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12th May 2005, 04:03 PM
as I play I keep finding myself forgetting what events unlock the next pieces of the game, and afaik this info isn't collected in any one thread yet.
I'd like this to become a handy reference

offhand the only things I can think of (and be certain of) are:

beta tournaments/tracks accessed by getting silver or better in alpha tournament
next speed grade (eg: venom->flash) accessed by getting gold in ascension tournament
zone mode tracks accessed by getting silver or better in preceding track

12th May 2005, 08:43 PM
Medieval ship is unlocked at 70 golds. Something else (classic tracks?) is unlocked at 40 golds.

I think...

12th May 2005, 09:29 PM

This has how to unlock everything, golds are needed to get from one zone track to the next, erm Mandrashee and the Classic Tournament are unlocked at 60 Gold medals.

I didn't know you only needed silver in the tournaments to unlock the next part...

13th May 2005, 05:18 AM
You can progress in the tournaments as long as you get a medal (bronze or higher).

Better to get golds though.

14th May 2005, 01:59 AM
a apeed class isn't finished till I have all golds imho :)

14th May 2005, 04:39 AM
Right on.

14th May 2005, 07:55 AM
another thought along the same lines, I have tried googling but haven't seen how many golds you need to reach each ranking?

rookie, trainee, geek, veteran etc (I know there are others in there)

I'm a geek atm with 41 golds, I think that one came in at about 35
has anyone been keeping track of it?

18th May 2005, 12:08 PM
I've been playing only the phantom classes so have missed out on lower level golds - Im trying to avoid the Medievil ship - I hear once it's turned on you can't turn it off?

Im at about 68 golds now and Im enjoying the art work... is the Medi ship really that annoying? It competes in all the races against you then is that right?


18th May 2005, 12:11 PM
yes that's right. but it doesn't really bother me THAT much. you don't really see a lot of the other ships anyway at 600mph. And it's not like it would win all the races either.

18th May 2005, 01:35 PM
Cheers for the reassurance - I suppose I'd have had to sooner or later anyway :P

Staten Park is fantastic. Heh - can't wait for the next download :wink:

-Dont kill me Studio Liverpool! My love for wipeout is eternal and I will never stop wanting more! 8)

21st May 2005, 11:57 PM
geek -> enthusiast: 50G
enthusiast -> addict: 60G