sort.

Colin Berry
11th May 2007, 02:58 PM
Appears as if Qirex-RD and Harimau have gotten the axe for the time being :(

Qirex are in the main game

Its my fav team :D :D :D

the Harimau team have taken their criticism on board and have been working on a new ship and redefining how it performs, alas they missed the prototype testing phase and the league banned them from appearing until part way through the season (ie they are download)

(this is why rob does the back story... not me)

11th May 2007, 03:03 PM

That`s why Qirex stays the main game cos you are the Lead designer! and you can do what you want, correct sir?

And there is no excuse for foxy`s back story!;)


Dogg Thang
11th May 2007, 04:39 PM
the Harimau team have taken their criticism on board and have been working on a new ship and redefining how it performs

Was there really criticism of Harimau or is that just in-game story? I really liked the ship.

Edit: On the disruption bolt, I think the reverse controls would have been fine if that was always the effect and you had a clear countdown as to when it would end - that way you could counter it and, yes, it would be fun. As it was, there were several random effects to the bolt and the only way you could know if it was the reverse controls one was when your ship ploughed into a wall. And the only way you could know it had worn off was when your ship ploughed into another wall. It was the unknown that was the problem there.

11th May 2007, 10:55 PM
The story is totally believable Berry :+

11th May 2007, 11:56 PM
//copies and pastes into Harimau file.

Thanks for that Col - saves me the hassle of coming up with something! :D

RJ O'Connell
12th May 2007, 12:52 AM
If it were that easy I should help with the backstory leading up to the next installment O_O;

12th May 2007, 09:35 AM
I've actually completed all except for Harimau and Auricom. It's been a little easier this time round, because I tied up a lot of loose ends when I did the work for Pure.

There are teams in Pulse that either weren't in Pure or didn't have a back story for it, so it's been fun coming up with some new stuff for them. Best bit was when I was sitting beside Egg, who builds the ships, because I could look at what he'd done and use it to colour the story. I know the stats, too, so that helps. :)

13th May 2007, 04:28 AM
so.. i'm guessing that pulse isnt on the same island as pure?

Hybrid Divide
13th May 2007, 07:49 AM
Wowies, lots of great info there!

Although I admit, it's sad that the leach beam is eleminator only.

I remember using that to survive a LOT of races in WipEout 3!

/Can't wait for this game!

Rapier Racer
13th May 2007, 11:02 AM
Appears as if Qirex-RD and Harimau have gotten the axe for the time being :(

Gah what are you trying to do make me drop my drink? :banzai

Qirex are my number 2 team, which I need for the rare times when things go wrong with Assegai lol plus they are an original not including em is not an option :D

13th May 2007, 11:31 AM
so.. i'm guessing that pulse isnt on the same island as pure?
No - the FX400 events take place all around the world.

Rapier Racer
13th May 2007, 12:07 PM
Thats cool, there is still hope for that track through London then eh

13th May 2007, 12:16 PM

13th May 2007, 04:44 PM
Still hope? Prince Charles would be furious.

14th May 2007, 07:17 AM
So I like to see a track though Amsterdam. And when racing, passing by the Hotel Brinker!!! That would be really funny..:D

Rapier Racer
16th May 2007, 06:47 PM
lol Prince Charles indeed, build it right through his stupid palace so he can wake up to rocket blasts during early morning practice, I wish we could get rid of royalty such a waste of tax moneys..... moneys that could be used to build this track.

Included outside the hotel should be a bunch of crazy people with Wipeout convention shirts on :banzai

16th May 2007, 07:16 PM

I am inspired to do some Photochopping:p

16th May 2007, 07:38 PM
Actually, I'm with His Not Yet Highness on this one. He objects to skyscrapers and just generally plain ugly crap in London. So do I.

Rapier Racer
16th May 2007, 10:28 PM
I object to him

16th May 2007, 11:33 PM
Thought so. :D

Now, about those Pulse interviews. :)

RJ O'Connell
17th May 2007, 03:30 AM
So I like to see a track though Amsterdam. And when racing, passing by the Hotel Brinker!!! That would be really funny..:D
Mad-Ice grandstand cameo anyone?

