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View Full Version : to Jay and George: new times

18th February 2004, 01:52 AM
i've posted some new times in vector and venom classes in both time trial and single race for Talon's reach and Phenitia Park. there are a few of them that you might want to do something about. :)

18th February 2004, 07:10 AM
Woo hoo! A reason for me to race Phenitia Park again. :D

It's going to take some work to beat that Vector TT time of yours, but this is definitely some work I look forward to. ;)

18th February 2004, 03:30 PM
well, actually i'm hoping that you can't beat that particular time. ;)
or at least that i can beat whatever you do in response.

btw, some of those new times i made with D-pad and some with neGcon

man, the three of us battling away with Qirex. this is great stuff!

i wish there were more Qirex users over on the 2097 tables so we could see how we're doing relative to them. i tried Piranha a couple of nights ago on vector class TT at Phenitia Park, and on my fourth race ever with that ship on that course got a 45.6 lap and a 1:32.2 race, which are noticeably quicker than the fastest time on those tables, so i'm thinking that NTSC might be faster than PAL for this class and track. on Talon's Reach, though, it looks like the two versions may not be far apart at all. or maybe Talon's Reach is just easier to drive, so that more difficult tracks would mostly reflect differences in skill. yep, the same old lament: i wish there were one worldwide standard version

19th February 2004, 06:47 PM
another new time with Qirex: Odessa Keys Vector TT :
lap 52.5
race 1:45.3

1st lap was 52.8

i noticed something i've only seen one time before on XL; it showed 52.5 as being a new lap record on this particular run, even though i already had a 52.5 from an earlier race. so the game must keep track of hundredths of a second internally and that lap on this race was just a little faster than the previous 52.5

17th April 2004, 04:51 PM
Sweet Jesus.

I finally got some time to do a bit of racing, so I queried the DB here for top 3, wrote down your best times for Talon's Reach, loaded up the WOXL, and tackled them.

I started with Vector TT, and I can't beat it. As far as I know, I'm not doing anything wrong. Two totally perfect laps, using the boost near the end of the first lap and after the first turn of the second, and all I can do is match my old 1:09 time.

Congratulations Lance. I used to be able to put a good 15 minutes into a race and beat your times, but now you've totally baffled me!
Where did you find the half second to take off a Vector TT?!?

Considering that (AFAIK) I was your first serious opponent on the tables, I've kind of got this whole "The student has surpassed the master!" feeling. Simply fantastic.

17th April 2004, 05:16 PM
thank you, kind sir.
you were indeed my first competition companion in the WipeoutZone. and it was great fun, and really hooked me permanently on this place. you have of course noticed how closely matched we still are on those laptimes on Talon's Reach! yikes!

about the time, all i can say is that it takes absolute perfection of line on vector, having your mind in the 'zone' so that you're not distracted and have no conscious thought in your head. that is in fact my great weakness; i find it very hard to stop thinking about other things, no matter how fast the racing gets. most of the times you see in the lower classes represent a lot of work, a lot of time spent, a hell of a lot of restarts because i couldn't keep my mind on the track.

i haven't put so much effort into the Phantom class races, so you might want to go after them first. :)

17th April 2004, 07:12 PM
Nuh-unh. I start at the lower speed classes and only move up when I feel I have perfected the basics. The reason I don't have many good Phantom times is because I feel I'm still missing a lot in my Rapier game. I had thought that my Vector and Venoms were pretty close to perfect, and I'm happy to find out that it's just a matter of more practice and achieving even tighter perfection. It's not like I'm missing anything major, I just need a bit more focus. Very good to know.

I shall go after you at the Vector level before I proceed to even Venom, for that is my way.

I've found that the negcon doesn't help me much at the slower speeds, do you concur?
Similarly, have you found it necessary to completely stay off the walls? As in, not even the slightest amount of scraping?

17th April 2004, 08:38 PM
neGcon may not help as much in the lower classes, but it does help. mostly by letting you steer a really precise line. i've tried to make my line through a lap as short as possible while still going across all the speed pads. i'm not sure yet whether i should hit all the speed pads in rapier or phantom classes, but you must do it in the slower ones.

i would have thought that there should be no scraping whatever, and i generally try to do that, but yesterday after questioning Ben's 2097 Qirex lap which beat Arnaud's Piranha lap in TR Venom TT, i tried to see if it was possible and my fastest time came when i had a considerable amount of light scraping. it must be that a shorter line slightly more than compensated for the lost average speed in those spots. the whole lap felt a good deal rougher and less relaxed than my previous best had been. but it may be that i just handled the tricky bit through the S into the tunnel well enough that it made up for an actual loss elsewhere. that's the trouble in figuring out the fastest way, particularly in anything other than vector class, the consistency of performance that would let us make valid comparison's of different techniques is hard to come by. for me, anyway. my piloting is decidedly erratic

oh, one other thing: experiment with the turbos everywhere; don't get locked into a habit of using them always in the same place that seems to be the best or the logical choice. i've even used turbo in the long checkerboard tunnel on Talon's Reach.
not that that's the best thing to do ;)

18th April 2004, 06:26 AM
i've even used turbo in the long checkerboard tunnel on Talon's Reach.
not that that's the best thing to do ;)

[ ] I must have been real desperate.
[ ] I will try this on Phantom.

Sorry, just kidding, I couldn't resist. No offense. :-)


18th April 2004, 01:05 PM
:) i could suggest in phanthom get the turbo when you are in the pits... ( Kamikaze way of life) :-?

18th April 2004, 05:23 PM
i've done that in Vector

20th April 2004, 09:26 PM
an update on that Vector TT time, i've cut that by another tenth to 1:08.4
the first lap was 34.8, the second 33.6

i think this time is beatable still using a Qirex. i suspect that at least another 2 tenths could come off there

also lowered my Qirex lap record to 32.2, but that particular run was only a 1:09.0 for the full race

also tried Piranha. current laptime, 30.9, racetime, 1:03.2

21st April 2004, 07:53 AM
Lance, why do you have to put that much pressure on me?! ;) Just one question, just so I know: Do you a lot of wall scraping or try to avoid the walls? I figured the slight speed boost you get from scraping does not compensate for the wideer line you often have to take, but I'm not entirely sure yet.


21st April 2004, 01:32 PM
i thought i covered that one in the post of 17 Apr 2004 20:38, but anyway, i try to avoid scraping but am only moderately successful. someone else mentioned somewhere that there can be a scrapeboost in the curves but not on the straights. i've found that to be true, but for the most part have not found the boost to be useful. but i suspect that it potentially could be if i picked the right spots and were skilled enough to avoid mucking it up.

