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View Full Version : XL/2097 on PSX

6th March 2002, 08:48 PM
this goes out to everyone who owns a copy for the playstation:

if you put the disc into your computer and browse the files, can you point out which ones are the movie files? if so, please say so and which format they have (file extension).

(i want to rip the sound within the movies, but i cant find it in my saturn disc because it is one single wad file; and the pc-version does not have sounds implemented at all in the videos)

7th March 2002, 04:32 AM
make.av - intro


The text stuff FMV's you get when you beat the challenges.

PSMPlay will open them, however, the .av extension isn't on the list, so you'll have to select "all files" and then open them up.
(they're actually just the standard .str files with a different extension, go figure)

7th March 2002, 11:22 AM
cool - thx.

i know the STR files (since wip3out) - so i must have some players for that somewhere around here.

(btw: if someone doesnt care the size of the movies and wants to send them to me i dont have to go out and rent the game :grin: )

(dont need the intro - just the 4 "text" movies)
¯¯¯¯ `^´ A.J `^´ /¯¯¯¯

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: AmigoJack on 2002-03-07 12:23 ]</font>

8th March 2002, 04:40 AM
Well, I have the sound files already ripped, what format would you like them in?

8th March 2002, 11:33 AM
uhh... mp3 please :grin: 160kbps/44khz, preferably encoded by musicmatch jukebox or lame/gogo.

10th March 2002, 04:44 AM
Alright, I have them all encoded.

Do you, by any chance, have WinRar? Because I have them compressed into a .rar file now. It's only 1.86MB as a result, nice and small.

If not, then I'll just give the MP3 files to you directly.

10th March 2002, 05:39 AM
Nevermind that last post, Angelfire wouldn't let me upload it anyway.

So I have them in seperate .zip's, only way I could make it work.

Click here for the Wipeout XL/2097 end MP3's. (http://www.angelfire.com/anime/animotakuworld/ezboard/wip3out/index.htm)

Oh yeah, BTW, I did get your email but couldn't log onto the FTP for whatever reason. No biggie though, this way you can download them whenever you're online, instead of us trying to find some time to make the transfer.

10th March 2002, 10:25 AM
thx - have them.

and because of angelfire: thats the only reason for crypting the W'O''64-mp3s on my little site :grin:

10th March 2002, 04:50 PM
i have an angelfire site that i havent used for a long time; is there a limit on upload size?

11th March 2002, 10:17 AM
not that i know of - at least it allows 8MB files...

11th March 2002, 03:13 PM
great! 8MB is plenty for me. thanks A.J