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The Ultimate Machine 244
11th October 2006, 01:45 AM
:guitar Starting this Friday I will be starting a new challenge. My challenge will consist of Track Times and Best Lap Times for courses selected by me from the original wipeout game.
P.S. the competition lasts from When I post the tracks on Friday (since I'm in school it will be posted around 3:30 P.M.) until Midnight on the following thursday

The Ultimate Machine 244
12th October 2006, 11:16 PM
This challenge will go for four weeks. After that I will add up all the times for the people from all of the challenges they participated in(Track Time and Best Lap). Then depending on the ammount of challengers the people with the best total times (both TT and Bl) will be selected to participate in the tournament. The first week of the tournament will be a practice round to determine the seeds of the competetors. After that the tournament will begin (I will post more details about the tournament later)

P.S. The challenge and tournament will be for the original wipeout. The races for the challenge part will be from the venom class. In the tournament the races will be taken out the Rapier Class. Please be honest with all your times so we can make this an enjoyable and fun challenge. Thank You.

The Ultimate Machine 244
13th October 2006, 09:08 PM
Today is the start of my new challenge. The track will be Altima VII. The class will be the Venom Class from the ORIGINAL WipeOut

13th October 2006, 09:34 PM
Hi there, TUM 244. Welcome to the forums!

What race type do you want to play? Time Trial or Single Race? Be careful to add all details people need to know about your challenge when you post the rules.:nod

The Ultimate Machine 244
13th October 2006, 09:56 PM
I plan to have the competetors race in Time Trial mode

edit by Lance: quotation of post immediately above this one eliminated. Please read the Guidelines: http://wipeoutzone.com/forum/announcement.php?f=10

14th October 2006, 04:01 AM
I'm ok for joining this challenge from our current youngest member :)

Time trail : great ( that hasn't been done recently)
Give us more info about the rules :+

14th October 2006, 06:04 PM
Be gentle on him Asayyeah,he dosn't know what he is in for.:bomb

The ignrorance of youth.

14th October 2006, 06:54 PM
I am not really a fan of the first wipeout, even raced with a Negcon, but when The Ultimate Machine 244 PM me for asking if i found his idea good for a challenge , i didn't know how old is he and be very surprised 1 day after to hear he is 12 !
We must support him by joining his challenge and who knows if he won't become the new terror of the records tables for the next Wipeout versions ? : creating challenge on Wipeout when you are only 12 sounds very promising for future :+

The Ultimate Machine 244
15th October 2006, 06:52 PM
You'd better watch your self blackwiggle. Asa might be right about me:nod

Be gentle on him Asayyeah,he dosn't know what he is in for.:bomb

The ignrorance of youth.

16th October 2006, 02:53 PM
I'm sure he is.:)

Pity I don't have the original wipeout otherwise I'd be in!

By the way UM244,how long have you been playing Wipeout?

Good for you ,I hope you hold your own against the master.

Aside from that.

This wasn't your kid brother prehaps trying to upsurp you?


Crikey! I'd hate to be put in a situation like that.
The "WIGGLES" have a LOT to answer for.

16th October 2006, 07:52 PM
somehow I have trouble imagining doing Sagarmatha in their Big Red Car :p

16th October 2006, 08:04 PM
I'm ok for joining this challenge from our current youngest member :)

Time trail : great ( that hasn't been done recently)
Give us more info about the rules :+

I'm joining the challenge, too. Please TUM 244 (hope you don't mind me shortcutting your name like this) give us some more info about your challenge.

The Ultimate Machine 244
17th October 2006, 10:53 PM
Here are my times for Altima VII(using Feisar):

Best Lap:1:23.8

Total Time:4:19.5

Here's what I got when I did it again(using Feisar) :

Best Lap:1:22.9

Total Time:4:10.7
All three of my lap times for my second try were: 1:22.9, 1:23.9, and 1:23.9

P.S. I think that it is possible for a lap of 1:20

I'm joining the challenge, too. Please TUM 244 (hope you don't mind me shortcutting your name like this) give us some more info about your challenge.

First of all read my posts at the top of the first page. I realize that that might not give you enough info so I will give you some more.

First of all use any team and person you would like(remeber that this challenge is on the original Wipeout)
You may also use any weapons and or turbos that you pick up.
Also, please include the team you use when entering your times

17th October 2006, 11:32 PM
Hmmm, after reading your first post again, I see that you've set thursday 18th, midnight as closing date for entering the times. :o I'll see if I can get some decent times in until then...

Edit: What timezone? CET?