[i also cut my lap and race times in Vector and Venom SR]

21st April 2004, 01:46 PM
i thought i covered that one in the post of 17 Apr 2004 20:38

Oh, sorry then. I remembered having read that, only thought it had been written by someone else. Well. alright, now at least I know I am on the right track in terms of driving style. :)


21st April 2004, 03:41 PM
The scrape comment came from me, was a bit of a question tho.

I have found its best to use the scrape when landing from a jump (nice boost), and ending a turn (sometimes not). its a bit tricky to implement and i dont rely on them too much for my times; but lately i have been conscious about few parts of the track were its good to use scrape and mantaining the racing line and have been doing it instinctively, with a lot of mistakes of course :D

21st April 2004, 08:57 PM
for those of you who may be watching the documentary film, ''Lance learns to fly a Fish'' [subtitle: I Crashed a Thousand Times and Lived] here is the current report: [they get progressively worse as the speeds go up]

XL TR TT for all classes:
Vector: 30.8,1:02.8
Venom: 26.2, 1:20.2
Rapier: 17.8, 1:14.2
Phantom: 16.7, 1:29.2

except for Vector class, i've not raced SR much and it shows. here is the embarassing truth:

Vector: 31.0, 1:02.4
Venom: 26.6, 1:22.4
Rapier: 19.8, 1:26.7
Phantom: 18.8, 1:40.1

[Lance can be heard gagging in the background at the sight of that last lot]
Tune in tomorrow or whenever for the continuing stooory of...

news flash! Lance has just lowered the XL TR TT Qirex racetime to an unbelievable 1:08.3! :roll:

[toddles off to update records]

22nd April 2004, 08:33 AM
And some improvement with the Quirex on my side (all TR TT, of course):

Rapier: 0:19.9 - 1:25.5
Phantom: 0:18.2 - 1:39.0

I KNOW it is possible to get below the 0:18.0 lap time mark with the Quirex - but I just couldn`t do it tomorrow morning.


EDIT: Huh? TOMORROW morning?`Must have still been real sleepy... Well, you guessed it; I meant THIS morning. :)
Mymymy, no wonder I didn't get a 1:17.x. ;)

25th April 2004, 12:01 PM
Jay, here is a further thought [or something] on neGcon vs. D-pad in slower classes. i hadn't used D-pad since a day or two after i got the neG, so i tried it again a couple of days ago to see if my racing had taught me anything and to test how much difference the controller actually makes. before i got the neGcon, i think my best time in XL TR TT was 1:11 or thereabouts, then after i got the neG i worked my posterior off and got it down to 1:09.8 and wondered how in the hell were you and George still so far ahead of me. a few weeks later, i tried again and we see the result. so after that last cut to 1:08.3 i tried the D-pad again and after 5 runs i got a 1:08.9 and clearly with more practice could lower it at least another 2 or 3 tenths. so it seems evident that most of my improvement was due to really learning the track better and just getting practicepracticepractice. however, i don't think i could ever equal the neG time with the digital, so there is still an edge to using neGcon, and it was the smoothness and precision of it that really allowed me to learn the track better. i don't think i could ever have done the 1:08.9 with a D-pad without the extensive racing with neG first. and the 'feel' of it just can't be beaten. the D-pad felt like i was stuttering, but the neGcon feels like i am singing

1st May 2004, 03:24 AM
well. um.... it's hard to say this without sounding like i'm bragging. i just lowered the XL TR Vector TT Qirex race record by another six tenths of a second. i can hardly believe that much was possible, but now i know from the individual laptimes done during the 10 or so attempts that at least a further tenth can be removed. my current record stands at 1:07.7 done with a 34.7 [i have done 34.6] on the first lap, and a 33.0 on the second [my 32.2 was only done on a specific attempt for best laptime].

i was feeling a little 'trudgy' after supper this evening, so i fired up the PSX in an attempt to wake up. started slow for a change in Vector. third try and i lowered the time by a tenth to 1:08.2, then next race i did the same time again. then some more attempts with the time dropping to .1, then .0
these races were done with either the first lap or the second lap being very good with the other being poor, so i knew by that time that a 1:07.6 should be possible. then about on race number 10, i got two good laps together and got the 1:07.7

but we can do better than that with Qirex. probably not just one tenth better, either, but probably below .5. i wouldn't have thought it possible before tonight, but now i believe. these times were all done without shortcuts and most definitely without turning around before the start to get a run-up to speed before triggering the timer. it is a matter of perfecting the racing line. and of course, don't forget to press the turbo button :)
i should probably write a Piloting Tip post for this ship and track and speed class. for the first time in my Wipeout career, i feel like i might actually be the right person to write a tip for a particular race. if feels damn good

edit:23:53 local time. now 1:07.5
fastest first lap 34.3
so a 1:07.3 should be possible

edit: 1:07.4
1:07.2 is possible

yikes. after basking in the glow for a while i turned on the tv shows and there is Robert Smith and the Cure playing. and just after that the promos said that Patti Smith is going to be on the next show. what a night!

1st May 2004, 07:18 AM
Congratulations to that new record, it`s awsome!! (Even though I believe these are not Venom times, as stated in your post. *g*) I still don`t know how I should go that fast, but believe me, I am off trying - now! :)


1st May 2004, 11:28 AM
oops. meant Vector. i'll edit that right now. and thanks for congrats, Ben

edit: just checked the 2097 tables. wow, a 32 flat laptime! and a 1:08.2 racetime. congrats to you too. :)
you took 1.3 seconds off your old time.

1st May 2004, 02:03 PM
Thanks back then. :) Race time is still faaar to high, though. I suppose I have a lot to do in terms of fine-tuning my race line. The only bright side is that I care more about lap than race records. ;)

EDIT: Well, I'm a believer now. :) That last session was one exciting hour of racing! It had me fighting for every tenth of a second as I was lowering my times step by step. 1:08.1, 1:08.0, 1:07.8, and finally 1:07.7. That's not as fast as it needs to be, I know, but it's good enough for me, for the moment anyway. After all, I really am more behind single lap than race records. Speaking of which: I lowered the first to a 0:31.9. :)
Now at least I know it's possible to move around that fast over the course. :)
It is SO helpful to have someone raise the mark for a certain track and a certain class a serious bit. Because if no one does I never know if it is possible to go faster in the first place and won't put as much effort into trying as I did just an hour or so ago. These tables are the best thing about WO after the actual games. :)
What's beyond me, though, is how I constantly do, at the classes where we had some sort of a challenge, slower race but faster lap times than you, Lance. Oh and speaking of challenges: Do you feel like going to Rapier or Phantom after finishing Vector? *g*


1st May 2004, 05:13 PM
hehe. well, see, i care more about racetimes than laptimes. convenient, no? i didn't even try for laptime last night. my best one during the session was 32.9 on the second lap, and best first lap was 34.3, which is how i know that 1:07.2 is possible. anyway, this may be why we split results the way we do.

hm.... 31.9, eh? hmmmmm.....

moving on? well, probably. i sure would like to do that 1:07.2 though

1st May 2004, 05:37 PM
hm.... 31.9, eh? hmmmmm.....

