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14th September 2005, 10:48 PM
For me, after the almost sterile cleanliness of Makana in Pure, I'd like to see a greater variety of environments in a future sequel to Wipeout. So here I'm just going to list a bunch of stuff I have in mind for what I'd want in the next one - bear with me. :)

I'm not saying they should be racing on the moon or in the jungle like in Fusion, but I'd quite like a more contrasting spread of track locations, and for them to be set at different times of day with random weather, too.

Imagine Gare d'europa at dawn, with smog hanging low around the buildings and billowing around the pack of AG craft as they race through the crisp morning. Or what about Vineta-K with a storm rolling into the shores of Makana, the palm trees swaying in the wind, ominous clouds in the sky, and the sea crashing in the bay.

Burnout 2 stands as a great example of the above - each of the tracks can be raced at different times of day, with different weather conditions, and the effect is tremendously immersive. It turns them from polygons and textures into living environments, and sets each new play apart from the last.

What I'd also like to see is the option for track to take its local time from the clock setting of my console. So if I'm particularly addicted and I play from the minute I get home on Friday night until I'm hallucinating from tiredness the following morning, I get to see the tracks get dark, the ambient sounds change through the night, and the sun come up in the morning to tell me I really should get some sleep.

Different track materials would be great for showing off the detail that's gone into each level. If I'm racing on an overpass above some city streets, it would be cool to have sections built from mesh so I can see the buildings rushing below. Imagine some semi-transparent sections on Sol 2 - vertigo city! As far as I can remember this happens in Fusion on a couple of the tracks, and I'd like to see it used again in future.

I'd also like to see the tracks change as they're raced on - weapon blast marks accumulating on the surface as each lap unfolds, as well as the impact marks from the craft as they hit the sides and bottom out. If a contender is eliminated I'd like to see the debris on the track, as well as the wrecked chassis of their ship sliding to a halt.

Track furniture appropriate to the setting helps the sense of speed, and I'd like to see more of it. Girders passing overhead, lamp posts rushing past, with accompanying woosh sounds. Other details like little AG bots hovering around the grid at the start, or filming the race, fans getting to their feet in the grandstands if something exciting happens on track would add to the realism and flesh out the universe. If I'm in a Feisar and I overtake a Piranha on the start/finish straight I want to see those blue and yellow Feisar fans waving their banners and jumping to their feet in the grandstand at turn one, cheering me on my way.

More grandstands! It's the most spectacular spectator sport in the world, yet historically most of the tracks have weaved their way through areas where the signs of people watching the racing are sparse to say the least. The noise of the fans at the start of a big championship race should be deafening - anyone who's ever watched the start of the Indy 500 will get what I mean here.

Tracks of different standards - if there's a league system where I can work my way up through the divisions I expect to be racing on more basic tracks to begin with. Parts of them looking a bit shabby, with people watching on bleachers rather than grandstands. There should be a big difference between, say, a rough and ready local track and one of the more modern venues like Vineta K.

Right, I think I've written enough at this point, and probably getting boring. :)

Anyone else have things to add?

15th September 2005, 12:30 AM
I'll have to think hard to add anything to that, you pretty much got it all - very nice ideas!

oh one thing: I would love to have a hangar of some sort in the background of the menues, and when you start a race, it seemlessly opens the roof and your craft is brought up to the starting grid. I loved the starting grid animation in Fusion, one of the few things it did better than the other wipeouts!

15th September 2005, 07:16 AM
+2 from me, because i'm so special.

Possible introduction of a voice guided "training" mode because I cant get to grips with this new sideshift turning thing.

Very nice touch about the time altering with the system clock. Reminds me of MSR for the dreamcast, its brilliant because it's simple and effective.

15th September 2005, 07:57 AM
Love all the ideas so far.

Realistic ship damage could be interesting. Like if you mess up a hair pin and you go nose first into the wall I wanna see the nose bend and crumple. Maybe your ship would handle differently as a result.

Or is that getting too real?

15th September 2005, 09:01 AM
Fusion had that, and it sucked a bit when the handling went, as it was like a double penalty. You could turn off the "realistic handling", though, so the effect of the ships being damaged was quite cool.

I know I strayed a little, but I want to keep this topic strictly about the track environments, so if we could stick to that I'd be grateful.

15th September 2005, 09:02 AM
+3 because I'm a moderator. :twisted:

Muahaha, feel the abuse of power! ;)

If extensive weather were added, I would not like the wind to affect the handling of the ship. It might not be realistic but this kind of random effects on piloting end up being annoying.

If I recall correctly, in the original WO you raced a circuit at different times of the day depending on the class (only Venom and Rapier).

And in a wave race 64 circuit the tides made you choose different paths which I found very original.

15th September 2005, 10:06 AM
Yeah, if the handling is only slightly affected it'd be pretty good. Fusion's practically halved your craft's top speed for taking only a few hits, and that really put me off using the damage sim.

15th September 2005, 04:21 PM
Someone has been invading my thoughts again... ahhhhhgh!!!!

In other words... +4

15th September 2005, 04:34 PM
Tracks should be at different places again, not just at one island or in one city.
You have more different places you could add. It's nearly impossible to find an island, that has all different sourroundings. Sure, it's no problem to make this possible in a game, but it's not really believable.
Wheater changing is a must. You shouldn't be able to set it yourself at first. So when you're in a league it should be random or done by the computer.
Just if you've got earned a goldmedall or something you should be able to set it by yourself.
I also would like to see detailed places with alot of atmosphere. Not just a few builidings and a few crafts lying around their programmed way again and again.
I would like to see small things like some towels hanging out of windows or newspapers on the track that are flying around when a craft passed by. Also 3D spectators with flags [like infox mentioned] and people with umbrellas when it's raining.
Also not just people on offical tribunes. Maybe people looking down to the track from high buildings or some persons that are looking out of their windows. They sould act, not just stand around and do nothing. They should shout out the names of the teams and say anything they want (and if they're not on offical tribunes they sould speak in their mother language. It makes no sense when a track is in Russia and the people speaking english [and don't say in 200 years we will all speak one language])

The track should reflect lightings - especially when it's raining. I love lightings in the dark and it just looks fantastic when they're passing by at high speed. The game should keep these holograms from Pure as well. They're looking really cool. Saw them on F-Zero and loved them from that point. I was very happy to see those ones on Pure.

I also would like to see more details on the track itself, I mean on the real road. Things like drains where water goes into. They're in Pure, but they don't look really realistic and more like these drains on the street.
I would like to see how water is flowing under long grids that are more futuristic than the ones in Pure.

Damage of the track must be there, too.

15th September 2005, 04:45 PM
think it would be nice

- a track in futuristic "Las Vegas", the first half of the track is desert and the other half you enter to the city where you see a lot of neons and stuff like that. the time dusk/night, or dusk and you see the sun rising in the horizon but is still kind of dark

- A european city track near of a carnival, amusing park or something when you see a giant carnival wheel with a lot of lights (someething like the special stage from Gran turismo 3). the city is located in a gulf or something and you can see the reflections of the citylights in the water.

- a Rio De Janeiro City based track

Dogg Thang
15th September 2005, 04:50 PM
These are all great ideas. Definitely different times of day would be a huge thing for me, as many already know.

One thing I've always wanted since back in WO1 is to have country-specific track markings. Like you know the way road signs in certain countries have a very distinctive look - I always thought that things like that blue arrows and pick-ups in Korrodera should look unique to Russia (is was Russia wasn't it?). So US tracks would have their look and Europe would have its look etc. Almost like each country has its own AG association deciding their standards.

Also I'd love to see some more really open environments - huge fields either side of the track with only hints of the futuristic technology in the background for example.

15th September 2005, 05:46 PM
While some might say it may be unrealistic, or dull, to have so many different race environments in a single place, as in Makana or Mega City, when it comes to tournaments isn`t it even more unrealistic to have pilots flying half way round the world to compete in a two or three minute race? I mean.... how far is it from Florion Heights to Mandrashee? Or from Talons Reach to Sagarmatha? A bloody long way for a very short bit of action.... and how do they get there? I suppose if they teleported there it might be worthwhile, but overall I`m quite happy with single locations, and see no reason why you can`t have plenty of variation within them.

