View Full Version : a small kind request

19th July 2005, 02:15 PM
please on my topics could people please try to avoid the need to swear and stuff because im on the school computer and it is really annoying when i cant get onto my topics when they get a new reply :lol:

thank very very much to everyone :wink:

19th July 2005, 04:15 PM
Are you serious?

19th July 2005, 04:29 PM

I guess it's not too big an ask... I'm as guilty as anyone of the odd cussword now and then.

19th July 2005, 05:26 PM
That doesnt sound too hard to do does it?

The asterisk key is always an option. :)

Space Cowboy
19th July 2005, 05:31 PM
I think one of the new boards that Foxx is looking at automatically censors expletives. I dont know whether or not it will be activated but Im sure that if the major concenus is for an expletive free board then it will be.
On the contrary though most zoners are 20+ I believe, so we're expected to behave in some sort of civilised manner.... well most of the time anyway :)

19th July 2005, 05:33 PM
you're probably not even supposed to be here while using a school computer. the fact that you ask this suggests that you are doing so in a class or at least in a fairly large room full of other people who have visual access to your monitor screen. i find the request to be an odd one, but perhaps i am lacking in imagination at the moment. my first thought was that you are asking other members of the forums to restrict their behaviour because you are doing something you ought not to be doing. but i could be wrong.

Space Cowboy, we have in the past done auto-censoring here on this board, but that was eventually dropped. which in my opinion was a good thing; it was tempting to play or experiment to see what one could get away with against the auto-censor. as a consequence, there was more ''swearing'' when it was active than there has been since it was deactivated


19th July 2005, 05:35 PM
that was exactly the same thing that i was thinking.

19th July 2005, 07:18 PM
I doubt we would ever need an auto-censor in thsi forum. I've been around for a little while now and haven't found anything that needed to be asterisked out that hadn't already been done so by the author of the post himself before even hitting the "submit" button.

I think we're in a very civilized environment here. It's very nice - must be the british management having a positive effect on everyone of us ;)

19th July 2005, 07:34 PM
Yeah, especially Lance :wink:

19th July 2005, 07:37 PM
username, I suggest using www.proxify.com. It allows you to access banned websites through a web filter and also has several text modifiers to bypass banned word filters. As soon as you respond to this message (say something like "That sounds like a good plan"), I will edit it to say something else. www.proxify.com is too valuable a site to get banned.

19th July 2005, 07:49 PM
to Drakkenmensh:
ah, then you must have missed one of my posts in the last week or two in which i asterisked nothing.

but in any case, ''sticks and stones may break my bones'', but mere cursewords can't do a f.....g thing.
notice how virtually any English-speaking person anywhere will automatically see the f and the g, and pronounce the word in their minds; it doesn't matter in the slightest whether the other letters are visible or not. in effect, the word has been said; it is not one bit more polite to asterisk or in any other way make clear what is meant in no matter how elided a way. to take offense at the full spelling but not to the elided one is illogical. one might as well 'say' the word in full as long as it is a valid expression of feeling, thought, or action. as long as it is not used just as an uncivilised flaming attack, it seems to me quite proper to say the word. there is no advantage to be gained by pretending that reality does not exist if in fact one has to deal with that reality.

granted that it is often more effective to be more complexly and accurately descriptive. if i were to say that G.W. Bush is a ****ing idiot, that might indicate my feelings about him, but to say that he is substandard in intellect, analytical ability, and basic honesty, and is, in addition, either a hypocrite or a mentally weak self-deluder would be much more substantive and would in effect ask that those charges be proven false by the person charged or his paid defenders. the more complex phrasing is more effective in generating discussion or action. and it's a lot more offensive than the curseword.

19th July 2005, 07:52 PM
Lance, you're reminding me of an old MP3 I heard on the net a long time ago that praises th ework "****" as the most beautiful in the english language for its sheer versatility as a noun, verb, adjective, adverb and pronoun, and how it can effectively replace any word while retaining meaning and intention :) I'll have to find a copy of it once again!

19th July 2005, 07:58 PM
bloody hell, i just discovered a third typo in my previous post, but i am not going to edit it again, dang it. :D apologies for misspelling your username

19th July 2005, 07:59 PM
The funny thing is I never even NOTICED the typo until you pointed it out! :lol:

Space Cowboy
19th July 2005, 08:08 PM
Yeah that was Monty Pythons Flying Circus that did the Mp3. Funny as hell! :)

19th July 2005, 08:14 PM
'uses of the word ****' by monty python is the mp3 you are looking for. I just so happen to have it. however I am not sure whether I can legally share it with you over this site. but it won't be hard to find I think.