Oh, did I forget to mention that after I did 1:07.7 and was about to try some quick laps, I had to go to work...? ;) I'll do some more later and try to keep you busy. :)

Anyway, what I meant to reply to is your best first lap. Assuming 2097 and XL are compatible enough, even 1:07.0 or less should be possible, since I did a 0:34.1 on one of my first laps.


EDIT: Last update for today: 31.6 lap time. I should be able to do better, same goes for race time, but not tonight. :)

1st May 2004, 08:15 PM
Al says that 2097 is a little faster on Talon's reach. at least on Phantom which is the class he's raced on TR extensively with both versions of the game. i don't know if this is because of possible shortcuts due to extra floatiness [which wouldn't apply in Vector class much] or because Asayyeah's brake-tapping technique is more effective on 2097. or possibly there is a slight basic advantage on 2097. who knows? anyway, if so, it's possible i wouldn't be able to achieve quite as low a best laptime on XL, so i don't know if 1:07 flat is possible. still, i was amazed how small improvements in the execution of the ideal racing line in just one section of the track could take a full tenth of a second off the time. i also found that the exact triggering point of the turbos is not very important. i was getting the same laptimes with widely varying track positions and ship angles at the time of turbo initiation. just thinking about it theoretically, i would have thought it was very important, but in practice, it seems not

1st May 2004, 09:07 PM
I also thought that maybe I can go faster because of what Al said. But then again I should also be able to do faster race times, don`t you think? No, I rather believe race time records are much more your domain than it is mine. And you`re right, in Vector "sitting" on the right race line is essential to achieving low times.
I also experimented with the turbo. For the most part, I came to the same conclusion as you. With one exception: (I might as well be giving away my only chance to ever catch your record now, but anyway ;-) ...) I now hit the turbo NOT at the beginning of the front straight (or anywhere else on the track, for that matter), but right after turning the nose into the slight turn after crossing the second in-lap speed pad. For some reason I have been faster with that method than with any other. Even more surprising, this even makes you faster if, as required in order to reach best possible lap times, turbo has already been initiated shortly before the finish line. All that may be because flying this way seems to help carrying the speed gain until quite some meters after the following tight turn to the right. Maybe you could try this and tell me if you get any improvements. As I said, it works for me EVERY time.


1st May 2004, 11:17 PM
already did those before. that's the way i drive for best lap, piling the second turbo right on top of the first. all my XL laptimes in the tables were done with that method. there now, does that make you feel better? :D :)

as to hitting turbo just as you turn from the second boost pad, that's one of the things that didn't seem to make any difference for my time. i can hit turbo there or as soon as it appears at the start line or anywhere in between, and turn the same 34.3 first lap. btw, i am totally off my racing form today, i only equalled my current record once, and cut my best first lap to 34.2, but otherwise drove execrably. gave it up till i feel better and more focussed
edit: next day. have now equalled your 31.6 TT lap record and dropped my racetime to 1:07.3
the 1:07.2 still eludes me.
for now :)

also noticed that George has posted a couple of new times. yaaaaaaaaay! he beat my Single Race times in Vector TR.
temporarily. :)
i've now lowered my SR laptime to 32.8 and the racetime to 1:07.6
both times done in the same race. thanks for the challenge, George; come on and beat my times again. it's about time we had some real racing going here. i hope we can get you and Jay and James all active again

2nd May 2004, 07:49 PM
see previous post.

also lowered XL Venom TR TT lap record to 24.6 [nudges G'Kyl. nudge :) ]

edit: oops, forgot to mention that George also took six tenths off his previous TT racetime. cool. they're chasing me down

2nd May 2004, 08:05 PM
Ouch, that`s a bad one! To have the fastest lap time taken from me... Congrats, though, really. :-)

I tried some racing this morning, but had neither the time nor the spirit to be anywhere near productive (even though I did lower my Venom TR TT race time for a tenth of a sec, but what does THAT matter ;) ).

Anyway, I might not be able to play a lot during the next couple of days. But don`t worry, I`ll get back to you! *g*


2nd May 2004, 09:09 PM
oh, it matters; you're ahead of FIVE piranhas :D

3rd May 2004, 05:17 AM
Congrats on all those new times Lance, heh, looks like you've been "playing" hard over the past month! :D

Sorry I haven't been here in a while, I've been real busy at work as of late, so not much time for wiping. Did manage to get in a little bit of 'leasure' racing the other day, but didn't get a chance to come here as I forgot my password (recently upgraded this computer to XP, so now I have it on both my computers).

Anyway, you'll know I'm back to racing again (at least temp.) when you see your Phenitia Park times suddenly move into 2nd place (;)) because I simply must have first place on my favorite track! :P

Looking at the times tables, I noticed your ahead of a few Piranhas yourself, Lance. Great job for the both of you! Hopefully I'll be able to get back to some real racing soon, as I know it just must be hurting you so to have your name under first place for so many of the times tables! :lol:

3rd May 2004, 05:57 AM
the pain of being in first place is just excrUciating, i tell you. :D

i hope to see you in action on the tables soon. don't get your hopes up on getting, and retaining, first place at Phenitia Park ;)
i love that track, too.

oxymoron? ;)
i dislike XP. love Millennium, though.

3rd May 2004, 06:16 AM
love Millennium, though.
And one can only hope you're kidding with that statement. :lol:

Heh, the sad thing is that this computer actually came with ME (ugh, I know). After about a week of it endlessly crashing on me, I upgraded to my old copy Windows 98.

Been wanting to get XP on this computer for a while now (love it on my other one) but money has been a bit tight.

3rd May 2004, 06:24 AM
i'm not kidding. i detest XP. and Millennium is much superior to 98SE in memory management. 98 tends to clog up and become erratic after a day or two of use. i often had to restart just to clear out the garbage so the computer would run well again. Millennium is stable for as long as i care to run it. i've gone for more than a week, probably 10 days or so without ever having to restart. ME also has a file handling extra or two that 98 doesn't have. it takes up a bit more RAM than 98, but because the memory management is so good, i never run out of memory with multiple applications running, which used to happen to me all the time with 98

3rd May 2004, 07:23 AM
I have to honestly say that you are the first person I have ever come across in my entire life that actually likes ME. I think even Microsoft themselves would give you a double take if you said that.

I've watched a lot of TechTV, and everytime someone who's using Windows ME needs help, and Patrick or Kevin or whoever asks them what OS they have, they always get their answer in the same way one would hear a child tell their mother, "Yes mom, I was the one who broke your priceless china collection.". It's in a voice of shame. So I know I'm not alone in my ME troubles.

Not to mention the fact that I've helped (or tried to) countless numbers of people myself with crappy Windows ME bugs.

When I had to use it, it wouldn't even start up half the time, (it'd just freeze on load) or give me some odd error message I'd have to try to find. Even when I got it to run, I couldn't run it for more than 3 or so hours before it'd just become too unstable to use anymore (usually I'd get a BSOD before then though). And that's pretty much everyone's expereince with ME.

i've gone for more than a week, probably 10 days or so without ever having to restart.I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but if you were someone who I didn't already trust, I'd have to call you out on that one. That's like saying you got a rotten wooden barrel to go 250mph up a hill, without it falling apart. :lol:

3rd May 2004, 07:26 AM
ME is indeed superior to 98. I had nothing but problems before I finally decided to upgrade from 98 to XP (on my home computer aynway). However, I think XP is as much a clear step ahead of ME as the latter is one step ehead of 98, especially in terms of memory managment, and I think It`s also a little more stable. Plus, it looks better! ;) I don`t mean to spoil your favourite OS, though. :) I stuck with 98 as long as I possibly could, which was three months ago. *g*


3rd May 2004, 08:06 AM
Errr, someone up there really must be having an eye on me... After two hours of racing and not getting even close to any competetive time (I didn'd feel so good, my thoughts were anywhere but in the game) but pretty frustrated instead, I started thinking of study exams, course credits, lecturers' office times - and then did a 24.6. Don't know how, though. I'm off for a shower and work. Laters. ;)

Ben (or not quite)

3rd May 2004, 08:25 PM
to Ben and other interested parties ;) , take a look at the XL Sagarmatha Vector and Venom TimeTrial records. [ahem... coff... *grin*]

3rd May 2004, 10:00 PM
To Lance and other interested parties: take a look at the 2097 TR Venom TT records. *cough cough*

Sorry, I just COULDN`T resist. ;) After the bad start I had into my WO day, I just looked at that race time and fell stunned.

Too bad I will have to go to bed now. I`ll give you a run for your money at Sagarmartha tomorrow! :-)


4th May 2004, 04:39 PM
:) Bravo, G'Kyl
truly stunning

i must have a go at those when i'm next in the racing mood


on another front: over the course of the last 2 years, i was unable to improve my time in Porto Kora SR. i watched in dismay as I, yes even I, who had once been in second place, dropped gradually off the top ten. down down down into twelfth. but a neGcon has appeared, and my racing spirit has fired up. last night i gave it a shot. moved up 6 places [easier than it sounds because so many people's times are so close]. yes, that still leaves me in sixth, but it's an improvement.

on a related note, everybody after fifth is one position worse than they ought to be because somehow there are two times listed for Leonardo Cruz. don't how that happened, but there it is. could one of them be removed, please? the hard part is that we have to find out which one is the correct one in order for things to be completely clear.


concerning XP vs Millennium, i received this from an ISP:
Microsoft Corp. has recently notified the public that there
currently are critical vulnerabilities in the Windows NT,
Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows 2003 operating systems.
We encourage you to promptly visit Microsoft's website at
and read their recommendations regarding measures you can
take to address this vulnerability.

i don't see Millennium in that list. ;)

5th May 2004, 07:34 AM
Heh, you're right, I never noticed that. My best guess is that he forgot his password, and instead of emailing infox to get it, he reregistered. I know he's posted on the forums before, but I just don't remember his forum name.

Well, after looking, I'm pretty much 100% positive that's what happened, given he forgot the pass to his forum name as well (I just discovered zerodivide and zerodivide666 are both him).

And also, your link doesn't work, so I can't comment. :P

Even so, 1 NT kernel OS problem vs. many Win 9x problems. I could point to you many problems that 9x has that NT doesn't but I don't, because it says nothing of overall OS problems. A total number count of bugs and fixes would do a better job, though. I mean, that's kinda like saying a Porsche doesn't have cupholders, therefore a Pinto is better.

And for that, I have a very interesting little tidbit of 98SE vs ME (I need to find the email though, it's pretty funny)

5th May 2004, 12:04 PM
i think the . is missing from microsoft.com, which would be why it didn't work. it was just there for a point in a joke, anyway, not for the actual fix.

sigh. [pines for his old Porsche]. my 1962 Porsche cabriolet was made before anybody was putting cupholders in minivans. before there were minivans. it was definitely better than a Pinto. i bought it in 1964. in retrospect, it seems crazy that i sold it after two years, but on the other hand, its replacement had good points, too. 25 percent faster, a passthrough to the trunk/boot that allowed the carrying of surfboards and bookshelf poles inside the car. that sort of thing. i kept it for nine years. it didn't have any cupholders, either.

concerning the superfluous time, i'm assuming that the slower one [which is still notably faster than mine, darn it] listed for Cruz is earlier and no longer valid, so it might be that we don't even have to ask Cruz about it in order to remove it. which only Rob can do. i'll contact him about this, and hope he has time to take care of it. it's no biggie, of course. hell, i didn't even notice it for a long time. ;)

5th May 2004, 12:13 PM
I have no idea if 2097 is faster on the slower speeds. I think, well actually I have no idea

5th May 2004, 01:25 PM
in the competition between myself and Ben, it begins to look as if the ultimate times in vector and venom classes are pretty much identical in both 2097 and xl

5th May 2004, 03:35 PM
Yep, seems you were right from the start. There's little enought difference, if any, to call the two games compatible to each other. Good thing, that! :)

5th May 2004, 06:28 PM
i thought they'd be close enough to be fun, but i didn't know that they would be thIS close. :D
[we need a smilie 'party' icon like the one on the Opera browser forums]

btw, i've not felt like racing for the last couple of days and still don't. i just got up about 10 minutes ago. shoulda stayed in bed and slept some more.

5th May 2004, 08:07 PM
Don't worry, your Sagarmatha times won't be in trouble until another aproximated 24 hours, either. ;)

About close times: I really do have to say that I'm damn grateful to have found another dedicated Quirex pilot to compete over a few records. this is _great_ fun.

About smilies: I sometimes fear I use them a little excessively. but then again, who cares.

Alright, I know I didn't have much to say, really. Sorry. ;) Everyone enjoy your night! I'll be of celebrating my relationship's first anniversary. :-)


5th May 2004, 09:49 PM
congratulations on the anniversary. have many happy ones. :)

6th May 2004, 03:43 AM
i, too am glad to have found another tough competitor.

