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10th March 2005, 07:39 AM

:? Not exactly glowing, but I'll hope that is up to an early build.

Bob Todd
10th March 2005, 07:45 AM
I hope we can steer with the d-pad instead of the analogue stick. I always use the pad for Wip3out and Fusion, even though they support thumbsticks.

10th March 2005, 07:49 AM
Yeah I'm a D-Pad racer as well. I thought I read here that we could use either contol system.

Hybrid Divide
10th March 2005, 07:52 AM
Yes, from what I've read, you can use the D-Pad too. :D

The Boye
10th March 2005, 08:59 AM
The analogue slider should be very accurate and easy to use, it's an absolute joy with Ridge Racers, the only problem is the angle your thumb will be at using both the slider and the shoulder buttons for braking, after a good 4 hour session your hand will be in agony. You'll only notice the pain when you stop playing though. :D

10th March 2005, 09:12 AM
I thought that would be the case initially, and Colin & the guys implemented an altertative control system to counter any hand cramp. I've found that I only get hand cramps when I'm using the d-pad, but since I mostly use the nub it's not an issue.

If anything I think it's something you'd get used to, whichever control method you use - it's like anything that requires the use of muscles in a different way from normal; over time you adapt. :)

10th March 2005, 09:15 AM
heh, one more reason never to stop playing wipeout;)

10th March 2005, 09:56 AM
Hmmmmmm... Hmmmmmm... I guess I can learn to play with the analogue thingamajig if it's necessary, just have to wait and see on that though, wondering about this framerate thing they're mentioning, I hope it'll not be noticeable :evil: Well I dunno, we'll probably get a much better idea when they give us the full rundown *crosses fingers* :)

10th March 2005, 01:49 PM
Damn, if there's no pitch control again on the flats I will seriously be agitated. There is no reason for the ship to not come off the ground(not just the nose like in fusion) after all the criticism fusion got.

10th March 2005, 01:58 PM
I just looked at the new videos. I don't see any pitch control on the ship. the game looks great though. I really hope the fastest speed actually looks fast, because that was slow as ##. Fusion was fast when you played zone mode, but looked slow as death with any normal race. I hope this is fixed as well. I really hope the programmers read these comments. Another wipeout that doesn't play like wipeout may kill the franchise.

The Boye
10th March 2005, 02:14 PM
I know what you mean about the lack of pitch but I think it's just down to the speed class and the individual playing on the video, maybe they are only using the digital left and right.

Is there anyway we can see a sneak preview of a rapier class race with a decent player at the controls? Foxy? Colin?

10th March 2005, 02:25 PM
I'm pretty sure he's using analog.

I like the sound of on the fly multiplayer tournament creation. That sounds like huge fun, potentially.

The Boye
10th March 2005, 02:31 PM
Yah, I've just watched the 4th video, definitely using the slider. :?

Rapier Racer
10th March 2005, 03:13 PM
Another wipeout that doesn't play like wipeout may kill the franchise.

And you what that would mean, grab your pitchforks and go kill the programmers :evil:

But hey lets not be hasty here

10th March 2005, 06:48 PM
I spent some time trying to use the nub in Ridge Racers and I find it makes me about 1-3 seconds slower per lap than the D-Pad. Who ever said it was an uncomfortable position was right, my hand is not happy. But maybe I will grow to love it.

10th March 2005, 09:17 PM
Im a d-pad pilot but on ridge racers I prefer to use the nub - it's really nice to use - we'll see with wipeout though... I tend to get a bit tough on the turns so I may stick with d-pad. That's an option right?

10th March 2005, 11:29 PM
Looking at Gameplay footage 7 on gamespot, you can see the craft pitching down in places that it would normally not do so if there were no pitch control. This isn't final, but I distinctly remember playing w'o" 2097 for about a week without even knowing that there was pitch control, and so I drove round the tracks with just left and right! :D

11th March 2005, 12:13 AM
that`s a fair point, gbit. I hope you`re right. I took me ages to notice that there was pitch control, I was just too busy going wheeeeeeeeeeeh.....

