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Hydra XL
7th June 2002, 08:42 PM
i would hav been mighty disgruntled had i got it for 49.99 or rented it for 6 bux, but when i went to Electronics Booty to reserve Fusion i picked it up since it was 10 bux. If it's 10 bux at ur EB and u dig futuristic vibed games (abeit cheap tony hawk ripoffs) pick it up. I think it's worth the 10 dollars.

7th June 2002, 08:44 PM
oh i like airblade!!!

my friend has it and i play his all the time!! :)

7th June 2002, 10:24 PM
i bought that game for full price.. what a disapointment..

8th June 2002, 05:46 PM
I got it too, and I think it bites!

I first played it a year ago at E3 and found the control system was pretty lacking. It didn't really change much between then and release. :-?

I suppose it's a matter of taste, but I'm glad I got it as a freebie instead of paying for it - in saying that, it's pretty worthless as a trade in too, so I guess I'll let it hang around for a very rainy day. :)

Bob Todd
8th June 2002, 08:20 PM
I loved the demo and thought it'd be a great game; but when my brother and I rented it we were very disappointed. It's too repetitive and hard, and there are no power-ups! Who needs it?