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View Full Version : where are the ships?

4th July 2004, 10:47 PM
hey guys, i'm new here *waves*

i recently got my PS workin again so i whipped out all the old games. i'd forgotten how much i loved the wipeout series. i have wipeout xl and wipeout 3. i was reading through the literature included with my wipeout 3 game and it mentions that there are supposed to be 8 circuits and 8 ships to choose from, but when i play there are only 4 circuits and only the 4 basic ships from the old game to choose from. is there some special mode i have to be in to access the other courses and ships or what?? i'm confused

4th July 2004, 11:38 PM
Welcome to the board, x:StartiKa:x.
As for the ships, well, you'll have to win (single) races to unlock the second half of that 8 ships and 8 (standard) tracks. Standard because, yes, there is more...:)

5th July 2004, 03:20 AM
ah, i figured it was something like that. i was playing the tournaments to see if more ships and levels would appear after winning the races, but not single races. thanks!!!

8th July 2004, 12:19 PM
And how do you unlock the ships?

8th July 2004, 12:24 PM
The same way: Win with all four crafts on one track and see what happens... :)

8th July 2004, 01:29 PM
Oh. that will take a while :)

8th July 2004, 06:56 PM
it isn't necessary to win with all ships on all tracks, while it's true that in the early stages it takes an occasional gold to win a ship, eventually all tracks and all ships will be unlocked by simply getting a medal of any colour on all tracks. you need only win a medal with one ship per track per class. when you have done that in each class, you will win the prototype track for that class. when you've done that in the first three classes, you will win not just the prototype, but also earn the right to race Phantom class

Rapier Racer
8th July 2004, 10:06 PM
Phantom class eh? I'll never see that I don't think, unless i practice some more, but when you put it like that it sounds like more of a task than something fun.

8th July 2004, 10:24 PM
oops. i just noticed that while this topic is posted in special edition, StartiKa, you did not mention if your game is SE or just the standard. if it is SE, then in addition to those eight WO3 tracks, there are another eight tracks available from the first two versions of Wipeout. 3 from WO1 and 5 from WO2

9th July 2004, 02:04 AM
Lance, you're American. Stop it.

9th July 2004, 06:44 AM
really? [takes off his clothes to check] oh, wait, that's the test to see if you're Jewish. Oh, hell! i Am Jewish. man, i am gonna have to go buy a yarmulke. and.. where's the phone book? there's gotta be a Temple around this town somewhere...
no... wait... i forgot that's not exclusive; there are other factors. whoo. i am relieved. getting your life turned upside down so quickly would be upsetting

26th April 2007, 08:57 PM
*sigh* Lance, your sarcasm and humor are very obscure:redface: that's why all I can do is laugh.:p

27th April 2007, 02:17 PM
It might seem a like a chore at first startika but it's well worth it to practice that much! Phantom is scary fun when you manage to make a perfect lap:D
Welcome to wozone.

(Lance an american??I always thought perhaps his wacky hilarious sarcasm was some hint he was an ex-KGB who made his way south to Florida through Canada's porous border, making stops at Yuk-Yuks and miscellaneous Wipeout seminars along the way...:rolleyes: Imagine the above post in a heavy Russian accent:blarg )

27th April 2007, 07:08 PM
*sigh* Lance, your sarcasm and humor are very obscure:redface: that's why all I can do is laugh.:p

But people have had almost 3 years to analyse and understand that post. It was just a bit of silliness concerning a well-known characteristic of Jewish men.

Imagine what Joel/science would have said had I been using 'whilst' instead of 'while' in those posts. :D
BTW, Joel is the guy who gave me a neGcon just about the same time as Foxxy started the 2097/XL tables. Which is why I all of a sudden put up a lot of times for the XL Qirex. siiigh.. I've not piloted that ship for a very long time, and some people have beaten some of my times. I'm really depressed about it. ;)

28th April 2007, 03:11 PM
Good thing I always check the date of the thread before posting...:frown:

Words aren't meant to be eaten, but drunk down quickly.

28th April 2007, 05:17 PM
Speakers of words are meant to be drunk. :D

28th April 2007, 07:00 PM
:beer :clap

9th May 2007, 03:05 AM
Phantom class eh? I'll never see that I don't think, unless i practice some more, but when you put it like that it sounds like more of a task than something fun.

That's what I thought at first but nothing feels better in this game than hitting each turn with such precision you'de think you were Anakin in a podrace.

EDIT1: And what's this Negcon business all about. I know it's a controller but does it really affect gameplay enough to be worth buying?

EDIT2: Also, is WO3:SE worth buying over regular WO3 If I already have regular 3?

9th May 2007, 07:55 AM
Yes 3SE is definitely worth getting for the extra tracks. It`s a whole extra game compared to 3, and has different physics that are worth experiencing if you like to fly in Wipeout. :bat It`s not hard to find on ebay.

Even more importantly YES get a Negcon. It doesn`t just affect gameplay, it makes Wipeout a new game.

9th May 2007, 06:40 PM
(Lance an american??I always thought perhaps his wacky hilarious sarcasm was some hint he was an ex-KGB who made his way south to Florida through Canada's porous border, making stops at Yuk-Yuks and miscellaneous Wipeout seminars along the way...:rolleyes: Imagine the above post in a heavy Russian accent:blarg )

No....just no.

3 SE is EU only right?

9th May 2007, 10:38 PM
PAL only, so most Euros and Australians can play it on their old standard TVs, but we NorthandSouth Americans have to resort to more extreme measures.