View Full Version : Leeds Studio of Psyggy: what other games did they do besides W3O?

6th February 2007, 04:56 PM
Psygnosis' Leeds studio did a great job on developing Wip3out, especially in such a short time.

What other games did they do?

[Wayne, if you still read the forums, I'd sure appreciate your input.]

7th February 2007, 05:44 PM

7th February 2007, 06:27 PM
Thanks for the link, Max. Bookmarked.

Unfortunately the site does not yet give credit for which studio did which game. I hope they keep developing the site; it could be a great data resource.

Rapier Racer
7th February 2007, 07:37 PM
That site is great but it doesn't look like it's changed to much since I first stumbled upon it, that was some time ago now