As for the track environment itself I`d like to see more interaction with the surroundings, mainly: billboards that crumple when you hit them instead of behaving just the same as the walls - the sort of thing which will just make the experience more lifelike when things go wrong. I`d like to see the return of the wussbots. As for other details, I`m not too bothered about stuff you wouldn`t see at full speed in a race anyway, though anything which increases the sense of speed and excitement should of course be welcomed.

15th September 2005, 07:35 PM
don't forget that in the summer Olympics, we often see very different milieus for different events only a few miles apart. there are some areas of the world, particularly regions bordering the sea, where snow and mountains, are close to hot deserts, and rivers, and lakes, and ocean. having short races in very different settings without long travel times between races is entirely believable even with our present means of transport. the environments for tracks in a single region do not have to be homogenised to one ''look'' in order to seem realistic

16th September 2005, 12:44 AM
also, seeing as the AG-leagues are more of ONE BIG event, lasting, say, a week, rather than seperate events spreading out over a year, like F1, it only makes sense to have all the tracks closely together. Fans can buy a ticket for the whole tournament, rent a room on the island, and travel to the different racetracks in no time using the mono train.

16th September 2005, 03:01 AM
I've always felt it difficult to play through tournament games where events were spread all over the world - it would take days to travel form one spot to the other, adjusting to jet lag and accessing the various remote locations, often something as inane as "street full of people", hardly the setting for world class events. Pure is the first game that makes the concept hold tightly, and thus suspension of disbelief is all the easier for me.

16th September 2005, 02:55 PM
One thing I don't think many people realise, given the technology in use in wipEout, it's almost certain that you could travel from the US to say Russia across the Atlantic and Europe in a matter of hours rather than days, look at the speed wipEout craft travel at, even with today's tech I've travelled from Sicily to Essex England in 24 hours, that's about or a bit more than 3000km (just under 2000 miles for the metric impaired). In 2 centuries time public and private transportation will consist entirely of these AG craft, even if they don't go as fast as the wipEout racers, they'll still be able to do my journey from Sicly to England in a matter of hours rather than a day.

Also I don't buy the idea that all the races would take place over a week, it seems they only hold 1 championship per year - what the hell happens for the other 51 weeks of the year? Taking the 16 tracks of the FX300 league (Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta) if they hold a race every fortnight that's still only 32 weeks for the entire season leaving 20 weeks of downtime until the next tournament, this is about comparable to modern day F1. Holding all the races also doesn't make sense from a money-making perspective, if the corporations who advertise and broadcast the live feeds of the races want to make money through advertising and merchandising, it makes far more sense for the races to take place over the course of the year, if they're all done the same week (meaning an average of ~ 2.3 races per day) they'll not make much money from advertising the races, nor from merchandising as once the 'season' is over no one will care until the following year.

16th September 2005, 03:10 PM
Everyone is coming up with ideas about the time of day being effected by the system clock... Which I really love the idea of.

How about doing the same for the weather? PS3 is going to be heavily online based so surely it'd beable to pick up the weather in the different parts of the world and portray that in game?

Also on certain days of the year, e.g. Valentines day, christmas or halloween the in game banners and adverts etc could change to reflect that particular day? There could be banners above the track like its a feastival or something?

Only ideas.

16th September 2005, 04:51 PM
I did think of that, but then I figured "hey, it's two hundred years in the future... the weather could be doing what it likes!" ;)

18th September 2005, 08:41 PM
the time of day idea is well cool. i also prefer the idea of the league taking place over a longer period of time rather than a week. maybe a season stucture like F1 where every track is raced once in 1 season, im talkin all 3+ varriations of each track and maybe even the reveresed tracks too. with pilot and team league tables. obviously the weather will change over the season as summer and winter come and go etc..having to qualify for promotion to the next class/league. not like fusion where each league has a small selecion of different tracks.

other pilots develop relationships, opting to help u out or hold grudges.

insane spectators running across the track like in WRC.

birds to splatter or even bugs like in regular cars on the motorway n stuff

balloons and fallen banners

maybe, just maybe, a commentator

definitely deffo any reference to ninja's. maybe a team ninja

PSP support in which friends can spectate as would the real fans of AG racing :)

19th September 2005, 05:12 PM
The PS3 is definitely going to be powerful enough to make the best wipeout ever!
The special effects could be amazing and weather effects are a definite forerunner!

19th September 2005, 06:57 PM
The thing that I'd really like to see is... headlights.

I'm kind of sick of going through dark tunnels and having to guess at where the walls and corners are. A hundred years in the future, I think they could put a couple headlights on an AG craft.

It may not sound like much, but it makes an impact on the environment. Circular areas of light illuminating sections of the track, it definitely changes what you see.

This allows for tracks that aren't filled with streetlights and glow strips. Those can be pretty cool, but I don't see that they should be required for every track.


19th September 2005, 06:58 PM
well the Delta pure circuits have some great illuminated "rails" set into the track that could be brilliant for indoor sections!!

20th September 2005, 12:26 AM
I don't know, Lance, headlights just sound SOOOOO not wipEout to me... can't help the feeling :?

EDIT: ooooooooooOOOOps! :oops: tired as I am, I must have mixed up the avatars (too lazy to read names in this current state of sleep-deprivation). - I also usually mess up Space Cowboy and Dogg Thang... :shame

20th September 2005, 02:12 AM
Er, he's Task, not Lance, but I agree, definetly not wipEout, besides the dark areas are there for a reason - to make you learn the track instinctively rather than waiting for a bend to appear and then you react to it. Besidesheadlights would make the craft look goofy IMO.

20th September 2005, 02:34 AM
cutting edge headlight designs as seen on showcars, which use LEDs and/or optical fibers, can be configured to fit virtually any shape of a vehicle body, and could most definitely be integrated into a Wipeout ship so as to look cool, but i wouldn't want to have them for the reason that the challenge to fly well would be less if the path were too well lighted.
[ yes, that was one sentence. :) ]
i do have to admit that having one track on which obvious and temporary headlights were required to fly through, say, an old mine on some ad hoc FX-150 amateur league racecourse where the money or other resources did not exist to put race lighting on the course might prove very interesting and memorable as part of a future version of Wipeout. one imagines a race in which the dim and flickering glimmer of scrounged up 20th century headlights made 22nd century anti-gravity racing under the earth just barely possible and therefore very challenging

20th September 2005, 02:40 PM
The Fusion renders had headlights: click! (http://wfzone.ifrance.com/me0000133077_2.jpg)

20th September 2005, 05:44 PM
wow. Didn't expact that. Nice Touch, pity 'bout the game

20th September 2005, 06:15 PM
Oh dear lord that's fugly! But I don't see anything that qualifies as headlights on that, and given that we know the craft didn't have headlights (they would have appeared ingame if they were meant to be there - it's not a particularly complex effect) I reckon those were just meant to be random mechanical thinga-ma-bobs, they certainly don't look like lights to me.

2nd November 2005, 07:17 AM
What about a type of track through the streets of New York with streets cordoned off. Since alot of the buiuldings in NY are old the architecture wouldn't change that much in 50 years plus having new buildings next to old would look good with AG craft speeding past.

2nd November 2005, 04:07 PM
Wasn't there a gallery image in Fusion which showed a New York Race, but in an Ice Age?

3rd November 2005, 07:16 PM
yes there was

click! (http://ps2media.ign.com/media/previews/image/wipeoutfusion/wofconcept4.jpg)

4th November 2005, 09:05 AM
i would like to see more brands on billboards but none whatsoever on the ships themselfs.

4th November 2005, 09:10 AM
i think its interesting how we all pretty much hate ads on ships but mondern racing is dominated by sponsors, granted i wouldn't want icaras or feisar (or any other craft) covered in viagra, coke, and mcdonald's ads *shudders*. but seeing that snow image made me wish we had alot more snowy or artic environments in wipeout, those always seem to be my fav. or maybe variable weather? where each track could have multiple sets of condtions and each time you race the weather could be user selected or random. it probably wouldn't affect gameplay much but it would be nifty i think.

4th November 2005, 09:11 AM
VERY small logos on the ships wouldnt be too bad but i would still prefer to see all of the adds on billboards.

4th November 2005, 09:51 AM
I would like to see more splits in the track design like they had in WO1. The best examples would be silverstream and aridos iv. These tracks were varied bu weret also just as long in terms of laptimes as the others.
How about traks that take minutes rather than seconds per lap at phantom class? These environments could be reserved for the higher class races only.

But i don't think they should do it fusion style where they designed one environment that had 3 tracks (short,medium,long).

Any thoughts?

4th November 2005, 09:58 AM
yes.i would like to see more of that too

4th November 2005, 11:44 AM
really? I actually HATED this idea, 3 versions of one and the same track. It always messed me up because I would anticipate the next turn, cut in, and BBBRRZZZZ! slam into an energy barrier because I was thinking the wrong track version (and get flipped around by the barrier, screaming furiously :wink: )

IF there are 3 tracks set in the same environment, I wish that NONE of them use any part of track TOGETHER. 3 INDEPENDENT tracks, not connected. thank you :D

4th November 2005, 12:17 PM
yeah i would, and IF they were connected then the energy wall would not be an almost transparant blue. more of a bright flasing red and yellow

16th February 2006, 11:25 AM
Pure has alot of ideas in the progress gallery.
Most of them are (imo) just beautiful. Best thing is: they represent alot of different styles. From smooth and rounded to technical and 2097-styled.

So I browsed trough the whole gallery and searched for (imo) good architectures.
Do the same with the following races:

Single Race

Vineta K Flash
Modesto Heights Rapier
Chenghou Project Vector Phantom
Sebenco Climb Vector Phantom
Sol2 Venom
Karbonis Venom Rapier
Sagarmatha Falsh
Manor Top Phantom
Mandrashee Rapier
Vohl Square Venom Rapier

Time Trial

Modesto Heights Flash
Chenghou Project Venom
Citta Nuova Venom
Sebenco Climb Vector
Sol2 Rapier
Manor Top Rapier Phantom
Mandrashee Venom Phantom


Alpha Venom
Beta Flash Rapier
Calssic Flash

20th February 2006, 02:57 PM
i think its interesting how we all pretty much hate ads on ships but mondern racing is dominated by sponsors, granted i wouldn't want icaras or feisar (or any other craft) covered in viagra, coke, and mcdonald's ads *shudders*. but seeing that snow image made me wish we had alot more snowy or artic environments in wipeout, those always seem to be my fav. or maybe variable weather? where each track could have multiple sets of condtions and each time you race the weather could be user selected or random. it probably wouldn't affect gameplay much but it would be nifty i think.
Maybe you could just use "fake" companies or something...

20th February 2006, 04:48 PM
NO!!! i dont like the idea of having fake companies on the game. atall!
imo i think that they should bring bac the od red bull ads, nnot on the ships but on the banners ect, and possibly lots of other real adds on the banners

20th February 2006, 06:48 PM
What are FEISAR, AG-Systems and Auricom if they aren't fake companies?

I'd rather there were stylish, fake companies in there than the puke fest of Puma and Coke. Real commercial entities don't know when to stop - they keep force feeding their brand to consumers until it's resented. Although the odd McD's sign in a game would add a touch of realism, I'm flying an anti-gravity ship through a city 200 years in the future... that's hardly realistic in the first place.

Red Bull was fine in its day, when it was underground. Now they have two F1 teams and adverts on all the time - they'd crap all over an in-game level in the exact same way that Coke and Puma did, given half a chance.

I'd take the Piranha's, Qirex's and Assegai's of the Wipeout universe over any of today's megabrands - at least while I'm immersed in the Wipeout universe I can forget that in real life I exist solely as a consumer in a target demographic.

20th February 2006, 07:40 PM
what foxxy said. +10

20th February 2006, 08:41 PM
pictures say more than thousand words.
So I scanned a few pencil sketches of mine. I'm Sorry about the bad quality, my scanner ist one of the worst (it's that bad that there's actually no driver for XP so I've to use an NT one!)

sketch 01 (http://people.freenet.de/sausehuhn/WipEoutZone/images/sketch01.jpg)
sketch 02 (http://people.freenet.de/sausehuhn/WipEoutZone/images/sketch02.jpg)
sketch 03 (http://people.freenet.de/sausehuhn/WipEoutZone/images/sketch03.jpg)

20th February 2006, 09:11 PM
Nice sketches there! The quality of them are ok to me as far as I know...

It reminds me a bit of fusion but they're still cool!

P.S. where did you get that pure font from?

20th February 2006, 09:16 PM
click me please (http://www.wipeoutzone.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1977&page=2)

Rapier Racer
20th February 2006, 09:21 PM
Nice sketches, especially number 3 that’s very good indeed

20th February 2006, 09:26 PM
click me please (http://www.wipeoutzone.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1977&page=2)

Thanks for the font, it's really useful for my future pure wallpaper projects!

EDIT: Actually, there's something wrong with the font...I tried to install it but has problems with it. You might want to check it out though...

20th February 2006, 10:00 PM
great sketches, max! the first one strongly reminds me of that thin straight on alca vexus, and the 3rd one looks like a mixture between wipEout and ICO!

21st February 2006, 02:20 AM
me likey :)
sketch2 reminds me of the pure incarnation of vohl square, the home stretch

as to the real companies in the game, as long as their level of exposure was kept within reasonable limits I wouldn't have a problem with it.
in nfsu2 they didn't go too far over the top (apart form the cingular logo on screen 99% of the game), and it was just as easy to ignore as in the real worlld... billboards and store frontages.. if the same could be applied in wipeout I think it could work.
The reason the coke and puma stuff was so offensive was that it was pervasive and one company dominated a track/ship.
with more companies their combined appearance dilutes the impact.
sponsoring sections of a track I could believe (this is in the real world too, imagine coca cola corner, BK chase, puma chicane etc)

if you wanted to really shut up a corporate sponsor of the game then (as long as it was integrated cleverly) having alternating loading screens for a variety of companies would not necessarily detract from the game..
red bull fit the environment with "improve reaction time!"
how about "your favourite pilots enjoy coke, why not you?" or "baby eats burgerking" or "intel: leap ahead" (oh wait, that last one's been done ;))
I think it could be made to work, but it needs to be controlled within the bounds of feasability.

21st February 2006, 08:57 AM
And therein lies the problem - once these companies pay for a bit of in-game exposure they act as if they own the game and press for as much representation as they can physically get. I'd put up with it if the game was free, but when I've payed for it in the first place I don't want to play an advertisment.

21st February 2006, 03:44 PM
i like what lion said: dont mind the adds as long as they dont go taking it too far if you know what i mean. good idea lion :)

21st February 2006, 04:01 PM
when do they ever not take it too far?

21st February 2006, 05:29 PM
wipeout 2097
but I think that might be (as mentioned earlier) at least partly because of it's "underground" nature at the time

21st February 2006, 08:11 PM
and it was 10 years ago. there would be no such restraint now, as we've recently seen. 'restraint' is not in the Coca-Cola dictionary, nor probably in that of any other company we ever see advertised on tv.

21st February 2006, 08:57 PM
underground nature? (said by lion) what does that mean, am i correct in guessing that you mean that the game was not really heared of?

21st February 2006, 10:33 PM
I was referring more to red bull.
at the time it was not a huge global brand with instant recognition.
it was about 1999 before it was even sold in my country

at the time it was probably best known in the raver culture that 2097 was (to some degree) aimed at.

damn I wish I'd been able to join that culture at that time.. the music from 95-98 STILL dominates my mp3 collection, but at the time the age to buy liquor here was 20 (now 18, but I was 17 in 1997 anyway) so I couldn't get into the clubs

22nd February 2006, 04:03 PM
ah music from the 90s, way better than most of todays rubbish! (im really starting to sound like my parents)

1st March 2006, 07:14 PM
I sketched around again, trying to make an open section in sketch 04 and a bit jungle/caribbean feeling with sketch 05.

sketch 04 (http://people.freenet.de/sausehuhn/WipEoutZone/images/sketch04.jpg)
sketch 05 (http://people.freenet.de/sausehuhn/WipEoutZone/images/sketch05.jpg)

old ones:
sketch 01 (http://people.freenet.de/sausehuhn/WipEoutZone/images/sketch01.jpg)
sketch 02 (http://people.freenet.de/sausehuhn/WipEoutZone/images/sketch02.jpg)
sketch 03 (http://people.freenet.de/sausehuhn/WipEoutZone/images/sketch03.jpg)

1st March 2006, 08:27 PM
sketch 4 has some interesting ideas in it that I think could work well in game

a) the track is curved like running down part of a pipe.
this would be cool, as if we take pure, the tracks are flat or banked for turns, but effectively widening the track by curling the sides up adds a bit more interest to a straight

b) speaking of adding interest to a straight. you have some form of debris visible on the track. this also hasn't really been done in a wipeout, and the idea could be used to create interesting chicanes etc

sketch 5 looks extremely cool, looks like it would fit beautifully in with Pure's architecture too :) I like the idea of a steep downhill with speed boosts leading into a climb or jump. very altima. depending on the surrounding environment, a gravity slingshot like this could be a defining feature of a given track

1st March 2006, 08:42 PM
I do love your few sketches and they absolutely awesome material!


Rapier Racer
1st March 2006, 09:24 PM
oh yes sketch 5, a drop like that with speed pads, think of the speed!!!!

2nd March 2006, 10:22 AM
Max, I love your sketches, very nice work. The only thing that botheres me is that the scan quality isn't very good (too light), so I would ask you to edit the scans in Photoshop or whatever program you use by adjusting the Brightness/Contrast-sliders so that the lines get darker and more visible. Thank you.

2nd March 2006, 05:13 PM
thank you :)

I've changed the contrast etc. a bit. Now the lines are darker - the problem is: not just the lines but also all smearing caused by the pencil. Also the scanner is one rason for the bad quality... I must get a new one... but I've no money...
Anyway, now you can see it alot better. If you want a high-res version so you can see the details just say it :)

4th March 2006, 10:54 AM
why dont you draw out a whole track? i think your ability to draw is awesome. i sure wish i could do that.

14th February 2008, 06:16 AM
I think that a good idea would be 'holo-track'!
The track appears to continue on but in fact it drops away with a mag-strip.
To add to the illusion, the computer adds ships starting where one disappears. This would throw less skilled pilots who haven't unlocked the track in 1 player when they try it in multiplayer mode!

16th February 2008, 11:08 AM
Impressive stuff Max. :clap Sketch 5 the drop is my favourite!! Superb drop with a lot of speed and a nice back view on the mountains.

18th February 2008, 01:45 AM
This is beautiful Maxi!!:clap I wish I had the patience to draw as you do:?

EDIT: do you have a deviantART page? If not, you should - more people would love to see this of that I am sure!!:D

19th February 2008, 10:21 AM
Good comments on the good drawings but notice that the last post before my first is March 2006!!!

19th February 2008, 12:33 PM
Thanks for your post in this old thread, ''P52Smith''; it brought Max's work to the attention of those who had not seen it and commented before. It is often good to give deserved credit to excellent creations, no matter how long ago they were made.

19th February 2008, 01:00 PM
Thanks, Mates :D
Yes, q_dmc12, I do have a dA-site. These five images aren't there, though. Anyway, you could take a look if you want to: maxf.deviantart.com (http://maxf.deviantart.com/)


26th April 2008, 03:39 PM
Thank you Lance.

Some reaction to my idea would not be amiss here though.

In addition to my idea, the sections of 'holo-track' could appear in different places each time you race that track to really confuse you.

1st June 2008, 04:03 AM
Well now that Wipeout has seemed to move really far into the city type atmosphere (which is awesome!!)... mabye some tracks that have a bit more nature in them? Like I understand that Wipeout would be popular and everyone everywhere would want to see it in action, but one sure thing I did like about Fusion was the feeling of actually leaving the crowd to go deep into an action packed race alone with only your contendors and the little robot catchy things... It was set so broad and designed to set the player to feel as if on a journey as well as a race, starting from the first Wipeout... giving the game a rather epic feel... without the large bright screens and flashing lights, but with more of a raw feel...

But now, nothing bad or anything, but that Wipeout had become so extremely popular, what about the feeling of flying the craft alone without everyone watching you... Kinda like Aviator, when the Pilot left everyone and it was only him and the plane, or in instances of war, when the pilot is under attack, they're so high up that it's only the enemy, their plane and death... the feeling of being alone and badass at the same time singing another one bites the dust, see what I mean? Perhaps that can be originated in the next Wipeout, perhaps during practice laps or something, on a secluded exact same as original track, but out in a farming field or out somewhere away from others, I mean, pilots have to get the hang of crafts and learn how the fly before entering into racing events and such right? So why not? But mabye I'm wrong if you feel that the mere speed can make you feel alone with the contendors, it's the slow speeds that just don't feel that right, that's all...

And perhaps these tracks could be a choice of use for Zone mode rather than the electronic tracks, some people like myself actually love the feeling of racing zone mode in a natural environment like Fusion... But if not, what is at hand now is well exceptional.

As with weapons as well... they've seem to become bright and flashy... the hardcore raw environmental effect as in Wipeouts before PSP has gone away. (this feeds off the original topic of how the crafts should be designed, slick and flashy or stained, dirty, original and used up. Personally, I go with stained and used up... but not everyone can be happy...)

That, no BRs, Wipeout 3 style turbo, bringing back pit-lanes, no proton cannon, but a portal (like force wall), yup... something like that would be nice I think...

And perhaps the ability to connect a series of tracks one after another... or just parts of them? Okay I think I'm done now sorry...

1st June 2008, 03:10 PM
i certainly dont want to see any sort of ideas from wip3out. those tracks were bad, except mega mall and porta (only in the PAL version). id love to see more wipeout XL-esque track environments.

1st June 2008, 08:12 PM
Yeah, like Valparaiso, jungle styled tracks. I also would like to see a track through the grand canyon or around the Kilimanjaro with only on one side of the track a trackside.

2nd June 2008, 01:19 AM
I disagree about Wipeout 3 tracks being bad, but it's cool...

Exactly Mad-Ice, with even perhaps extreme weather effects that people wouldn't want to sit in anyway, lol... I was aiming for something around their, although they didn't to much of a bad job with the higher altitude tracks on pure at all, the tracks just seemed short and small as well as being on such a little screen, the massive epic impact Fusion gave was actually not a bad idea, it just had bad weaknesses with craft statistics making the game a brisk when beaten, and the off-road addition was a bit much... but sh!+ happens... And I liked the "floatation" physics that xl and 3 gave... but that's a given... pure and pulse, not as bad as Fusion, did seem to tie to the track more... but zone mode requires some traction, or else the player would easily fly off... perhaps this is a good reason why whysics for in-game and zone mode should be different...

9th June 2008, 09:28 PM
Circuit in 23rd century London? (There actually was an ad for a AG circuit to promote WipEout Fusion)

10th June 2008, 05:59 AM
nice thread, reminds me of many years ago when i posted about having dynamic tracks, like a quake but with a mechanical twist, i will repost the sketches i draught at that time:


ah, those are old but it itches me to color them in photopaint... i hope i can get the wacom i want soon.

first one is a close look at the hidraulic sections of the track, you can program them to do different motions, like coordinate them to do a wave like pattern, and try to ride it for speedboost, or a random pop up to keep your pitch reflexes at their toes, etc.

That could be all the weapons you need on that track, as you go through a weapon pad, a random option flashes with a sequence program, like say, wave, and boom you are riding it , or quake and boom everyone is out of control, or one going high up right behind or in front to take out pursuers or someone ahead of you, simple but i think it would be fun, with a lot of options.

I would definitely be careful that those things dont affect racing, cut off much inertia, or happen crazily all the time, has to be carefully thought.

At that moment the track seemed nice to do on a port right where the waves crash hard.

the other pics are a bigger section in aerial view but with the track completely still, and the other a look at the pit close to sunset time.

those definitely need color.

here are some sketches painted with photopaint (also on another post, but posted here too to get a feeling of what can be done by mouse, i want a tablet to be more accurate and have more comfort when painting, warning: last one has nudity):


Sausehuhn: i love your PSP still life "Play Me", the textures and volume you got out of graphite are great!

10th June 2008, 03:19 PM
Definitely, definitely, definitely get a tablet. If that is drawn with a mouse, I cannot wait to see what you will do with a tablet (I know I already said that but I'm still very impressed) :clap

16th June 2008, 03:41 AM
soon as i read this thread i had this bit of image in my mind...there's kind of a heavy fog hanging low over and in the track...as ships cut through the fogs on cushions of air...the fog parts sideways created a temporary trail which then closes back up...

how do you see the track???

well you can't see anything coming up...except for what is directly in front of you...only way of judging the turns and sweeps coming up are the neon glow of the track edges and neons on the floor...which you can sorta see vaguely stretching off and disappearing into the distance...

16th June 2008, 07:40 PM
Sounds cool, though I would think that we would generate the ability to see through fog very easily in the future... ;) Plus I don't think anyone would wanna race something like that in Phantom. I don't know about the Silent Hill type fog, but a light fog wouldn't be bad at all, with some rain? In perhaps a green over-grown type pasture landscape...

Mabye I small part of a track fogged up by smoke or something like certain instances in Fusion, but I don't know about the whole track being fogged up...

16th June 2008, 09:04 PM
Fog is what radar is for.

16th June 2008, 09:16 PM
IMO the very dark parts on some tracks in XL/2097 looked just like if there was fog over them. You can't see where you're going.
That doesn't stop Arnaud from doing PLs though.

swift killer
22nd June 2008, 09:24 PM
I recon they should do a Sol 2 type track, but going around an active volcano, with a magstrip drop that looks directly down the volcano.

Or how about something simular to Spilskinanke (if thats how its spelt :S ) but abit more flabuoyant in setting, say an Indian styled city?

22nd June 2008, 10:13 PM
You mean an Indian city that was destroyed by continuing earthquakes? That would be pretty damned flamboyant alrighty; I'd like to see something like that.

It would be nice if all these AG race courses could be 'built' in a way that didn't destroy the æsthetics of the places they go through, but instead were able to amplify or emphasise just how great the locations are.

5th August 2008, 03:08 PM
My latest idea is that powerful air currents could blow ships up climbs to reverse a jump or alow the ships to say fly over the edge of a cliff, turn around and fly back on to the track a little further along or to jump spaces such as the grand canyon whilst get a stunning view downwards and this will be a lot easiear to install than stretching a length of track over some very tall poles.
A holographic projection like the arrows on some corners would mark the route for the pilots so they know where to fly.

swift killer
5th August 2008, 03:41 PM
Would be interesting to have the ruins of one of the WipEout Fusion tracks.

6th August 2008, 02:59 AM
Sounds all pretty cool to me ^^. They should have more tracks around ancient areas like visiting the ruins in Rome, Greece, China, Iraq and even Egypt. Did you guys noticed that most of the tracks are around Europe and North America? Why don`t they have a few tracks around South America like in the capital of Brazil or in Easter Island where you see Moai faces when you race? That would be cool ^^ but What about Africa? they only had about 1 race I think in the entire series. Maybe race through the jungles of Africa or race around the Pyramids of Egypt and go inside the Great Pyramid of Giza that`ll be cool and Extreme-G style. What about Asia and the Middle East? can`t they have a race track around Istanbul, Jerusalem, or even in Red Sea? In Asia, maybe go around ruins in India, or race through the ruins of Angkor Wat? Or race a few tracks in China or in Japan, or even race on the Great Wall? That would be awesome.

RJ O'Connell
13th August 2008, 02:31 AM
Take some design cues from Fusion. No, really. The way the walls and track surface matched the average colour of the landscapes - which, by the way, were fantastic - was a nice touch and gave each circuit a little bit of personality.

And a grittier look would be very nice. Not as much as the new Death Race movie, but...hmm, maybe like WipEout original?

29th August 2008, 02:13 PM
And a grittier look would be very nice. Not as much as the new Death Race movie, but...hmm, maybe like WipEout original?

Yeah, we're due for a grittier look soon -- the older games were on tracks that had been in use for many decades, but then AG racing was shut down, and Pure was supposed to be its big comeback, right? So of course the tracks all look new and clean. Maybe the next iteration, in the mid-2200s, will be a mixture of newly-built, gleaming courses, and the now-venerable FX300 originals from Makana Island which, having been around for a few decades, now look a little more broken-in.

I loved how in F-Zero GX, the existing ships were full of little nicks and scratches, whereas the new ships were clean and smooth, as were the ones you built from custom parts. Wipeout should do that for its courses. Maybe even leave black charred spots at the sites of famous explosions. "See that black spot over there, kid? That's Khumala's Turn, where the Tigron team lost their commanding lead in an instant at the hands of a Xios missile. Drive safely!"

30th August 2008, 04:01 PM
Yeah, this is a great idea. I wondered if the pitlane, along with its speed regulator, would come back in future WipEout circuits, as the pits could have mechanics (in team colours) and so on walking around, like in GT5 Prologue.

30th August 2008, 09:46 PM
I do like the idea of "scars" on my ship to remind me of battles in races but I think all repairing a Wipeout craft has to go through over the course of a race is replenishing its shield by passing through an energy field rather than get maintained by "guys walking around in team colors".
Regarding track environment ideas: I always liked WO's tracks being built through futuristic cities/ environment of real world locations (Vineta, Odessa, Valparaiso, Sagarmatha, etc.). IMO it's not a matter of environment ideas but where else purpose-built racetracks could be found. New Zealand comes to mind, or Iceland.

RJ O'Connell
30th August 2008, 11:19 PM
I always believed Terramax to have that "purpose-built circuit" feel to it.

30th August 2008, 11:25 PM
on the idea of ruined circuits, what about racing around sol2, but it fell out of the sky and landed in a forest or the mountains? Or how about one track made up of famous corners and bits of different tracks that got taken away and replaced by newer bits on their original race courses, and then peiced together into one big, maybe fan-made, race track. not like the professional racing were used to in wipeout, but i still think itd be pretty cool.

Id like to see one in a forest with autumn leaves on the track which get kicked up by the crafts.

wipeouts lacking a few bridges lately too, id like to see couple of them back

and i wanna see some in japan. and a turn like the corkscrew from laguna seca - small like the turns in citta nuova so its not too easy and mag stripped =) and a bright green hilly countryside one

31st August 2008, 09:28 AM
To me, Pulse is lacking in major jumps, and Platinum Rush's is jst pathetic at venom.
I want more jumps like in Pure.
Chengou Project
Modesto Heights
Sebenco Climb
Blue Ridge
and others all spring to mind
Fusion has Florion Heights and others (Don't own Fusion), while Pulse has
The Amphiseum White
Ark Prime White
Gemini Dam White
Vostok Reef Black and White
Fort Gale White and Black
and Bascilico White ... and that's it.
I want more jumps, over buildings etc. would be cool.
Maybe over other parts of the track, or through a loop the loop, eg through the middle of the two fans in Talon's Junction.

RJ O'Connell
31st August 2008, 04:16 PM
Don't forget, from the older games:

Altima VII
Arridos IV
Gare d'Europa
Odessa Keys
Vostok Island
Qoron IV
Machaon II
P-Mar Project


1st September 2008, 10:33 AM
I don't have the older games but feel free to include them, either way Pulse has less major jumps, even with the new style of physics engine.

2nd September 2008, 11:50 AM
Sorry about putting my last idea in this thread, ive actually thought about it and it did sound kind of wrong. Sorry

4th September 2008, 07:56 AM
No need to appologize feisarfan... in fact, one of the man rules is not to apologize, simply say "my bad"... ;)

I still think that the Wipeout 3 collection of tracks have been my favorite so far, as well as the physics, weapons and turbo techniques... it doesn't have online, but for me it's still #1...

After Fusion's failure, Wipeout pure, pulse and HD (all good games) quit the heavier style of Wipeout and seemed to go into a more open adrenaline-happy style rather than an adrenaline-dark kind of style... Through all previous Wipeouts, neither of them were meant to be as shiny and bright-colored as Wipeout Pure and on...

When I'm in a hardcore racing environment, I understand that it's good for tracks to be shiny and beautiful, and colorful with light shining all over, but I would rather have a dark torn-up track, dirtied-up hardcore crafts with scratches and oil stains flying around in dark colors, in a not-so-pretty environment all the time... sometimes is good, but I like more of the Playstation series where everything just seemed darker and deeper, even Fusion's style kicked hella ass...

I like the physics of the current Wipeouts, but I feel that it's beginning to need some hardcore style added, including it's music. The state of euphoria from the first Wipeout to now has totally been lost, and the original feeling of the rush of racing, "chill" (my name) shivering down your spine when passing by the crowd or passing by a contender is gone... The perfect Wipeout would have chills running up your spine every second of the race as long as you don't suck, right?

