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View Full Version : F-Zero: MINIMUM Velocity

Hyper Shadow
5th March 2002, 01:38 PM
I just picked up a Game Boy Advance and a copy of F-Zero for £60 the other day (I simply have to have the new sonic game thats coming out) and I must say that anyone who compares this game (which is the carbon copy of the original SNES version) with Fusion is greatly disillusioned.
For a start, the 'hover' ships feel more like cars, they don't even lean on the corners for heavens sake, it is quite slow and the tracks are flat and boring.
Sheesh, I'll just have to wait for Sonic now......

5th March 2002, 02:17 PM
the previews on Sonic Advance have been very positive, and the screenpics i've seen look really good. it's making me wish i had a GBA

5th March 2002, 02:55 PM
F-Zero Advance is a good game, but you can´t compare it with Fusion. If you want good racing on the GBA you should go for Mario Kart. Not very futuristic, but very, _very_ addictive.

Hyper Shadow
5th March 2002, 04:21 PM
It is comparable with fusion, in much the same way Sonic is compared with Mario. They are both different takes of the same genre.
The whole point of this post anyway was to slam the accusation that Fusion was more of a next-gen F-Zero than WipEout.

5th March 2002, 08:02 PM
but.. isnt F-Zero:Advance a remake of the very old 16bit game? cause then its 2 consoles between fusion and F-Zero.. although never liked the f-zero games.. the ship look geeky.

Hyper Shadow
5th March 2002, 09:04 PM
It IS the geeky 16-bit game. But having owned both games (F-Zero X on N64 aswell) I can testify that they are nothing alike.

5th March 2002, 11:47 PM
I was going to buy a gb advance for this game. All I hoped for was that it would be like the super nes system. Well it looks like it, but plays like it's on ice, much much worse. All you do is constantly take your hand off the accelerator and use the brake.

6th March 2002, 07:02 AM
The game is pretty simple compared to wipEout, but still good.
Though, when all races are completed in Gold, there's not much of a challenge to keep the game interesting, unless you can play multiplayer.

6th March 2002, 08:38 PM
ah yeah... whoever thought of that SONIC would jump over one day from sega to nintendo...


6th March 2002, 09:57 PM
heh yeah..

speaking of GBA, for anyone whos a Starwing FX / Starfox lover, theres a similar fx´sh game coming for GBA, with 360 free flying in 3d worlds. Looks like STarwing FX, and hopefully feels like it.

6th March 2002, 10:35 PM
FriendigoJack: Sonic has already been in a Nintendo machine a few years ago.
The game was called Sonic, and was just the first Sonic game ported to SNES/SFamicom.

6th March 2002, 11:11 PM

but not legally/originally?! the only thing i know is that SONIC had his own game on a neogeo (and this game was really good!).

7th March 2002, 04:55 AM
LOL, that reminds me of that old illegal "Sario" game they sold in Asia, where some dude morphed a Sonic game and a Mario game together.

7th March 2002, 06:29 AM
aj: hmmm perhaps it was not legal, and in fact I think it really is not legal. But I know they did it. Everyone can download it on emulation to see it (not for more than 24hours btw)

7th March 2002, 11:15 AM
(grrr... that "no-more-than-24h"-thing has really done it that popular...)

due to emulation and available roms i just was able to play SONIC for neogeo, the true SONIC arcade game, the SONIC crackers beta (which turned out knuckles chaotix for 32x)...

and ive met hoaxes too. one was for the old gameboy. someone fixed all character graphics into SONICs one. i think the game was called "Sonic 6" and originally "Speedy Gonzales".

(aaaaaaaand: did you know that there exists a rom for sega mega drive/genesis which contains duke nukem 3d??? this is really odd!)

7th March 2002, 03:02 PM
i was reading in the history of sega game machines that duke nukem was available for machines of that era, but i don't know if it was 3d or not.

7th March 2002, 11:25 PM
I bet it may be Duke Nukem 1 or 2, but if even it there exists a Duke Nukem 3D it would not really be in 3D I think.

8th March 2002, 11:30 AM
of course it was no "official" rom image, but there exists such a real 3D one. nevertheless are the graphics so poor like the ones when you played "battle frenzy"...

12th March 2002, 09:34 PM
I was under the impression that F-Zero was suppost to be some kind of WipEout clone before I played it.
I didn't even notice the things hovered. I thought they were hover crafts before I played it then I thought they were cars after I played it.

It wasn't a bad game but it certainly isn't anything like WO...