Shem: I share your fears and hope you`re wrong.

We really need to see a video of someone playing the game well to see what these ships can do.

11th March 2005, 01:47 AM
I really wish i saved some videos of the time when Lance fired up the XL/2097 Phantom Feisar Spilskinanke challenge.... i swear the action was great in Single Race, since Feisar cant outspeed any weapon, preemptive attacks were a top priority, quick dodging the enemies crafts etc....i think if the pilots that participated in this challenge had recorded their races there would be GREAT material for good advertisement.

Like Al has said in another topic, having the game played at top speeds (phantom piranha in XL...:D), with a good player behind the controls, would really generate a lot of hype, otherwise until the target consumers play the game it will just give the impression of a game that only looks and sounds good; they need to show the Wipeout experience!!....

Colin Berry
14th March 2005, 08:52 PM
There is pitch control, we had to temper the amount as it was causing some issues both visually and with the collision and physics. however it is there and it does have an effect.
I personally dont use it much which is why my lap times are generally a little slower than those of a fellow designer who does use it.

14th March 2005, 09:54 PM
Hah! So Wipeout Pure's wipeouty-ness is complete!

It has pitch control!

14th March 2005, 10:05 PM
Sweet, now I might have to consider getting a psp. Colin, whats the deal with a wipeout on the ps2? I badly want to play a console version!!!!!!!!!!

Colin Berry
14th March 2005, 10:20 PM
I'd say there is No chance at all of Pure, or any other Wipeout appearing on the PS2.....


edit by Lance: unnecessary quote of immediately previous post was removed

i hope Colin doesn't ban my possible future ownership of a copy of Wipeout Pure ;)

15th March 2005, 07:39 PM
I'd say there is No chance at all of Pure, or any other Wipeout appearing on the PS2.....Howsabout PS3 8O

15th March 2005, 07:46 PM
That's a gimme!
With the unparalleled success of PurE, there will be lots of pressure to make an equally stunning WipEout to show off the new sony PS3.

Besides, there has to be something to take the hype away from the xbox360....

Space Cowboy
15th March 2005, 08:21 PM
Quoted from IGN GDC preview 'Some of the changes were for the better, but we're still not seeing the return of that free-floating feel promised by the developers after Wipeout Fusion held it all down.'

Hmmm... this makes me worried. Please dont be fusion!

Hybrid Divide
15th March 2005, 08:24 PM
I can't wait... :D

15th March 2005, 09:26 PM
Sven said: ''Howsabout PS3''? [for a release of a Wipeout]
didn't i see a mention somewhere of PS3 being released next year?
after all, there's already a PS2-2. compact enough so that the new model can look big and important by comparison if the compact PS2 were continued in production as the PS1 has been

16th March 2005, 08:47 AM
Besides, there has to be something to take the hype away from the xbox360....

what take the hype away from the console that Microsoft just shove the un-sellable processors into (yes that was how they got rid of the rest of the PII and a fair chunk of the PIII processors that couldn't be shifted because nobody would buy them :P hence why it's the most powerful console out it's a pc in a smaller box) i'v got a pc and don't want another crap imitation thaks i'd much rather have a stable console than something programmed by Microsoft (not that i hacked my copy of windows or anything :roll: )

16th March 2005, 11:42 AM
To be fair to Microsoft, my XBox does a better job with most titles that have been ported to PC than my PC does. Even though my graphics card cost more than my XBox did.

But then, I've not had my XBox crash on me ever, either.

16th March 2005, 12:32 PM
And, to be even more fair, the Xenon, or whatever they call the Xbox2, will be a box full of kick ass PC hardware subsidised by Microsoft.

Of course, I wont be buying one myself because I cant justify owning more than one type of console (I'm ebaying my third PS2 right now (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=8176811097&ssPageName=STRK:MESE:IT) because I cant justify that!), but if Bill Gates wants to help pay for the purchase of a powerful bundle of hardware, it seems a shame for people not to take advantage of it. :)