[this is equal to Arnaud's race time with a Piranha. the lap times for this race were 26.8, 26.0, 25.6
my best individual lap times during the previous session to this one [about one and a half hours before] were 26.7, 25.6, 25.6. if i could do all of them together, that would be a 1:17.9, possibly making Qirex faster than Piranha for Talon's Reach Venom Time Trial. i truly believe that a sub 1:18 is now within reach of Qirex]

6th May 2004, 09:00 AM
I knew 1:18.x was possible, but .4 is amazing, congratulations, again! :) And yes, it must be a hoax of the designers to make Piranha only second best in at least ONE class. *gg*


21st May 2004, 06:57 AM
new record on XL TR venom TT:
done with the Qirex
laptimes were 26.6, 25.7, 25.7

my time is 4 tenths faster than Arnaud's 2097 Piranha racetime for this course and class. Ben holds the current lap record with a Qirex. so far, this is the only example in 2097/XL where absolute records for both laptime and racetime are held by Qirex against well-piloted Piranhas. i wonder why this is the case.

21st May 2004, 04:19 PM
It's because Talon's Reach is a mostly straight course. On such a course, the advantage of being able to Turbo outweighs the Pirhana advantage (of sharper turning and normally faster top speed). As long as you can maintain the speed of a Turbo in a tank like the Qirex, the Qirex is faster than the Pirhana.

It's just that there aren't many courses where you can do that.
I'd expect that it would be close on Sagarmatha, but you'd have to not bottom out when you land the jump.

21st May 2004, 04:46 PM
IMO its also because Talons Reach is a short course, and therefore a greater percentage of the race is completed with the aid of turbo. If TR was twice as long, but just as straight, the Piranha would probably regain the advantage as the Qirex would have to endure longer periods without the turbo that gives it the speed to beat the Piranha.

You and Ben are putting up some mighty Qirex times, Lance. Whatever ship I use, Piranha v Arnaud, or Qirex v you and Ben, I don`t seem to able to do better than about 1 second per lap off the lead pace. I think I`ve got one of those slow Playstations that were issued to UK gamers, as part of a global, but mostly US-French conspiracy to defeat UK pilots. :wink:

21st May 2004, 04:52 PM
lunar, i think it's just the damp. Britain is far too wet; affects the electronics.

why only Venom class? in the other three classes, i've not been able to get anywhere near my Piranha times with a Qirex, whereas the opposite is true in Venom. very odd. i don't think this is just a personal quirk, and some support for that is found in Ben's performance and also in that Arnaud was able to instantly beat his own Piranha-held former lap record when he switched to Qirex.

well, even if it's only on one course in one class, it's a great day for the purple tank, in all its massive clunky glory. i have little doubt that Arnaud can beat this time, but i think he's going to have to do it in a Qirex!

21st May 2004, 05:23 PM
I`m also quicker with Qirex than Piranha on that class/track, the only one where that`s the case. On the other three classes the speed difference between the two ships is too much for the turbo to make up the gap. Its just the way they programmed the ship speeds relatively closer on venom. Also on Rapier and Phantom the tank`s agricultural handling starts to become more of an issue, even on Talon`s Reach.

21st May 2004, 05:48 PM
like a steam tractor, you say?


i would have thought that there would be one master table of proportionate speeds for the ships, that would be referred to as the data were loaded for each race, or at least that there would be multiple copies of it, one for each set of race data, but something is clearly different about venom class on TR. maybe those of us who pilot both ships enough on all tracks will discover another situation like this.

[edit: Ben, my new Qirex times on XL TR Vector TT: 31.4, 1:06.8 ]

22nd May 2004, 11:40 PM
.i have little doubt that Arnaud can beat this time, but i think he's going to have to do it in a Qirex!
:D not really sure, Lance ( after finishing introducing Sleh to others and i switch my ps1 on with 2097....and...) i have tied your qirex race time !! but with my Pirahna...
27.0 / 25.7 / 25.3 ( lap 3 : miam miam :P ) so under 1.18.0 could be possible ... enter the challenge again?

btw it's week-end time and with entering Sleh times , an hidden force pushes me playing...can't resist to that appeal!! 8) ( fortunately i can resist to that strange appeal during the week : job first !!)

(edit : 26.8 / 25.4 / 25.5 ----> 1.17.7 :) )

( edit 2 : 26.5 / 25.4 / 25.1 !! ----> 1.17.0 ) the airbrake tapping stuff is working even in venom, it really depends on how you are approaching and crossing the blue pads... under 1.17.0 ??

23rd May 2004, 12:07 AM
you are indeed the master of Piranha. congratulations on an amazing time. i already knew from my own best individual laptimes [apart from special attempts on the lap record] of 26.5, 25.5, 25.5 that a 1:17.5 is a definite possibility with a Qirex, and perhaps even a 1:17.0, but had no idea that Piranha could be that good in this class and course. the best Piranha time i managed last night was 1:20.2. i would love to have seen a video of your record, but better still would have been to be there while you do it. fantastic stuff! you have much to teach if only i could learn

23rd May 2004, 12:46 AM
Thanks bud for aknowledgement! :wink:
i ve spent 20 minutes trying to be under 1.17.0 but my ghost in front of me desesperates me with my first lap ( 26.5) so i went to Rapier class and also beat lap + race time ( before 16.8 / 1.09.3 ) now 16.6 and 1.08.4

Concerning the video it could be truly possible ( the video ive created for Al doesn't work at all!!) with a new system ( i need to change my old Sony 50Hz and add a VCR which allows Pal and NTSC but i am self confident for that before the end of this year: i have that target , my new job could permit that soon, i will explain to you what i am doing exactly in a PM i will send to you later :wink: )

you said ' if only i could learn : but you continue learning each time you are practising and it's the same for me....don't forget where you were at the end of 2003 without a Neg-con...so let the time to the time... you are young Lance with your new Negy!! Be patient... but i must say i am very proud of you because you represent what i would like to be in my future ( young spirit and a man i imagine always smilling :D )

23rd May 2004, 04:54 PM
i am extremely sorry to report that i have no improved times. i am particularly aggrieved that i have not produced a 1:16.9, [ ;)] and that brake tapping on the boost pads only slows me down, seeming to cost about one second per lap.


nobody smiles all the time, Arnaud, at least none that i've met, and not me either, but i do have a sense of humour, and in addition, the WZ is a happy place, so that's the side of me that you see here. one smiles a lot more when one stays in the happy places and ignores the others. i've never understood why some people choose to look for the bad side of life and to dwell on it and in it, but whether i understand or not, such people exist. i just don't join them.

23rd May 2004, 07:38 PM
Wow, congratulations on all your new records, guys!!! I so hope I'll be getting back into the cockpt to at least improve on my own times for that course and track. Good thing you are racing again, Lance. The tables seemed a little deserted lately. :-)


23rd May 2004, 08:55 PM
sigh. at least Qirex had a full race record against the Supership for a little while. it was the Superpilot that did me in. ;)

Ben, you still have that one Qirex lap record against Piranhas. here's hoping that the Q can hold the line against the invaders

24th May 2004, 08:44 AM
Yes, but your Quirex times are so impressive that I feel too bad about my own to enjoy being ahead of the 2097 Piranhas. ;) I did a few laps before I went to bed yesterday, but I have so much things running through my mind these days that I can't concentrate to get even clsoe to the "zone". I'll kee trying, though. There WILL be better days, promise! :)


24th May 2004, 05:31 PM
a note about the vector times, the 31.4 was done as part of a 1:07.0 race, not during the 1:06.8

about that 'in the zone' thing, i tend not to race very often, and when i do it can take a couple of hours before i get a good level of concentration. not necessarily in one session, though. the day i made the 1:18.0 it was in the third session. i was getting nowhere, with only one run below 1:19, quit, tried again about an hour later, got several 1:18.x times, finally got a .5, but was hungry and still couldn't really concentrate, so i ate, mucked around on the net for a while, and after about an hour and a half i went back to racing. first run, equalled my old .4, then a .3, then three blah runs in high .x, then bam! 1:18.0
i got too excited to race after that. eventually when i calmed down a bit, i tried a session 4 and cranked out another .4 and some other mid .x, but really couldn't concentrate anymore and was too tired. it was late by my standards.

that whole sequence of attempts was unusual; ordinarily i would have raced for 2 or 3 hours straight. sometimes i've raced for 5 hours in one session switching classes, ships, and tracks. but as i said, i don't usually race very often. not long ago, i did race about 4 or 5 days in a row, but mostly not really long sessions

24th May 2004, 05:57 PM
Yea, but you need to be at least somewhat consistent in order to do one of those "bam!" races :) - either by doing some shorter sessions in a row or by handcuffing yourself to the neG for a few hours. Best would be to do one of these every day for at least a week. THAT'S when I do best. :) I just realized I shouldn't speak so generally... *peaking over to the France* *g* Anyway, that's how it works for me.


24th May 2004, 06:38 PM
i think you mean *not speak so openly* or *in the hearing of the general public* [also nods slyly toward LeHavre], but i don't think it matters; they already had the required knowledge. and more. :o

25th May 2004, 12:32 PM
Hm, actually I meant I should speak only for anyone but myself. ;)

I just had an interesting morning. Since I am unable to catch enough fllight time I thought why not do a few laps on Phantom (TT TR, of course) for a change. And what happened? I altered my racing line only slightly - and equalled my former lap record in an initial lap. Go figure. Anyway, after that I beat my personal lap record for three tenths of a second and know now that 1:17.5 or even 1:16.9 should be possible with the Quirex. I'll keep at it, so far I have not been able to do a lap where everything really comes together, not to mention a perfect race.


25th May 2004, 04:57 PM
or only for yourself? :)


now see there? our competition with each other on just one track and a couple of classes is teaching us how to do better all around.

still on a narrower front, i improved my TR Venom SR times yesterday, so the lessons are carrying through for me as well. i cut two seconds from my racetime and cut my laptime to within one tenth of Arnaud's Piranha laptime. in SR, the Qirex just doesn't seem to be able to do as well in the overall race against Piranha as it can in TT with its regular turbos. i am 4.4 seconds behind Arnaud's SR time. this is also partly due to the Qirex not having the maneuverability to zip around the other ships as readily as Piranha.

if you figure out how to get that 1:16.9, let me know how!
my experience driving Piranha in XL on Venom TR is beginning to make me wonder if XL is as close to 2097 as i thought, since i cannot get any speed out of the Piranha to at all match what Arnaud is getting. it feels like that speed just isn't there in XL. he was able to beat my current Qirex time without using the brake-tapping technique, and i can't get at all close to my own Q time with the P with any technique whatsoever!
[admittedly, i do not know how to do the tap properly; it always slows me down]

25th May 2004, 08:36 PM
Yep, the competition is what I really love this site for. It is the one thing that made me fly at all this week. :) Oh, it even teaches me a thing or two about WO3SE, however different flight mechanics may be.

16.9: I wish I knew that myself. :) I lowered my records to 1:33.8 and 0:17.6. The latter seemd to be a nice lap, even if not yet as perfect as I know one can make it. The time for race record, however, can definitely be a lot lower.

I sure am not the right person to tell you this, but keep trying with the Piranha. I can only conclude from the XL tables that the Piranha speed should at leats be VERY close to its 2097 counterpart!


28th May 2004, 11:41 PM
:o 1.33.8 :o is an impressive time with qirex ( my PB with it was 1.35.5, done tonight) great job dude!! my lap record is 16.9 with 2 turbo on SR ( again tonight).
After that i change to Pirahna Venom + rapier always in SR
Result : VENOM :2 tenth better for race time : 1.18.6 ( a missile hit me on lap3 :evil: so hard to avoid them into that class) but a nice 25.2 for a lap ( 5 tenth better)
RAPIER : 7 tenth better for my lap time , now i am very close to Anthony's one : 16.6 ( just 1 tenth) and i ve beatten him for the race time ( my former one : 1.10.3, his time : 1.09.6) and now for me 1.07.9

What can i say just i am fit , lol :
SR phanthom : 15.6 / 14.8 / 14.8 / 14.7 / ...... :evil: 17.2 ( hit the stupid bottom of a damn ship ) i could be really under 1.15.0 during lap 5 it seemed to me my heart want to come out of my body...BANG BANG
( without playing for a week the motivation is here :wink: )

30th May 2004, 08:53 PM
BANG BANG i said , but this time my heart collapsed on the floor....

15.3( new first lap record) / 14.9 / 14.8 / 14.8 / 14.6 : 1.14.4

First time i ve done a 15.3 for lap1 & also 14.6 for another lap than the 2nd

I think it's enough of emotions for me tonight :)
My wipeout job is done :wink:

31st May 2004, 12:23 AM
my best first Piranha lap on XL Phantom TR SR is 16.6
my best ever lap is unfortunately that same lap
my best Piranha SR racetime is *mumblemumblemumble*

31st May 2004, 04:40 PM
Arnaud, what an amazing race time! I begin feeling real lucky to not fly the Piranha, cause that would give me a serious feeling of incompetence. ;-)

31st May 2004, 08:33 PM
Thx G'Kyl,
when the day comes you will decide to use Piranha, we should to be lucky that you didn't use it long time before :lol:

with your skill on Qirex, you proove us you can beat piranha time in Venom TT, and also many piranha's pilots even in phanthom with your 1.33.8 !! 2 weeks ago with Anthony we have spent little time in SR with your favorite ship, testing 4 differents tracks, our conclusion is it's really a great ship with a very good speed largely more than 400 Kph if you get a turbo & also if you can maintain it at high as long as possible .

