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13th October 2005, 08:26 AM
Ok. This is just a quick question that needs answering before I decide whether or not to buy the Japanese version of Pure.

Does it have any glitches? Y'know, like that unacceptable **** up at the start of Sinucit on the European version.

Of course, I want to buy this for the Coke downloads.

13th October 2005, 09:22 AM
for the coke downloads?
Wouldn't do that. These tracks are just one big advertisment.

13th October 2005, 12:27 PM
a bit of ''chain-yanking'', perhaps? ;)

13th October 2005, 12:28 PM
just so I get that right: you think of the sinucit starting grid glitch as 'inacceptable' (when really it doesn't affect the game AT ALL), and want to get the JAP version because of the COKE DOWNLOADS?!
oh, nothing wrong with that, really...
*calls asylum*

13th October 2005, 12:46 PM
Nope, no glitches at all. Only thing is they're now behind on the official downloads. There's also no download service through the website, all packs have to be obtained through Wi-Fi.

13th October 2005, 01:00 PM
If anyone considers getting the japanese version because it's Wipeout Pure and it looks cool with japanese text in it, then go ahead! It's fabulous.

If anyone considers getting the japanese version because of the coke downloads, let me spare you the expense of buying and give you the coke download experience for FREE by bashing your skull repeatedly with a shovel until your brains leak out through your ears.

You're welcome.

13th October 2005, 05:52 PM
you think of the sinucit starting grid glitch as 'inacceptable' (when really it doesn't affect the game AT ALL)...
Officially you can actually fix the glitch on Sinucit using a tool called denial.

"It doesn't effect the game, really"

13th October 2005, 06:04 PM
Dude, what the hell is up with that? I mean you've been moaning for weeks now over a glitch that has literally no effect on the game. 1 bloody glitch, in a modern game that's a god-damned miracle to have a game released with only one glitch, especially one that doesn't affect the gameplay. Jesus dude, show some appreciation to SL that that was the only glitch that got through.

I'd rather the game had that 'glitch' on every single race than put up with the Coke downloads.

13th October 2005, 06:12 PM
yeah games are generally getting more and more buggy these days, it seems to me. Pure is amazingly bug-free, especially when you consider the short development time they had.

Dogg Thang
13th October 2005, 07:35 PM
Lunar I don't think games having more glitches should in any way make it okay. A glitch is a glitch - these games go through extensive playtesting processes and errors simply shouldn't get through.

As for Pure being bug-free, hmmm...considering the problems with the dl packs and freezing since launch, I can't agree with that. Not at all.

13th October 2005, 07:38 PM
At least it can never be as BAD as Madden 2006... that one CRASHES your PSP every time you try to play a career mode game - and EA has done everything they can to NOT address the issue, including setting up an arcane voice answering system does does nothing to ease customer complaints.

13th October 2005, 07:57 PM
Well at no point did I say it was okay to have bugs in Pure or that it didn`t have any bugs - I was just comparing it to other games. To clarify my idle language, I meant the extent to which it is bug-free is quite amazing to me, compared to a lot of other games I`ve played over the last couple of years. I managed to get my money back from Sony over one particular game which they had to admit was basically broken.

the only really bad bug in Pure, imo, is the one where you get false times in your records. Indeed, there`s no real need for there to be any bugs, but I dont think Pure is a very bad case, in that there are no bugs which kill the game itself at any point.

I was also just trying to say something nice after ranting about the downloads.:wink:

that`s a shame about Madden - I had been considering that as my second PSP game. I think that in actual fact many games don`t go through the kind of extensive playtesting they should - otherwise howlers like that in Madden, and others, would never be there, surely. It`s hard to explain how someone could release a game in that condition, though.