The Ultimate Machine 244
18th October 2006, 12:00 AM
The answer to your question is midnight Central Time

18th October 2006, 01:09 PM
hmmm it's a bit short for me till tomorrow to get a time on it : i'll do my best and see if i can put some effort on it :)

18th October 2006, 06:06 PM
An original WO challenge? Starting in Canada? Venom class Time Trial? Oh, I'm so totally in! 8 )

So, flying as Kel Solaar for Qirex R&D...

Venom TT - Lap 1 - Lap 2 - Lap 3 - Race Time
Altima VII - 1:12.8 - 1:16.8 - 1:15.2 - 3:44.8

I'm probably not going to get another chance to fly this, so my somewhat weak first attempt is likely going to have to stand.

18th October 2006, 07:03 PM
I'm probably not going to get another chance to fly this, so my somewhat weak first attempt is likely going to have to stand.

Same goes for me. I just came home from work and had a few goes on it. Here's my times taking sweet Arial out for a ride in my trusted auricom once again.:p

1:16.3 = 03:50.6

Good to have you in again Task. I remember our last original WO challenge, which was great fun.:nod

18th October 2006, 08:02 PM
d ^_^ Indeed it was!

Original WO, racing against you and Arnaud, this is looking to be a good challenge as well!

The Ultimate Machine 244
18th October 2006, 09:00 PM
Damn task. I really need to practice. I never knew I was that bad.

The Ultimate Machine 244
18th October 2006, 09:33 PM
Here are my times for Altima VII(using Feisar):

Best Lap:1:23.8

Total Time:4:19.5

Here's what I got when I did it again(using Feisar) :

Best Lap:1:22.9

Total Time:4:10.7
All three of my lap times for my second try were: 1:22.9, 1:23.9, and 1:23.9

P.S. I think that it is possible for a lap of 1:20

Okay Scratch this completely. I realized that I made an error and now I have to do it again.:bomb First of all the team I used was actually AG Systems's Daniel Chang. I have to do this again because I accedentily raced in Single Race Mode instead of time trial mode, so these times are not official.:brickwall

18th October 2006, 09:50 PM
Damn task. I really need to practice. I never knew I was that bad.

8 D You're not "bad", you're just in need of a bit more experience.

First off, we're racing Venom (slow) on Altima (the first track, which is always the fastest, straightest track), which means you need a craft with speed. FEISAR is totally the wrong choice here. If indeed you were in an AG Sys (those look like FEISAR times to me, though) then you're just one step away from Auricom. Practice it a bit, then switch to the faster ship. Keep going for the faster ship until you can't achieve better times, then you'll know the right craft for you on that track at that speed class.

If you're having trouble getting a perfect lap (no wallbangs) then one of the tricks you can try is racing the same craft and track at Rapier speed a couple times. Then downgrade to Venom. Suddenly it's a calm and sedate stroll in the park in comparison!

Original WO is a very challenging game, but if you go at it in a methodical practiced manner your times will rapidly decrease.

The Ultimate Machine 244
18th October 2006, 09:51 PM
A quick reminder to everyone that tommorow at midnight this weeks challenge will end. Please get your times in no later then tommorow.


I really did use AG Systems and I have to admit those times were something you'd expect from a Feisar Ship. I am extremely out of practice though and I can't really race in Rapier Class right now because my save file was erased so I have to unlock the Rapier class again, but thanks for the suggestion Task.


Same goes for me. I just came home from work and had a few goes on it. Here's my times taking sweet Arial out for a ride in my trusted auricom once again.:p

1:16.3 = 03:50.6

Good to have you in again Task. I remember our last original WO challenge, which was great fun.:nod

Tomahawk, I am sorry to burst your buble but I finished, using Daniel Chang of AG Systems, with these times:

Lap 1: 1:18 exactly
Lap 2: 1:14.8
Lap 3: 1:17.4
Total Time: 3:50.2

As you can clearly see I beat your Best Lap by almost a full second and your total time by almost half a second. Task you'd better watch out cause I'm gonna beat your times next:nod


Alright then, after about 2 hours I'm thinking that I should force myself to stop trying to improve my times because, I'm not trying to brag, but I already beat your time task so here are my improved results by about a whopping 8 seconds (using AG System's Daniel Chang):

Lap 1: 1:14.7
Lap 2: 1:13 flat
Lap 3: 1:14.8
Total Time: 3:42.5

I know that you probably think that it can't be possible to pull off times like these using an AG (especially with my times from earlier) but hey I did it which I guess just goes to prove that with enough hard work and determination even the least skillfull person can become one of the best at what they do.:nod

edit by Lance: merged four successive posts in thread by same person, all made in less than 24 hours.

