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18th March 2005, 02:55 PM
I got it.

Now all I need is a PSP.


More to come.

18th March 2005, 02:59 PM
From where? Details man details.

18th March 2005, 03:06 PM
you know how to use a scanner, right?

18th March 2005, 03:06 PM
It seems to be at Electronics Boutiques across the country. I bought mine at an EB below Rockefeller Center, NYC


B...b....Barrel roll?!?

Two Taps On The L1/R1 = Side Manouver
<- -> <- = Barrel Roll Left (reverse for BR Right, obvs)

I love the little back story. It's slight, but a nice comment on the series' progression.

18th March 2005, 03:09 PM
Sure I got a scanner at home, but I'm at work now.

Also confirmed: A Return Of The Medal Screen, Wip3out Style.

Barrel Roll deets: You perform it in the air (after a big jump, presumably) and you get a slight boost of speed and lose a slight bit of energy. Can't be done with low energy.

I'm liking this. Strategy meets SSX.

18th March 2005, 03:11 PM
I was so sure there was gonna be a barrel roll... well at least not a stupid 360 or something else aerodynamicly impossible. I'm fine with a barrel roll, somehow feels realistic. Somehow.

now can you tell me the purpose of that barrel roll, too? I can see what the side shift maneuver is for, to knock out opponents, but what do you do with a barrel roll in mid air? (or can you also do it while on the track?)

18th March 2005, 03:11 PM
okay forget my question it obviously took too long to write ;)

18th March 2005, 03:17 PM
It seems to be at Electronics Boutiques across the country.

Sweet, that is great news and ties in exactly with what I was told yesterday by my local EB. I'm there an hour after they open. PSP in hand, foaming at the mouth.

A barrel roll, sot of makes sense, but what purposes does it serve?

18th March 2005, 03:19 PM
You never know when that extra little bit of boost will help, Saltster.

And, how sweet will it be to blast someone out of the air in mid roll? HOW SWEET, I ASK YOU.

18th March 2005, 03:20 PM
is that the same thing what happened to a craft in W'O" whtn you got hit by a rocket? (well...instead of doing it on purpose and all that....)

I don;t know what to say.....I hate Tony Hawk's Pro Skateboarding......

18th March 2005, 03:22 PM
NOT CONFIRMED: The ability to do ollies off of the Fat Cat.

Dude, this is one confined move that, presumably, will not alter your forward momentum or trajectory one iota. It's basically a flashier version of the thrust system from WIp3out.

18th March 2005, 03:29 PM
I love the little back story. It's slight, but a nice comment on the series' progression.

The hard part was making it 100 words! :lol:

18th March 2005, 03:30 PM
well, good enough, but imagine negCon users doing that kind of maneov.......wait a minute.....we're talking about PSP, LOL....well, twisting PSP may end up with your WIpeout Pure UMD Disc doing a barrel roll in the air before you know it. :wink:

18th March 2005, 03:30 PM
You diabolical!

Well since you wrote it, I definitely won't spoil it here. You'll all just have to wait for Foxy's PSP debut.

Colin Berry
18th March 2005, 03:33 PM
The Barrle Roll is ace

I wish I'd thought of it

But it was one of our genius coders

18th March 2005, 03:36 PM
A boost?! Sounds cool. And yes, it can help when you're flying. In wip3out you get so much faster when you used a little bit boost while jumping.

Please scan the manual as soon as you can!

Maybe it's too late when you have your PSP, because then you're playing all the time this fantastic game and you don't want to stop playing just to scan the manual, playing the game is so much interesting!

SONY, say the europe launch day! :!: :!: :!:

18th March 2005, 03:52 PM
Welcome Back, Old Friend:

The Disruption Bolt

Electobolt x1000. (You might remember this as the black hole looking thing from one of the Gamespot vids). Following possible effects:

- Temporary control reversal
- Disabling airbrakes

They are not ****ing around.

18th March 2005, 04:12 PM
Grrr.... damn time zones. I want it now....

That Disruption Bolt sounds deadly. As an aside, I hate things in games that blind you.

18th March 2005, 04:35 PM
then learn the tracks! 8)

Praeterea censeo autopilotum esse delendam

18th March 2005, 05:10 PM
First Impressions. (http://boards.ign.com/message.asp?topic=82152224&start=82153177) (Not From Me)

The frame rate issues seem to be alarming everyone. I've never really understood nor noticed differences in frame rates. It seems to me like the sorts of things reviewers bring up because they've run out of things to complain about but, really, have very little impact on the gameplay.

We'll find out when I find out. (Or someone else does.)

18th March 2005, 05:12 PM
disruption bolt was in wo64, nice to know they have made it more disruptive!!! :P

18th March 2005, 05:14 PM
Requires an IGN Insider subscription to read those impressions.

What was the gist of the frame rate concerns? I've seen a video that looked a little slower than 2097/3, but it didn't appear too bad.

18th March 2005, 05:15 PM
Whoops! Here we go:

"the frame rate, unfortunately, is not the best (or the worst)... all three courses i tried seemed to hover around the 15-20 mark. i've always been a fan of the series, this one just does not feel as smooth as the others. i feel some sacrifices were made in order to facilitate the huge amount of stuff going on in the tracks themselves. it definitely does not have the silky smooth WOW factor present in ridge racer... however, i will say that there IS an addictive quality to this game, and honestly, i didn't even notice the frame rate issues a few minutes into things... i was too busy bumping into walls and blowing stuff up"

18th March 2005, 05:21 PM
Cheers. :)

15 frames per second is slightly worrying.

18th March 2005, 05:30 PM
I've been watching the videos of the final game that IGN have, and the game seems nearer the 30 fps mark.

18th March 2005, 05:32 PM
That was my response. If the frame rate was so abysmal, surely it would've been noticable at GDC.

18th March 2005, 05:34 PM

15 FPS!!!

w'o" Pure is the main reason I'm buying a psp! People complain about a 'difference in feel' between 30fps and 60fps. The thing with this is that it is entirely academic up to a point.

But 15fps means a game that actually runs slowly, and jerks due to a fluctuating framerate.

However I rest assured the the game did not look the least bit slow moving and jerky in the videos.

6 days left.

18th March 2005, 05:35 PM
A follow up:

"to clarify, the frame rate IS consistent. it just feels like it is not runnning at a full 30 fps. i would LOVE to get up to the faster levels and tell you more, unfortunately i no longer possess the same skills i did when i was playing it on ps1. i'm getting killed here! @!#$% "

18th March 2005, 05:46 PM
Colin? A word on the framerate?

Colin Berry
18th March 2005, 05:55 PM
I think the guy has mixed up frame rate with the slower feel of the slowest speed class.
I couldnt tell you exactly what it is without my dev kit readouts :) but it is above 25.

18th March 2005, 05:59 PM
Excellent. It certainly looks around the 30 mark in the videos from GDC that I've seen.

I read IGN/Gamespot complaining about slower class racing, only then for them to state they didn't realise they weren't racing on the higher classes, which of course made such criticism moot.

