View Full Version : There are just waaay too many games out now.

Piranha Advancements
5th November 2004, 06:38 PM
This is what I've got since 1st September to now.

- Bloodrayne 2 - 100% completion.

- MK: DA - 100% completion.

- Armored Core: Nexus - Full 100% completion yesterday.

- Phantom Brave - Not started.

- Shin Megaten: Nocturne - Not started

- Star Ocean: Til The End of Time - Completed.225 Battle Trophies.Not going for the useless full 300 BT.

- Pro Evo 4 - Stopped to season 5 with Barca on 5 star.

- X- Men Legends - 100% completion.

- LMA 2005 - Stopped to season 5 with Barca.If I won a league scoring 124 goals and letting in only 12,I'm stopping.

- GTA: San Andreas - Just started. 100% for this will be a *****.

- Bard's Tale - Recent purchase.

And with NFSU,MGS3,Rumble Roses and squillion great X-Mas titles, I will have never get to see the sun again.So long,girlfriend.

6th November 2004, 04:57 AM
Daaaaamn! I honestly don't remember when I last bought a game, let alone when I had too many to play :o

6th November 2004, 10:22 AM
Is Bard's Tale any good? I saw the trailer and it looked a really good laugh.

6th November 2004, 11:52 AM
i want ratchet and clank 3!

Unreal Tournament with cartoon characters it look like!

Piranha Advancements
6th November 2004, 05:53 PM
Yeah, been reading reviews of it on Gamespy for a long time, the humor aspect and Baldur's engine sold me on this.But I've yet to open it.It'll probably be No.3 on the "to-play" list" behind Phantom Brave and Nocturne,unfortunately.

Sigh..I'm probably getting Smackdown vs Raw and maybethat LOTR action RPG.Oh,by the way,I dont know if any of you have seen the MGS3: Snake-eater cinematics yet but seeing The Boss,The Fear, The Sorrow, The End and whatnots..that's soiling stuff.

What about you guys? Sept to December releases is hell.

6th November 2004, 10:31 PM
i want ratchet and clank 3!!

3 8O 8O 8O

We have one and two, to them had completed but not me cos due Wipeout! :oops:

stevie :)

10th November 2004, 10:17 AM
And with NFSU,MGS3,Rumble Roses and squillion great X-Mas titles, I will have never get to see the sun again.So long,girlfriend.

MGS3 has been pushed to March 2005 :(

10th November 2004, 05:22 PM
I've got quite a bit of a list coming up:

Getaway: Black Monday
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
Star Fox 2: Armada
Legend Of Zelda Four Swords Adventures
RollerCoaster Tycoon 3
World Of Warcraft
Half Life 2
Lord of The Rings: Battle For Middle Earth
Black And White 2
TimeSplitters Future Perfect - I might do a guide for this one

That's up until February. Still plenty out now I wouldn't mind getting my hands on. God, my student loan is gonna take a battering...

(BTW, completely off-topic, but has anyone else noticed we have 666 registered users? 8O )

10th November 2004, 06:01 PM
yep. it's been like that for several days. probably some potential new members will avoid joining just to keep the devilish vibe going :D

10th November 2004, 06:17 PM

Piranha Advancements
10th November 2004, 06:39 PM
But I'm not in Europe,Rejj.. so MGS3 will stilll be next week for me!


And dang..I forgot about Getaway: BM.Too many games..too many games! The pants..they are soiling!

10th November 2004, 07:06 PM
(BTW, completely off-topic, but has anyone else noticed we have 666 registered users? 8O )
I just checked the 'Zone home page and it states that we now have 766 members. What happened - a hundred new members joined in one single day?
Edit: nope, the memberlist still has that "human number" of names. Anyway, here's a picture (http://www.kallman.net/misc/766_members.png) snipped out of the home page.

10th November 2004, 07:41 PM
666 who can 'speak' in the forums, and 766 who can enter times in the records tables

12th November 2004, 09:15 AM
WoW is definetly on my list of must-haves, Ive become a MMORPG maniac hehe. The jump to lightspeed space expansion just came for Star Wars galaxies so Ive been playing that _a lot_ lately, havent had time to unlock stuff in San Andreas.

And Im very suprised no one has mentioned halo 2 here :D

Im picking up my limited edition copy of that game tonigth!

12th November 2004, 03:23 PM
San Andreas? have you become divine? or merely faulty? ;)

Piranha Advancements
12th November 2004, 05:44 PM
You need to be initiated Lance.SA had me sleepless nights.

As for Halo 2...I dunno,I just couldn't get into Master Chief.I could only play FPS-es like Medal of Honor or Timesplitters anyways.

12th November 2004, 07:30 PM
it was two puns; Wamdue's real first name is Andreas, and 'San', as you already know, means 'holy'. note also the San Andreas Fault, the major geological feature of California, responsible for its earthquakes

13th November 2004, 04:44 PM
:? - im not gonna comment on that

Timesplitters Future perfect looks great so far - i just hope that Monkey is disabled from online play because he is too small and fast to hit. So campers / Spawners / Sammers / Cheaters will love to use that character... :evil:

Anyone else agree :?:

Piranha Advancements
13th November 2004, 06:08 PM
...okay..that has to be the mother of in-jokes..

Yeah,hated that monkey in TS2 and trying for Gold timing.Hate the monkeys.

13th November 2004, 07:25 PM
I had to put up with several people spamming the hell out of Monkey and Robofish in multiplayer. Easy way to fix that is to challenge them to a game with only rocket launchers or homing launchers. Great fun and size doesn't matter! :wink: I know what you mean about those monkey challenges as well. Took me ages to even be able to do them, but walked out with three platinums in the end.

I played a level of Future Perfect at GameStars, and it's looking really good. If you remember how there wasn't really much of an aim in single player in TS2, where you got a brief introduction to the level and were then thrown straight into it with no more reference to the story, it's all changed in the new one. You play as Cortez all the way through and fight alongside the characters for that time period. You can interact with them throughout the level as well. Works really well as it goes.

14th November 2004, 04:38 PM
:? - im not gonna comment on that

Timesplitters Future perfect looks great so far - i just hope that Monkey is disabled from online play because he is too small and fast to hit. So campers / Spawners / Sammers / Cheaters will love to use that character... :evil:

Anyone else agree :?:
Yeah, agreed - I think the monkey fascination was an in-joke that only the folks at Free Radical found funny, 'cos I'm proud of the fact that my TimeSplitters 2 stats indicate that I have never played with the character! :)

I am so looking forward to TS3 - Socom II kept me going for a while, but it's so primitive and quirky compared to TS2 that I just ended up getting annoyed with more than I was enjoying it.

15th November 2004, 12:55 AM
metroid prime 2 demands to be bought! im looking forward to gettin wipeout fusion again, once i can afford my shiny new ps two. has anyone got one of these?what r they like?