Concerning my 1.14.4 doing last night , i just only switch on my Ps today 5 minutes to watch quietly in the option menu the 'best arcade records' section. My best memory of that crazy race was my last lap : i was keeping my mind focused on avoiding the ships not seeing the speed counter( normally it's the opposite that's why many times i ve hitten the 'bottom' of slow ships, restarting again & again) when i cross the line i see first my race time and secondly Lap 5. Honestly it was a great moment even with a track which is the shortest one in 2097/XL despite of Zargz can think about those kind of small tracks :wink:, it depends on how much time you spent to realize each lap , for instance with Spilskinanke supposely the hardest one ( due to it's the 8th & last track ), most good pilot tell it's the 3rd fastest in term of of race & lap time.

31st May 2004, 10:37 PM
originally i thought Spilskinanke was the hardest circuit, but no. now i would say that the most difficult are Odessa Keys and Gare d'Europa [odd how they mix French and German in that name]

1st June 2004, 01:08 PM
Hmmm, I never thought Gare d'Europa to be a difficult track. Maybe that's because I have been playing the PC demo for months, though... :)

Expept for some tricky corners, I agree that Spilskinanke isn't really THAT hard to master. All in all, I find Vostok Island much more difficult, and yes, Odessa Keys... Oh, by the way and only because I have recently done some laps around(or: over) the keys, how do you guys take the last turn before the pits? I`m not sure cause I haven't been playing enough, but is it not faster to go through the pits and accept a little slowdown instead of taking that tight turn and slow down even more.


1st June 2004, 06:44 PM
it depends on how well i'm doing through the approach straight and curve. if i can line it up right, i go through the straight. this is on slower classes; i've not really got to the fast ones yet. in Phantom, Al jumps over most all of it and lands near the pit exit

4th June 2004, 06:50 PM
I`m not sure anyone if this is of any interest anyway, but here`s an update on my Spilskinanke times.

Rapier: 0:31.0 / 2:10.3
Phantom: 0:27.7 / 2:35.3

For some reason I couldn`t bring myself to enter Talon`s Reach in the last two days. Maybe there`s gonna be some news from there tomorrow. :) Too bad there`s hardly any competition for Spilsk. times, though.


4th June 2004, 07:32 PM
i posted times for xl a long time ago [relative to my short history with the game], but don't remember what they were. but i just used Feisar and AG-S, with which i just barely improved the Feisar times.
it's been too hot here to race without sweating buckets of water, so i've done nothing for awhile. rainy season has arrived just in the last couple of days, so it should be cooler on the average for the next 3 months. trouble is that i often have to shut off electronics because of severe lightning. i live in the most heavily lightninged area of North America. in fact a storm is coming close right now, so i may have to shut down very soon.

to all of you racers out there, pleeeeeease race some more! post new times. jump up and down and say you got a new world record. we need some more activity. nah nah, you're not that busy. and besides, it's the weekend! :)
getting smashed on the weekend is important [and fun], but it's not as important as racing!

4th June 2004, 11:43 PM
I agree with you Lance for the Week-end, it's a great time to relax ourself after a hard week of working, and for the competition, i will enter a new one this week-end in SE TT ( i didn't get any scores in TT except last night i just switch on my ps to make just one race in TT phanthom PK to show QOORA it's possible to enter crap race time and don't care about those ' crappy ' time. As a matter of fact my only one attempt was above 2.00.00 for the race & 21 for a lap, but i put that into the tables, why? just because you don't need to wait entering the tables with an awesome lap or race time. It's very good to show your regular progression ( of course if you have time to play...)
Tonight i ve invited a friend from Le Havre who is a wiper i met from a french forum, he picks his ps2 up into my flat , playing a little zone mode ( jesus it was so long time i ve been playing Zone) but it was very great to play different versions of Wipeout ( especially zone mode , the unique mode i was focused on Fusion)

5th June 2004, 01:43 AM
Ben - very nice Spils times. I tried that track briefly in the mighty Q and it wasn`t pretty. But I think its definitely the fastest ship for the track as I can hold pitch up for virtually the whole lap without losing speed - something which kills an Auricom. On vector, venom and rapier would you agree that the Q is always the fastest "normal" ship (except possibly on Odessa Slam where it bottoms out too much).

Arnaud - I agree pilots shouldn`t wait to get records before posting their times: there are a lot of pilots out there who are not posting their times - you know who you are :wink: Don`t worry about it - compared to Arnaud we`re all amateurs - who cares? :wink:

5th June 2004, 06:45 AM
Exactely. As long as we have some competition over table positions it doesn`t matter how GREAT or "disappointing" our initial entry is. As a matter of fact I am far less than satisfied with both my race records at Spilsk. They consist of a number of imperfect laps, with at least one or two mistakes per lap. And they aren`t even my first record times for Spils in the tables. Anyway, I would also like to encourage people to enter whatever times they have. That way competition is getting on the way, improvements will then certainly happen over time.

lunar: Funny you`d say that. I was thinking about another ship might be faster in Spils than the Qirex only last night. Unfortuanately I have no idea!, ;) since I only fly Qirex in 2097. However, I got the idea from thinking that you have to do a lot of uphill/downhill driving at this track, so shouldn`t another craft with better acceleration be better suited for these conditions? Yet, as I said, I do not know how about the other non-Piranha-crafts' behavior. Then again, Qirex is the best for floating over the broken track parts...


5th June 2004, 02:52 PM
Here's my best times with Feisar, AG's and Auricom for Spil ( btw it's in SR mode, i ve rarely played TT with ships except Piranha & it's really old times when we have been playing i-link with Anthony few years ago. It's a shame ive lost the sheet of paper in which i ve written all the Qirex times... certainly lost it into the hard jungle of French Guyana, :lol: )

Feisar : 2.22.6/.34.0 -- ---------- 2.35.8/.29.0
Ag's : 2.19.0/.32.5 ------------ 2.21.9/.27.5
Auricom : 2.17.0/.32.5 ------------ 2.22.3/.26.6

Here's also the best times from Anthony ( he gives me all of his times from all ships)

Feisar : 2.40.8/39.0 ------------ 3.11.7/34.9
AG's : 2.32.0/35.4 ------------ 2.31.3/28.4
Auricom : 2.22.0/33.8 ------------ 2.31.5/28.0
Qirex : 2.17.1/33.4 ------------ 2.34.3/28.2

5th June 2004, 11:16 PM
(pulling the thread back on topic with heruclean effort)

So I finally found some time to do a bit of WOXL flying.
It's been a long time since I had that AG controller in my hands.