19th July 2005, 08:27 PM
Monty Python? No wonder it was so well constructed and funny, then! I should have no trouble at all locating it now, with that info.

19th July 2005, 08:58 PM

The Flash version :wink:

Space Cowboy
19th July 2005, 09:22 PM
Ah fantastic. nice find :)

19th July 2005, 10:00 PM
Personally, I find swearing on this site offensive as it is freely accessible from any computer, and the main reason why we are all here is because of a videogame which is rated 3+ or E depending where youre from.

Yes, I know 3 year olds don't go on the internet but realistically we are open to a very wide audience (as :username has mentioned) that could be impressionable to some degree.

Cuss words can be used effectivley in general discussion or in humour provided it is amongst adult company only.

Go ahead, swear if you really have to, but personally I make the effort to try and find other words to convey my opinions.

(flameproof jacket activated)

Space Cowboy
19th July 2005, 10:03 PM
I agree to a certain degree. i mean I try not to swear on this site, not because I dont want to expose little kids to cuss words, but because I dont really swear in general. But as most members here are adults (18+) I'd say that we can from time to time enjoy a little adult humour on the zone, it spices things up per se :)

19th July 2005, 10:15 PM
see, thats the only reason I am not totally happy with swearing here.

Most of the members are 18+

If I knew that all of the members were adults, then there wouldnt be a problem.

19th July 2005, 10:34 PM
i don't know what it's like in other countries, but here in the U.S., children of all ages watch cable television, including uncensored movies, both with and without supervision. there is essentially no point to language censorship in this country, no matter what school-system-people attempt to enforce or encourage merely for the sake of 'form' when it is already far too late for them to effect their own vision of what is correct on those who have already learned too much to be limited in that particular way. i am not in favour of limiting internet sites to lowest common denominator safe standards, but, on the contrary, prefer raising pages to the highest possible standards of 'knowledge completeness' and sophistication. if people don't understand such pages, let 'em learn what is required to do so. :) in that sense, i'm in favour of maximising adultness. if the reality of crude emphatic language is part of that, well, it just is. i'm of the opinion that children should be given complete knowledge, so as to have the tools with which to deal with life. when i was a child i was protected from most knowledge of the real world, and i turned out to be a socially inept loser. that is not the way things should be.

Rouni Kenshin#1
19th July 2005, 11:06 PM
WOW your school's system will let you get on a videogame site?

ours will wensor just about everething.

if you try g-mail it blocks it for ham :lol:

20th July 2005, 09:06 AM
you're probably not even supposed to be here while using a school computer. the fact that you ask this suggests that you are doing so in a class or at least in a fairly large room full of other people who have visual access to your monitor screen. i find the request to be an odd one, but perhaps i am lacking in imagination at the moment. my first thought was that you are asking other members of the forums to restrict their behaviour because you are doing something you ought not to be doing. but i could be wrong.

Space Cowboy, we have in the past done auto-censoring here on this board, but that was eventually dropped. which in my opinion was a good thing; it was tempting to play or experiment to see what one could get away with against the auto-censor. as a consequence, there was more ''swearing'' when it was active than there has been since it was deactivated

dont worry i only go on this site at my lunch and break times :wink:

i just noticed, why does everyone think that us english are all posh, lance said as soon as someone english sees the letters f.....g they immidiatly pronounce the word in there head!! (how the hell did he know that?) :lol:

20th July 2005, 03:04 PM
You olny need the frsit and lsat lterts of ecah wrod in the rghit pclae to wrok out waht the wrod autlcaly is...

Go figure. :roll:

20th July 2005, 08:01 PM
you spisllemed leterts :D


username, i didn't say 'someone english'; i said ''..virtually any English-speaking person..'', which also obviously includes the majority of Americans [for a while yet before Spanish becomes the official language!], Canadians [even often the ones from Quebec!], Australians, Scots, Irish, and anyone from anywhere that has English as a secondary language.

it is a built-in characteristic of the human brain to fill in blanks in data with information based on past experience. in this case the 'uckin'' part is in their memories and will automatically pop right into place and virtually pronounce itself along with the first and last letters.

20th July 2005, 09:30 PM
You serwced up mspislleed.

The thing about particularly strong swear words is that they have the unique quality of being a swear word, thus making more of an impression in most people's minds. This makes the automatic mental pronounciation of such words a far more likely event. Even if one does not refer to the first letter of a word, one can often tell quite easily what word is being telegraphed by referring to what one knows of past usage.

20th July 2005, 09:50 PM
idd otn! i pissmelled ti torcrecly! :D

20th July 2005, 10:26 PM
or its just illiterated lol :lol: