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View Full Version : What does Livery mean, when selecting ships?

28th May 2005, 04:03 PM
I noticed there's a box that can be selected with the Livery option if you move your dpad left or right when selecting a ship. WTF?

28th May 2005, 04:43 PM
I dont have that game but basiacally you can select another, much cooler skin for your ship to race in.

28th May 2005, 05:10 PM
Yep, spot on. And I think livery is really, really a lot better looking than some of the stock appearances.

Especially Assegai's.

28th May 2005, 05:25 PM
totally agree.

Assegai, Harimau, AGsys, Qirex and Auricom get much more better with Livery.
To activet the feature, you have to press square and move left or right :)

edit by Lance: quotation removed. read the guidelines, please.

28th May 2005, 05:27 PM
Press square? No, you don't...you just select the ship and hit left or right, and the lil box lights up, telling you you have livery enabled. It's unlockable after some early tournament or something, I forgot. But yeah, you don't have to press square.

28th May 2005, 05:29 PM
lol! i always pressed square till now and it was totally unuseful :D
you get livery mode winning Flash Ascension :)

28th May 2005, 06:08 PM
I think the Qirex alternate livery is absolutely wicked 8)

28th May 2005, 06:13 PM
Personally I love the Feisar alternate livery and AG systems the most. I think AG systems looks like a lovely ship from every angle but the back - which is a big mess up imo

28th May 2005, 06:15 PM
agree with you :)
the same words about piranha.

Rouni Kenshin#1
28th May 2005, 06:30 PM
i also enjoy liverly (harmiu harmiu :rock_on ) but i think you should be able to chane if on zone, meadievel, and trigon too.

28th May 2005, 06:58 PM
I didnt want to say it but yes - you're right Piranha looks like a submarine from the back.

So many racing games make this mistake. THE BACK IS ALL WE SEE FOR 98% OF THE GAME - ALL FOCUS HERE PLEASE! :x

28th May 2005, 07:03 PM
and going further, i say the same thing about Feisar.
with those rear structure, from behind it seems a floating box [red line]


28th May 2005, 07:33 PM
Well I think Feisar looks cool from the back (but only in alternate Livery mode). This is one of the things they probably didnt get a chance to consider until it was too late.

Another thing they probably couldnt have known until after end-user testing (and it was too late to expirement or change stuff around) is that most people dont swing the analogue left and right to go left and right. Watch any body playing on PSP - every single person I've seen playing a racing game has their left right movements on a slightly tilted axis - about 20 - 45 degrees.

Normally this wont matter on regular racing games but with wipeout it means people are pointing the nose down a bit when trying to turn left, or lifting the nose up a bit when trying to turn right. This however might go unnoticed except for one thing - the barrel roll. This is why people find it so difficult to pull off. If you position your left hand on a psp and waggle your thumb left and right you will see that it is doing so at about 45 degree / diagonals. To get a good left and right on wipeout pure as it is you have to adjust the position of your thumb slightly.

So, if you're having difficulty using the analogue to do barrel rolls - take what Ive said into consideration. Maybe I could be a games tester? Hopefully I can get a job somewhere when I've finished Uni... :?

28th May 2005, 07:41 PM

28th May 2005, 08:52 PM
i think you should be able to chane if on zone, meadievel, and trigon too.I don't mind the lack of alternate skins for downloadables and superships, but I want to be able to race my tigron against livery mode enemies... sucks that there's no apparent way to do this

28th May 2005, 10:38 PM


Cheer Up! You've only gone and created the best wipeout game we could hope for! :roll: We only criticize because our imagination is unlimited and we're humans (definition of a human is unsatisfiable imo).

I love wipeout pure and could easily level more criticism on even wipeout original than I could on wipeout pure ;)

28th May 2005, 11:39 PM
''Piranha looks like a submarine from the back.''
quite appropriate for a fish.
i love submarines.
and the Pure Piranha

Space Cowboy
28th May 2005, 11:59 PM
I love the WO3 Piranha! :) sorry but that to me is the definitive Piranha ship, well apart frmo the 2097 beast ;)

29th May 2005, 03:14 AM
wow... didn't know about this... I like the new skins.

29th May 2005, 08:47 AM
''Piranha looks like a submarine from the back.''
quite appropriate for a fish.
i love submarines.
and the Pure Piranha

Ahahaha :D

IMHO Piranha from back is like this: ="=
IMHO Piranha is "good" from the sides, but from behind...
IMHO Harimau fish-like style is much more better

IMHO feiyen

29th May 2005, 09:15 AM
Okay, now you're just being an assclown Feiyen... see you in a month. :roll:

29th May 2005, 11:11 AM
<< sighs of relief >>

29th May 2005, 11:43 AM
omg thank you fox. this guy was pissing me of since his first ever post here. :bombhead

29th May 2005, 12:59 PM
He's been blocked then?

29th May 2005, 01:29 PM
Well, it's one thing to have "Humble Opinions", but they begin to sound less humble when they're repeated over and over ... and over ... ad nauseum.

29th May 2005, 02:34 PM
i just made a long reply to feiyen in an older thread [i read 'new posts since previous visit' in order of oldest to newest last post] and went to deactivate his membership for a month only to discover it had already been done. now i know why. you danged Eastern Hemisphere folk are awake so many hours earlier than i am. i wish i didn't need to sleep. damned inconvenient.

feiyen has always been an assclown here in the forums, whatever he may be in 'real life'. he is indeed blocked as ''feiyen''. i will do my best to eliminate the kind of posting he has done, no matter what username it is done under.


as to the ship designs, there are some i like very much, and others that do not appeal to me, but this sort of thing is not due to 'good' or 'bad' design when speaking purely of aesthetics rather than actual mechanical function. this thread and most threads in the 'Zone that have dicussed ship design have been purely about the look. it is irrational to devote too much intensity of emotion to such things in an attempt to argue aesthetics on the ground of absolute values since they are of course relative values which vary with each individual. feiyen has stated elsewhere in the forums that artistic design values are absolute universal values. he is in my opinion :) wrong.

it has to be tough to be a creative artist.

29th May 2005, 05:03 PM
true, it has to be f*kin' hard to come up with something that appeals to everyone. but apart from some minor design issues (which I don't actually share), the ship designer/s has/have made one hell of a terrific job! Not only do the ships have improved and evolved familiar w'o'' design sets, but they have also come up with some awsome new lines and shapes which still mold in perfectly with the 'old', known stuff, like the AG-5Y5 ship design, that one is just ace.

Also I am still very impressed how the big, bulky, WWII fighter jet Tigron turned into a pretty sleek steel bullet!


30th May 2005, 12:05 AM
it's an engine with wings strapped on, and that's why I like it :)
it's everything the early qirex's stood for which makes sense really with tigron having owned qirex

30th May 2005, 02:14 AM
does anyone have screen caps, pics, or something where we can view the diff. skins for ships?

I know you can view them at wipeoutpure.com, but I'd like to see all of them at once.

30th May 2005, 09:06 AM
yep! you will find a file that says 'livery and normal paintjob comparison' in my personal files. fell free to check out the others, too!


Rapier Racer
30th May 2005, 10:16 AM
Oh yeah! those alternatives are way better, no surprise I like Assegai the most, those livery colours take you back.

30th May 2005, 10:32 AM
I asked one of the devs, I think it was Egg, about the livery skins, and he told me that they actually made the standard skins look old and rugged on purpose, and the livery skins are all shiny, like your craft gets a new chassis! Great stuff that!

30th May 2005, 11:23 AM
We realised we needed a little visual reward for reaching the higher speed classes, and polishing the ships up seemed like a cool idea. Also, the Graphic Designers had completed all the branding by that point, and the ships were crying out for a more graphicky makeover.

It was suggested by our colleague in Japan, if I remember right ... hooray for international relations ! :lol: :lol:

30th May 2005, 12:14 PM
I must say, livery mode ought to be the coolest reward I ever got in a videogame! (well, except some of the swimsuits in DOAXtremeBVB actually... :mrgreen: j/k)

30th May 2005, 12:16 PM
Yeah I quite dig a lot of the livery skins, though for some ships i'm not really bothered one way or the other, the originals are in no way terrible after all :roll:

30th May 2005, 12:18 PM
well, the only original skin I really don't like is the AG-5Y5 one. It looks ace from the sides, but the rear is just unappealing to me... - with the livery skin it's all good tho.

31st May 2005, 07:07 PM
Press square? No, you don't...you just select the ship and hit left or right, and the lil box lights up, telling you you have livery enabled. It's unlockable after some early tournament or something, I forgot. But yeah, you don't have to press square.
Lol! I hit square over and over again. Starting races, seeing the same paint job, ending races. I saw "Livery: [ ]" but it is a square, which also happens to be a Playstation button. So much confusion could have been avoided if instead of a square they had like a <- ->, or if square just activated / deactivated the paint job. IMHO, most confusing menu option I've seen in a while!

31st May 2005, 11:25 PM
I wonder why they called it Livery, anyway..

31st May 2005, 11:45 PM
look it up in the dictionary and you'll find out why

Zero [RG] [HG]
1st June 2005, 03:18 AM
Some kind of uniform thing.

6th June 2005, 02:04 PM
I really like feisar's livery skin.

do the future ship downloads come with livery skins as well?

6th June 2005, 02:18 PM
look it up in the dictionary and you'll find out why

1 special uniform worn by a servant or official.
• a special design and color scheme used on the vehicles, aircraft, anti-gravity racers, or products of a particular company.
2 short for livery stable .
3 (in the UK) the members of a livery company collectively. 4 historical a provision of food or clothing for servants.


15th June 2005, 11:27 AM
quote]I don't mind the lack of alternate skins for downloadables and superships, but I want to be able to race my tigron against livery mode enemies... sucks that there's no apparent way to do this[/quote]

That's no problem: chose 'livery' with another ship but don't press X, then change to your tigron and press X. It works.

15th June 2005, 11:29 AM
last few times I tried it hasn't?
that was the first thing that came to mind :P