I think BRs need to go and Wipeout 3 turbo and pit lanes should be brought back.

I think that the ability to watch others race online to take a breather and play spectator, and watch your friends and best players race without involvment should be an option.

And for my track, I'd like a race through a dirty Gotham-type city where it rains constantly (like in Seattle), and crows flock all over the dirty used-up tracks...

P.S. The photo gallery from Wipeout Pure taken from fusion kicked ass...

4th September 2008, 11:44 AM
I havent had time to read every single post on this thread. But ive got an idea which i havent seen on any racing genre based game in a while.

Back in the 90s there was a game released by Sony called 'Rally Cross 2', this game had a feature in it which included CUSTOM DESIGN TRACKS. What you could do was build your own custom track, with 3 varients a seasons, multiple varients of road obstacles as well as additional features. Maybe an additional feature like this could work on the next upcoming Wipeout title. Possibly this could work in the same nature as the Skin Editing Program, where you could design your own designed tracks, upload them on the Wipeout-Game site and let other people who like the designs download the tracks for there uses. And also race them online with other players.

Having a CUSTOM DESIGN TRACK system on an upcoming Wipeout title would make the game even more impressive and give the game an infinite interest lifespan since the user of the game can constantly make several custom track designs.

Anyone think that could a viable and good idea?

4th September 2008, 11:50 AM
Erm - Trackmania?

4th September 2008, 03:42 PM
Well, a track editor is not really an "environment" idea, but it has been proposed and discussed elsewhere in the WZ. A lot. :D Doesn't look like it can be done well enough to be satisfactory to the current design team, so we probably won't see it. They already decided against a skin editor in HD because the skins are too complex and couldn't be done well enough, so that would seem to apply to the track editor idea as well. It can and has worked for simpler games with less detail.


But back on topic, 'chill' thinks the chills-down-the-spine effect has been missing. Probably so, partly because we've gotten used to being able to play games like these, so we're used to it and need more depth of involvement, more realistic detail to immerse ourselves into the game world. So I suggest something that's been mentioned before: lots more animated detail around the track, in the scenery, and more sound effects from every possible source. That extra visual and sonic envelope should help restore a sense of being there that we used to be able to supply ourselves with our own imaginations and the excitement of doing something new that we hadn't experienced before.

4th September 2008, 11:12 PM
oh believe me, you will get chills down your spine the first time you play HD. Maybe not as big as they were at the first wipEout game, but still...

5th September 2008, 12:18 AM
Mmm... I guess what I'm trying to say is that Wipeout lost some of it's grunge...

Yeah it's badass right now, but what could make it even more badass you ask? I think bringing some dark and grunge style to the table!!!! Let's face it though, we've got Wipeout in HD, custom soundtrack, 8 player online, you almost couldn't ask for much more... but I'm not lieing when I say that I think it could be better with a lot more grunge/badboy type style. The crafts and environments almost feel TOO friendly at times, that's all... I mean, at least make a raggady looking mean cat instead of that smiley face happy one right?!!

That's what I mean, and bring some rain storms and crazy weather into it like Fusion, it's the future, we could have a black out a few seconds of every few minutes for all we know...

Why manortop was my fave? Because of the rainstorm, torn-up buildings and the feeling that we're running a badass-badboy race that no one is to **** with...

Now Wipeout has become so bright and shiny...

EDIT: But perhaps it's just the music that effects, and that can be changed later anyway... aww well, it's a question in progress...

5th September 2008, 07:33 AM
I see what you're getting at here. Most definitely, the dark, gloomy style of the first (and parts of the second) game had a very special appeal. Today it's all shiny and polished. I see it like the natural evolution of a sport that becomes more and more popular. Back in the day it was a little underground, in a future that was at the beginning of a new era. Nowadays, it has evolved into the biggest sport there is, with official sponsorships and mass media coverage - like our F1.

RJ O'Connell
5th September 2008, 04:19 PM
It didn't take long for AG Racing to get that huge - the original game's manual claims it's bigger than the World Cup and Summer Olympics by the time of the first game. And the F3600 had only been around for three years!

5th September 2008, 05:48 PM
Good point made, eL, but still the league is affected by the century - and even though I would like to see a bright, clean future in real life, it's still interesting and more exciting to me to see a dirty, not so clean and brave scenery on my screen. That's why I loved WO3 and even WOF for it's mood. It's industrial and dirty.
Sure, you could argue that Mega Mall or Florion Height didn't look very industrial. But Mega Mall looked so nicely artificial - you had the feeling like somebody's trying to hide the real, dirty world behind a human-made city - and Florion Height was in middle of nowhere, only having some power plant and transport craft flying around.
And the canalization of Vohl Square and the mines of Temtesh Bay looked stunning. Just like Stanza Inter did with this "I'm lost in a big bad city"-flavor.

Aaaah I really, really can't say how much I would love to see that back in a future WipEout. Huge industrial builings, dirty alleys, and the mankind trying to hide it with neon signs and some shine here and there.
I should try finding an old post of mine where I linked to some of WOPure's gallery photos. Those described it really well.

Here you go... (http://www.wipeoutzone.com/forum/showthread.php?p=76032&highlight=gallery#post76032)

5th September 2008, 11:28 PM
Maybe it's because I've played WO 3 so much later than anyone else but I find that it looks pretty clean compared to 2097/64. If I had to do a scale from clean to dirty it would be this:


These are obviously the only games I've played, so I don't know where I would put Fusion in there.
And I've not played HD (Obviously, it's not out yet) but from what I've seen (On a 32'' LCD in 1080p so it is pretty accurate) I would place it below Pulse but before WO3. I think that the main thing that has changed since WO2 is the number of transparent and neon effects, because the systems are much more powerful today. But if you look at the tracks and the lighting only and the textures used, WO Pulse and definitely WOHD are much darker than WO Pure. At least that's what I think ;)

6th September 2008, 12:46 AM
Exactly eLhabib and Sausehuhn!!! You've both seemed to hit the nail on the head of what I was trying to explain... That emmersive feel is no longer their... (Those pure art photos you've posted Sausehuhn are many of my favorite ones...)

Some of Syd Mead's art (http://images.google.com/images?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4SNYI_en___US245&q=syd%20mead%20art&um=1&sa=N&tab=wi) can protrude this well as well... making Wipeout seem more like an Adult Only game at times...

This, great physics and affective weapons, along with it's already existant great graphics and online capability, and this game is HOT **** I think!!!

6th September 2008, 02:52 AM
I would think WipEout would fit well in a darker, grungier, rustier Mass Effect like universe. It is happening on Earth, the oldest planet in the colonies (If there are any in the WO universe like in ME) after all.

(The link to Mass Effect is because of the artist Chill mentioned, if anyone is wondering)

6th September 2008, 04:43 AM
Hell yeah Darkdruim...

I also think that Wipeout was meant to have a twist... Like Wipeout 3 for example with the song "Under The Influence" gave Wipeout a dark badass effect that it could be thought of as a drug...

Or simply the laughter at the ending of the Wipeout Fusion intro... all these are twists like the style Aphex Twin uses in it's music, it's twisted up, yet badass...

Wipeout should grow on this. Kind of like Happy Tree Friends (hate the show), but it's popular cause it takes cute characters and makes them mean.

I think this can be done with Wipeout's logos already existant style... I'm not knocking the current Wipeout by any means, just trying to help keep a mixture of style so that those raters can't continue to ask "So what's different about this Wipeout?" You know?

I'm getting tired of seeing the same hot artificial blondes everyday, bring some twists like uniforms for example... Got me? ;)

RJ O'Connell
6th September 2008, 05:01 AM
50m37h1ng 2 7h1nk 4b0u7 4 73h n3x7 1n57llm3n7. :g

(1337th p057)

6th September 2008, 09:46 AM
I think this can be done with Wipeout's logos already existant style...
WOHD's sponsor logos are, by the way, very nice. That's what I want to see :)

9th September 2008, 05:22 PM
can we have a bit of track that flies through and around some big cooling towers? Also, for the nighttime tracks id like some working streetlamps and headlamps on the crafts, and some faint blue neon lights at the bottom corners of the track.

how about some flooded bits too with some nice wooshy water effects

also id like to see a bit like the tunnels in rollcage made out of magstrip where you can race on the floor, the sides or the ceiling. i think the magstrips are a bit dark though so id like to see them a lighter or brighter colour or atleast with neon lamps at the corners.