19th October 2006, 07:42 AM
I don't remember the last time I played the original game in all honesty, and it looks like any savegames I might have had for this have gone byebe too.
anyway, here are my pitiful times :p

Team: Auricom
Lap: 1:25.9
Race: 4:25.5

man those walls are really nasty

I think I might be a little late in posting my time, but better late than never ;)

The Ultimate Machine 244
19th October 2006, 11:55 AM
Your not late on getting your times in. The deadline isn't until tonight

17 hours and 54 minutes left until the deadline for times for AltimaVIII. (Deadline is midnight tonight)

19th October 2006, 01:52 PM
Got up early with the kid, and then he went back to sleep and I couldn't.
Which means I got another run in! Yay!

Kel Solaar - Qirex
Venom TT - Lap 1 - Lap 2 - Lap 3 - Race Time
Altima VII - 1:14.9 - 1:12.2 - 1:12.3 - 3:39.4

I know I could knock another 2 or 3 seconds off that time with a better run, but I've been having a heck of a time getting the good start _and_ making the first turn with it. 8 P

What's the most powerful laptime-reducing agent known to man?
If you said "Red Bull", then you've guessed the second most powerful.
Competition! Nothing beats it! 8 )

The Ultimate Machine 244
19th October 2006, 05:33 PM
Alright, I'm just going to tell you the next challenge so you can start practicing and recording times, but DO NOT START POSTING YOUR TIMES UNTIL TOMMOROW. The next challenge will be Korodera (in venom class)
Also make sure you are racing in time trial mode. Don't forget that you can still get times in for Altima VII until midnight tonight.

19th October 2006, 09:18 PM
After another few tries when I got home from work today I manged to improve my time by 7 seconds.

switching to Qirex and flying as Arian Tetsuo

01:14.1 = 03:43.0

I hit the wall once on my second and third lap, so this time can be improved a lot. Sadly I won't have time for another run later on so this time will have to stand... :redface:

Next race is on Korodera I see. I'll have some more time to play over the weekend I guess, so watch out Task! Next time I'll get'cha!;)

20th October 2006, 12:57 AM
While playing tournament mode, if there's ever someone I can't catch, it's always Kel Solaar. He's the only pilot that can give me problems. Usually on Silverstream, but not always.

I'd like to think that I'm finally producing some times worthy of his reputation. 8 )

Kel Solaar - Qirex
Venom TT - Lap 1 - Lap 2 - Lap 3 - Race Time
Altima VII - 1:12.6 - 1:11.5 - 1:13.0 - 3:37.1

I'm fairly sure a sub-1:10 lap is possible, but not by me. Not without a ridiculous amount of practice and some serious luck and a double-turbo lap anyway. 8 )
So I imagine less than 3:30 is theoretically possible, but I don't see myself going under 3:35 any time soon. As in, this year.

So next up is Korodera... one of my favourites!

Tom: I'm looking forward to it! 8 )

The Ultimate Machine 244
20th October 2006, 03:52 AM
Guess what Task, I got in a lap of 1:11 exact with AG Sytems and Daniel Chang. Here is my new and improved time that includes my lap of 1:11:
Lap 1: 1:11
Lap 2: 1:12.4
Lap 3: 1:13.3
Total Time:3:36.7
I swear to you that I am telling the truth about these times. I've been working on these all day just to beat you. It's great to be 12 and in school because I have 7hrs. after I get home to play until I go to bed.

P.S. Your idea of practicing doing it in Rapier Class first really helped me out alot. Thanks :+

20th October 2006, 05:29 AM
UM244, please stop quoting the last post when you reply to it; we don't need to read it twice. Task and I have both been deleting the quotes in your posts and I asked in the edit for you to read the guidelines. You must not ever read one of your prior posts. Please read the WZ guidelines here:

20th October 2006, 06:48 AM

1:35.3Qirex, hit two freaking times.

Best lap 1:10.6, but HIT ONCE and only one turbo used, should be able to do much better

Where is everyone turboing on this.

20th October 2006, 09:57 AM
I use my turbo when coming out of he tunnel after the last curve when I'm entering the starting grid.

The Ultimate Machine 244
20th October 2006, 12:07 PM
What course did you get those times on because if they're for Altima VIII then those times don't count since you posted your times after the deadline (the deadline is midnight each Thursday) JABJAW.

P.S. I normally turbo when going up the hill at the begining of each lap

20th October 2006, 04:13 PM
Thought it was midnight central time where you live. I saw the challenge at 10:30 wed night here in eastern time, so thought I would give it a shot. Took me an hour just to get used to the game again. I'll play more if tables are entered eventually. Anyways, saw a 12 year old winning and thought that was unacceptable( :) )

20th October 2006, 04:44 PM
8 D Good effort, Al!

