View Full Version : Now then, I'll make this brief...

Rachel Johnson
9th March 2005, 11:11 AM
I have been known, in the past, to be a terror for posting Artwork and Fanfiction. Some people enjoyed looking at the weird randomness of my mind, but others didn't. (Hence why I'm making this breif o.o )

I was just thinking about my old Wipeout Fusion Fanfic "Wipeout of the Hero" and was wondering whether to re-write it. I wanted to know if any of you 1: thought this was a good idea and 2: would be interested in reading it (if I decide to re-write)

9th March 2005, 12:38 PM
if you rewrite it, do not post it here in the forums, they are not an art repository. provide a link if you wish, but please do not get carried away with posting self-promotional links.

as i recall, you received quite a chilly response last time to your artworks [some of it from me as myself rather than as a moderator]; please bear in mind that the focus of these forums is Wipeout, and secondarily it is videogames in general and music. fanfiction that is sufficiently well-liked is sometimes posted by infoxicated on the main portion of the site, but never here. the forums are for discussion, not publication

Rachel Johnson
10th March 2005, 10:36 AM
I planned on doing just that.

I am not as bad as I used to be you know... I just wanted feedback since, after all, it IS Wipeout related.