View Full Version : playing WipeOut 2097 / Wip3Out on PS2?

18th September 2005, 01:10 PM
Has anyone tried WipeOut 2097 or Wip3Out (for PlayStation) on a PS2?
I'd like to know if they run nicely or if it's better to play them on a PS1


18th September 2005, 01:35 PM
they both run fine, and w30 looks lovely if you enable texture mapping in the PS2's playstation driver menu. you will need a ps1 memory card to save your game though.
be warned that 2097 will freeze after the first of the challenges, meaning you can never complete it. ever. :evil: you can use passcodes to get past that, though.
It should be noted that owning an orginal ps1 will allow you to play both titles 2-player thru a link cable, if you happen to have a friend with similar equipment. and an easily movable telly :wink:

i'm sure you could have found all this out by searching the forums - try that next time. :) (have you read the forum guidelines?)

btw: welcome!

18th September 2005, 05:05 PM
When I tried playing W3O on a PS2 (this was a while ago) all the screen gadegetry looked the wrong shape, and the numbers in the lap/posisition boxes looked stretched. Is this just my PS2 or does this happen to everyone?

18th September 2005, 06:20 PM
Depends if you have a widescreen tv or not. Even if don't eneable widescreen mode (if your telly is widescreen) you will get a horizontally stretched image, if you select widescreen mode, the game itself is more panoramic but the HUD and main menu will stay stretched.

18th September 2005, 08:54 PM
thanks for the information.

WipeOut pure release woke up my WipeOut addiction :D and since i can't afford a PSP+WOPure right now, i'm getting myself a PSX+WO2097+W3O (really cheap btw) on eBay to wait until PSP lowers its price and to remember those good days with my old (now broken) PSX

i searched for posts related to psx emulation on ps2 but i got no results. i didn't take the time to do an 'in-depth search'. sorry about that


18th September 2005, 09:03 PM
There's no such thing as PS1 emulation on a PS2, there doesn't need to be, the PS2 is fully backcompatible with all PS1 games with no modifications. Emulation is where you trick a machine into thinking that it's actually a different machine, like a modern PC has to be 'fooled' into acting like an old PC if you want to play DOS or Win95 based games on WinXP. You can enable certain settings on your PS2 that make PS1 games look or run slightly smoother but it's not worth it as you will not notice much improvement and you definetly will notice frequent crashes (at least I did), this is probably what happened to element42 as I played through 2097 from start on my new slim PS2, no differences to when I used to have it back when I had a PS1.

19th September 2005, 08:52 AM
sorry, superjar, i know searching doesn't work sometimes, i just didn't want you to suffer the wrath of the mods :wink:. if you're buying stuff on ebay, look out for a negcon, you won't regret it.
seek - my ps2 is the old brick one, and trust me, i tried every possible way of getting round the challenge 1 freeze. it's good that whatever the problem was, it no longer affects the slim ps2's.

19th September 2005, 09:02 AM
As the connection leads for PS1 / 2 are exactly the same, I completed as much as I could on my PS2, then went down a local games shop, rented a PS1 for a tenner for a few days, swapped the main units, did the challenges, then returned said PS1 :D

21st September 2005, 04:22 PM
I'll definitely buy a PSX because i can get one very cheap now. maybe in some months I can buy a PSP, but in the meantime i have WipeOut for a long time with the PSX.

Seek100, I Know PS2 is backward compatible and I thought it achieved that due to PS1 emulation, the same way that ePSXe do for example. I explained it the wrong way.

Thank you all :D