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View Full Version : Kappa Challange

4th June 2002, 11:39 AM
Hi, I'm new to the Wipeout Fusion game and I just visited the official site; my question is: what is the Kappa Challange? can anyone answer me? thanks in advance.

4th June 2002, 03:13 PM
its just the normal zone mode, but from one of the released demos

at the end you receive a password that you'll probably have to put in there :) (never tried)

4th June 2002, 05:05 PM
the kappa challenge has finnished anyway, it was for the demo i think, the web codes were used 2 put in......

4th June 2002, 06:59 PM
hi vyper. welcome to the forums.

feel free to introduce yourself on the section we call the ''pilot's lounge''. like what your fave games are, how long you've been playing and such