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10th April 2005, 10:34 AM
ok i just got wipeout 3 and have unlocked (i think) all the ships. is the icaras the best or is there something else? i'm sure this is a super noob question, but i did run a search and couldn't seem to find anything. thanks guys.

10th April 2005, 10:41 AM
Well that depends on what you class as "best", the Icaras" letz u go dedd phast!!!1one", but the assegai is probably the easiest to win with. If you wanna win stuff easily, use the Assegai or the AG Syssies i'd suggest as that too has a little extra oomph in the top speed department over the assegai :wink:

10th April 2005, 10:43 AM
thank you. the info is much appreciated.

10th April 2005, 10:52 AM
or the AG Syssies

AAAAAnd here's another name added to my black list, thank you very much...... :wink:

11th April 2005, 05:21 AM
What, you didn't think I'd go easy on them for your sake did you "Mac"? Sheesh :roll:

11th April 2005, 05:22 AM
"You're gonna die! You're gonna die and go to hell!" :wink:

11th April 2005, 05:25 AM
Oh, i'd best make the most of my time and beat up a few AG 5y55ies in the meantime... In hell will AG syssies be decent, you think?

11th April 2005, 05:35 AM
ok, ok...

Let's just be......enemies.

11th April 2005, 06:08 AM
As you wish, 5y55y :P

11th April 2005, 06:21 AM
nawet nie chce mi się pisać po angielsku, wyzywając Ciebie o szanowny fanie Piranhi, żeby nie było Tobie za łatwo, przetłumacz sobie to co piszę i nie psiocz więcej - troche szacunku dla AG SYS!! Skoro ja nie mam nic do Piranha, to Ty nie miej nic do AG-Sys. Jeśli masz coś do mnie, to wysil banię i skołuj sobie kogoś kto to Tobie przetłumaczy, bo siedzę tutaj 1.5 roku i nie chce mi się pisać w Twoim ojczystym języku, żebyś spokojnie mógł mnie zmiażdżyć, więc może teraz Ty się wysil i spróbuj się ze mną w moim ojczystym języku. Thank you.

11th April 2005, 07:11 AM
It are not wanted to write even me in english, about honorable fan you wyzywając Piranhi, that (in order to) there was not behind (for) simply (easy) , don't beguile it that translate write and not more psiocz for - estimate troche AG SYS! Since it don't beguile I for nothing Piranha, don't have it for nothing AG-Sys. If you have something for I, then it strain banię and who will translate it skołuj, because here I sit 1.5 year and it are not wanted to write in your native language me, you can that (in order to) quietly zmiażdżyć, so, now you can strain and it try (taste) from (with) I in my native language

don't you just love online translators? "don't beguile it that translate write and not more psiocz for"... What!? :|

The worst thing is that I kinda understand what it's about 8O

11th April 2005, 07:15 AM
Umm... if the above statement is a glowing piece of Polish praise for AG-Systems, coupled with a suitable amount of insults toward all AG-slaggers, then I SECOND THAT! :lol:

And Shem, I've still got my chainsaw (as mentioned in another thread (http://www.wipeoutzone.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=1855&highlight=chainsaw) concerning our favourite team 8) . People, people - where is the love?

11th April 2005, 07:34 AM
I've still got my chainsaw (as mentioned in another thread (http://www.wipeoutzone.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=1855&highlight=chainsaw) concerning our favourite team 8) .

Roger that!

11th April 2005, 12:28 PM
Actually you're right, I should be careful what I say... Foxy has an AG-5y5 avatar, I don't want to incur his wrath 8O

11th April 2005, 04:08 PM
don't you just love online translators? "don't beguile it that translate write and not more psiocz for"... What!?
Dimension, how did you make that facial expression above?!! :lol: Freakn' awesome!!

PS: My favorite Wip3out craft was Assegai. :P

11th April 2005, 04:19 PM
have you ever tried ''view more emoticons'' on the reply page?

i know i'm going to regret mentioning this. :blarg

11th April 2005, 04:26 PM
Oh, lol, i didn't know about that!! :mrgreen: Geez, I can't beleive I don't notice such easy things!! Thanx!! :wink: