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26th February 2004, 11:54 PM
Anyone get any injuries playing wipeout?
yesterday my thumb was swollen to twice the size of the other after a 9 hour session(normally I play 2 hours three times a week or so, but have this week off due to a school holiday). Anyway, It still hurts some today. I guess list your own injuries playing games and the circustances around it.

27th February 2004, 01:47 AM
Well in the last three days of play on WipEout 3 weapons challenge# 7 Terminal about 50 trys in all My hands are a lil hurting. Lets Be Friends & Race On Folks !!!

27th February 2004, 03:00 PM
Well, playing Wipeout causes only wrist injuries to me.....unlike Street Fighter Alpha 3!
Once I get frustrated playing this game, it is best to stay away from me (I was fighting Sagat for 30 min, loosing all the time, I got so angry about it, that I kicked the furniture with my foot breaking two fingers..).
Other injuries are strictly Flying-Dual-Shock incidents, so I'm okay, but the pad's not...
I try to play W'O series only since then.

27th February 2004, 03:46 PM
yeah ive had injuries. its always my left thumb, the d-pad is harsh and unforgiving compared to the nice soft buttons on the right.

cool lover
27th February 2004, 09:24 PM
only injuries i`ve had is when i beat stin in a race :lol:

cool lover 8)

27th February 2004, 11:07 PM
Good one, cool lover :lol:

i've also had injuries in the past when you want to play wipeout but you can't due to a massive absorption of alcohol... :oops: Cheers

28th February 2004, 06:51 AM
Anyone get any injuries playing wipeout?
yesterday my thumb was swollen to twice the size of the other after a 9 hour session(normally I play 2 hours three times a week or so, but have this week off due to a school holiday). Anyway, It still hurts some today. I guess list your own injuries playing games and the circustances around it.

9HOURS!!!! :o :o

I used to have injuries few years ago now I don`t due my golf reasons so I had been practicing for a while and started to get the hang of it. Simple task was relax your muscles and don`t press too hard. :)

stin :)

crazy legs
28th February 2004, 02:04 PM
my brother could become a star qb'
he still (after 12y) keeps on loosin' in every game we play and it always results in me getting something in the head... since wipeout fusion he's thrown the controller in my head fifteen times (until he stopped playin' against me)
bumps and bruises.... + every one has had a sore thumb sometime?

28th February 2004, 03:05 PM
Not personal injuries, but I've wrecked quite a bit of equipment from playing games. I destroyed a Dual Shock after a particularly unsuccessful zone session, leaving quite a large crack in the wall in the process. I also smashed a keyboard space bar while playing Diablo 2. Nearly broke my finger in the process... :lol: I must admit though that I've caned my eyes up a few times while playing zone.

2nd March 2004, 09:02 PM
Hi Hellfire, hope you`re well. My worst "injury" is from zone: a stabbing pain in my right eye, something like having a hot needle pressed into my retina (I imagine). I think it may have been the result of going too long without blinking.

Apart from that, thumb-cramp from pushing x for several hours while playing F12003. It went away eventually, either because I got stronger or the button got softer. Most recently, getting the letter B printed in my thumb after a couple of hours with my negcon.

7th March 2004, 01:54 PM
Well, I never crashed any of my controllers into tables, walls, you name it. The only annoying thing about playing WO and some other games is that my thumb starts hurting a lot after I haven't been playing for some time. Anyway, I take it like a man and go on and on and on. ;)


7th March 2004, 05:46 PM
usually im not holding the d-pad down long enough to hurt my thumb but if i get really involved sometimes i will press the d-pad too hard and then my thumb will hurt. this is usually around the 2-3 hour mark if i notice. ill stop playing ater about 5 hours because by that point the pain is unbearable but most of the time i never reach that with wipeout because i get a record time before then. when i use analog controllers i dont have this problem.

13th March 2004, 08:14 AM
I'm new here and all, but are you guys playing the game on the easy mode or what?! Come on, I have gashes on a single FINGER that's worse than all that.

Why just today, road rash underneath the extensive bandages, and even on my knee it still bled through a bit. 6 stitches to my right elbow to hold the skin together, a sprained left ankle, and a very banged up and roadrashed right knee:



13th March 2004, 04:02 PM
lol. nah, man. we've just played the game so long that we've got calluses EVerywhere. it takes a lot to get damaged once you've achieved that state.

but anyway, hiya leaf, welcome to the forums

14th March 2004, 02:41 PM

ive seized up playing wipeout before. after a few hours of sitting hunched in front of the screen i decided to go get a drink and found i was walking around like steptoe!

ive also come away from the screen with 8 days of eyelid twitching. not painful but a very strange experience.

can anyone relate to the frustration of not being able to play because of streaming eyes?

now that i have my neGcon back all i have to contend with is the paranoia of getting rsi (http://encyclopedia.com/html/r1/repetit.asp).


14th March 2004, 10:34 PM
Recently a big wipeout injury happend to me : when Stin decided to hide the Negcon. I was obliged by him to take his ' normal F... :evil: Bast..d D-pad Controller :evil: :evil: '
Don't wanna make any comments on the result.... :-?

15th March 2004, 02:25 AM
I'd have to do the same thing :D

3rd November 2010, 12:30 PM
yep left thumb blistared so badley theres still a hole there 4wks on,7 hours anight every night on wipeout eliminater online,The lads have said take abreak your pushing yourself to far, in one ear out the other,i love extreme eliminater i play till i cant feel my thumbs,only now my left hand in bandages but im still out there night after night,By day im full time mum by night im 1 of the lads hahaha

you guys are so soft,"GIRLY GAMER MUM" here bandaged hand an still out there pushing to the EXTREME when i leave my hands are numb only reason im going is cause i cant pick up the pad im "SHELL KILLER NEWBIE" for weeks the other players were convinced i must be a guy ,what a shock they got hahaha

DJ Techno
3rd November 2010, 08:36 PM
Anyone get any injuries playing wipeout?
yesterday my thumb was swollen to twice the size of the other after a 9 hour session(normally I play 2 hours three times a week or so, but have this week off due to a school holiday). Anyway, It still hurts some today. I guess list your own injuries playing games and the circustances around it.

I told u

One day the negcon or psp
Will get you.

And now you speakout.

Well my issue is. Probably anger issues.

I broke the ps3 controller.

Because online. My side shift, speed, and feel of the vehicles pissed me off.

Adjust my settings 6 times. And icarus felt heavier than a slab of concrete.

shell... your what then. Really what.
A mummy who's got skills

3rd November 2010, 09:00 PM
I would dare say his thumb is a bit better now Techno, it has been over 6 years ;)

4th November 2010, 01:38 AM
no! it is still swollen!! lol Actually, funny thing is, my thumb hurts right now, and I have not played alot over the last two days. Maybe it's tendinitis of the thumb, and I will have to retire early. I forgot about this thread a long time ago. Arnaud, you should try to master that dpad, don't worry about the negcon, it is an inferior controller anyway :)

5th November 2010, 03:09 PM
I've actually injured my thumb with the default setup on Wipeout HD. I used to press X (accelerate) with the middle of my thumb and it started developing a blister/bump after many hours of play. I used the tip of my thumb to press the fire button (square) and sort of 'rolled' my thumb to the right a little to absorb (cricle).

But then I switched to this setup:

Square: Accelerate
X: Fire
Triangle: Absorb
Circle: Camera

Pressing a button for extended periods of time is far more comfortable with the tip/flat end of your thumb. No more problems. ;)

Oryx Crake
5th November 2010, 03:30 PM
as with everyone else the left thumb feels leathery and numb, though my desk chair is the biggest casualty...
My controller has a loose piece of plastic in it which sometimes gets stuck in the right airbrake mechanism (which also makes the r2 button stick in active mode) which sometimes, when it happens in important races make me slam my fist into the armrest.
This has led to the right armrest, which is adjustable, being unable to support the weight of my arm.

it's sad.

18th December 2010, 08:23 PM
Carpal tunnel (not necessarily Wipeout related) grounded my negcon use. I finally picked up a PS3, however. Using the Dual Shock 3 to play HD isn't as troublesome so I may pick the series up again. :cowboy

5th January 2011, 04:14 PM
Hmm, I may have a problem. A few days ago I woke up and I had no feeling in the index finger and thumb of my left hand. Assuming I'd slept funnily I ignored it. When it was still like this an hour later I realised something was wrong. It faded somewhat over the next day or two but still wasn't right.

Anyway last night I was trying to beat my zone score on TDR, and when I hit the D-pad with my thumb a shooting pain went up my thumb and across the back of my hand. I think it's safe to assume that the numbness in my hand is from playing Wipeout, I reckon I've been stabbing the D-Pad with my thumb too hard and damaged a nerve. The couple of days that it healed I had no PS3 controller and so couldn't play.

Whilst this will surely heal if I lay off it for a bit, I'm gutted that I may have to stop playing Wipeout for this to happen. Either that or somehow learn to use the analogue stick, which is so alien to me it would be lke starting all over again. :|

5th January 2011, 05:40 PM
Colonel, that sounds very much like carpal tunnel syndrome. It can go off on it's own if you don't do things that make it worse (depends on the cause of it), but if it gets to the point where it's causing pain or you start dropping things in everyday life, see a doctor. There's a minor operation they can do to prevent it.

5th January 2011, 07:27 PM
Its probably been posted before and you probably all know it but... keeping your wrists completely straight can often help prevent carpal tunnel, i also remember reading a music book that said keeping your back straight helps massively too , as stress from poor posture can transfer to your wrists when you play (seems weird but its all connected i guess?).

probably best just not to play though if you can resist ;)

Oryx Crake
6th January 2011, 03:25 AM
Pretty uch exactly My problem there though in almost exclusivly d-pad. Which means leathery skin on the top of the left thumb.

6th January 2011, 04:08 AM
I used to press X (accelerate) with the middle of my thumb and it started developing a blister/bump after many hours of play. I used the tip of my thumb to press the fire button (square) and sort of 'rolled' my thumb to the right a little to absorb (cricle).

I always use the join/bend of my thumb on the X button and the middle of my thumb hovers over the square for quick fire! i never have any problems with this method.
i used to work at a supermarket lifting boxes and stuff, 50% of the people were having Carpal tunnel problems and they all had 5-6 weeks off work PAID!! so if you get sick pay...:twisted :g

6th January 2011, 07:16 AM
I've actually injured my thumb with the default setup on Wipeout HD. I used to press X (accelerate) with the middle of my thumb and it started developing a blister/bump after many hours of play. I used the tip of my thumb to press the fire button (square) and sort of 'rolled' my thumb to the right a little to absorb (cricle).

But then I switched to this setup:

Square: Accelerate
X: Fire
Triangle: Absorb
Circle: Camera

Pressing a button for extended periods of time is far more comfortable with the tip/flat end of your thumb. No more problems. ;)

Hey, same for me!
When a started to play wipeout on PSP, I had terrible pain in the right hand at the beginning. I switched to Square for Thrust and it was gone! ;)
So, when I got a ps3, I immediately change the conf to get the same :)

6th January 2011, 08:36 PM
I have the same little bump from pressing X with the crease of my thumb. Mine disappears after I stop for a while though and doesn't come back unless I play intensely after that.

I highly recommend everyone to practise with analogue stick. I'm on my fourth controller and am sure the d-pads get gradually stiffer. They're a bit dangerous in this game because you really have to have a tight grip. I played far too intensively myself at times and it caused me some minor pain at times.

Now I play less often and with stick if I can. I'm not as good with it but with practice I've had a couple of very good results on tracks that I didn't previously know too well. You don't even have to switch to it permanently. Just using it to warm up is good to use the muscles slightly differently, and it can help you improve with d-pad too, because it forces you to think about your lines more. It's like seeing the track from a different perspective.

6th January 2011, 11:08 PM
hahaha a wipeout injury thread..

maybe i should start a nurse jasmin thread where i can give medical advice on appropriate treatment to wipeout related injuries and ensure the good health of all players :p

i hope everyones fingers get better

6th January 2011, 11:53 PM
The last time I got a Wipeout injury, is that my index finger suddenly went stiff and I had a hard time flexing it until I'm able to bend it again.

6th January 2011, 11:55 PM
nurse jasmin says.......:p

Emmmm..I see perhaps you should lay down on the couch and tell me about your mother.....

take 2 paracetomol and a pack of peas and your be fine..

im signing off of wipeout for a week i hope this helps get u better :p

7th January 2011, 01:35 AM
Lawls that's funny xD

But yeah, I do feel fine when I was playing Wipeout earlier today, no problems whatsoever. :P

8th January 2011, 02:18 PM
I'm sure this must be the Need a good laugh thread, because I'm still laughing at the Freudian treatment of sore fingers and carpal tunnel...

DJ Techno
9th January 2011, 12:18 AM
does almost breaking a pinky finger count

after you slammed the controller into the counter table 15 times on the bottom

ten times on the top area where the l/r buttons are

and 13 times on the joy stick buttoms?

9th January 2011, 02:19 AM
lol, why slam your controller so many times? were you trying to break it? your lucky it was just your pinky lol!

DJ Techno
12th January 2011, 02:12 AM
side shift aggravation

when using each ship and doing side shift

and not getting the side shifting at straight aways, turns, down and up hills, and then adjusting the brake sensitivity from 10 percent to 30 percent and fifty percent.

and still not one side shift

except when i get damaged. then all of a damn sudden the side shift wants to work. quick and fine.

you want to see the condition of the controller

its broken in half right right now. with a long crack in the middle case.

but guess what!

it will still play!

12th January 2011, 09:08 AM
Is it an original Sixaxis controller of a newer DualShock one DJT?
I prefer the old Sixaxis ones myself, they seem more responsive even though they have been given a severe workout over many years.
Better build quality and QC from the factory I think.


I missed this bit of your post.

and not getting the side shifting at straight aways, turns, down and up hills, and then adjusting the brake sensitivity from 10 percent to 30 percent and fifty percent.

It's been said many times before.
If you drop your air-brake sensitivity below 50% it's basically a Rodeo ride.

Side shifting working, is based on the ratio of the sensitivity percentage the air-brakes are set to.

So the lower % Percentage you have your air-brakes set at, the less chance that an attempted side-shift will work.
You can't have it all.

Sorry buddy, I feel for you

DJ Techno
13th January 2011, 07:41 AM
dont worry!

i've broke three controllers.. :)

in two and a half months.

its all good. all three of them didn't cost me a thing... when u still have the receipt!

saves burning my wallet too.

17th January 2011, 05:01 PM
lol..i just remembered a wipeout injury i had..well kind off..

i was doing bad in a race and got angry and threw my controller at my bf cos he was annoying me whilst i was trying to concentrate..thats a thrid party wipeout injury..

luckily the controller was undamaged so no harm done :p

17th January 2011, 05:08 PM
LMAO! your controller is fine but your BF is not!!!!:clap


19th January 2011, 03:34 AM
"warning, mines"..."warning, controller" :lol

19th January 2011, 07:17 AM
Haha, you chucked your controller at your boyfriend? That's ace.