Colin Berry
18th March 2005, 06:09 PM
The classes do seem to have bemused a few people

At the start only Vector and Venom are open, win certain things and you open flash, then rapier, then phantom.

People familiar with Wipeout will 'get' this and be used to it, but it seems it has confused some folk, which is our bad for not making it clear enough I guess.

18th March 2005, 06:15 PM
That's the great thing about the classes though. At least it'll be clear in some reviews how much the game has been played so it's easy to see which can be taken seriously or not.

I love it how the speed classes progressively get more and more visicous. The latter were always difficult to get to grips with, but once they were mastered, the rush and thrill... was simply amazing in the zone.

Playing Pure on the move with those speed levels = bliss.

18th March 2005, 06:16 PM
...my dev kit ...

Has it a video output? :lol: :D

Colin Berry
18th March 2005, 06:23 PM

its just a psp thats conencted to a pc type box thing

(thats the level of my technical expertise)

18th March 2005, 06:25 PM

Never will see Pure at a TV or PC monitor with a PS controller (?)

>> Development Kit: http://www.playstationportable.de/images/news/02-2005/pspdevelop1.jpg

Hybrid Divide
18th March 2005, 06:41 PM
Sweet! :D

I'll buy my reserve copy later today!

18th March 2005, 07:25 PM
Colin, whats the chance of the european version being tweaked from the US version since we have a long assed delay from the european release?

18th March 2005, 07:32 PM
So who has the game and a PSP now? Just Benjamin Birdie?

18th March 2005, 07:44 PM
I have no PSP. Thanks for reminding me.


18th March 2005, 07:47 PM
Mal comune, mezzo gaudio.

[in italian, it sounds like... "bad in two, half-joy" :D]

edit by Lance: the unnecessary quotation of the immediately previous post was removed.

Colin Berry
18th March 2005, 07:47 PM

sorry, I too had assumed you had both, man thats harsh.

so have they released the game today, but not the PSPs til next week ??

18th March 2005, 07:48 PM

*going crazy*

;) just jokin'

18th March 2005, 07:54 PM
I'd settle for the ship stats :)

18th March 2005, 07:56 PM
All, all, we want all! :D

18th March 2005, 07:57 PM
The ironic thing is of course that Tronix are shipping copies out abroad today, which means if the post is quick, people in Europe (and elsewhere) with import PSPs may be playing Pure before the machine is officially released in the States.

18th March 2005, 07:59 PM
that would have to be pretty amazing shipping, when's the US PSP release again? :P

18th March 2005, 08:02 PM
24th. Shipping from VG+ usually takes between 4-5 days. I am not sure how fast Tronix are in comparison, but they've got a good rep.

I'll be checking out NTSC-uk over the next few days to see if anyone is playing it early. One of the admin is currently in the US with a Japanese PSP, so I'm hoping, touch wood, he'll get hold of a copy and report what it's like. :)

Dogg Thang
18th March 2005, 08:02 PM
Hmmm...only a short matter of time then before someone puts the two magical ingredients together - Wipeot Pure and an actual PSP. I'm also alarmed at the frame rate issue but, like so many PSP issues before it, suspect it to be far from the truth. Actually I've just read that Edge article - am I right in getting from that the tron-like graphic shots we have seen are from the classic tracks and that we won't actually get rendered graphical representations of those tracks? That would be a bit disappointing to me after the great work that went into the classic tracks in WO3 SE but then I suppose that you can't have it all.

To anyone in the know - would I be right in thinking that downloadable tracks will most likely use this 'virtual' map set?

I'm so looking forward to hearing the first impressions here (although more looking forward to hearing my copy has shipped!)


18th March 2005, 08:04 PM
To be honest, it's these tron-like tracks which interest me the most.

On a positive note, it'd be like rediscovering them all over again (the originals that is), and from the screens, they seem to reflect the raw minimalist essence which runs through the series' design. It'll be good to see how they work - I'm hoping for a racer Rez-like experience. ;)

18th March 2005, 08:06 PM
i think the tron-style ones are for zone mode, i read that somewhere :|

18th March 2005, 08:07 PM
I thought they are the 4 tracks of the old WipEouts :roll:

edit: thought about that again and they could be the zone tracks, not sure

18th March 2005, 08:10 PM
If I remember rightly, the classic league, being alongside the other two leagues should be of properly reconstructed tracks, Colin said soemthing about having the wireframes to build the tracks from and then just guessing on the height, so then again it could be that they are tron styley *shrugs*

18th March 2005, 08:11 PM
I can't be certain, but I'm pretty sure the Tron tracks are Zone Tracks only.

18th March 2005, 08:13 PM
take a look at your manual, than you know it ;)

18th March 2005, 08:17 PM
Why, it's the manual on which I'm basing my guess. I can't confirm, however, whether or not non-Zone tracks are simililarly styled. No way of knowing. UNTIL...THURS....DAY. GAH.

18th March 2005, 08:25 PM
Sooo, still nobody's got both, dooby doo, i wonder who ladbrokes has as favourite to put WOP + PSP together first? :roll:

Dogg Thang
18th March 2005, 08:27 PM
Okay going through the article again it seems that the flat shaded grey-blue pics are the zone mode but the brightly coloured Tron types are definitely the classic tracks (according to Edge anyway).


18th March 2005, 08:28 PM
The new tracks are "real" graphics.
The "classic" tracks are done in a mode similar to "prototype" in W3, all blocky and stuff.
The "Zone" tracks are done in mainly purple, pink and white.

This is from the article in "EDGE" magazine.
Hope this helps.

sorry, doggthang, you posted while I was typing. Sorry again..

18th March 2005, 08:28 PM
I forgot to mention that the idea of the barrel roll is cool, can't wait to see how that one turns out! :D

*edit* thanks for clearing that up thrusty

18th March 2005, 08:34 PM
Wow, too many "quotes" in that post :oops:

Yeah! Sounds really interesting, especially for ott dramatic replays, or just to show off down the pub. Can anyone say if this is useful? (can you dodge locked-on missiles with it?)

18th March 2005, 08:34 PM
hm... neon Sagamatha. could be interesting

18th March 2005, 08:37 PM

The idea of wireframe Rez-styled tracks in Pure is making it sound even better.

Dogg Thang
18th March 2005, 08:38 PM
Yeah, could be very interesting but I can't help missing the snowy look already! The layout of many of these courses are fantastic but I have to admit to the scenery being a big draw to some of my faves. Without that, I don't know if they'll have the same appeal. I mean Gare d'Europa for me is all about that red bit (I know its not in Pure, just using it as an example!).


18th March 2005, 08:38 PM
I want this game NOW!!

I can't wait any longer!

18th March 2005, 08:40 PM
I read something (not in the manual) about wireframes for every track being unlockable. I cannot confirm this information, but the manual does point out that medals unlock things, so I bet there is some stuff between the usual progression unlockables (twistier tracks, faster leagues) and the downloadables. Like, say, WIreframe Versions Of Every Track.