9th September 2008, 07:48 PM
can we have a bit of track that flies through and around some big cooling towers? Also, for the nighttime tracks id like some working streetlamps and headlamps on the crafts, and some faint blue neon lights at the bottom corners of the track.

how about some flooded bits too with some nice wooshy water effects
signed :)

9th September 2008, 09:11 PM
Tsk. Quote button = laziness? ;) :D

9th September 2008, 09:51 PM
[Quote if] you are commenting only on a small part of it [the post], and you need to quote in order to make clear what you are commenting on.

That is because I'm not a fan of whole tubes as track surfaces in a WipEout Game ;)

9th September 2008, 10:13 PM
neither do I really =P just an idea

9th September 2008, 10:36 PM
not sure about the tunnels, tubes, neon and mag strips.

i know i'd like to see a day/night option...or random weather/time of day.
Or perhaps like the first game when you played on rapier it changed the backdrop.

10th September 2008, 12:32 AM
I think the idea of changing the weather around is a wonderful idea, as well as the choice of either setting it on random or choosing a weather for each track...

And other things to be added considering it's the future, like a purposeful blocking of the sun as an eclipse by some drone set up just for that in the sky, and star showers dropped by other drones all over the track... or if the race took place on other planets perhaps, even others similar to Earth but with different weather effects like common meteor showers and 'planet' quakes... with Wipeout, the possibilities are endless... Even a drone meant to present a team could post in front of the sun leaving a gleaming-glow of a teams logo or something...

10th September 2008, 02:06 AM
That is because I'm not a fan of whole tubes as track surfaces in a WipEout Game ;)

What about half pipes? ;)

10th September 2008, 10:28 AM
Maybe ;)

13th September 2008, 03:01 PM
Half pipes with or without an edge wall???

Could you fly off the sides and slip back on to the track or disappear into nothingness without walls?

20th September 2008, 09:56 PM
To a certain degree I believe that the half-pipe type of idea could be used, but no full half pipes please... The first use of this I think was the Jack Knife Corner on one of Vohl Square's tracks in fusion... Though that was a wall stopping you at the top and not a free-float...


okay it's been awhile and no one posted anything, so sorry for double posting...

It's during sleep when thoughts come most clear and all best qualities of ideas (the most memorable things) shine over all the other confusion and jibber jabber in relation to that idea...

And when I'm in that half-sleep state of mind, I think of Wipeout being as more of a Wipeout Fusion type broad style with the now existing physics... (except without the barrel rolls and with pit lanes)...

I liked the idea that Wipeout 3 was kind of monotoned in color, where as the now Wipeout is so bright and colorful... Yes, I think explosions should remain bright, but I like the original style of when you walk outside in a city type landscape, and everything is cloudy and gray, bringing all colors to a monotone and together with one relation, gray/blue/green... I think more tracks like this need to exist again! For example, a track somewhere in the future of London, when large steel grungy bland green, gray and blue rails hold up the track, and everything is rather dark from the overcast... this is more of the visionary color scheme I like... color is okay, but I find myself racing on these type of tracks the most over and over again...

And please, if anyone hasn't already, take a chance to listen to look up the "Spacemonkeyz vs. Gorillaz: Laika Come Home" (http://www.last.fm/music/Space+Monkeyz+vs.+Gorillaz) album... yes it's remixed Gorillaz music, but it's more laid back and a lot more of a trance / Reggae style... This is what give me a deep feeling in my core that this type of style isn't just a style, that it feels like something monumental!! With this type of style and music, you can play wipeout yet "Chill" at the same time, while getting chills...

20th September 2008, 10:21 PM
What double-posting? ;) :g

Since we've had a very realistic WipEout in WO3, it might be interesting to have a WO4097 where nothing at all is recognisable, totally disconnected from our present-day reality.

21st September 2008, 12:53 AM
Thanx Lance... :+

I don't think their is any shame in jumping around the timeline a little bit as long as it makes the game "better" and not worse... even going back to a previous time era should always be an option available at SL's discretion...

27th September 2008, 03:21 AM
Red Bull was fine in its day, when it was underground. Now they have two F1 teams and adverts on all the time - they'd crap all over an in-game level in the exact same way that Coke and Puma did, given half a chance.

Don't forget the Red Bull Air Race - there's one (maybe two, i cant quite remember) plane that is covered in Red Bull insignia {spelling?}......:sonar


Holy Crap!! Those sketches are mad! How long did it take for you to draw them? I wish I could draw like that...


I think that a good idea would be 'holo-track'!
The track appears to continue on but in fact it drops away with a mag-strip.
To add to the illusion, the computer adds ships starting where one disappears. This would throw less skilled pilots who haven't unlocked the track in 1 player when they try it in multiplayer mode!

That would be mad! it would add to the interest of the game - You'd be caning along at a rate of knots towards a 'corner', only to suddenly veer away from it at the last second...:eek

What about half pipes? ;)

Well, what about three quarter pipes? They'd be a full pipe with an open top so as to enable you to go semi-inverted up the walls. it'd have to be on a long (preferrably really long) straight in order to make use of the speed.

swift killer
27th September 2008, 11:24 AM
Don't forget the Red Bull Air Race - there's one (maybe two, i cant quite remember) plane that is covered in Red Bull insignia {spelling?}......:sonar

i think you'll find that it is infact the intire field!

I think the quarter pipe thing was done in WO Fusion before, but how about a hair pin going up a giant quarter pipe, with a spectator stand hovering just over it.

Why on earth have you triple posted? Not even i could manage that :S and im easily the stupidest person on here!

27th September 2008, 05:51 PM
You mean like the loop on de Konstruct, only it would be a pipe and not attached to track on its side like in de Konstruct, it would just be like a half loop-the-loop on its side and curved round at the edges.


28th September 2008, 07:04 AM
I think the quarter pipe thing was done in WO Fusion before, but how about a hair pin going up a giant quarter pipe, with a spectator stand hovering just over it.

No, no no. I meant a full pipe with the top (or 'roof' if you wanna call it that) quarter part cut out - a 3/4 pipe - something between a half pipe and full pipe.:D

although a full pipe loop (transparent of course) would be pretty cool - you could go round it inverted (on the inside part)...

Why on earth have you triple posted? Not even i could manage that :S and im easily the stupidest person on here!

I have absolutely no clue why and how that happened...

28th September 2008, 08:46 AM
I see you look at the site guidelines more as a humoristic scrambling than an actual GUIDELINE... I know at least 1 person that won't be laughing.

28th September 2008, 09:43 AM
I think I know three.

Anyway, I think it is a great idea, just a shame that it will never happen as a direct result of this forum.

I thought that a god idea would be a double loop-the-loop, then you flip over onto the outside of the loops and go back again the other way. What do you think?

28th September 2008, 05:17 PM
I have absolutely no clue why and how that happened...

I would advise you to learn why and how quite soon. <implied threat :D ] The mods do not need to use so much time cleaning up.


I thought that a god idea would be a double loop-the-loop, then you flip over onto the outside of the loops and go back again the other way. What do you think?

Seems to me that it might be a short-term amusing thrill, but would get repetitively tedious to serious competitors who try to master a course and make great efforts to perfect their performance.

28th September 2008, 06:51 PM
I was thinking of having speed pads (and weapon pads) on it but fair enough if you don't like it, it would be a little tedious I suppose but fun at first.

9th November 2008, 02:47 PM
NO!!! i dont like the idea of having fake companies on the game. atall!
imo i think that they should bring bac the od red bull ads, nnot on the ships but on the banners ect, and possibly lots of other real adds on the banners

Maybe include companies like Vodafone,Coca Cola,Ntt DoCoMo,Sony Ericsson,Samsung,Nokia,LG,etc...Maybe also use them as sponsors as well!

RJ O'Connell
9th November 2008, 02:59 PM
I like the fictional sponsors better myself. They won't ask to put their logo on every part of the track that you can feasibly imagine (EU Delta League anyone?)

10th November 2008, 05:38 PM
I agree that fictional sponsers are better than real sponsers, but there need to be more if it is going to work.
Either they each get a fair representation at each track or each one sponsers a track.
We are unlikely to have current companies around in 200 years time so fake companies is the only way forward.
The teams should only be allowed to advertise around the start grids in my opinion and only if their team is racing else it would be unfair.