29th May 2007, 06:44 PM
German website 4players.de interviews Colin Berry. (http://www.4players.de/4players.php/dispbericht/PSP/Special/8997/5516/0/WipEout_Pulse.html)

Afaik just available in German.
Was it actually you who interviewed him, G'Kyl? :)


I'll try to list the most important facts from the interview which weren't released before:

- better balance between crafts
- editor which allows to create own skins for your craft
- 12 teams, 8 from beginning (Feisar, AG-Systems, Assegai, Qirex, Piranha, Triakis, Goteki45 and EG-X), 4 downloadable (Auricom, Harimau, Icaras and Mirage)
- alternative routes named "Skill Cuts" = short cuts that are just useful if you really have the skill to manage them (as complicated as Anulpha Pass's chicane)
- three new weapons for eliminator mode (Leach Beam, Repulsor and Shirkan)
- AI refined
- Racebox mode = create your own races
- Race Campaign mode = career mode (Clarko explained that already I think -> based on grids)
- skill of the AI is adjustable
- profile, record and ingame-screenshot upload to official website
- not sure yet if there is region-specific content again - Colin hopes not.
- loyalty points for each team - gain these and you get team specific extras. e.g.: fly many races with Feisar and earn lots of Feisar points = many Feisar related extras
- 1st track named "Talons Junction"
- Vector cut out

29th May 2007, 07:05 PM
Hey Colin, I like your rubber ducky - looks like one I used to have when I was a kid...*slips into a state of nostalgia once more*

..Its now the dog's chew toy:(


Can't wait to hear more of these "skill cuts":+

As for eliminator weapons:

Leach beam = Energy drain
Repulsor = (probably) reflector :hyper
Shirkan = ninja stars??:?

And one word that would not translate: "Vorgeschmack" - some assistance Max?

29th May 2007, 08:27 PM
My politically incorrect [and somewhat malfunctioning] translator program says:
Ziss baseball bat iss fur geschmackin der heads of pipple askink too many qvestions.

29th May 2007, 08:40 PM
Vorgeschmack = foretase (literally)

in this context
"Eine davon, Anulpha Pass, gab es bereits in einem Download für Pure. Das war ein erster Vorgeschmack."
"One of them (them = skill cuts), Anulpha Pass, was already there as a download for Pure. This was a first adumbration/appearance/section of what is going to be a skill cut"

29th May 2007, 09:41 PM
My politically incorrect [and somewhat malfunctioning] translator program says:
Ziss baseball bat iss fur geschmackin der heads of pipple askink too many qvestions.

Okay, I just spat my tea all over my bloody table! :D

The shuriken weapon sounds like it could be like the proton cannon that Colin mentioned earlier. And if the repulsor isn't like the reflector, maybe it could be something that forces nearby craft away from you?

29th May 2007, 10:49 PM
The shuriken weapon sounds like it could be like the proton cannon that Colin mentioned earlier.
Yeah, I was thinking that afterward

Vorgeschmack = foretase (literally)

in this context
"Eine davon, Anulpha Pass, gab es bereits in einem Download für Pure. Das war ein erster Vorgeschmack."
"One of them (them = skill cuts), Anulpha Pass, was already there as a download for Pure. This was a first adumbration/appearance/section of what is going to be a skill cut"

Ahh, thx - that clears it up! :+

My politically incorrect [and somewhat malfunctioning] translator program says:
Ziss baseball bat iss fur geschmackin der heads of pipple askink too many qvestions.
Colonal Klink? Shultz??

RJ O'Connell
29th May 2007, 11:52 PM
My politically incorrect [and somewhat malfunctioning] translator program says:
Ziss baseball bat iss fur geschmackin der heads of pipple askink too many qvestions.
La louvre de beret a la baguette.

30th May 2007, 04:56 AM
Was it actually you who interviewed him, G'Kyl? :)

Yep. Even though it's hard to keep your spirits up when you get these pitiful smiles from all over the office everytime you talk about WipEout. ;-)

By the way, here's what Colin said: "We had one in the Pure download track Anulpha Pass that was an early taster."
Oh, and I knew you'd point out that Talon's Junction was the name of the first track. That's something NO one cares about except the sort of people who hang out on boards like this one. *g* Personally, I like the hint towards Talon's Reach.


RJ O'Connell
30th May 2007, 01:37 PM
It'll be a Canadian industrial park track that's short and has a big sweeping curve towards the end. That's my guess anyway. ;) (j/k)

30th May 2007, 03:19 PM
Just saw them in the background of the photo :)

30th May 2007, 04:55 PM
Nothing gets past you, eh Max?

