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4th January 2004, 05:13 AM
This caught me off guard and I nearly choked to death on my own spit because of it. Enjoy!

4th January 2004, 03:43 PM
Yes... quite... I'm so glad I pay for broadband now 8)

4th January 2004, 04:05 PM
What's worse is, that silly song is growing on me. :oops:

4th January 2004, 09:18 PM
fantastic stuff. I love Indian music, huge Bollywood stuff with big strings and crazy vocals - it really can make you smile uncontrollably. I`ve got a couple of cds I listen to at work and in the car, brilliant. :lol:

5th January 2004, 02:30 PM
hmm.. the mystery of the man in white-and-grey.
i like it a lot. that damn song is really addicting, and the visuals are a lot of fun. i don't suppose anyone has discovered lyrics for this thing?

and btw, how do i save a flash from a page? i'd like to see this a few more times later.

gotta admit that i'm burning out on it already, though, after seeing it four times

5th January 2004, 04:13 PM
That rocks, thank you! I love the Bohemian Rhadpsody bit with the spotlights...

5th January 2004, 07:47 PM
and btw, how do i save a flash from a page? i'd like to see this a few more times later.

Gotta admit, I never thought I'd question your sanity, but here you go.

Right click, save as... (http://files.deviantart.com/f/2003/41/0/0/dollarmending.swf)

5th January 2004, 10:03 PM
Or take a look at your chache folder and check any *.swf file you find there. ;)

6th January 2004, 03:40 AM
Rob, when i right click [actually left-click in my case] on the already downloaded flash on the page, there seems to be absolutely no save option for the flash. even when i saved the whole page with images, there was no swf file to be seen in the saved folder. i may indeed be stressed out like crazy for the last couple of days and continuing for some as yet unknown period , and still ill from what i caught after christmas, but i am still sane. ;)
uh... i think.
i may still be missing something when i look for the save option, but all i remember seeing was options for the running of the flash. [actually i'm not sure that i've ever been sane] [and thanks for the link]

xEik, good suggestion now that i've had four cups of tea and only half the mucous of earlier in the day and i can semi-think. well, good suggestion for the future. however, this time, not only have the RAM and disk caches been emptied [i usually run without a disk cache, but have been using one since using Opera 7.50 preview 1 ], but i've also done a defrag since then. but that's okay; i got tired of that video. right now it doesn't seem worthwhile to again download the 6.9 megs through the tiny little wire in my dial-up modem

6th January 2004, 10:46 AM
I created the link for you in the post above, Lance.

Right click on that (or left click in your case) and save. :)

6th January 2004, 05:52 PM
yes, thanks again :)

10th January 2004, 06:13 PM
Now here's the original (http://www.owlnet.rice.edu/~mrdarius/music/tunak.ram), and I'm not sure if it's funny or scary or sad or what.
(You need realplayer for the link)

11th January 2004, 08:06 AM
I love Indian music, huge Bollywood stuff with big strings and crazy vocals - it really can make you smile uncontrollably.Very true, very true indeed. (is reminded of 'Aaj Mera Jee Kardaa') :lol:

17th January 2004, 04:18 AM
with that said, i dont know why they bothered to put animation to this, but the audio clip is hilarious.
I can empathize.

25th January 2004, 09:42 AM
wiseman, I couldn`t find that one on the net, but here`s one of my favourites, hopefully:

I think this sort of music is much better with girls in. :D