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View Full Version : 329 gold medals in total?

5th September 2005, 12:32 PM
In another thread, Colin Berry once mentioned he had a little over 300 golds (seeing as he is one of the devs - EP actually - for those who don't know, so he has ALL the downloads already). now that we know pretty exactly what's left to come, I started calulating a little bit.

Seeing as there are 5 speed classes, that gives us 5 Singlerace golds and 5 timetrial golds per track. There are 4 tracks per league, and a league specific tournament in each speed class, means we get 45 golds PER LEAGUE.

Now, what do we have here:

DELTA (yet to arrive)
OMEGA (yet to arrive)
CLASSIC2 (yet to be completed)

makes 315 golds.
then we add 5 golds for ascension and 5 for descension, 4 zone golds, and voilá =>


5th September 2005, 01:37 PM
Phew! 8O

5th September 2005, 01:40 PM
Where does one get a display case large enough to show off all this bling-bling? :D

5th September 2005, 02:31 PM
I think it's gonna be more...think of the "special" tracks like wire05 :o

although wire05 is a copy of another delta track :cry:

5th September 2005, 02:40 PM
"Huston, we could be up here for a long time..." :)

5th September 2005, 05:32 PM
Possibly (most likely at this stage) the medal counts for all three versions could be different.

Europe will be the only region to get the Omega pack. This means 4 tracks for SR & TT, + Omega Tourney.

JP currently has Wire05 and the Coca Cola tracks (planned), all to be listed under 'Exclusive' in the league selection (I imagine). So far, the Coke packs will feature 2 tracks to add to the Wire05 'Koltiwa'. So that makes 3. If there's a further exclusive track, there's a chance that the 4 will create a new tourney. As at least one of the Coke tracks is going to be another 'Koltiwa', there's a chance that an 'Exclusive' tourney, could be 4 'Koltiwa' races, but with different branding.

US... No extras so far... :cry:

...Or have I been thinking about this WAY too much? :oops:

5th September 2005, 05:36 PM
You forget the Descension, and other possible impending super-tournaments!

5th September 2005, 05:42 PM
eLhabib did list Descension. I think... *Quickly checks* ... Yeah, he did.

I was kinda hoping for a new Über tourney when the Delta pack was completed, but alas, it wasn't to be... :cry:

Could be possible for a full-on 8 race Classic tourney when the second pack is finished though. Hopefully... 8)

Rouni Kenshin#1
5th September 2005, 05:54 PM

sings(i'm walking on sunshine) Even with what we alrady have i feel blessed but 329? This is the kind of hi you can only get from wiepout.

5th September 2005, 07:49 PM
You know what Id like? A random tourny.


Rouni Kenshin#1
5th September 2005, 10:51 PM
Yes a random tourny would be great and on Xlink it could throw enthying your way. But how many tracks should be on it?

(sitll singing walking on sunshine)

5th September 2005, 11:17 PM
you should be able to choose the number of races in a random tourny.
also a custom tourny would be ace for multiplayer.

phase 2
8th September 2005, 06:29 AM
"walkin on sunshine" LOL 329 medals is what we mite be looking at 8O yikes the more the merryer but I have alot of other games I want to finish besides PURE by the time GTA liberty city sorys and Final Fantasy XII consume most of my gaming time :roll:
weel one thing I do know I will always come back to Pure but I definitly have my work cut out though.