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14th October 2005, 07:44 AM
It looks like it is in 2 parts.
Go get it. Now! (if you want Icaras)

14th October 2005, 08:31 AM
Rock on, I have been looking forwards to getting Icaras!

14th October 2005, 11:30 AM
So, we're expecting the 2nd of these today huh? :roll:

14th October 2005, 11:43 AM

*runs to his PSP*

there're some nice renders in the gallery 8O
...want them in high-res!! ... Cooolin?

14th October 2005, 01:16 PM
*mad dash to download new stuff*

captain chickenpants
14th October 2005, 01:45 PM
I still have to download them in an unusual manner grr :evil:
For other people with the same problem, (www.yourpsp.com download doesn't work correctly) search for other posts by me, follow the instructions there, using :

UCES00001DCLASSICMPAK2 for the music pack.
UCES00001DCLASSICPAK2 for the normal pack.

I like the new tracks (well new to me, I guess players of the older games have seen them before). The icarus feels akward to use to me, I guess I need more practice.

14th October 2005, 02:04 PM
The Icaras certainly FEELS different to pilot than most craft, but it is a highly polished performance machine once you get the hang of it.

14th October 2005, 02:16 PM
Very cool tracks - love the VR styling

This game is so amazing - I've owned and loved every WipeOut game so far and have had a PSP since launch day and this is still the only game I have for it - I just haven't seen anything else I want to play when I could be playing Pure...

14th October 2005, 02:20 PM
yeah, so true :D

btw: welcome to the Zone, Fry! :)

14th October 2005, 04:22 PM
Can someone provide a direct link to download from yourpsp.com like was done last time with the Classic 1 stuff? As usual there is no sign of the new pack on wipeoutpure.com and when I went to yourpsp.com they don't even list the Classic 1pack to download. :evil:

14th October 2005, 04:40 PM
It's up there now.

14th October 2005, 05:42 PM
Nope, not on my end, this exact situation happened last time with the Classic2 part 1 downloads, eventually someone posted direct links to the official download and that's how I got the last pack.

14th October 2005, 07:10 PM
Have you tried reloading the page? I've had that before where the browser showed a cached version of the site and so was out of date.

14th October 2005, 08:58 PM
Crap.... right when I send my PSP back to Sony for the bad pixel :?

14th October 2005, 09:33 PM
Serious w00tage is in order. Porta Kora is awesome, that track and Odessa Keys just look real, the only thing breakiong the illusion is the gridlines in the background, remove those and those 2 tracks could fit in amongst the real tracks. Vohl Square obviously doesn't look as real but I gotta say it's definetly my favourite of the pack visually, the mixture of colours is so much more lively than the monotone schemes of the others. You'd think purple green and pink wouldn't mix but it's a very nice combination. The track is also remarkably similar to the original - at least compared to how simplified Altima VII and Odessa Keys were from their respective originals.

15th October 2005, 04:37 AM
I've got a problem. I've already registered at yourpsp.com and downloaded the gamma and delta packs from there. Right now I went to download the classic 1 and 2 packs, and I get a message saying I have to update my personal data. So I start doing that, and I had to pull out the battery again to see the serial number. I put in all the data, and then I get a message saying there's already a user registered with this serial number, which is of course right, because it's ME! But it still won't let me get past that point! So right now I can't download sh*t! :(

So what the hell do I do now? I couldn't find the email to yourpsp anywhere. :evil:

15th October 2005, 11:08 AM
click me (http://eu.scee.com/contact/customerContacts.jhtml)

15th October 2005, 12:24 PM
Thanks, S. :wink:

16th October 2005, 04:33 PM
Hmm, seems nice, I got it on my 512er MSD and my old 32er but it works from neither, just like the others. :evil:

17th October 2005, 05:31 PM
Hey guys... was there suposed to be the Classic 2 Tournament with this download too?

17th October 2005, 05:34 PM
You need to get a medal in each of the single races before the Classic 2 tournament unlocks. This needs to be done in each league so you have the tournament open in each league.

17th October 2005, 05:37 PM
Ah. I see... Cheers

Rapier Racer
17th October 2005, 05:54 PM
Icaras looks cool, not sure Lance would approve though with a handling rating of 3, PK is superb has to be my fav of all the classics so far, feels a tad strange coming round that corner and not seeing a pit lane though

hmm is there going to be a prize for the first pilot to find this packs bug :wink:

17th October 2005, 05:56 PM
I recokn they should have left the pit-lanes in just to add that true... Classic feel.

17th October 2005, 06:39 PM
the Icaras handles too well?

the Icaras in the Japanese version of WO3 also has a handling level of 3, and i have to admit, it makes it a touch too easy. it removes a bit of the feeling of difficult-to-control ultra-speed. makes it feel more like a 2097.XL Piranha, though not so extreme

17th October 2005, 07:27 PM
I think the handling of the Icaras is a little too high - should have been 2 instead of 3.

Then again, I'm a huge fan of flying bricks. I love the feeling of being Wile E. Coyote straddling a large Acme rocket :D

18th October 2005, 02:34 PM
The renders in the gold medals for Vohl Square / Single Race / Venom + Flash + Rapier are simply gorgeous.

They are the ones used for the US box, isn't it?

I believe it's these medals, though I might be wrong and be TT or even Porto Kora, cannot look at it right now. But I think I got it right. :P

18th October 2005, 03:04 PM
The Feisar, AG-sys and Assegai you see in those medal art pics are fragments of the japanese box cover.

20th October 2005, 10:18 AM
You are right. I got those mixed up. :P

The medal from the Classic 2 pack that I can't help finding just too funny (specially after the outrage in the forums following the CocaCola and Puma branding) is Tournament / Classic2 / Venom. :lol:

20th October 2005, 10:55 AM
"Advertise your company on our AG tracks!"

Reality is once again imitating art... using the art as an actual advertising invitation! At first it looked just a joke, but considering the coke packs, it's downright creepy now.