18th March 2005, 08:40 PM
Ladbrokes has a large wager on Colin Berry on "first person to combine PSP and WOPurE".
Rob Foxx last seen leaving the country with too many legitimate breifcases.
You do the math

18th March 2005, 08:43 PM
LMAO thrusty! And foxxy... the sneaky so and so :D

18th March 2005, 08:59 PM
Yay! It is above 25fps! perfect. I got a little worried there.

18th March 2005, 09:28 PM
So who has the game and a PSP now? Just Benjamin Birdie?

I have the game and a PSP. I haven't played much, just started it up to make sure it would play on my import PSP (it does).

Random thoughts:
The opening moive is the same as the one on Wipeoutpure.com.
The menu system looks very nice
The only track I have seen so far is the one from all the videos (you know the one with the underwater tunnels), the screen shots do not do the game justice, it is beautiful.

Can I post the ship stats? or is that a no-no?

Screen shots if I can peal myself away from my PSP. I'm going to go play now.

18th March 2005, 09:31 PM
Key question: is the frame rate stable enough in your opinion?

18th March 2005, 09:34 PM
if the game is being sold to the general public, then the ship stats are public knowledge. you might as well put them on the net while you can be first ;)

18th March 2005, 09:36 PM
well the stats from 3 of the ships were already posted elsewhere in this forum and since the game has effectively been released, I can't see why not, they'l be on gamefaqs soon enough i'm sure :roll:

18th March 2005, 09:42 PM
Just been reading the Edge preview. It seems Manor Top (my favourite track from Wipeout 3) is one of the old tracks re-imagined.

Cannot. Wait.

Hybrid Divide
19th March 2005, 06:35 AM
I got my reserved copy this evening.

Just want to thank the entire development team.

And I even noticed a Special Thanks to Robert Foxx in the credit. :D

Colin, Foxy, the rest of the WipEout PurE team:

We love you guys! :D

19th March 2005, 07:07 AM
Thats funny, Game spot review seems to state that the frame rate has problems but they say it doesn't quite stay around at 60fps. theres obviously a false info here. We cant have a wipeout game running at 60fps and lagging to 15. if that was the case they would have made it a 30fps game. Unless the game really is that laggy like fusion.

".. the only issue to be taken with the graphics in Pure is that the frame rate never hits a solid 60 frames per second, and it can fluctuate a bit when there's a lot of action on the screen."

also i shouldn't think this will be a problem for the wiper pros. zooming past all the craft and not giving them a chance to fire is the name of the game although it might not be possible in the boring slower classes.

19th March 2005, 12:56 PM
Meet Everyone's New Sig:

"One other thing thats nice, is it keeps so much information on the system.. It has just about as much detailed stuff as grand theft auto, so besides saying how many races you've had, it says how many little bombs you've hit, etc.. Its got quite a bit of detail into it (The list goes down for a while) "

So best.

19th March 2005, 01:06 PM
Where are Triakis and Harimau from?

19th March 2005, 01:30 PM
Oooh - that's a good one.

Harimau are from Asia, and Triakis, I guess, are sort of multinational.

19th March 2005, 01:48 PM
slightly more specific: Harimau seems to be from Malayasia or Indonesia
dunno about Triakis

er... Damon? Colin? could you pin this down for us?

Colin Berry
19th March 2005, 01:50 PM
Harimau Team is from Malaysia
Triakis from Oceania / Australia - at least that was the original intention... :)

19th March 2005, 01:51 PM
Oceania? Is that a new country or what? ;)

19th March 2005, 02:06 PM
It is the other name for the Australasia continent

That includes australia, new zealand and the majority of the pacific islands.


Triakis slogan:

"Triakis Never Crash" :wink:

19th March 2005, 02:06 PM
aha. :) thanks, Colin

hm... Go-Teki was from Oceania, too, wasn't it?

19th March 2005, 02:10 PM
Lance, Damon was not involved in the back story for Wipeout Pure, sadly. In other news, I did it.

Triakis from Oceania / Australia - at least that was the original intention... :)
Oh, you couldn't resist having a dig, could you?! ;) :P

Thats the first I've heard of that Col - maybe if somebody, not mentioning your name, had told me they were meant to be Australian I could have worked that into it.

They are kind of a global multinational munitions conglomerate, so their company HQ could be anywhere. I guess Australia is as good a place as any. :)

Colin Berry
19th March 2005, 02:24 PM
The idea of them being Australian was gone long before you wrote the story stuff, so I never mentioned it. I only picked Australia so we could use the aussie colours of green and orange, but then we didnt use them anyway :) so there was no need to give them a base at the time.
I'm happy with whatever you say, you know that !

edit by Lance: Quotation eliminated!

19th March 2005, 02:26 PM
8O :oops:
my mistake. sorry, Rob. credit to you


thank goodness Triakis is not a really dangerous company, like a cigarette maker, for instance. ;) :D

19th March 2005, 03:50 PM
Ah, thanks Col - now I know why they didn't come from anywhere. I can vaguely remember the Australian thing, I think. :)

Lance - it's no big deal - the stuff I done has been mostly trimmed down to fit into excruciatingly small space in the manuals or in those lovely flash websites that marketing departments like to comission. The back story in the US manual is a typical example of what happens when you try to fit three pages into a 100 word summary under a tight deadline... it sucks! ;)

19th March 2005, 03:57 PM
The original story was 3 pages long?

Maybe you could get it as a feature article for wipeoutzone.com, Fox? :)

19th March 2005, 04:00 PM
No kidding, genius.

19th March 2005, 04:05 PM
how could I know that you're just jokin' ;)

Colin Berry
19th March 2005, 04:24 PM
3 pages... You wrote more than that, dont be so modest.

Oh and Lance, sorry that I keep quoting when I shouldnt, I am just used to doing that.. I'll learn :)

19th March 2005, 04:35 PM
You're right - I just looked and it's over 20 pages if you include all the team stuff! 8O

Maybe I meant "3 pages that are any good" - as some of it's pretty ropey now I read back. :oops: :lol:

Sausehuhn - I'll be doing some work on it and it'll probably make the fan fiction portion of the site (which is actually more like the backstory portion of the site, with all Damon's stuff). I doubt I'll be allowed to show any of it until after the Euro release, though, so it could be some time.

19th March 2005, 04:38 PM

Is there a story about every team in the book (in Fusion there was a little story for every team) or at the website (when it's updated*)?

* if we will ever see a new update ;)

19th March 2005, 04:44 PM
Don't know about the Japanese website, but the Euro website will have a 500 character/ 100 word summary for each team when it's launched. Hopefully I'll be able to put the full versions on this site, as the Qirex story alone runs to over 1000 words and, although it's debatable as to whether it's any good or not, it would be a shame if they never seen the light of day. :)

19th March 2005, 04:49 PM
Yeah, how must be the Qirex story, when Tigron still exists? And why the changed the name Qirex into Tigron? And what was going on with AG-5Y5? Why they got the name G-tech? And, the same problem like Qirex's, why there is still G-Tech alive? (if it will be available as a downloadable content - and I think so).
And Icaras, Goteki 45 and Assegai? Were they racing in the second league and now good enough to go back into the 1st?

Many, many question...

19th March 2005, 04:57 PM
And little research on your part.

If you'd read the back story info on the Wipeout Fusion website you'd have answers to quite a few of those. For the time being you'll just have to wait it out until the Euro site is updated.

19th March 2005, 05:10 PM
Yes, I will find there something, but not the answers for the really interesting questions, because these answers I just can get when I know the history of Pure.

But I have to wait, and that's okay. I just still don't like it, that we don't know the launch for europe and that makes me angry. When you're playing the game in the US and all the other people in Japan, I still have to wait.
This get on my nerves!

19th March 2005, 05:21 PM
You can always import Sausehuhn. As far as I'm aware, the PSP is region free for gaming, and ironically, when US units become available again, it may actually become cheaper to import than wait for the European launch.

I can't wait until September for Pure.

19th March 2005, 05:23 PM
nah, I don't want to import. Maybe I want to watch movies with the PSP or other things. No, I won't do that!

Space Cowboy
19th March 2005, 05:25 PM
Dont worry man :) I've got a feeling that our beloved Euro version will be tweaked before launch ironing out those little issues that are present in the current versions.
Remember: The best things come to those who wait ;)

19th March 2005, 05:27 PM
All versions will probably be getting the same tweaks. That's what downloadable content is for. ;)

The best things come to those who wait? I hope so.

I hope the PSP isn't delayed and over-priced in contrast to Japan and America for hardware/software.

Space Cowboy
19th March 2005, 05:28 PM
Hang in there Euro buddy, our time will come.
After all, we invented Wipeout ;)

19th March 2005, 05:32 PM
I'm sorry. :)

I'm just a slightly cynical pseudo-importer. It's impossible to get hold of an import US PSP now online anyway and that will likely be the case for a good few weeks.

But to put the pricing into context... a few weeks ago VG+ were offering US PSPs (non-value pack) for $300 (CAD) on pre-order for £130, and that to me sounded a very good price. Tronix are selling Wipeout Pure right now for shipping at £20 too.

It's amazingly tempting at those prices not to wait.

Space Cowboy
19th March 2005, 05:38 PM
I was seriously thinking about importing one from there too, but I want to play multiplayer with my mates. The price had me seriously interested though, i was half way through the buying process when I thought, NO! just step off and calm down, have some patience. :)

I feel your pain bro.

20th March 2005, 02:52 AM
@ Salt Ultra, seeing as it seems you're the only guy with both the game and a PSP, have you unlocked rapier or phantom yet? If so, how are the bounce and pitch? This worry's still killing me :(

20th March 2005, 03:29 AM
I manged to pick up Pure today for my import

Im pleased to say i love it just as much as wipeout and 2097 :)

20th March 2005, 04:02 AM
Hey there Addertay, welcome to the forum, that's good to hear, cheers :)

20th March 2005, 07:26 AM
Just got it a couple days ago as well. Thanks to Vagrant Logic for forwarding me to this website :)

Hybrid Divide
20th March 2005, 07:54 AM
Welcome to the forums man! :D

20th March 2005, 10:10 AM
15fps!!!! how is that even in the slightest bit slick? :( hope that gets fixed, and i sooo need more money now ;P

"If you are visually impaired or cannot otherwise read this code please contact the Administrator for help." noticed how small that font is compared to the sign up code? LMAO

20th March 2005, 11:36 AM
Even the most cursory glance at the latest posts and topics would reveal that developers of the game have confirmed that the game never dips under 25 fps.

20th March 2005, 12:49 PM
welcome to the 3 new members!

I want to know the european launchday!

20th March 2005, 04:38 PM
have you unlocked rapier or phantom yet? If so, how are the bounce and pitch? This worry's still killing me :(

:oops: as much as it will diminish me in the eyes of my fellow forum members, I am still working on unlocking flash :oops:

So far I have only logged 4 hours total with the game (and most of that has been spent on single races, thank you nifty stats). But I can give you this bit of news. If the bounce keeps increasing between classes like it has between Venom and Vector, then I think it will be ok. Pitch is harder for me to judge right now, so I'll have to wait until I can get deeper in to comment on that.

Either this game is harder, or my skills as a pilot are horrible. I think it is mostly the second (but it does seem like the AI is more skilled).

20th March 2005, 05:08 PM
T-money said in another thread that he thinks this is the hardest Wipeout ever, so... uh... yikes! 8O

20th March 2005, 05:20 PM
It does have a strong difficulty but this is what kept me coming back to the old wipeout. To me the the origonal wipeout and wipeout 2097 had a feel too them and they were less forgiving if you smacked into the walls all the time.. This upset a lot of people and they unfortunately put the game down and i beleve the reason other wipeouts became more forgiving.. For me nothing compares to the feeling of playing wipeout and knowing there is skill involved .. know the turns.. know when to brake .. for me it was very rewarding .. I think Pure is the same way ....i love it

20th March 2005, 05:31 PM
But then 2097 easiest of the PS1 Wipeout games, wasn't it? Especially when it comes to wall contact.

There's also a question I have. How does the PSP stick play in comparison to the Dual Shock one? And how is the D-Pad? That is, how are both working in Pure?


20th March 2005, 05:37 PM
I think the biggest problem could be the small display. I know I fly better when I fly at a big screen, and don't want to know how complecated zone could be...

20th March 2005, 05:41 PM
I have a question about the tracks themselves...

Sol 2 is the one suspended high in the clouds right? Can someone tell me if this track is actually as insanely cool in-game as it sounds. Its actually an idea i had for a track back when fusion was being released. Glad to se they stuck one in!

20th March 2005, 05:54 PM
I'm not sure if it's allowed to link to other forums, but there are further impressions of Pure over at NTSC-uk's first play thread.

20th March 2005, 05:59 PM
Of course, I'll hunt you down like a dog if you link to anothe forum! ;)

Cant think why you wouldn't be allowed - there's quite an obvious line between linking for the greater good and simply whoring a site. I'd like to think we're clever enough here to spot the difference. :)

20th March 2005, 06:03 PM

Alright. ;)

Interest as to if the analogue nub works seem to have been eased. Looks as though it fits the game, although comments the title is like Fusion have me slightly worried, but the person providing the impression has only played Fusion, so it's probably no huge concern.

20th March 2005, 07:31 PM
ODST, that track reminds me just a little of the incredibly cool and difficult LS103, the third prototype track of WO3, which though not in clouds, was apparently suspended in nothing more than air. :D

btw, hi. so you were already a member before... [ghinks]... hm... the only Irish member that comes to mind from the old days was Colin Hehir, but i guess you're not him. :)

oops, had to edit for typos. am drunk at the moment. but that won't last long, dammit, since i have the metabolism of a ''Tasmanian weed whacker.''

21st March 2005, 12:49 AM
How does the PSP stick play in comparison to the Dual Shock one? And how is the D-Pad? That is, how are both working in Pure?


The D-Pad is working very well for me, so well that I have yet to seriously try the nub.

Sol 2 is the one suspended high in the clouds right? Can someone tell me if this track is actually as insanely cool in-game as it sounds. Its actually an idea i had for a track back when fusion was being released. Glad to se they stuck one in!