Hmm, I think I've been turboing at the wrong spot then.
I've been doing it at the top of the hill, just after the crest.

There are so many straight sections on this track!

So even with hitting twice you've got the best time, where do _you_ think the best place to use the turbo is?

The Ultimate Machine 244
20th October 2006, 05:20 PM
The results of this weeks challenge (Altima VII) are as follows:
1st place: JABBERJAW (3:35.3)
2nd place: The Ultimate Machine 244 (3:36.7)
2nd place: Task (3:37.1)
3rd place: Tomahawk (3:43)
4th place: Lion (4:25.5)

20th October 2006, 05:57 PM
I started using it after the top of the first hill after the ship settled a little bit, It seemed to keep the speed up the hill(kinda), but there must be a better place. You should post the ship used as well so everyone can see what everbody else used

20th October 2006, 09:29 PM
If you're allowing Al's [JABBERJAW's] time at all, then he is the winner, the only person in first place.

24th October 2006, 04:30 PM
Korodera: I can't seem to remember how to properly fly this course! I'm taking the best line I know how, and still not even breaking onto my own record table. I should probably ask zargz and Wiseman to remind me, they've managed even better than I have in the past. 8 P

Daniel Chang - AG Systems
Venom TT - Lap 1 - Lap 2 - Lap 3 - Race Time
Korodera - 1:13.7 - 1:12.8 - 1:11.8 - 3:38.3

25th October 2006, 01:06 AM
What is your record? Are you flying perfect laps?

25th October 2006, 06:27 PM
Totally perfect laps, hitting every speedpad too.
My personal best is 3:33.1 and 1:10.6, no idea when/how I set that.
I know zargz has done a 3:31.0 and 1:09.5, so my best isn't even _the_ best, and I'm far off of that!

25th October 2006, 07:02 PM
Are you sure you are using the same ship? Also, how do you keep your speed up after the first lap and taking the first turn again. I noticed on the turbo start, you seem to get a speed boost for the first lap.

25th October 2006, 09:32 PM
Fairly certain it's always been the AG Sys for me on this track. I tried the Qirex a couple times, could never manage to get it around on such a broken track surface. Always hated Auricom (handles like a Qirex, but not as fast, what's the point?). I'm definitely not going to go any faster in a FEISAR.

How do I keep my speed up from the turbo start? I don't. I only manage the turbo start about 1/10 times, and for some reason it's never on a good race. 8 P
That's why my first lap is my slowest instead of my fastest. I don't think I'm losing 5 seconds due to a lack of a good start, though. 8 )

I used to be able to manage the good start 1/4 times, dunno what happened to that, either. 8 (

27th October 2006, 12:19 AM



first wipeout race completed!

27th October 2006, 06:25 AM
Fantastic! How old is the little guy? I think we're definitely setting records here. It's over 10 minutes, and it's one of the most impressive times I've ever seen. 8 )

27th October 2006, 06:22 PM
He turned 4 on July 15. he wants to play some more, so that is a good start. He can only play wipeout 1 though because you don't explode.

The Ultimate Machine 244
27th October 2006, 08:52 PM
well I totaly spaced on the challenge so no times for me on this course (I probably wouldn't win anyway) but anyway here are the results:

1st place: Task AG Systems 3:38.3
2nd: place: RENNIE SARTWELL 10:00.6

P.S. Hey JABBERJAW is Junior joining the challenge?

27th October 2006, 09:53 PM
A second-place finish for the 4-year-old!
So what are the standings now?
With a 1st place finish and a 3rd place finish, does that put me in the lead overall? 8 D

More importantly though: What's the next track?

28th October 2006, 10:35 AM
Maybe you extend the challenge on this track to next thursday. I could probably play this on sunday and wednesday next week. I should have a little more time.

28th October 2006, 05:45 PM
He turned 4 on July 15. he wants to play some more, so that is a good start. He can only play wipeout 1 though because you don't explode.

What is the diet of this 4 year old.....Red Bull?

29th October 2006, 07:39 PM
Warm wellcome to our youngest member silver medalled Rennie Sartwell : Congratulations;)

29th October 2006, 09:07 PM
I have a couple of times on korrodera, can we extend it to next thursday? I'll have rennie play again to see if he can beat the 10 minute barrier.

31st October 2006, 11:29 PM
Let's make this challenge go to this thursday midnight. I know I'm hijacking the thread, but there was no reply.