I think the one sponser per track idea is the better of the two.
Do you think the same or have you got a better idea?
Let's decide!

I know technology has advanced greatly in 200 years time but I think the ads can put racers off and as such they should only be still and unobtrusive.

17th November 2008, 04:25 PM
Id like to see tracks with time of day mainly.

Vineta K is verry bright and looks fantastic, but id love to see it raining, foggy, morning, evening, everything. The different lighting effects HD could achieve for the tracks would be quality.

Weather and time of day quickly adds atmosphere too. Lets say your in a tournament, its the last race, 3 of you drawing on points. Its your favourite track, but your racing at night time, in the rain, with nothing but the advertisements, distant building room lights, and the weapon pads / speed pads to light your way. The tension quickly rises.

In my eyes, currently the graphics are good soley due to the quality, and smooth frame rate. Not due to the city design, and the general attempt to add enough activity around you to make the world feel really believable.

Games like call of duty 4 drag you back not just because the game is fantastic, but it looks as sick as it possibly could. If wipeout could make that step up, then - in my eyes - it would make the stup up from being arguably the best racer of all time - to undeniably the best racer of all time.

18th November 2008, 11:14 AM
what about an upside-down on magstrips jump? would work it in a track?

p.s. i just only hope for a longer tracks structure in future , i find tracks nowadays too short...

18th November 2008, 03:22 PM
[...]Games like call of duty 4 drag you back not just because the game is fantastic, but it looks as sick as it possibly could. If wipeout could make that step up, then - in my eyes - it would make the stup up from being arguably the best racer of all time - to undeniably the best racer of all time.

I thought games like WipEout drag us back due to the awesome gameplay? I mean, the last time I checked the majority of WipEout games have, in reality, less than orgasmic graphics.
But what do I know, I've only been playing since 1996 :P

19th November 2008, 06:02 PM
I thought games like WipEout drag us back due to the awesome gameplay? I mean, the last time I checked the majority of WipEout games have, in reality, less than orgasmic graphics.
But what do I know, I've only been playing since 1996 :P
Yes deffinitley. thats exactly what i said.
Wipeouts got the gameplay nailed. As racing games go i think its the best.
I just think it could do more graphicaly, and add variety to the atmosphere of its tracks. With weather effects and different visability being an easy way to do so with great effect.

21st November 2008, 08:32 AM
not for induce myself to disliking wipeout HD saying this ( Near Impossible thing for now and for many many time to come ), but i just continue to image what that game could have been with random weather effects and vary night&day lights...:eek

Hail Seizure
1st January 2009, 12:48 AM
One thing I've wanted since Firestar in WO1 is a realistic depiction of a track set on another planet.
Imagine flying an AG craft in 1/3 gravity with virtually no drag, no airbrakes and no sound outside the cockpit. :D
Oh and realistic Martian weather - dust storms, dust devils and frost on the track if it's winter.
A realistic Mars track would probably look nothing like Firestar due to the effects that low gravity and near-zero drag would have on craft handling, but there would be a lot of potential for huge jumps (and huge bounces after the jumps, heh), almost vertical track sections and incredibly fast straights. It could look like nothing that's ever been in a Wipeout game before without actually breaking any of Wipeout's rules.

26th January 2011, 04:59 PM
Well there was a very pretty time in today's weather that I was thinking aloud to myself would be a perfect weather condition for a wipeout track... The sun was still bright down the horizon, and there were sun spots scattered throughout... Almost like natural spotlights inside a stadium... And the clouds were still showering rain even though there was sun piercing through them... Yet the sun was bright enough to blind someone on the road even though there were many dark parts in the sky above... it felt as if I was inside, with a breeze and the smell of being outside... Well, this was commonly referred to as the Monkey's Birthday at one time (raining and sunny at the same time)... but it has yet to be implemented into Wipeout...

28th January 2011, 03:43 AM
Id like to see a track in the middle of the ocean
Or even one in the Antarctic(Now that would be somthin' wouldnt it)
And Also For Environment ideas Maybe a random number generator can select say if you were in the blue ridge
it could choose a sunny happy day or a Terrible stormy day

30th January 2011, 01:57 AM
Everyone is coming up with ideas about the time of day being effected by the system clock... Which I really love the idea of.

How about doing the same for the weather? PS3 is going to be heavily online based so surely it'd beable to pick up the weather in the different parts of the world and portray that in game?

Also on certain days of the year, e.g. Valentines day, christmas or halloween the in game banners and adverts etc could change to reflect that particular day? There could be banners above the track like its a feastival or something?

Only ideas.

Yeah, good one.:rock ...doubt it tho.
I'd like a wipeout "revised" ,,,a couple old tracks made new..

the weather thing is great (sno in the older wipeouts XL) ...but it couldn't really effect 'flying conditions'...

And, I'd like a MARS track, like the FIRST wipeout.

the METROPIA wall climb ala REV is wicked....as is the MOA THERMA birm~,,,maybe a corkscrew would rip!

AND,,<whew> the spliting track pit stop was awesome in the earlier ones.

5th February 2011, 03:43 PM
Redlight District strip club track... C'mon already, Wipeout was made off of the nightclub techno dance style atmosphere... why not?!! :P

28th August 2011, 01:31 PM
I'd like to see the return of the Florion Heights course 3 as the Zephyr's Peak drop is really fun.

15th January 2012, 03:53 PM
Has anyone said The Moon? (a nice reference to Silence it would be)

27th January 2012, 03:46 AM
Heck How about one entirely underwater? lol

28th January 2012, 06:04 PM
Katomda 12 (WipEout Fusion) was on the Moon. And as far as I remember Vostok Reef (WipEout Pulse DLC) was under water entirely.

29th January 2012, 12:41 AM
More Aue-Nanturale courses.

There's way too much tech and non-natural stuff in tracks.

29th January 2012, 12:48 AM
More Aue-Nanturale courses.

There's way too much tech and non-natural stuff in tracks.

I agree! I'd like to see some more tracks like Blue-Ridge, for example.

2nd February 2012, 10:35 AM
Wipeout Fusion was the worst thing that ever happened to the wipeout name and that game had natural like environments where you were speeding through strange areas. Honestly, I think wipeout has to stay a simple and clean futuristic racer. I think Liver Pool has to stop adding stuff into this game and starting subtracting to get the feel of XL/2097 and Wip3out again. This isn't Kinetica for PS2, I think I speak for most that no one would cry if barrel rolls died.

2nd February 2012, 05:33 PM
I'll cry myself because WipEout Pure was my first WipEout, barell rolls are natural for me. There are little things that make the difference, that require skills.

I like the natural environnement too. WipEout Pure have different environnements, despite the fact that all the tracks are in one island, Makana. beach, city, mountain, sky, etc.
I was disappointed about that in WipEout Pulse, most of the tracks are dark, the world seems very sad. Hopefully there are a few natural environnements like Vertica, Tech de Ra and Platinum Rush.

2nd February 2012, 05:39 PM
Wipeout Fusion was a failure because the flight physics were all screwed up. There was no floatiness, only stiff levitation with hard impacts after jumps and box-like ships...

5th March 2012, 09:01 AM
Wow, this thread has been going on for 7 years :D
I would like to see a weather forcast system if there was such things as dynamic weather.
it'll be a bummer to go for a all time record, to then be blasted with wind and fail.

I Don't like the idea of Weather effecting performance. However, for tracks it's be pretty cool - and not any of this procedural rubbish like they have in Split second- where you play the race once, and you know whats coming next - it needs to be plain and simple.

I like the idea of real time events to , however this shouldn't replace standard events.
Maybe this can be implemented on Wipeout Universe Game? Or have Wipeout Universe , Integrated within the next Wipeout Game.

We shouldn't forget - wipeout resembles a arcade racer, instead of a simulation - real AG racer would be frictionless, and thus will be an absolutely bugger to control, and it would be impossible to run a frictionless racer at such high speeds in real life, without it flipping out.

There should be Tracks across the world, and tournaments should lasts months instead of days - so people have more time to get to events.
Events shouldn't be a single race, but multiple races, so the fans can have a better experience for the money, then watching a 2 minute race.