Yes it is, and yes it is very cool. Except when you get shoved or blown off the parts with no sidewall :x That track is going to own in multiplayer 8)

Dogg Thang
21st March 2005, 06:13 AM
That track actually sounds quite F-Zero to me. Not that there's anything wrong with that but, in the past, I have preferred the more real, less sci-fi tracks of Wipeout. Although I'll always have a soft spot for Firestar. All that red...


21st March 2005, 08:31 AM
One thing I'm not clear of is the downloadable content. Would we be able to download them onto our pc and then transfer it via usb onto the PSP? Somebody please clear this up for me, thanks.

Rapier Racer
21st March 2005, 08:36 AM
I’m not so sure about this track with no sidewall; I can easily see me flying off it a few times in Phantom class, if we do get record tables somewhere for the game I think that little feature is going to cause some trouble.

Also on Fusion if you missed a jump and you fell off the track, I hate that feeling of the ship falling down

21st March 2005, 08:37 AM
also, the game doesnt have the engine trails anymore? :( just been watching a load of ingame vids, and they seem to be missing :(

Dogg Thang
21st March 2005, 08:42 AM
Yeah, I'm not sure I like the idea of no sidewall either but I'll reserve judgement until I play it. Like I said, it sounds very F-Zero and, for me, falling off stuff stopped being fun after Sonic 2. In a way it's like the emphasis on weapons in Fusion, it's missing what Wipeout is about a little - staying on the track shouldn't be a concern, it's racing it well that should count.


21st March 2005, 09:42 AM
seen another movie and they did have trails :S

21st March 2005, 10:06 AM
The gamespot video that shows the zone mode looks flippin fantastic.
I've a feeling this will be what I play most (given the lack of PSP-owners here for the next few months).

I wish I didn't have a stupid project due at the end of this month.
Anticipation + Procrastination = failure :(

21st March 2005, 03:37 PM
One thing I'm not clear of is the downloadable content. Would we be able to download them onto our pc and then transfer it via usb onto the PSP? Somebody please clear this up for me, thanks.

I don't know if there will be a way to download the content via your desktop machine. If you are worring about this due to not having a WiFi network at home, I think you will be able to find a workaround. A person with the update could transfer the content from their PSP to their desktop via USB. Then either email it to you or post it on the web somewhere. Assuming that is ok with the Pure team.

One of the folders that Pure put on to the Memory Stick is a suspicious folder with a download icon :wink: So I'm betting is that is where the content will live.

I’m not so sure about this track with no sidewall...

...I hate that feeling of the ship falling down

There are only a few sections where there is no sidewall. I'm still feeling my way in Flash and I manage to keep it on the track unless someone helps me fall off. The no side way sections are not really a piloting challenge. Check out this screen shot (http://media.psp.ign.com/media/682/682962/img_2564700.html?fromint=1) from IGN. From the line on the track and around the bend there is no sidewall, but that is a pretty easy turn to make.

Watching your ship fall blows, but it gives you time to reflect on your mistakes :)

21st March 2005, 03:56 PM
Is there the wuss wagon?

21st March 2005, 04:08 PM
Nope, teleportation

21st March 2005, 04:39 PM
wouldn't that mean that in the year of FX300, AG ships would already be outmoded as transportation devices? but great for racing entertainment, of course, since you probably can't race in a teleporter

Space Cowboy
21st March 2005, 05:00 PM
lol, Good point :)

21st March 2005, 05:22 PM
ok, silly question but i need to know:

in wipeout 3, when a race starts, there's this cute abstract girl-figure on a billboard doing the "3,2,1,GO!" countdown in a typically Japanese voice. did she make it into Pure? :dizzy

21st March 2005, 05:48 PM
Nope - It's a man saying ready...go...

Salt can you help me?

Rapier Racer
21st March 2005, 06:38 PM
Apparently that’s curly and she’s property of The Designers Republic soooo….

21st March 2005, 07:14 PM
Damn eretsua - thats not a stupid question - thats an excellent question!

Curly Star was probably my very fav thing about Wip3out, which also happens to be my very fav WipEout of them all.

I absolutely adore the way she says 3-2-1 GO!!
Perfectly suited the mood of that game. I know she was DR property, and i really don't want to kick off another DR debate - but i would die happy if they had included her in it.

And don't even get me started about Arial Tetsuo. I've got her face as the logo on my nokia 7650!

22nd March 2005, 12:55 AM
Mobius is right, there is a mans' voice that gives the start commands.

The weapon warnings are female.

22nd March 2005, 08:04 PM
...and I'd just like to say:

I got it!!!


(of course, I don't have a psp to play wo pure on yet.)

One thing I noticed is that the umd is tiny. Much smaller than I though it would be.

23rd March 2005, 02:44 PM
Finally Lik Sang have "Usually ships within 1 to 5 days" under Wipeout Pure, now all i have to do is wait for them to send it out to me, grr hurry.

23rd March 2005, 03:53 PM
Yeah it seems like most zoners have either one or the other :?
I myself have a PSP and am waiting on the game! Nail-biting frustraaation!
Come on Videogamesplus! - BefORE the Weekend pleeease!

/watches the post box anxiously...



24th March 2005, 03:29 PM
In the words of Merry (or was it Pippin?) in reaction to the almighty pint:
"I'm getting one!"

24th March 2005, 04:22 PM
Does somebody has the Japan version of the game too?

>> http://www.playstation.jp/scej/title/wipeout/img/jkt_l.jpg


[Scroll down at the japanese website: http://www.playstation.jp/scej/title/wipeout/ ]

24th March 2005, 04:32 PM
I got it. I got it. I got it.

First Impressions:

Before you get this, keep reminding yourself that this is a handheld system. I had forgotten that briefly and was thus disappointed that it didn't actually look as good as a PS2 game. For a not PS2 game, THAT YOU CAN CARRY AROUND WITH YOU, it looks phenomenal.

I'm still trying to unlock all the stuff in Vector, but so far it's exactly the game everyone's wanted.

I LOVE the analog nub. It's brilliant brilliant brilliant. The tracks are all gorgeous, and, yes, that one track with the 180 is deadly and the sole reason I haven't opened up the classic tracks yet. (Silver in the Beta Tourney.) (I KNOW.)

Zone Mode is gorgeous, amazing, and rather forgiving, all things considered. I've already unlocked the second track.

And I cold love the stat tracking. I hadn't even realized I'd survived a Plasma Blast until it told me.

The machine itself is beyond par. I watched a few minutes of Spidey 2 and was legitimately impressed (although simultaneously distressed that they 2.35 down to 1.85 for no good reason except to keep yokels from saying 'Whut thu dang, thes is a wydescrain so whys I seein' bairs?' BOO TO THAT.)

Anyway. I need to play some more. My eyes are HURTING.

24th March 2005, 05:03 PM
You can survive a Plasma Bolt shot? Now that's interesting news. ;) Maybe they didn't want to make the game too difiicult, with the AI having all the same weapons at you at their disposal and all?