That's my monitor in the foreground... I wonder why they cropped out someone as handsome as me? ;) :D

Riccardo Raccis
30th May 2007, 09:26 PM
I'll try to list the most important facts from the interview which weren't released before:

- better balance between crafts
- editor which allows to create own skins for your craft
- 12 teams, 8 from beginning (Feisar, AG-Systems, Assegai, Qirex, Piranha, Triakis, Goteki45 and EG-X), 4 downloadable (Auricom, Harimau, Icaras and Mirage)
- alternative routes named "Skill Cuts" = short cuts that are just useful if you really have the skill to manage them (as complicated as Anulpha Pass's chicane)
- three new weapons for eliminator mode (Leach Beam, Repulsor and Shirkan)
- AI refined
- Racebox mode = create your own races
- Race Campaign mode = career mode (Clarko explained that already I think -> based on grids)
- skill of the AI is adjustable
- profile, record and ingame-screenshot upload to official website
- not sure yet if there is region-specific content again - Colin hopes not.
- loyalty points for each team - gain these and you get team specific extras. e.g.: fly many races with Feisar and earn lots of Feisar points = many Feisar related extras
- 1st track named "Talons Junction"
- Vector cut out

So sweet!

Skill cuts, loyalty points and, erm, Icaras (:g) are what first impacted my eye. Loyalty points sound like the secret dream of many of us here... at least of many among those displaying a team-specific avatar... although I can already hear the multiplayer-related screams of rage (it's gonna be FUN :g).

Also Career mode sounds like a realistic improvement.

Oh, and the uploads to the official site.

And all the rest. But I really wonder about them loyalty points, and the extras. Additional liveries? Additional skins? SHIP UPGRADES by any chance?

Don't hurt me, but with EG-X, Mag Locks, loyalty mechanics and the additional weapons Pulse is starting to sound to me like Fusion done the right way. Life's sweet once again. Thank you Studio Liverpool.

String of happy emoticons follows:


30th May 2007, 09:54 PM
... Fusion done the right way.

Sounds good to me:) - if anybody gives you trouble, you let me know. ;)

Just saw them in the background of the photo :)
Ah! Yes, I see it now - in the Colin shot. :p

31st May 2007, 05:12 AM
SHIP UPGRADES by any chance?

According to Colin there will be none. :)


31st May 2007, 07:58 AM
That photographer is sitting in MY CHAIR!

I thought they'd retire it for posterity...

31st May 2007, 08:26 AM
We're not even in that room any more - we're in the big room through the hallway from it. Your chair has, in fact, been retired. :D ;)

Colin Berry
31st May 2007, 08:48 AM
That photographer is sitting in MY CHAIR!

I thought they'd retire it for posterity...

Actually we covered it in petrol and burnt it

Unfortunately it was a week too late, and you'd left by the time we lit the match

but we are back in the room of life as opposed the room of doom

uhm... back on topic... there should be something on IGN soonish (it was written last week)

31st May 2007, 12:13 PM
Fusion done the right way.

"The best way to enslave people is to make them believe they're free."

31st May 2007, 12:34 PM
True, very true...

My quote of the day would be...

"The best way to defeat an enemy is to make him your ally":D

31st May 2007, 01:42 PM
Nice picture there Max! Waiting for new evidence to show up from you Maximilian Sherlock. :+

31st May 2007, 06:40 PM
Pulse is starting to sound to me like Fusion done the right way.

The best way to make a pig fly is to put him in an airplane.

Rapier Racer
31st May 2007, 07:18 PM
Sounds excellent :+ It will be interesting to see what the loyalty points get you and Talons Junction is an excellent track name :D

On a slightly different note, Colin you remind me of Ricky Gervais

31st May 2007, 11:02 PM
Ziss baseball bat iss fur geschmackin der heads of pipple askink too many qvestions. LMAO

The best way to make a pig fly is to put him in an airplane.

That photographer is sitting in MY CHAIR!

I thought they'd retire it for posterity...

Actually we covered it in petrol and burnt it
Unfortunately it was a week too late, and you'd left by the time we lit the match

Your chair has, in fact, been retired. :D ;)

Is this the 'World Funniest Quotation tournament' s topic here?
Thx everyone for that funny moment spent :+

Ohhh there were infos on new Pulse :D

RJ O'Connell
6th June 2007, 03:35 PM
(still patiently waiting for IGN feature)

7th June 2007, 03:38 AM
indeed :)

7th June 2007, 10:04 AM
(still patiently waiting for IGN feature)

Ah patience, something us wipers gave up when we succumbed to the original PSX game the first time we laid eyes on it.

RJ O'Connell
7th June 2007, 04:17 PM
^ And leading up to the release of Wipeout Fusion.

Thankfully Gran Turismo 3 held me over until then...

7th June 2007, 07:51 PM
Was waiting Pure since 2000...

8th June 2007, 02:44 AM
Pure was the second reason I bought a PSP

8th June 2007, 03:17 AM
Pure was the second reason I bought a PSP

It was the first reason for me, although I've come to realise that my PSP is an extremely cool, useful little gadget since then...