The Ultimate Machine 244
1st November 2006, 09:34 PM
alright that is fine Jabberjaw. I forgot about posting a challenge anyway. (more time for me)

2nd November 2006, 10:53 PM
Phew, sorry guys. I had to much work to do and already started to pull my hair out cause I thought I missed the challenge. But I see time has been extended.:)

So here are my (miserable) times I did in a quick korodera session today:

Flying as Arial Tetsuo in Auricom:

01:16.1 = 03:52.2

I know these can be improved a lot... *gotta practice harder*:p But it will have to do for this challenge.

Now where do I find some really good hairdresser?:D

3rd November 2006, 01:18 AM

3:31.3 AG systems

FIRST LAP WAS CRAP, so under 3:30 is easily possible. Haven't got to play in a couple of days. Just got home from my XC running meet so I wasn't able to post earlier

Best lap 1:08.3

The Ultimate Machine 244
3rd November 2006, 09:11 PM
I got a few tries in but I had to go to bed before I could post my times but here they are anyway using AG Systems Daniel Chang:
Lap 1- 1:10.6
Lap 2- 1:13.2
Lap 3- 1:09.4
Total- 3:33.2

P.S: obviously these times don't count:frown: but it is my mom's fault because she made me go to bed:mad:

3rd November 2006, 11:24 PM
Just count your times then post results. Then give us the next challenge. How about silverstream rapier?

6th November 2006, 12:46 PM
jabberjaw 3:31.3 AG
ULt Machine 3:33.2 AG
Task 3:38.3 AG
Tomahawk 3:52.2 AURicom
CRudball 10:00.6 Qirex

How about this thursday for silverstream rapier TT

The Ultimate Machine 244
6th November 2006, 10:32 PM
Sounds good JABBERJAW but the Rapier Class is for the Tournament. Lets do it on Venom Class

6th November 2006, 11:23 PM
You can race time trial, single race, or tournament in venom or rapier. What about racing the race on both speeds and adding the times together to mix it up a little?

8th November 2006, 04:28 PM
I've blown away my old records for this track, so it's time to see some other peoples best times and find out how far off I am from a really great race...

Flying as Daniel Chang of AG Systems:
Venom TT - Lap 1 - Lap 2 - Lap 3 - Race Time
Silverstream- 0:50.6 - 0:49.9 - 0:50.9 - 2:31.4

8th November 2006, 08:10 PM
What is your rapier time? and what ship?

The Ultimate Machine 244
8th November 2006, 09:58 PM
well I sat down to play earlier and got some really great times. Heres what they are using Daniel Chang of Ag systems...


Venom TT - Lap 1 - Lap 2 - Lap 3 - Race Time
Silverstream- 0:48.6 - 0.49.2 - 0:48.3 - 2:26.1

9th November 2006, 04:23 AM
Let's postpone until sunday night midnight(where you live) so we can enter both sets of times (venom and rapier)

13th November 2006, 04:47 AM
results of venom/RAPIER silverstream challenge


1)JABBERJAW 2:20.4
2)ULT Mach 2:26.1
3)TASK 2:31.4
4)CRUDBALL 9:25.5


1)JABBERJAW 2:03.2
2)CRUDBALL 6:40.4

The Ultimate Machine 244
13th November 2006, 10:44 PM
alright next weeks challenge:ANY COURSE I HAVEN'T PICKED YET!

14th November 2006, 12:31 AM
Firestar Rapier

14th November 2006, 01:55 AM



HE is actually getting better, following the course, using the negcon. I'm going to pull out the black negcon for him(smaller)

The Ultimate Machine 244
15th November 2006, 12:12 AM

16th November 2006, 03:13 AM
CRUDBALL'S new time


5:11.8 auricom

The Ultimate Machine 244
17th November 2006, 07:45 PM
this challenge is going to go until midnight Saturday

19th November 2006, 03:00 PM
I had written sunday because that is when I get to play.

20th November 2006, 02:27 AM
let's make it next thursday since noone entered any times :)

CRUDBALL'S new time



20th November 2006, 02:29 AM
Damn i need to get practise on it otherwise Crudball will i-link-destroy me next summer !

22nd November 2006, 06:08 PM
CRUDBALL'S new time. Auricom



We now have decreased the negcon twist to 100 from 180 so it may take a few tries to get this. When he gets down to 3:50 we will introduce airbrakes. When he gets down to 3:30 we will introduce the pitch control. He is now using the black negcon(smaller).

The Ultimate Machine 244
27th November 2006, 12:33 AM
yo did you guys miss me i havent been on in like a week and I've totally been spacing out on the challenge. Since the tournament is just around the corner I need some good ideas on what we can do for the Tourney.