View Full Version : PS3?! Can it be?

Ally Graham
26th March 2005, 05:30 PM


26th March 2005, 05:41 PM
If this would be the PS3, than we could play PSP games on it!!!!! 8O
Pure at TV!!!

...and a new WipEout with high graphics (?) 8)

Rapier Racer
26th March 2005, 05:43 PM
It's clearly fake, putting a UMD slot on it would effectively kill the PSP

26th March 2005, 06:52 PM
Actually that's not that unexpected, did PS1 back-compatability on the PS2 kill the PS1? No and if anything it would do even less to harm the PSP as the PSP will always have the advantage of being portable which the PS1 didn't have when the switch to PS2 was made.

But yes it's clearly a fake for all the reasons listed in the attached article. TBH I wouldn't be surprised if Sony decide to have a UMD slot on the PS3 as they've stressed backcompatability in their consoles from day 1 of the PS2.

26th March 2005, 07:18 PM
I am too tired to go looking for the source now, but as far as I know this is a fake indeed. All these unexpectedly appearing pictures surely can't be part of Sony's mighty marketing engine. :)


Rapier Racer
26th March 2005, 07:22 PM
If I find out that the PS3 has a UMD slot on it then screw the PSP, on saying that however its probably more than a year and a half away

29th March 2005, 02:12 AM
Even if the PS3 did have a UMD slot, I'd still want the PSP. What could possibly be better than playing online against real life opponents during my boring-ass classes??

piranha wiper
29th March 2005, 07:06 AM
does look really bad though, im just waiting for the power of the new beast that will be the ps3, i dont thinkit will kil the psp coz the ps3 wont be out for a while, so its got chance to get some releases and gizmos which would make the psp enjoyable. wow i must be having a clever or something :?

31st March 2005, 07:54 PM
Imagine killing Wipeout Pure on the PSP, and then on your journeys carrying on the game, or playing Gran Turismo and souping up your new Dodge Viper and then gathering everyone in the park and killing everyone on Special Stage Route 11 with your newly acquired engine parts. Would be heavy. If Sony did stick the UMD port on the PS3 it would open a ton of possibilities.

Was actually speaking to someone who was developing a game for the PS3 at a house gathering some time ago. In his words he said the PS3 had "8 cells" instead of the 6 reported. Whether it's true or not I don't know.