11th June 2007, 08:11 PM
heh - my first reason was because it is portable :p

15th June 2007, 06:54 AM
the wipeout pulse au interview


15th June 2007, 01:58 PM
We do not want to skew the main racing in Wipeout away from racing and towards weapons, the racing needs to be the core so by having Elimination Mode it enables us to concentrate and focus on weapons more without harming the 'racing' experience.HELL YES!

The classic tracks went down well with Pure so there is always the chance through downloads we could bring a few more back, but in the main game it is all new content.Oooh, I wasn't expecting that! All new tracks... woah. Nice!

We have been careful not to make every track all about mag strips, it is a cool new idea, but it does not flood the game, it just adds an extra element.Good, good...

That's a nice article, well found!

RJ O'Connell
15th June 2007, 02:26 PM
Ohhh...the wait is killing me...

Good stuff in that interview. Really hope to see more!

15th June 2007, 04:25 PM
Thanks a lot Colin for all those precisions : seems with the 3 levels of difficulty you will satisfy a large range of players from the newbee to the hardcore racers : well found :+

15th June 2007, 09:21 PM
about half of the tracks have magnetic sections, half do not

SL, you 50.01% rock! (and believe me that's much coming from the worst pessimist in history) :):+

23rd June 2007, 03:52 PM
hope this interview on Spong hasn`t been posted before (http://news.spong.com/feature/10109602?cb=484) but anyway two things stand out: vector is definitely goneand the Amsterdam Grand Prix gets a mention! Nice!

RJ O'Connell
23rd June 2007, 04:02 PM
Also seen in the Spong feature were the logos for the league, Triakis, Qirex, Piranha, Mirage, Icaras and a b/w one for Harimau.

Need. Now. ^___________^

23rd June 2007, 04:10 PM
Tony Buckley: Oh yeah, and I’ll say now, that the Phantom class will always be for nutters! People whose talent with WipEout tracks and ships is almost frightening! You know, there was a WipEout conference a couple of months ago in Holland, and the speed these people go - and the control they have over their ship - is simply amazing. We will always have a speed class that is for those purists.

Absolutely brilliant stuff!, I`m glad he mentioned us.


23rd June 2007, 05:18 PM

Tony was worried that some might be offended by the term "nutters", but he meant it in the most complimentary way. ;)

23rd June 2007, 06:27 PM
8 D I think we're all well aware of how crazy we are!
At least, when it comes to WO...

23rd June 2007, 07:45 PM
The Amsterdam Klan strikes back :banzai

Nutters, speed freaks, aliens : no offense at all , we all come from outerspace mwhuahaha

Rapier Racer
23rd June 2007, 08:52 PM
lol :D

Hmmm that piccyture the very bottom left one on page 2, as soon as I saw that it scream Florion Height at me, just a glance at that first corner and of course that board over the track

23rd June 2007, 10:10 PM
To be a nutter or not to be a nutter, that's the question? But to become a nutter is the answer!!! A WipEout Nutter 8)

Very cool interview. I am so looking forward to the skin designing program. I am getting my sketch book out now. I feel so happy about that Tony mentioned the Amsterdam Wipeout Convention!!! That :rock for sure!

24th June 2007, 12:48 PM
Hi, sorry if this has been posted already but here is another interview of Tony Buckley :



24th June 2007, 02:39 PM
Yup. Exactly 8 posts before yours. You're a tad late, unfortunately. 8 )

25th June 2007, 10:00 PM
AAAnd another one (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=166504)

25th June 2007, 10:13 PM
really sorry...:D

25th June 2007, 10:22 PM
'We feel like we've got a winning formula and as long as we can invigorate it we can please the solid install base of WipEout fans. We've got to cater to them first. We want people to share their experiences, so we've given them the tools to do that'

Cheers Tony Buckley :beer

25th June 2007, 10:42 PM
As you know that is really great news news for us!

stevie :)

25th June 2007, 11:36 PM
To be a nutter or not to be a nutter, that's the question? But to become a nutter is the answer!!! A WipEout Nutter 8)

Sometimes when words mean different things in other countries its hilarious - what does this say for nutter butter (sandwich cookies (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nutter_Butter)):blarg

Spaceboy Gajo
26th June 2007, 05:21 AM
I'd love to know the name of the Scottish lads that created the skinning program. Tony has high praises for them. It got me curious to see some other of their Flash work.

26th June 2007, 09:24 AM
Hi All.

I Read the Tony's interview and i'm very glad to read about Dam's Con.....a great born of a Real Wipers Community :)

...and now......go ahead to Pulse in September and ......a future 2008 Convention!

.....oooooh! it's better for me if I run to training myself harder and harder....ih ih ih :D

Read You Soon