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View Full Version : ZONE Records for Wipeout Fusion

13th January 2004, 10:28 PM
Can I find wipeout fusion zone records anywhere? anyways why dont we just keep a table here where we post em? btw i suck at zone so far...

13th January 2004, 10:34 PM
Sorry, there's no chance of any time tables or zone tables for Wipeout Fusion appearing on the site.

Why not?

Well, my understanding of the situation is that we're "not allowed to take traffic away from the official Wipeout Fusion site".

So until we become the "official fan site" ;) it ain't goanna happen.

13th January 2004, 11:05 PM
Oooh, "Official Fan Site", I like the sound of that!
That would be cool, I hope there's a chance of that happening.

14th January 2004, 05:47 PM
thats sooo lame. if they know that noone goes to thier site then why dont they let the better site get the goodies? jealousy maybe?

anyways maybe i should get really good and just start a table here.

14th January 2004, 07:22 PM
here? nope. but i suppose you could do one on your own site, if that's what you meant. if you don't work for Sony, they might not come after you ;)

15th January 2004, 12:44 AM
uhh... you misunderstood me. I was really mad at first thinking you didnt want me here at this fansite but i guess its all just miscommunication.

let me put this in simpler terms...

I want to post a topic where we post our best zone scores, that CANNOT be illegal...right?

15th January 2004, 01:18 AM
No, no problem with that, you can even head over to The Arena and make a little challenge and find out what other people have managed on Zone.

I've gotten silver but I haven't quite unlocked anything past the first zone.
I'm sure I'll eventually pull it out and continue with it, perhaps try for the 100%, but not for a while yet. Perhaps not till some time after WipeoutPSP...

15th January 2004, 01:19 AM
to YoshiXL,
i didn't mean you were unwelcome here; the members who have played zone mode have discussed their attained best levels here before; you can, too. i just meant that we can't set up an official records section for Fusion, as infox already stated. Also, setting up a specific thread for the purpose of listing Fusion results is very questionable, as it might in effect be the same thing as hosting a records table. possibly you are not aware that infox, the creator and hoster of this site, works for Sony, and however fairly or unfairly, is to a certain degree subject to Sony's policies. he is the one who would suffer if Sony is unhappy. it is not purely a question of legality. even if it were, who among us has the financial resources to sue a corporation for possible improper influence?

most of our members don't even like Fusion very much, and that game's record-saving is very incomplete and inadequate. it seems hardly worth the trouble even apart from any question of reducing traffic to the official site.

all opinions stated in this post are mine; i do not speak for infoxicated or anyone else

15th January 2004, 03:31 AM
you know what? just forget about it and sorry I ever posted this....

15th January 2004, 04:41 AM
why? it was a good and reasonable suggestion you made. it's just unfortunate that in this particular situation, it's not as simple to do it as it should be. it would be good if we could just go ahead and do as you suggested

16th January 2004, 03:29 AM
tiny bit of miscommunication here, yoshi. dont get worked up about it.
Next topic!!!

16th January 2004, 05:16 PM
my bad for belittling Fusion in a situation like this, though. i apologise for that

17th January 2004, 01:51 AM
did you belittle fusion? cause i must have missed it. your words are some of the mildest that have been spoken pertaining to fusion in quite some time around here.

17th January 2004, 06:08 AM
well, ... ;) you have to allow for my tendency to understate. those were some damn strong condemnations by my standards. :D

30th January 2004, 11:02 PM
It's a pretty reasonable question, & a good answer too. I guess in 18 months or slightly more it may be ok.

From all the stuff I've heard about fusion... i still havn't even bought it... lol, i saw it in the store but didn't get it.

8th February 2004, 04:45 AM
Heh, I only bought Fusion after I found a previous rental for $3 at a local pawn shop. And I even then was still a bit hesitant to buy it! :lol: The only reason I got it was to complete my Wipeout collection. I honestly haven't even had the remote desire to play it again. Sad, I know, but true.