View Full Version : So many new threads!

2nd July 2004, 08:07 PM
Hi again... This is gonna take a bloody age to read through :)

And whats this about Wipeout Pure?!

*searches for a thread with news about it*

2nd July 2004, 10:37 PM
Hey Long time no see Confusion!!

Yeah there is a new Wipeout Pure but not ready yet and you can see through PSP forum!.

Also we are having a fun competition to each other over Wipeouts!!.

BTW have you played wipeouts lately?

stin :D

3rd July 2004, 06:40 PM
Not recently tbh. Fusion was a bit easy and got quite stale. Bit disappointing. So i've been busy fragging stuff in UT2004 Instagib :P

3rd July 2004, 07:32 PM
Ah... the old Instant Giblets mode...! :)

Used to love that when I worked in my previous job - there would be five or six of us playing Unreal Tournament instagib each and every lunch time - right up until the department was shut down due to redundancies. :)

Haven't played UT 2004 yet - everyone at my current job plays Battlefield Vietnam at lunchtime, but I got bored of it within a couple of weeks.

3rd July 2004, 07:46 PM
InstaGib. Brings back memories. :) I used to play on the smallest map I could find (one of the original ones), with as many AI food as were possible, at highest game speed (what was it called?) for about an hour or so. After that NOTHING bothered my any more. Hooks you up much better than drugs or girls. ;-)

11th July 2004, 05:58 PM
Instagib... so much more fun and less infuriating than Normal Weapons 8)

Though getting a Multi kill with a Shock combo is nice too :D

11th July 2004, 07:19 PM
Hell yeah. But dominating in InstaGib mode is one of my personal most satisfying game experiences ever. :) Dows anyone know how UT2K3 and 2K4 play in comparison to the original?