View Full Version : Nintendo DS european lanch TODAY!

11th March 2005, 05:52 AM
Who's gonna get one on day one? :)

Ally Graham
11th March 2005, 06:28 AM
No way bruv!

I'm going to be getting the more grown up console,
The amazing PSP!

11th March 2005, 06:44 AM
same here! 8)

Praeterea censeo autopilotum esse delendam

11th March 2005, 08:41 AM
I'll get one eventually, but I kind of "accidentally" blew my DS budget on an iPod Mini the other week.

Obviously, I'll be getting a PSP at some point too, but I seriously want a DS for Mario, Wario, Mr. Driller, Meteos, Zoo Keeper and Pac 'n' Roll.

11th March 2005, 09:18 AM
oh my god, the DS is gonna FLOP so heavily, it will destroy nintendo's reputation here in europe! I don't see how nintendo can dare bringing out a console with less-than-N64-quallity graphics against a beast like the PSP. instead they should go back to the lab and think about something new...
i kinda feel sorry for nintendo, i bet they developed this handheld and were really proud of it for it's touchscreen and the new possibilities it has, and then sony presented their PSP with all the blazin' graphics and stuff, and nintendo just went 'HOLY SH*T! we're getting pounded - quick let's release it a month before the PSP so people probably won't know about PSP yet!' hehe, yeah RIGHT! :P

Rapier Racer
11th March 2005, 09:27 AM
Nintendo really need some new ideas, Mario Mario Mario, Zelda and I can’t remember the rest, been a while since I played a Nintendo, do we think they will be reduced to software development only in the coming years?

11th March 2005, 09:35 AM
well if their next big console flops too, they will be...

11th March 2005, 10:28 AM
Assegai - I can't recommend you try some Wario Ware, Pikmin or Metroid Prime enough. Outstanding games that aren't just sequels. Two might use characters from previous games, but that is about all that connects them.

eLhabib - I strongly suggest that you (a) look at the sales figures, which show over 4 million DCs sold in the US and Japan already, and (b) calm down. There is a LOT more to gameplay than just how many polys you can push - most of the best games on the DS just wouldn't work on anything else, as they exploit the dual screen, the stylus or both.

But then, other than Pure, the one game I'd want most for the PSP is Lumines, which was bottom of the sales chart on Japanese launch, so I don't speak for everyone.

The Boye
11th March 2005, 11:21 AM
I rate Lumines very highly, it's almost as 'in the zone' as a perfect lap in wip3out on phantom for all the difference in game styles.

Looking forward to Meteos as well.

11th March 2005, 02:48 PM
I wouldnt touch the DS is with a 10foot bargepole

PSP anyday.

11th March 2005, 02:52 PM
I saw a DS today in CEX, and to be honest they look pretty cheap. Also, I haven't seen any games that have appealed to me, and I really don't think I could adapt to using the stylus anyway. I'll stick with the PSP.

11th March 2005, 03:06 PM
They do look a bit plasticy, I suppose, but some of the games being done with the touch screen look great. :)

Not the kind of things I'd play, you understand, but they're innovative in ways that regular consoles just cant compete with - EyeToy aside.

The NintenDogs one just looks like a pant wetter to play - don't know what it is, but faking out dogs by pretending to throw stuff has always made me laugh, so I think I'd quite enjoy that one. :)

I've never been a big Nintendo fan, though - I gave the whole Mario era a miss. At the time I remember thinking "Do I want to be a fat italian plummer or a turbo charged hedgehog with spikey hair? hmmm, probably the latter!"

11th March 2005, 03:13 PM
I saw a DS a few days ago and I also used it! And: yes, it's funny to use this touch screen, but sometimes it does not work correctly (or I had to touch it with more power). I just saw a 2D-Game, so no game that showed the power of the console. Also the screens are a little bit to small; when I see the pictures of the PSP, it's good to know, that the sceen has the size of both screens of the DS.
The touch screens is funny and yes, something new, but you do not really need it and the graphics aren't something special. The design is not as good as the PSP's one and all in all I wouldn't buy it.

And now I'm still waiting for the PSP. I just feel sad, when I think about the release date. In 2 weeks all the people in the USA can play Pure and I'm just sitting here in this little country and waiting for some informations :(

Asche XL
11th March 2005, 03:45 PM
No way bruv!

I'm going to be getting the more grown up console,
The amazing PSP!

Yeah, to me, the DS looks real plastic-cheesy-little kids like. I have no desire to even play it in store or at a mate's house. The games are recycled n64 games and who wants to look at 2 screens at once. Two thumbs down. But, that's just my opinion.

11th March 2005, 04:08 PM
I had a blast a while back in a store on the DS, it was something about the evil mario dude wario and a collection of mini games kinda like the pointless mini games that nobody plays in the GBA sonic games, interesting that Nintendo would make an entire release out of the games people specifically avoid taking part in as much as possible otherwise, very interesting :?

But yeah I always thought they (DS') looked ugly, right from the first time I saw one, at least the design's changed abit... but it still looks all plastic-fantastic, kinda like the remote for a cheap TV :P

Anyway, i'll not be getting one, i've still gotta save up for a PSP, or at least start saving up for a PSP, guess i'd best start on that soon then :)

*edit* and it's a right time to come out, *strain* Must... not... upgrade... to... Reason... 3.0... *strain*

11th March 2005, 05:17 PM
I really hate it when supposedly mature gamers say nintendo systems arn't mature. It's stupid really. It's basically a third piller which does look very interesting. Nintendo did mention they are making a true successor to the GameBoy which would rival the PSP. TBH, I want both :D

11th March 2005, 09:50 PM
Can any one that went to their local game shop, tell me if it looked like the DS launch was a big deal or not there. I'm trying to collect some first hand accounts.

14th March 2005, 10:08 AM
It's a big enough deal that most of the games I'd really like it for (particularly Mr. Driller) have become instant gold-dust.

Like I said though, I'm broke so I'll have to wait.

14th March 2005, 10:12 AM
Yeah, I toyed with buying the thing also, but I haven't got the dosh. As a friend of mine uses to say:

"I'm so poor I can't even pay attention" :roll: