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View Full Version : PSP an Pure delayed (for sure)

15th March 2005, 11:48 AM
Here's the bad news folks:
Amazon.co.uk, who are more often than not spot on when it comes to release dates, had the PSP and Pure listed to arrive on April 29 - now they are listed for JUNE 24!
it's okay to start crying now, I am, too :cry:

15th March 2005, 11:50 AM
you know what bugs me most about this? that more and more people are gonna turn over to the DS the longer it takes to bring out the PSP! (nobody from this community though... I hope.)

Ally Graham
15th March 2005, 12:10 PM
1 person for sure will not be.

15th March 2005, 12:48 PM
June 24 - that's Midsummer nigh't eve (here in Finland, anyway)!

15th March 2005, 02:37 PM
Yeah - it's a complete screw up on Sony's part to miss Europe like this. I've already read many people's posts around various forums saying that they're switching to DS now.

Only time will tell - but maybe it's a good thing? I for one expected Nintendo to be obliterated but now they'll stick around which will sway the industry of the future but possibly in a good way. Competition is good and Nintendo have made some genius games over the years...

I pity all those forced to go DS though.

15th March 2005, 02:58 PM
well cheap as it is I can totally understand people picking it up, but I just KNOW that as soon as the first wave of more or less creative and innovative games is through, it's gonna be just sequels over sequels of nintendo classics, which I really can't see anymore.
I have played that little Wario touch game at the shop, and actually it is quite a lot of fun, but only for a couple of minutes. ya know, it's just like Eye Toy, it just gets old too fast...

15th March 2005, 02:58 PM
you know what bugs me most about this? that more and more people are gonna turn over to the DS the longer it takes to bring out the PSP! (nobody from this community though... I hope.)

Why? I had hoped to get both, and this now makes it a lot easier to do so. Just because you want a PSP, I don't understand your anti-Nintendo vibe.

It's a big issue for Sony, however - most people tend to buy handhelds so they have something to play on their summer holidays, and the rumours of the launch drifting towards the autumn mean a lot of people who are still either/or are going to go for the one they can buy.

15th March 2005, 03:05 PM
don't get me wrong: I don't have anything against the DS, it's a fun handheld. what I'm afraid of is that MANY people will now get a DS INSTEAD of a PSP because of the delay, which means PSP sells A LOT worse, which is bad for its future because developers won't like to make games for a console that doesn't sell.

Rapier Racer
15th March 2005, 03:21 PM
Well as much I don’t want that to happen Sony kind of deserve it for mucking us around, have Nintendo ever delayed any of their products tot his extent?

Hmm I read in OPS2 that there are planning to have an Eye Toy available for the PSP, how’s that going to work

15th March 2005, 04:34 PM
OK, hands up anyone who seriously thinks that the PSP will do so badly that no-one will make games for it. Although it has a long way to catch up thanks to Sony's complete inability to deal with stock shortages, it is comfortably outselling the DS in Japan now.

If you're going to be concerned about the long-term future of either machine, I'd worry about the DS. It might have just had the biggest opening weekend of any console ever in the UK, but the Gamecube's opening weekend beat the XBox and PS2's as well.

15th March 2005, 05:29 PM
I wouldn't worry to much for the future of either the PSP or the DS, both should do well enough that they will be fully supported with software for a long time to come. If you were going to worry about one of them the DS certainly seems the weaker of the two, not only in hardware but in possible lack of third party support and the effect that a next gen gameboy would have on it's future.

If Sony can get their production sorted the PSP is going to do very very well.

16th March 2005, 12:38 AM

"It's been deferred. We were originally hoping for an end of fiscal year (March 31) launch, but now that's not going to be the case," the Reuters story quotes a Sony spokesman as saying. "It is likely to be a matter of a few months rather than a few weeks -- it's a matter of allocation."