So far, I've gone through all the Vector tracks.
I've managed to reclaim Odessa Keys and Gare D'Europa.
I don't think I can improve my other Vector times very much. Raced them a bit, could only get near my old time, nowhere near your spectacular times Lance. I even tried plugging in my NeGcon, hoping that it might help some. As usual, I found it too uncomfortable to use for an extended period. Since I can't use it very long, I can't "get used to it", and it doesn't help me any. Why can't the make that controller in a shape that can be held by human hands?!? OMG, I just realized where the designers of the NeGcon went... They must have made the original XBox controllers!

So I continue flying in my tried-and-true method: D-Pad, internal view, Qirex all the way.

I imagine if I just put enough time into it, I could probably equal or better your times, just through incremental improvements on my flying line. Sadly, I don't have that kind of time these days. I still haven't even finished unlocking everything in SE! *sigh*

Well, my thumbs hurt a bit now (soooo out of practice), so I'll go back to reading my Belisarius (I've decided to rate it 3rd best sci-fi series ever).

J (Task)

6th June 2004, 12:25 AM
competition in XL again!

''I imagine if I just put enough time into it, I could probably equal or better your times,''
'Quickly. Doctor. He's become delusional!'
;) :)

it's good to see you flying again; it's been too long.

i find the neG to be fairly comfortable, but you don't seem to be alone in finding it oddly shaped and requiring acclimatisation.

oddly enough, i like the big x-box controllers even though my hands are skinny; they seem to fit better than the smaller version.

i haven't been reading sci-fi for so long now that i don't even know who writes the Belisarius series or what it's about

edit: i took Odessa Keys TT back. stay tuned
and Single Race racetime
and Single Race laptime

23rd September 2004, 08:14 AM
Since I was playing 2097 TT Phenitia Park, I thought it best to put this in here. It's nothing big, but I just stumbled over another bug, this time in WO2 (what is it I'm doing wrong anyway?! ;) ). I flew against the ghost of my previous race when after only 3/4 of a lap and no crashing into a wall I got the "shield energy low" warning. OK, I thought, whatever, I can do 4 laps without crashing too much. Only when I passed my ghost half a lap later I saw it got stuck IN the bottom of the track, floundering like the fhish in the net. Probably because it was still executing the commands from my last race. Why this caused my shields to lower I have no idea, but it was fun to watch. ;)


23rd September 2004, 04:40 PM
Ben, we should make you the leader of our Bug Discovery Team! :)

23rd September 2004, 05:13 PM
Lol! Good idea, except for one thing: I know now why people are taking money for that kind of work. ;-)

23rd September 2004, 06:14 PM
oh, yes! i just spent several hours over the last couple of days in debugging someone's computer. i accepted his cash, yes. not much, cos he's the brother of a friend. but yeah

btw, do try not to ever get the NGVCK or elkern virus. very nasty. requires reformat and reinstall of everything, with continuous active virus check after OS re-install is complete and you're putting their old proggies back in. i thought i was going to be able to save all their datafiles, though not the exes, but no. i removed all the spyware [more than 700 items!] and removed all the infected exes with a virus detecter/remover. the computer seemed completely clean, but after a few hours, the virus suddenly showed up again about a half-hour before the owner was about to pick up his computer. grr.
reformat. do not hesitate. reformat. :D

23rd September 2004, 07:28 PM
Lance, you need a recovery disk.
Remember that "OS onna floppy disk" I was talking about?
The whole point of it is to boot the OS on the floppy so you can virus scan the HDDs without touching the boot sector of the HDD.
A highly serious virus scan like that should take care of all traces of any virus, removing any requirement to reformat.
These days, I don't even touch whatever anti-virus software is on a computer, I just throw in the recovery disk and let it do its thing. Saves a lot of time in the long run.

23rd September 2004, 11:18 PM
Jay, his system OS is Win XP, which i do not have. i don't know how to make an ''OS onna floppy disk'' such as you spoke of. his system was already infected, so even if i knew how, anything that his system produced would be suspect. even so, i virus-scanned the hard drive and all other drives, and removed every infected file found, so the computer seemed to be completely virus free, and yet was not. the virus-detector/destroyer software was not already on the computer, but was newly installed by me just for the occasion. of course, it also had an infected file or two by the time its scan was complete.

so how do i make one of those osonnafloppy discs anyhoo? so far, i've not had a virus on my comp in four and three/quarter years, but it could happen i suppose. it helps that i am the only user of the computer. my friend's brother has a wife and two kids using his. hence the virus and the multiplemultiple spyware

2nd March 2005, 03:17 PM
Today I finally found the time to take a break from zargz' Stick2Trax Goteki Challenge, and since Lance mentioned Phenitia Park a few weeks ago, this is where I went. I have no idea where it came from, but I set new records for Venom Time Trial : 2:05.2 race and a 0:40.0 lap record.
I got to say, I am starting to enjoy the slower classes more than I thought I would, mostly thanks to Stick2Trax, which ALSO made me appreciate WO3(SE) much more than I thought I ever would. ;-) It really is another kind of driving. At Vector and Venom I am far more consious about my line than I have ever been when flying Phantom or Rapier. The latter are more about reflexes. Or they are for me. Maybe I could be faster if I'd care a bit more about my line there as well. ;)


2nd March 2005, 04:30 PM
I set new records for Venom Time Trial : 2:05.2 race and a 0:40.0 lap record.
Top 3 with your such-loved-bullet-brick : that's an awesome comeback to top positions .
In name of Qirex's honour! 8)

2nd March 2005, 04:51 PM
I do my best. "Remember Qirex!" :-) though competition at Talon's Reach has gotten much stronger. I don't know how for how long I can keep it up with the top nine Piranha pilots. :)

2nd March 2005, 05:01 PM
Yeah. I agree. in a close future the ticket to enter top 10 in TT will be at 1.30.0 : bloody weather for Qirex pilots :( .

2nd March 2005, 10:16 PM
wahoo! good times, Ben. i think my old racetime is 2:06something on PP XL Venom TT. i guess i'll have to quit playing with computers and do some racing

3rd March 2005, 02:44 PM
Moved up the Qirex another position in both Rapier lap and race time tables. ;) I believe though a top 3 position is definitely impossible to achieve here. :) Will move to Sagarmartha next. I just realized I never achieved any satisfying records there...