Asche XL
24th March 2005, 05:10 PM
My first impressions were pretty much the same as BenjaminBirdie's, infact we're about the same, status wise, into the game.

The handling, I think, is more like Wipeout 3, than XL, you can't really float over tracks, like in XL were you can float over giant portions as short cuts. But the handling is wayyy improved since fusion. Is there a way to boost at start? Because I couldn't figure out a way to. The music is slick, although you can't change tracks during a race.

So far, this game is incredible even though i'm still on the slowest speed. More info to come.

24th March 2005, 05:11 PM
Re: Plasma

It's similar to Fusion in that respect.

24th March 2005, 05:12 PM
But in the areas which matter (disregarding soundtrack choice) we're talking more along the lines of the earlier Wipeouts right?

Edit: Got mixed up.

24th March 2005, 05:15 PM
The second he says go, accelerate. I've been getting the boost almost all the time. Bet there's a stat for it....

There's not.

24th March 2005, 08:30 PM
Benjamin, could you please go into detail with the Plasma Bolt. Fusion is the one part I never played. :)


24th March 2005, 08:44 PM
Oh, it's nothing huge. Just in Fusion they slightly lowered the devestation level of the Plasma Weapon so that it could actually be survived. The same seems to be true for Pure.

24th March 2005, 08:54 PM
Thanks! Well, even though it's a pitty the almighty Plasma Bolt lost its almightyness ;) I actually think it's a good thing for the overall playability to have no "superweapon" within the arsenal.


24th March 2005, 10:06 PM
I'm truely impressed with Pure, and PSP as well. One interesting thing I have noticed is the effect of gravity. Seems when the tracks lean in towards or during a turn, gravity will pull the ship down towards the wall which would be a realistic thing, so you have to be careful not to turn too much.

Anyone seen that "pirate" looking ship during the demo? Didn't get a really close look but sure looked kool, although it's not really a ship i'd want to fly.

Oh yeah, you have to use shield energy to do the barrel roll. Says so in the manual.

25th March 2005, 06:19 AM
got mines. this game and the psp go hand and hand. the only reason i went out and bought a psp today or even this year is because of pure. no wipeout...no psp. luckilly sony knows their strong points.

26th March 2005, 05:08 AM
Same with me.....one of the biggest reasons I bought a psp is because of Wipeout Pure.

And it was not a bad decision! :lol:

The Boye
29th March 2005, 05:57 AM
that's the VG+ orders hit UK shores. :D

29th March 2005, 05:25 PM
great finally Lik Sang has shipped mine, I'll be getting it by saturday hopefully

29th March 2005, 05:56 PM
guess what.
I got PurE today.

Very mixed emotions initally, but overall I dont like it.
Sorry :cry:

29th March 2005, 06:02 PM
Thats the first negative opinion in the forum, why dont you like it thrusty?

29th March 2005, 06:14 PM
I dont really want to say too much incase it is going to be changed for the european edition. I am quite happy to read Al's opinion beacuse its his localised version. Mine is the US version, therefore not localised for me, so therefore my opinion isn't entirley valid. Buying the GT4 in both japanese and english taught me a lesson about how, with one or two simple tweaks, a game can dramatically change.

Three small noties I have made are:
awful music
very poor touches to the track design (sharp hairpin turns, cutaway sections)
wall scraping physics are the worst I have ever played with.

But as I say, I am only three hours in, just starting the venom ascention league and havent really explored the game yet, so these are very first impressions.

Hey, it took me a good month-or-so to get used to "flash" as a class name, so this is a bit of a newness overload! Bear with me and I'll probably wonder how I lived without it.

1st April 2005, 01:28 PM
Woohoo got it!
Guys this game is so crackin' unbelievable I won't stop shaking for a while now! From the moment you turn the PSP on, it's just pure bliss. Believe me, you can't go wrong with buying a PSP and Pure.

If I was to pick out something in Pure I don't like, it would have to be the soundtrack. There really are some tunes that just don't fit in a w'o'' game...

but that really is all I can critizise about this game (although I have just been playing it for an hour or so, just finished all the vector stuff, now moving on to venom)

1st April 2005, 02:19 PM
My PSP with Pure came today. Amazing screen. Amazing device.

I'm highly impressed. I've been playing Ridge Racer and checking out the sampler first whilst letting it charge up. I'm kind of leaving the best until last to savour the moment for when it arrives.

Tonight, I'm going to gorge my eyes on Pure for quite some time.

2nd April 2005, 02:07 AM
pure is awesome. while i am fairly new to wipeout in terms of how many i've played i cant put this one down. i like most of the soundtrack too, i just turned off all the songs i didn't like.

2nd April 2005, 05:09 AM
Just come off a four hour early morning stint on Pure.

Loving it so far. I'll post a more detailed response later on in the day.

But just to say... it's good to see Wipeout back on top form. Great stuff. :)

Space Cowboy
3rd April 2005, 08:12 AM
Wow! good to see your enjoying your psp Concept :) Did you have to pay any taxes to get it into the UK? How about dead pixels, have you got any?

3rd April 2005, 09:33 AM
Yes. It's a lovely machine, thanks. :)

I have one dead pixel on the lower right side of the screen, but it isn't noticeable on white backgrounds, and barey noticeable at all really. It's something I can more than live with.

I changed from Play-Asia to VG+ last Wednesday (because the former was taking too long to process my order). Three days later and it got here.

I delibrately split my order up to avoid customs, so I've got a 512MB Duo and Lumines (ordered elsewhere) winging their way to me separately from Wipeout Pure and Ridge Racer.

What can I say? It's an utterly fantastic machine, and I can only assume Sony must be taking a heavy loss selling it at the price they are to gain market share/publicity in the handheld market. The difference between the PSP and PS2 for me, is that I can see myself seriously using the PSPs multimedia functions too, such as watching encoded TV shows/listening to MP3s/browsing photos on the move.

As for the games... well WIpeout Pure is amazing. I haven't posted impressions yet, but that's mostly because I haven't been able to get off the game (yes, it's that addictive).

I've already unlocked rapier class, the liverys/zone ship and all the classic/zone tracks bar one. ;)

In terms of presentation, style, gameplay and control, Pure is up there with the best in the series for me. It's game of the year so far, and that's not bad going, when you consider Resident Evil 4 was launched in January. :)

Space Cowboy
3rd April 2005, 09:50 AM
Excellent!r. Did you get the gretsky bundle with your VG+ order? I heard thats all they are doing now.
your comments on wipeout have me :) Its good to hear its making the right impressions.

3rd April 2005, 10:03 AM
Yeah. I ended up ordering the value Gretzky pack when they re-stocked. The PSP wasn't quite the sellout everyone thought it was going to be (still sold 500,000+ units stateside), so they got stock back in earlier than was expected.

Basically, Pure has all the style, grace, speed and atmosphere of 2097 and 3, and its own particular take on the Wipeout universe. Visually, it's beautiful. - a real system seller.

Aesthetically you'd be hard pressed to tell the designer's republic had nothing to do with this game. I'd say stylistically, it combines the best parts of 2097 and 3/Special Edition. Gameplay-wise, the handling is certainly stiffer and less floaty than when the series previously hit its high point, but the air-braking still retains that unmistakable drifting arc, and importantly, it feels like Wipeout when you're controlling craft. The tracks too also vitally feel like Wipeout circuits in terms of their design.

Forget about Fusion. Pure has brought the series back to itself. Hell, I even like the music tracks which some others don't seem to be digging.

LFO, Paul hartnell, Freq Nasty, Photek and in particular Cold Storage (who's Onyx track is spell-binding) are all on good form.

It's just a lovely title that reminds me why I keep gaming, and is also a hopefull sign that fading series can return back to themselves in good condition. I wish more forgotten games/series would do the same as what's been demonstrated here.

Space Cowboy
3rd April 2005, 10:52 AM
*sigh* Im still waiting for mine to arrive from www.Play-Asia.com apparently my est ship date is 11th April! oh no! its not fair making me wait lol :)

3rd April 2005, 12:31 PM
If the order hasn't been shipped, then it's possible to cancel through the order question form on the site. That's what I did.

I was told Play Asia ship fast by people I trust, and I've ordered software from them before and received it quickly and cheaply.

However, it wasn't the case with hardware. If you have to wait a whole two or three weeks for hardware/software that should be in stock, you're perfectly entitled to cancel in my view.

If you're prepared to wait though, then I suppose it doesn't matter.

3rd April 2005, 01:34 PM
Agreement concerning Cold Storage - he rocks and his music is brilliant in the game - will there be more storage tracks???

I encourage pilots to try out all the crafts (as Im sure they're doing) as they seem very different to teach other to me. Personal Fav so far has to be AG-Sys livery mode. Pity the zone ship doesnt have another style.

Curiously I found myself also using Qirex a bit - which I never have in any of the other games. I strongly encourage zoners to get the game so they can enjoy for themselves - there's only so much you can read and you have to get practicing on this one early - so close to unlocking Phantom :twisted:

5th April 2005, 05:40 AM
I cracked, and imported. I used play-asia, and they were fine for me. Cheaper than lik-sang, and it shipped here very fast.

Zero dead pixels, no issues with square or right dpad buttons.

Initial impression: this is a very nice toy ;)
Pure looks very nice, although I've only done a few laps. I got it delivered to me here at work, so I played a bit during my lunch break and that's about it.

The imminent train ride home, however.... :)

5th April 2005, 06:42 PM
I cracked, and imported.

The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it.

6th April 2005, 10:46 AM
Too true.. too true. :)
I'm glad that I did now, though. And if Pure has some sort of local-region-only protection for multiplayer, I'll have no issue buying a local copy when it finally comes out here.

Infact, this would probably be a bonus - Since we get the SCEE release, that would mean that I could play multiplayer (over Kai) with zoners from both america and europe..

8th April 2005, 04:45 PM
I live i Istanbul/Turkey. Here is the story how I got my copy. I ordered it from Play-Asia and they ordered it from their buyer in New York. The package travelled from New York to Hong Kong. From Hong Kong it travelled to Frankfurt. From there it was sent to me-Istanbul- by UPS.

On April 18 I am flying to New York for business. My Wipeout Pure will probably be the only game which would make the world tour! :lol:

8th April 2005, 05:08 PM
to use an old-fashioned, but appropriate, phrase, that is wack! :D

9th April 2005, 09:04 PM
Been a while for me. Since work and looking for a new place takes up more than 12 hours of my day, I don't have the time to post much, if anything at all, these days. What I wanted to say, though, is a few words on Pure.

I got the game yesterday night and so far played for however long one battery charge lasts. The game is absolutely amazing. I am currently playing Flash class tournaments and had a few time trials, free plays and zone runs. The most annyoing thing is that my memory stick hasn't arrived yet. Thank Sony for how The PSPs sleep mode works. I hadn't been able to enjoy the game much without it. ;)

I won't repeat everything that's already been said, but Pure definitely is Wipeout at its best. The races are more challenging than ever, since the AI puts up a good fight and for the first time in WO history actually gives the impression of playing at the same level and by the same rules as yourself. I now very much enjoy driving Vector races. What before has been the most annoying and easy part of the game now is entertaining battling over positions.
Graphics are awesome. The soundtrack is great, too It's not up to WO1 or XL, but much more fitting than 3 or Fusion. And whoever said the Aphex Twin track was lame (or worse) is right on spot ;)
Pitch control: Well, this is not one of the PSone Wipeouts. Pitch control is there but limited. Yet the feeling is right. Or at least it is to me. Regarding this subject and closing this text in generel, I say Pure to me is neither Fusions successor nor a return to the old games. It rather takes the best from all that has come before and merges it into a unique game that stays true to series' spirit.

OK, there's another first thoughts you didn't ask for. Sorry that. ;)


10th April 2005, 03:09 AM
I liked the soundtrack in W3(SE)... whenever Chemical Brothers - Who's Under The Influence? came on I entered into a kind of wipeout-trance.. that thing inspired a bunch of fastest laps. ;)

11th April 2005, 07:24 AM
I cracked and got me a japanese PSP last friday, my favorite game store had imported one and I got it fairly cheap. Now I just need Pure, hopefully the store will have it in today :)

Does anyone know of any good PSP sites for information / software?

11th April 2005, 06:00 PM
GameSpot have a lot of info. Their PSP forum is always buzzing too.

Worth a look if you can put up with all the flaming and DS fanboys. :roll:

13th April 2005, 05:07 PM
I "almost got it" :D, my girlfriend is in Wisconsin and she already bought a PSP and Pure for me :D, she arrives on Friday!.

Are there any "must have" downloads?, like critcal firmware updates and such?, also does anyone know when will downloadable content for NorthAmerican Pure will be available?

13th April 2005, 06:13 PM
ohhh, and super pilot number two's gonna get his copy, just senand left now (if Assayeah's not got it already that is) Anyway Mano, I think there is a topic in general discussion covering what you'll need to download, called something like japanese PSP :wink:

14th April 2005, 02:18 AM
Thanks for the pointer Dimension, i was wondering if i needed the firmware update, but it seems only the Japanese PSPs need it, US PSPs already have that firmaware version, i was kind of wondering if there was another update, but after a bit of research it seems that not.

its a pity we dont have many WiFi hotspots in Perú, gonna try at University (but that must be encrypted), i have a friend that has a WiFi card on his motherboard, i will try it!

Space Cowboy
14th April 2005, 10:20 AM
Well, its been a fun morning. I recieved my PSP, and Im gobsmacked! Its an outstanding piece of kit, brilliant visuals and sound & responsive controls. The only gripe is that i have a strange black mark under the screen facia, not sure what it is but its anoying :evil:

As for Pure..... well, to be blunt.... its f***ing brilliant! This is the wipeout i've been waiting for since WO3. Fantastic track design, brilliant, vibrant graphics, amazing sound effects, excellent ships and a great soundtrack. :) I only wish that we could have had more tracks from Tim, Onyx is definitely my fav track, uplifting, postive, pacey and pure wipeout :D I only hope that we can see more from Tim in the DL content.

Congratulations Studio Liverpool, you have brought Wipeout back from the abyss. Forget the fusty bad memories of Fusion, thats all in the past. The future is Wipeout Pure! :D

16th April 2005, 05:12 PM
OK i finally got it, I had ordered the thing from Lik-Sang before it came out and about 2 and a half weeks ago they said they had sent it out to me but still nothing has come through the door so i went down to the independant games store in my part of town (which sometimes stocks imports) and got a US copy of WOP, i will just sell my Lik Sang copy when it comes.

yeah it's pretty smart for a handheld game alright, the slow down kind of ruined it for me though after playing lots of Ridge Racers. Also whats with the no Downloadable content so far. And all the bumping into the sides of the tracks! i guess I have to get used to the game and then i will be soaring

Rouni Kenshin#1
16th April 2005, 05:27 PM
got it and cant stop.

16th April 2005, 05:45 PM
Yaster: SLOWDOWN!? I'm all the way till Phantom and I haven't noticed any slowdown yet... And for the bumping - that's your fault not the game's :mr-t :D

16th April 2005, 06:21 PM
oh hell yeah, or am i getting it mixed up with all the drops in frame rate?

16th April 2005, 06:46 PM
what the hell you talkin' 'bout!? I haven't experienced any of this! My guess is you're just ranting 'cause you are a RidgeRacers fanboy and suck at wipEout :P :D

Space Cowboy
16th April 2005, 06:50 PM
I have noticed slowdown in pure, especially when there are multiple ships and weapons on screen. Even the reviewers, and devs admit there is slowdown in the game.

16th April 2005, 06:55 PM
I know they said that, and I've read about it on IGN, but I have never experienced it. Maybe I was just too busy racing and didn't notice it, but in that case the slowdown is so minor it don't even matter.

16th April 2005, 07:19 PM
There's plenty of slowdown during Modesto Heights in Phantom, but when it appears on other tracks, it's very brief.

The frame rate loss isn't much of a problem - and the game for the most part seems to run about the same speed as the PAL version of 2097/XL - at about 25-30 fps.

Space Cowboy
16th April 2005, 07:21 PM
I agrre Concept. It doesnt spoil the game.

17th April 2005, 09:11 AM
what the hell you talkin' 'bout!? I haven't experienced any of this! My guess is you're just ranting 'cause you are a RidgeRacers fanboy and suck at wipEout :P :DNot exactly, i have stuck with WO since the PS1s launch where i prefered it over RR and it was WOP that i was most looking forward to before i decided to get a PSP. Also I HAD only played WOP a couple of times so i was only giving my first impressions. I'm not saying WOP is crap cos i keep bashing off the sides of the tracks. I know this isnt a problem in RR cos it's a piss easy game and to be frank i was seriously disapointed with it because of this. After having WOP for almost 24 hours now I am warming to it. So please don't go around calling me a fanboy of anything in the future, because I have been playing games for longer than you have probably been on this planet and I've seen a lot of games and systems to know to jump into bed with any of them

17th April 2005, 09:57 AM
Hey Yaster - I too had Ridge Racers for a while before getting Pure and I understand the framerate issue.

Ridge Racers' 60fps spoils everything. Pure's framerate DOES drop but you get used to it and it's not that bad. Unfortunately I've found myself sticking more to the timetrials than races... whether thats because I want to get all the medals, play against zoner's ghosts, or because of the better framerate Im not sure.

I hope the limiting of the PSP's processor will be removed soon - it would be nice to have higher framerates in the heavy-weapon moments. All that said, pure is a fantastic game and I love it more than Ridge Racers.

Space Cowboy
17th April 2005, 10:05 AM
Well said Yaster, that child needed a good telling off.

17th April 2005, 10:49 AM
didn't mean to get offensive, Yaster, there's just too many idiots out there playing purE for 5 minutes in vector class, sucking at it, and then run around ranting it's slow and boring and whatnot. now I see you clearly aren't one of them, so I apologize.

Oh and by the way, I've been playing since amiga time, you?

17th April 2005, 12:37 PM
Spectrum, yess.

Well i was lucky there. Anyway apology accepted.

17th April 2005, 05:04 PM
spectrum? wow that's way cool. I tried to get my hands on one for quite some time, but I have given up. I do own an old pong game tho.

ahem, sorry, back on topic...

17th April 2005, 06:02 PM
I was always more of a C64 man myself at the time.

System 3. Last Ninja.

Yes, please.

17th April 2005, 08:31 PM
actually i do remember seeing the old pong game in our living room but i never played it so im guessing it wasnt our families seeing as i havent seen it since.

17th April 2005, 09:35 PM
I was always more of a C64 man myself at the time.

System 3. Last Ninja.

Yes, please.

woah - I think I had that game - could you do summersaults and throw shurikens and move through a scrolling 2d level?

C64... hardcore 8)

17th April 2005, 09:53 PM
Last Ninja 1 and 2 were great. The second game featured some of the best use of the SID chip usage ever conceived., and was a fantastic action-adventure title in its own right.

You can find music and information about the games here: http://lastninja.lemon64.com/main.htm

There were plans for a current generation Last Ninja title on the Xbox years ago, but it's gone very quiet now, which probably isn't good news.

I love both the ZX Spectrum and C64... but the latter just had slightly more games that played to my favour,.

17th April 2005, 11:06 PM
Ah - just remember that the game I was thinking of was called Ninja Commando... ah those were the days.

Makes you appreciate what loading times used to be about.

17th April 2005, 11:14 PM

Although one of the benefits of the C64 was that it could play music during the loading. Last Ninja 2 sweetened the wait in particular with the Central Park/Sewer Loader tunes.

And then it promptly crashed. ;)

Those were the days. I can't help but smile a little when I read of people complaining about Pure's loading times a while ago. Ten seconds is nothing.

19th April 2005, 11:05 PM
Well the inland revenue wrote to say I`d been paying too much tax for four years. the amount was slightly more than the price of a new psp and pure - so what else was I to do?

I recommend Pure, and the PSP - both are lovely. I`m not going to say anything else because I think wipers who don`t have it will like it when they get it.... and they will enjoy finding out about it for themselves. :P :wink:

I bought it here: http://secure.sell247.com/svcdigital/product_detail.asp?id=15915969

Not the bestest site to order from, but they do respond to email quickly. its a jap unit, value pack, ships from London so no taxes to UK/EU, delivery free in the UK, except a few remote postcodes. They also told me they would replace the unit if I had any dead pixels. However, it doesn`t say this on the site, they only told me in an email, so you should have all this confirmed for yourself if you want to buy from there. I don`t have any dead pixels anyway. For British people I think SVC is a bit more pricey than lik-sang/play-asia with taxes, but if your PSP is broken you don`t have as far to send it back and find out how good their warranty is. 8O

20th April 2005, 09:42 AM
thanks lunar - it's always good to know where the best deals for europeans are as everyone keeps asking me where they should buy one when they see mine (and I don't know where the best deals are as I bought mine last year).